IDF chronicle side plot

By godzilla456

88 0 0

(warning this has excessive violence and a massive amount of slur's/swears viewer discretion is advised)this... More

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multiverse theory a bitch
hell of a day part 1
hell of a day part 2
familiar faces
special retrieval

hunting ex covies

21 0 0
By godzilla456

this will take just after chapter 15 and he's off

*time skips*



Normal speech and or narration



Austin P.O.V

 as everyone enter the ramp they see what pretty mush a one floor house with 5 to 7 guests room's or barrack's due to the multiple bed's

ruby: how is it bigger on the inside then the outside

Austin: the power of doctor who thru complex and mad science but hang on  HORUS WE GOT THING"S WE NEED TO-

Horus(mentally): not the best time look on the IDF news and I recommend being away from what I'm guessing showed up is from this world 

Austin(mentally): yes and got it Oberon Adelia and Silonte show them around and make sure they don't knew anything about the IDF or who I truly lead give roman amber and neo the same spiel 

s/a/o(mentally): roger

after they get off me I head to my room witch is a hell of a lot different then any room here a single twin xl bed a 15 inch tv a one person shower/tub and a 3 cabinet's but any way on with the new's

April: this is April O'Neil with Mary jane Watson we are here to report of the recent mix race's attack's from the ex covenant now calling them selves  Jul 'Mdama's Covenant as you can see what's left behind me was the main colony centers we have Mary jane on the seen now 

Mary: thank you miss April now what will be seen is not for the faint of heart's but as you can see the amount of wounded are piling up as much as the dead we have not giving confirmed estament's but we have one of the IDF general's with us miss Nova is that correct

Nova: yes we are still getting the wound and dead together but at least as we search the toll of the searches are 50 per hour but we been have control over the medical for now but soon we fear for medical to be going and well the dead will be rising 

I turn it off and notice my anger just spike like all I can see around me is pitch black

Austin(mentally): Horus

Horus(mentally): yes sir 

Austin(mentally): have Oberon and Silonte baby sit Astra and fangrir as well as the people from here we are going on the offensive and we need all gun's blazing

Horus(mentally): very well I'll tell them by the way rule's of engagement 

Austin(mentally): these men or women of terror will pay so restriction's are null and void for the Jul 'Mdama's Covenant there attack's on the civvies has sign there own death warrant

Horus(mentally): very well I'll get ready then 

I get up and head to the cockpit and rip the plot button right out of the console and shoot it 8 times 

Horus: sir they are all out side the ship and don't forget to remo-

Austin:  all ready handle and taking off now 

Horus: sir did you forget about the dia


Horus: sir I understand your up-


after I relegalizes I'm getting to far I start to clam down

Austin: people are getting hurt or worse killed I made the IDF to minigate that but after seeing what going on I refuse to back out I-i *breakdown* I can't have that moment happen again I can't watch people I was suppose to help and save die again for my mistakes I know you guy's were made during this timeline so you may not know what I'm talking but I-i... 

Horus: sir we will help them but you must not go to far with your anger you know what happened each time you go that far  

Austin: your right so to make sure I'm in check thru all of this you will be linked up thru the whole time and if I do snap do what you must 

Horus: I will sir we know what must be done 

Austin: good now I'll fix the dimension jump system's you can do what ever you want with that stupid button which IDK WHY IT WAS THERE BUT HERE WE FUCKING ARE WIT*get's bonk by horus* thank's anyway get dispose of the button and I'll take care of what need's to be done *as I start walking way I relies some operation names for the fight's ahead* HEY HORUS ALERT THE RAVENS AND WOLF OF OPERATION 3234 AND HEARTS OF IRON FOR THE WINGHUSLERS DEADMEN AND  GHOST COMPANY

Horus: you forgot to mention what they mean


after heading to the engine room I notice the system gonna be a pain lose wires circuit boards are almost completely fucked and is shooting out the black goo it need's to run so I start listen to this as I fix it 

Austin: right time to get to work *starts fixing the goo pipes only for them to combust into my face*welp people will take this as a laugh *after actually fixing it I start replacing the boards * ow ow ow ow ow ow *only for me to get static shocks* why must this be so hard It was so easy before building and putting it in how the fuck is repairing it this complicated *after fixing and reestablishing the circuits I start tackling the wiring* right now cross this wire with that board and *I get blasted away and the room I'm in loses power* yare ya- 

