Breathless || Fred Weasley, 1...

Da Mxlfoysweasley

5.7K 135 229

The second wizarding war has arrived and the Weasley's have split up for safety while Ron goes Horcrux huntin... Altro

Chapter 2: The Weasley Brothers

Chapter 1: Reunions

1.9K 56 150
Da Mxlfoysweasley

WARNING: This chapter contains smut, heavy language, and use of drugs/alcohol! DO NOT CONTINUE IF YOU ARE NOT OF (recommend) AGE!


A soft breeze causing her wavy, platinum blonde hair to swing behind her as she stood outside her home. She watched as the orange leaves below her scraped against the ground and were pulled behind her. A soft smile on her face as her mother, Aurora, came out with Rylee's suitcase which seemed like it was bound to burst open any second now.

"Thank you, Mother. Really." she smiled before bringing her mother into a tight embrace which spoke more than words could. A soft nod from Aurora as she wiped her tears away and placed her hands on either side of Rylee - looking her daughter up and down with a caring look.

A few minutes of silence between the two attached souls that were soon to be parted away. An exchange of soft looks before Aurora took her hands and cupped Rylee's face - placing a kiss on the top of her head before opening her mouth to speak, "Please come home for the holidays".

Rylee nodded, "I know, Mum. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine" she smiled.

As a kid, Rylee had grown up with her mother's best friend, Molly Weasley, which is where she was heading to.

Her life's dream was to become a Hogwarts professor and that is what she was going to do. She was going to reunite with her best friends, Fred and George, and she was going to attend and graduate from Hogwarts. She'd buy a small flat out in Devon, England just near the burrow and she'd come back to France on the holidays.

"Bye, sweetheart!" Aurora shouted, trying her best to hold in tears as she watched her little baby grab onto a golden chalice that her step-father had set up for her as a portkey and disappear into the abyss.

Although it had taken her exactly 8 seconds to leave France and arrive at the bottom of the chimney in the burrow, it had felt like a long 10 minute rollercoaster.

She yelped as she felt her body crash into a hard object and fall onto the ground, her suitcase opening wide and all her clothing flinging outwards as it landed besides her.

A loud grunt came from below her.

Her eyes opened wide after she'd regained her sight. Below her body was a handsome young man who seemed a lot like her childhood best friend, Fred.

"Fred?" she spoke eagerly - squealing as she felt his big, muscular arms wrap around her waist and bring her into a tighter embrace.

"RYLEE" he shouted loudly, burrowing his face into the crook of her neck with a large smile on his face, "I have been waiting by this stupid chimney for two hours just awaiting your arrival," he paused, realizing in the awkward position they were laying in.

Fred's back was flat on the ground while Rylee's bottom was pressed against his lower waist, inches away from his growing bulge. Her hands were on the floor on either side of his head and she was crouched over him.

"It's been quite boring without you here" he cleared his throat while helping Rylee stand up - pulling his tight, white shirt a little lower and loosening his sweatpants before dusting himself off and running over to her suitcase to help.

He picked up a red lace bralette into the air and dangled it from the tip of his index finger, "Nice" he smirked up at Rylee who just stood in front of him with her arms crossed, staring down at him.

"Why is it so empty? I remember you and Georgie being quite awfully loud" she asked, finally lowering herself to his level and helping him stuff her clothing away.

His hand let go of a pair of lavender purple cheeky underwear he'd picked up and moved towards the back of his neck, scratching it before his soft, pink lips parted slightly to talk, "There's a lot we must catch up on" he said sheepishly, finally putting the last piece of clothing into her suitcase.

"You'll be staying in Ron's bedroom" he smiled as he threw her suitcase over his shoulder and began to guide her down the hallway and into Ron's room.

She sat with her legs crossed on his bed and looked up at Fred, letting her gaze fall to his bulge accidentally, "Where's everyone" she spoke softly, letting her eyes trail upwards towards his.

