By ktyui12345

19.8K 489 311

Damian pushed her to the wall, kissed her roughly on the lips, then punched the glass window beside her head... More

Part 2!
No I am not...


873 25 16
By ktyui12345

Once, upon a time there lived a girl/boy named Ktuyi12345 (like hell I would tell my real name or gender). He/She did not know what to do. And then one day, a thought struck his/her mind. The thought was-why not do something?

And then the girl/boy entered Wattpad...

The end!


Alya didn't take the news too well.

In fact, she was outraged. Well, that was a given. She didn't say anything for a while. Marinette stared at the seriousness of her face, her brown orbs gazing at the vast fencing fields. The sun was just starting to rise and they were seated on one of the benches. It was the perfect time for a heart-to-heart, a confession. The air was cold against her skin, her breath was visible as it left her lips.

Alya was quiet the whole time Marinette reluctantly told her everything.

...the kiss...

...How Damian kept messing with her head...

...What really happened when she was researching wolf seed poisons in the restricted area...

...How Damian killed Adrien...


She could see a mix of anger and disappointment on Alya's face and the guilt flooded over her instantly. She waited for her reaction, but a few minutes passed and nothing.

"Please say something."

She brushed her hand on her hair then, laughing bitterly at the whole situation as if it was some sick joke Marinette made just to spite Alya.

"You didn't trust me enough to tell me all this," Alya stated bitterly, finally gazing at her full on. "You didn't tell me about him."

"I tried to tell you," she said in defence. "You told me he was being mental."

"That's beyond the point!" Alya jumped at the sudden loudness of her voice. Alya glared at her and clenched her fists.

"I-I didn't think he was serious."

"Not serious?" She stood up and started pacing in front of her. "He kisses you twice, blackmails you to fly with him, sleeps on your bed and you tell me he's not serious?"

"I-I don't know... I was embarrassed."

"What about the dark attacks huh, Marinette? When were you going to tell me about that?"

"I thought I could handle it!"


Alya was breathing heavily and her face was flushed. Marinette saw the pure rage etched in her features.

She couldn't hide the hurt she felt at Alya's words. If anything, she was right. She should've asked for other's help. But she knew some part of her didn't want Alya involved. Call it her protective nature, she just didn't want Alya to go through with this all over again. She wanted her to have a normal year. But now it got so out of hand.

She buried her face in her hands and groaned.

"I'm sorry," she said miserably.

Alya stopped pacing. She felt Alya sit beside her and sigh. She touched the small of her back. She stared at her and saw that her features had softened.

"We heroes have to stop him," she told her. "We have to ask for help this time, from Master Fu, from the other heroes."

"But we don't have proof."

"We don't need proof," she said confidently. She saw a determined look on her face. Alya knew what she was doing.

"I've been hearing rumours." Rose sat beside her and started to fill her plate. "Are you and Damian—?"

Marinette slammed her goblet on the table, startling a few students beside her in the process. She raised an eyebrow at the blondie. "Are you seriously asking me that question?"

"You sure?" Rose looked unconvinced. "The whole school's on a fuss about it, even the teachers. There's even this rumour going on that he let you ride his skateboard and everyone knows he never lets anyone touch that thing."

Marinette grimaced but said nothing. She took another bite out of her beef, wanting to forget about the subject. She thought of telling Rose everything, she did have the right to know after all. But Alya said not to tell anyone. She seemed to be confident about the plan she had in mind.

"I mean, it's okay if you guys are, you know." Rose nudged her lightly in the arm, a gesture of encouragement. She choked on her food at the thought of Rose being alright with the idea of Marinette and Damian, dating. Rose ignored her choking. "Hawkmoth's gone. Nobody cares if you're dating a Wayne, and besides, he's got a nice piece of—"

"How're you?" Marinette said all too suddenly.

"I've been doing okay..." she replied, her voice trailing off. Marinette dropped it, noticing the sudden change in the atmosphere. She forgot that Rose was still a little depressed.

"We can go to the mall together this weekend?" Marinette said, hoping to cheer her up. Rose's and Alya's face brightened a little.

"We need dresses for the ball, yeah?" she said excitedly.


"The Winter Masquerade, Marinette."

Marinette frowned. She wasn't really in the mood to go to some ball. Not when she still had a murderer to take down. But Rose and Alya looked so happy, and this could be a way to help her recover them from Adrien's death.

"Fine then," she replied in defeat. "This Saturday?"

Marinette researched about the Luteus stone one more time but to no avail.

Alya helped her whenever she could but they weren't making any progress. There was absolutely no information whatsoever about the said stone, it was as if it never existed. She must've missed something.

Thankfully, Damian was true to his word of not prying into her business and he didn't bother her whenever she was in the library.

So she spent most of the time there. Partly for the research, partly because she wanted to avoid him.

If they wanted to stop Damian they needed all the information they could get. It was dangerous to confront him about it now because they didn't exactly know how powerful he was yet.

If he could do a dark attack on three people at once, Godric only knows what else he could do. Would it be possible to do a killing attack on three people at once too? What if he can do more than three?

The notion made her a little uneasy.

He was dangerous and powerful and he wasn't the most merciful person.

But she did see him slip from his facade of indifference and cruelty once or twice, when they had flown together and when she had tightly held his hand.

Unconsciously, Marinette stared at her own hand.