3rd P.O.V

the commander gets knocked the fuck out by a packet of 25 year old gummy bears


Austin P.O.V

after I wake up I notice the area around me was grey and I look to see 25 year old gummy bears and notice it had the density and yield of a brick 

Austin: man if theses gummy bears are that hard to deal with no wonder people have issue opening them and why do I feel like I getting a 4th wall stare towards me 

THEFLYINGFLAPJACK: I can't believe you done this 

 Austin: oh hey flap 

Flap: what are you doing your making me go jersey shore on your ass

Austin: meh could be worse 

Flap: what do you mean i-


Austin: I have no idea any more 


Flap: you're not the only one 

Stymie: *sighs* I'm just gonna go because knowing him he just gonna laugh at this whole thing and it's just gonna be pointless to try to get mad at him 


Stymie: and there he goes at it 

Flap: don't worry it's just him trying to start up poorly 


Flap: It's Godzilla what did you expect 

*time skip to fix the what ever the fuck this was*

Horus P.O.V

Horus: sir are you ok

Austin: plz define what you mean I just got clucked by gummy bears and somehow broke the 4th fucking wall again 

Horus: well since you were unconscious and the power was out I fixed the ship system and the dimension jump system we are ready to head to them on your command 

Austin:  so that's why when I woke up everything around me was greyish when I woke up 

Horus: did you not hear the rest

Austin: yes I did and send us there while I carefully *attempts to get up but falls flat on his face* ow

Horus: sir are you . . .

Adelia: hey sir are you oh you might have a concussion and a bump on your head 

Austin: for fu *blacks out*

Horus: can you take care of him will I get to work on heading us to the broadcast location 

Adelia: yeah I'll do that let's just hope this is nothing to worry about 

Austin P.O.V

ugh why do i fell like I'm in something over my head 


what was that 

???: anoth*giberish*

god plz don't tell me

Garvey: another settlement need your help 



Austin: mi. . .Millery where am I where Reznof

I get slapped and as I look in front of me to see who did it I see my friend that I met in hell 

Millery: so your awake good you seemed to have had a nightmare

Austin: yeah but a semi better one

Millery: how so 

Austin: just had a person from Boston quest spamming me 

Millery: well that semi good 

Austin: yeah well why are you here and how's the big and unholy doing 

Millery: Malatos is doing good just dealing with other demon lord's gibberish about how to kill you and can't a friend see another friend 

Austin: right sorry 

Millery: are you ok I know how you try to keep people out of certain thing's due to the fear of mentally breaking them but you know you can always talk to me or your shrink

Austin: it's fine just dealing with a mess that I thought i removed the chances of 

Millery: I'm guessing it's about what happen in the halo dimension

Austin: heh I forgot you go thru the dimension's but yes it was it's just I thought I got rid of the gorilla and removed the chance of the convenient to strike or make a another attempt but obviosity not and now there are and unknown number dyeing or already dead and I blame my self since I declared us to be at peace only for it to back fire as it showed *starts to tear up* I hoped I changed and hoped I could finally put what happen in my past to rest but each time I think I get it right something always come up something always strikes *breakdown* THERE ALWAYS SOMETHING I MISS AND PEOPLE PAY FOR IT NEVER ME INSTEED THE ONLY THING I PAY FOR IS TO WATCH THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DIE JUST BECUASE  people . . . being close to me weather as a civilian or a solider someone I know or care dies because I fucked up on a plan . . . I'm sick of it I'm tired of it . . . for once I prefer I take the hit's *stand's up* sure it my sound like I'm a sick dog who want's it but at least. . . at least I know I can take it I know what happens to me would hurt other's but it's better than them not coming back at all I JUST WANT THE PEOPLE WHO I FIGHT AND HELPED LIVE SO WHEN THIS IS OVER THEY CAN PUT ALL OF THIS ASIDE AND NOT HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT *takes deep breath's* do you understand 

Millery: I do but you forget sometimes things like those can't happen someone gone pay weather you want it or not there always gone be a time where someone not gonna comeback from it but this also show's something you never usually let people see

Austin: and what that

Millery: *hugs* you still have humanity in you even if you may seem like you have no emotion you still do just bottled up and hidden