Fred's lips were slightly parted as his eyes followed hers in shock. He gulped, placing both his hands at his front before opening his mouth to speak, "Not here" he responded - followed by a smirk which sent butterflies swarming into her stomach.

"Mmm.." she looked away, although Fred's eyes were maintained on her.

"We're at war," he began, setting her suitcase aside and sitting besides her on Ron's bed with his hands in between his lap, "Voldemort has been back for three years now. Ron and his friends are out horcrux hunting, I'll explain that soon," he continued, his eyes on the floor as he fidgeted with his fingers, "Mum and Dad left with Ginny somewhere else, George went with his girlfriend, and our other brother's are already with larger families. It's just me in the burrow" he smiled softly.

He let his head fall back as he stared at the ceiling above them. Rylee knew her best friend better than anyone else. She knew that look on his face.

He was stressed.

"War?" she questioned, turning her entire body this time to face him. His eyes still on the roof as he nodded.

When Rylee had made the decision to come back to England, it was because she wanted to graduate from Hogwarts and become a professor, not because she wanted to fight a war against Voldemort.

His head hung forward and fell into his hands with his elbows pressed against his thighs, "You chose a really bad time to come, if I'm being quite frank, Rylee" he sighed.

Rylee shook her head, slipping off her white shoes and crawling further into the bed behind Fred, rubbing her hands on both his shoulders as she spoke, "I think I came at the perfect time. You shouldn't be alone here, letting it all rot your brain".

"I guess" he groaned as her thumbs pressed deeper into his shoulders and releasing the pressure as they reached the top.

"Relax" she whispered softly, "I'm here now".

Fred nodded, pulling her hands into his large ones, "I don't know what I'd do without my best friend" he chuckled. He stood up from the bed and walked towards the door frame, leaning on the side of it with his arms crossed in front of him - watching her with soft eyes as she hopped off the bed.

To a normal person, the words best friend would mean friendzone, but Rylee had already been there her whole life. Yes, she had a school girl crush on him at some point, as she did Charlie Weasley, but would he ever know that? No. Her school girl crush would stay that.

"I'm going to take a nap" she spoke softly, sliding off her loose white top and revealing a dark blue laced bralette.

Fred's cheeked flushed a crimson red and a loud gulp as the lamp besides Ron's bed accentuated her curves in the dark lit room. 

"What's wrong, Freddie?" she asked innocently, fully aware of the effect she had just had on him.

"Nothing" he said nervously, quickly exiting the room and shutting the door almost as fast as he had rushed to his room.

Rylee laughed loudly, shaking her head and rolling her eyes before laying in Ron's bed and closing her eyes, letting herself fall into a deep sleep.

He slid down with his back pressed against the wall, followed by heavy breathing as her body kept popping up in his mind. How was he supposed to get a hold of himself when he had a crush on her his entire life and now he had the burrow to themselves?

Fred groaned as he looked down at his bulge which began to hurt due to the limit the sweatpants gave him. He stood up quickly and grabbed his wand out of the top right drawer and attempted to do a silencing spell, but his mind was too focused on other things.

He shook his head, "I can't do that to her. She sees me as her best friend and it would be absolutely disgusting If I were to do something like that, no?"

He shuffled through his bottom left drawer and pulled out a muggle magazine he had found a few months ago in Charlie's room. He sat with his back pressed against his headboard and began to pull down his trousers, revealing his black boxers and a rock-hard bulge.

He began to eagerly flip through the pages, but with each image he'd picture Rylee in the same clothing - or not.. clothing. 

He groaned loudly in annoyance and let his head fall back, "It'll go away" he whispered to himself and instead getting up and walking towards George's drawer and pulling out a large bag and pulling out a pre-rolled joint and walking out to the living room.

"Fred" her soft voice whimpered as his cold fingers pumped in and out of her. "Kiss me" he demanded her. He took pride in watching her struggle to kiss him back while his middle and ring finger curled upwards inside her. Her loud moans filled the living room as her back pressed against the couch and his lips hovered over her body. "You like it, don't you?" he smirked.