She was angry at Damian at first when she found out what he did to Adrien. She even considered beating the hell out of him, not caring about expulsion or jail anymore. But after a while, she'd calmed down and thought about it. There must be some reason why he was doing this.

Wayne, no, Damian, no matter how evil he was, was still human. She didn't believe that there was no hope left for him. Master Fu had told them so, and Marinette believed him. She would help Damian come back to their side. She had already caught a glimpse of him once or twice, in his eyes. He was still in there somewhere, beneath all that monstrosity...

She just had to find him.

A couple of hours passed and she rubbed her fingers against her eyelids, still no information about the stone. She looked at her emerald watch and left the library. She and Alya promised to visit Master Fu in 30 minutes.

She wanted to come earlier though, to do some research on the weed near the botanical garden hut for her science project.

Marinette walked outside the Dupain Cheng Manor hurriedly and when she neared the weeds, screamed when someone jumped from the tree, right front of her.

It was a frightening sight, to see him so close when you know what he had done, what he could do. She grimaced, how he looked so calm and collected, so at ease after everything that has happened. Like his conscience was asleep, like he didn't have a conscience at all.

But she knew better.

He sneered at her nervousness.

"You've been avoiding me."

She tried to pass through but he wouldn't let her. His figure towered over her, making her feel powerless and inferior, but she stood her ground. She had to show him she wasn't afraid of him. Even though deep down she wanted to bloody run.

"I was busy and stressed." It took all the courage she could muster to finally stare at him in the eyes. His face was as handsome as ever, no stress marred his features at all. She shivered slightly at his cold glare.

"Really?" He stepped closer, trapping her effectively against the tree. "How about I help you relax then?"

Marinette didn't know why but she didn't move. She just felt like she was high all of a sudden like she was in a sort of trance. She did nothing as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her towards him. She wanted to push him away but she couldn't seem to move on her own.

"I turn 19 next week you know." His forehead was pressed against hers and she could feel his breath tickling her skin.

"Mhmm," she said in a daze. Her mouth seemed to have a life of its own. She felt her energy being sucked out of her. He leaned forward and started tracing little kisses on her lips. It felt quite good actually, he was so gentle. She let her hands touch his hair. She did feel relaxed.

"I have to—" he said in between kisses, his voice was gruff, "marry by then..." His hands roamed around her body, on her shoulders, on her chest, on her waist and on her thighs. "A lot of women would die to have me—" she felt her skin burn at his every touch, felt her back arch towards him, "But I don't want them."

His kisses turned more demanding, more driven. He deepened it and started nipping and biting, hungry for more. Her scent was addicting, her soft moans were like music to his ears. He felt his hands slide higher and higher up her skirt.

"They're not you."

Her body shivered in horror when she tried to register what he had just said. If Alya was right about Damian coming after her, then that must mean...

She seemed to snap out of it a little. "N—no, get off me." She was starting to come around. Her knees still felt like jelly but she was starting to regain her strength. She forced herself to wake from her trance. She struggled more and more against him, pounding at his back and pulling his hair. He didn't seem to mind, only kissing her harder and grabbing her wrists.

She wanted to scream but she couldn't, so she did the only thing she could think of. She bit his tongue hard.

This made him back away from her in mild surprise. She almost fell to her knees without his body against her. She grabbed the tree with her right hand for support, her body bent forward, her other hand was clutching her thigh.

Her breathing was uneven.

"I won't—" She still felt a little weak and her mind was still a little foggy.

She forced her eyes to look at him, only to see him smirk again, the look of amazement evident in his face. She struggled to stand erect but she almost fell down again.

"You won't?"

"I won't marry you!" she yelled back at him.

He only chuckled at her little retort. "Oh, but you will." He placed his hands in his pockets, watching her with all interest. "You're in denial, but deep down you know you're going to—"

She screamed before he could finish, not wanting to hear anymore. She tried to tell herself he was brainwashing her again. Damian was manipulating her into doing what he wanted. His voice was sickeningly sweet in her ears, hypnotizing her into believing every word, every lie.

Damian couldn't contain his glee. She was so feisty, that one. He was sniggering at her discomfort, trying to see what she would do next. She grabbed her hitting stick with much difficulty.

She probably knew it was useless to curse him but she did it anyway. She even broke free from his control. Had it been some other girl, he would've gotten what he wanted long ago.

But Marinette was different, she was never boring, she was always a challenge.

It was admirable, really. Next time though, she wouldn't be so lucky.

"Oi! Wayne! Don't touch her!" Like mushrooms that always sprout out of nowhere, the-girl-who-just-wouldn't-fucking-die came running towards them, ruining all his fun. Alya and her friends grabbed Marinette by the arm at the same time aiming a large piece of wood at Damian.

Damian raised an eyebrow.

"It's alright Alya." She hung on to her for support which seemed to irritate Damain a little, but his expressionless face never gave anything away. "I'm fine."

"You stay away from her," Alya said angrily.

I'm going to kill you soon, idiot.

The very thought stopped Damian from hexing the bloody git in front of him. He smirked again, walking away slowly with a swish of his dark suit.



Yay, we made it to chapter 11! I'm so happy :D

I wonder if Damian should kill Alya though...

Oi! Read and Review! I love hearing from you guys :)

Thanks, everyone :D

I love you all :)

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