Austin: and there are reason why sure I might have people who should not work as one but that's because some really on a leader that shows no weakness no chink's nothing that show's they can be brought down no matter the person so I had to throw thing's that showed I was something I'm not a man that has no weakness a man that has not lost someone who is by definition a master of war 

Millery: and this is something you had to do in your head

Austin: for the better meant of keeping the peace yes

Millery: I'm guess you never told anyone about this side of you

Austin: that part no I have told tali and the other general's I've spoken about this with zathura and lastly I might have spilled a few hint's in this dimension I'm currently trying to help 

Millery: think they'll catch on 

Austin: honestly no but if they do at least maybe trust will be increased but if not well it will  be one hell of a story 

Millery: what do you mean

Austin: your not gonna believe me but I'm thinking of keeping records or a story depicting how thing's in my life went as they say if one does not learn there mistakes they are doomed to repeat it 

Millery: so what does this mean

Austin: hopefully someone who can keep this whole federation in check when I'm finally down where I belong

Millery: you think anyone would fallow you trust this

Austin: who knows but maybe I can hope that after all this maybe there is a future then just another loop

Millery: well I'm glad your feeling better but good luck on your hunt I need to go back to hunting someone forgot his soul was payment 

Austin: right good luck maybe we can see each other at the dimension I was at I was looking into a coffee shop 

Millery: did you try to ask me to go on a date

Austin: ppppffffffffftttt ha no just to have a day off since your just usually doing contract hunting for other daemon lord's 

Millery: right maybe but good luck on your hunt as well

after our goodbye she heads thru the portal she summoned 

Austin: right back to work HORUS STATUS ON OUR HEADING 


as the we are about to head and start regrouping with nova I prep my gear to get ready for helping in the efforts of healing the wounded and get ready to help with burying  and as we are about to land I see a black tiger fly past us 

looks like security been set for next attempt and now that I'm thinking about I forget that oni might be also behind this and if that true ooooooohhh boy would they be hounded seriously grated hunting the inquisition was a pain but how oni does thing's it will be a total bitch only possible way's would be to interrogate and knowing how they are sometimes secretive till they believe it's time to be silence forever even the empire pulled this shit when we had to hunt them down as well moral of this same shit different group anyway as we land in one of the medical camps I saw a mixed set's of emotion anger, sadness ,hope after we land Horus walked towards me

Horus: sir nova gave me a heads up most of the populous is in unrest  and may attack if we are not careful on how we behave

Austin: then I'll link up

Adelia: sir permission to help nova with the me-

Austin: no need just try to save as many as we can witch means you deal with the critical while the rest of medical deal with what they can assuming nova knows why I'm here she might want me to explain and maybe I can help relive the tension and hopefully bring down who ever did this

Adelia: you don't think that it's the covenant resistance

Austin: no just a variable I have reason to believe it might be oni since if I remember the covenant loved to glass world's not just bombard and be done and knowing oni has done shadier shit before and how they hate aliens and are prone to be pro human this does not seem out of there line of making another war to happen but dragging us to also be marked as threats like you said unrest is in affect and when there unrest there will be repercussions and we are gonna be in the epicenter of it

after Horus links up and I head down the ramp I see that some our cyclone unit's have shown up to help be security and as I was about to enter the medical sector with Adelia when I was stop by a voice that I never herd in a while

???: well look at what hell just brought up to great us 

I turn towards the voice and see


Austin: well look who brought in the Calvary  Adelia go on ahead with out me *after she head's to help nova I go put my full attention to Johnson*  sorry that we meet again in not the best of time

Johnson: ain't that the truth but anyway what do you think happen here

Austin: not sure but this matter we should discuss privately

Johnson: fair enough but I have some question on the recruits you gave me

Austin: those are 


Caboose: sorry 

Austin: there fine just keep and eye on caboose when it fire arm's and the rest will be fine 

Johnson: hope your right well I'll see ya later

after walks he to the red and blues I head to the head medical center and see nova dealing with a plasma burn victim so I do what any sane person would do leave the room until she done with the operation in a calm quiet manner 

Austin: Horus

Horus: yes sir

Austin: that man In there who was he

Horus: the marking and armor show he was UNSC

Austin: got a rank and or intel I can mark him as

Horus: sorry sir but why are you curios on the man on the table

Austin: I want to know what he knows if he high rank enough Johnson was obesely here after so getting intel from a person that was here could give insight on what happen 

Horus: but there a catch 

Austin: yeah I know he need's to be alive or if I can enter his mind and we gain it now but we have to wait nova busy and I rather not scare her and or give the procedure more hassle 

Nova: well I'm glad you were kind to let me finish up commander

Austin: general nova how is he

Nova: for now stable but where Adelia

Austin: working on the critically injured

Nova: and the reason for the shovel 

 Austin: figure you guy's needed help with burying 

Nova: oh well the patient in a coma and he was the head of the garrison station here 

Austin: do you mind if I enter

Nova: your high rank then me

Austin: yet your skilled and better at this field then me so your call 

Nova: should be fine just careful getting pass the equipment

Austin: got it

as I narrowly avoid the medical gear and mentally link up to the person to see his memories I saw how bad it really was most of the attack's where on heavily civilian zone's as for what weapons mostly banshee's and phantom's as there single carrier was above it all and as for who or what was controlling them was those that called them self's Jul 'Mdama's Covenant how ever a striking symbol showed who they did this for 

Nova: commander are you ok

Austin: do you know the coordinates to derrick location 

Nova: yes sir why 

Austin: I fear that our enemy's just cast a giant on them selves  

Nova: sir are you sure you can confirm who did this 

Austin: yes I have confirmed it's ex covenant now know as Jul 'Mdama's Covenant

Nova: are gonna need anyone here to help 

Austin: best we focus on help people out so you got full orders to do what is needed for the wounded we the supplies on hand but if we need more I believe best group would be doctor Ludwig (tf2 doctor) ,NC and vanu medics, and some water benders they have means of heal that are less heavy in medical need's so incase we have to call them and Adelia will be under your charge 

Adelia(comms): sir your comms was on the entire time 

Austin: fuck my life anyone hear beside you

Adelia(comms):  thankfully not since it was switch to our own comms as for her giving me order that will be fine

Austin: well that good to hear well nova with those taking care of I wish you luck I'm gonna make some noise   

before she could say anything I leave to my ship and take of to Derrick coordinate witch I forgot to grab 

Horus: sir I should mention this but

Austin: if you say what I thi-

Horus: you forgot to get his location 


Nova P.O.V

as I saw Austin leave I forgot to mention he forgot I never sent the location to Derek witch knowing him he probably realized it and also knowing him he hatting himself sometimes he can be a idiot or what he say's Baka which is idiot anyway he's just a good person at heart just need's a little help from time to time though now that I think about it how he's been acting recently and how the other general's pointed out he's been having difficult times mostly with how he lacks focus and has been almost non responsive to normal or relaxing moment's heck I remember Derek saying one time him rick and Austin was relaxing at a bar he was dead quiet and just almost lifeless he even said he thought drank to much but he never order any alcohol just soda I thought he blacked out but he return with them in toe and all of them were fine but I remember him telling us what happened our death's him restarting in life I know Zathura been helping him with copping but he been only responsive to the negative's never thinking about the constant rises not to mention how bad he's been with self preservation we know he can't fully die but we fear once the whole army knows moral will just drop sure you can have a commander that strong but knowing he could be turn to a husk that could cause hassle we can't control especially if they start to fight amongst them self's for power  and army who fight's with them self's can't hope to stand if we are to win this conflict 

Austin P.O.V

after I get derrick location from the COMM's and after I calm down from me forgetting I start setting course  to him while playing this 

Austin: Horus do we still have tabs on old covenant COMM's

Horus: why

Austin: I wanna give them a funeral song before they meet there fate 

*time skip/POV*

as where were apprehended by a human ship unknown to us I was interrupted by a strange sound 

???:  where is that coming from

???2: is seem to be something that interfering with the COMM's 

Derek P.O.V

I have the Argo aimed and lock on the carrier I notice we have a unknown object flying towards our location

derek: Sandor what is that flying to us

Sandor: not sure but if we can get a-

???3: captain Wildstar we are appearing to be get a signal for out side our position 

Derek: put it on speaker

as soon as it's played across the ship I knew who just arrived to send them to hell

Joakim: man and machine nothing there in between 

Austin P.O.V 

as red baron being played I ask Horus

Austin: are they getting it

Horus: them and our own fleet

Austin: good time to show them what it mean's to be an ace 

I kick on the thrust to have me travel at Mach 5 straight towards the carrier and  as soon as I am in range I notice the flack and anti fighter systems kicked in so to counter I do the most dangerous strategy and go close enough to the hull to let some of the Sam's scrape the side as that happen my radio kick's in 

Derek(radio): sir is that you

Austin: oh hey derek how-


Austin: no need to yell and it can always be worse but good news got rid of them missile striking bad news do you have the rocket anchor still 

Derek(radio): yes but how that bad

Austin: sending you a song title name 

Derek(radio): . . . please don't tell me your planning to- 

Austin: have you fire it on my potion till I tell you to fire so when I'm out of the shot the thing behind me will get what coming yes 

Derek(radio): that even worse granted your ship can go faster but to aim it you would need to be slower then what you currently are 

Austin: and sometimes you need someone willing to take the chance witch I am so tell when you are lock on going at 75 mph as we speak 

derek(radio): there no point of try to talk you out of this is there 

Austin: nyet 

Derek(radio): *sighs* prep the anchor and target the commander don't fire till I say so  

as soon as I hear that I start having the biggest smile on my face 


Derek(radio): COMMANNNND-

before hew could finish his rage scream I cut the radio chatter and start blasting the banshee squadron that show up right in front of me with the cluster missile witch also made the carrier a few more holes after 2 minutes to fly toward the ship's bridge I sent them the message to fire the anchor as it fire and fly towards the bridge I sent my final word's to the captain of it 

??? P.O.V

as we were firing on the fighter that was at our bridge  it started to fly away and as soon as I was about to be proud I hear this 

???2: sir we got a message 

???: what is it

as soon as I read it I notice I was only 5 word's that made no sense


before I could even figure why I got this a flying metal object was all I could see in the corner of my eye then blackness

Austin P.O.V 

after the anchor crashed into the bridge and I get out of my ship float into the bridge and found the leader barley alive 

I start kneeling before him and say

Austin: why did you made me do this your fighting so you can have vengeance that has no merit for think cunt you guy's were at peace the ring's gone and have been shown to annihilate planets life form's what the point of you fighting huh 

as I know he could not respond due to the lack of him be able to live through my rant I just leave him and enter my ship to get to the capital ship of this fleet 

Austin: derek 

Derek(radio): sir 

Austin: full blast of the bow gun's on to the carrier wipe it from the board  

after saying that I see the anchor retract and all 3 main cannon's blast straight thru the whole ship leave it to detonate after that I head out of my ship and float my way to and airlock and get to the bridge

only to get a punch to the face 

Derek: you know you are sometime the most craziest risk taker I have ever had the pleasure to question

Austin: hehe well I may sometimes take the more suicidal attacks you can't deny how well thing's went 

derek: you know if I did not known you long as I have I would been lost in the dark 

I lean next to the captain's chair 

Austin: yet here we are after god's knowns you me and the rest of the IDF has made something to be proud of even though we seen how bad thing's happen 

Derek: true but I'm guessing your not just here to chat about the IDF are you *he leans on the the chair as well* 

Austin: got me there I'm here for asking if you can help 

Derrick: with 

Austin: the dimension I'm in is gonna need fire power and the strength of a battleship  and since the sdf-1 more of a transport ship due to the refit your ship best to help wipe some of the bigger threat's that will appear

Derek: what kind we talking

Austin: giant flying lizard's 

Derek: you sure it's not just him with wing's

Godzilla: hey don't put me with the three headed danger noodle 


*timeskip by 


after warping to the colony I get Adelia after we got the wounded healed and burying the dead and setting the memorial and eulogy I take my leave in peace and get the ship ready to jump to the last location it was docked 

Austin: you known the plan 

Derek: orbit the planet with the blood raven's and space wolves ship's until called in don't worry we'll do our part 

Austin: roger jumping in 3..2..1

hello and hey so I know this took awhile from the last chapter mostly did it so I could think of thing's but it was starting to lose fire so if it was rush sorry about that but I promise the next chapter even do at the time of post is not written just the title will be up next but yeah that my status for now also rogal what you option on this 

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