"Yes" she stuttered out into his lips, gaining a smirk from him before taking his fingers out of her and placing his hands on her hips, pulling her closer into his bulge.

"Fred.. I've never.." she whispered, but was quickly cut off as his briefs slid off and she felt the tip of his member rub against her wet core, another hand caressing her cheek as he lowered himself closer to her ear and whispered, "I'll be gentle".

He was fairly large and it would take her a while to adjust. She placed the palms of her hands against his chest while their eyes locked. "You feel so good, Rylee" he panted into her ear, placing his hands in her inner thighs and pulling her legs up higher to give himself space.

"Harder" she moaned loudly.His eyes fixated on her breasts as they bounced at the rhythm of his strokes, quickly lowering her tank top and taking her nipple into his warm mouth. She moaned softly as his warm tongue swirled, flicked, and sucked on her nipple while the other played with her right nipple. Her soft moans quickly growing louder as he picked up the pace on his strokes.

She felt a soft tug on her nipple before the cold air brushed against it and his lips moved onto the next.

Her hand brushed against his hair and his free hand rushed upwards and wrapped around her neck. He let go of her nipple and locked eyes with her, a smirk on his face as he watched the way her eyes would twitch or roll back every time he'd hit the correct spot.

"You like the way I feel, baby?" his voice raspy as he panted into her ear. All he could get from Rylee were messy mumbles as she became an uncontrollable mess. "C'mon, love, use your words" he encouraged her, moving his hand from her throat and grabbing her jaw tightly with it. 

He let his head fall back as he felt Rylee wrap around his member, meaning she was close to her release. A devious smirk on his face as he slowed his pace down, his eyes locking with hers against before speaking, "Open your mouth" he demanded her and so she obliged because she knew better than to disobey Fred Weasley.

He watched her with loving eyes as her tongue slid out of her mouth and her lips parted widely, his hand holding her jaw before spitting into her mouth. "You don't come until I tell you to" he nodded, watching her close her mouth and swallow.

"Good girl, that's it" he smiled, moving her hair away from her sweaty face and continuing his slow strokes.

An overwhelming scent of cannabis filled up her nostrils, causing her to wake up from an extremely odd dream.

"What the fuck was that about" she groaned to herself, before sitting up on the bed and throwing on a pastel pink robe she brought from home.

She most definitely did not want to have feelings for her childhood best friend. These couple of days were going to be hell if they were alone.

She carefully opened the bedroom door and began to walk down the hallway towards the living room.

The living room where Fred sat with his legs crossed on the floor in front of a circled, glass coffee table with a half-burned joint.

His hair was in a messy half-up, half-down bun and his eyes were slightly pink and squinted.

Rylee sat across from her, extending her hand and pulling the joint from out of his lips, grabbing it with her index and thumb.

She took a large inhale and held it for a little while eyeing Fred up and down. There was truly no need to make conversation with him. Not after her sick dream, of course.

"How was your nap?" Fred spoke, his voice low and raspy as his eyes followed the smoke that escaped her lips.

"It was alright" she shrugged, mesmerized by the smoke as well.

If she was being frank, the only thing in her mind was Fred's body and what it must look like shirtless. After all, he had clearly grown into a fine young man and he was no longer the scrawny little boy she once saw as a platonic soulmate.

Fred nodded, the image of her body still printed into his brain as he eyed her up and down hungrily.

A long moment of silence as they passed the joint back and forth and watched it become smaller and smaller. Unlike Fred, Rylee had a high tolerance and she was just now beginning to feel the effects.

"Well," he sighed as he stood up from the table and made his way towards his room, "I have a night shift at the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes" he shouted - causing Rylee to chuckle as she heard his grunts of struggle as he got dressed.

Finally, he walked out with a white button down shirt and his purple tie with a golden W embedded on it, loose around his collar.

Rylee rushed towards him and began to fix his tie, his eyes looking down on her hungrily as she did so, making her nervous. "Is it safe for George to work alone down at the shop?" she said concerned for her best mate.

Fred shook his head, fixing his sleeves while she worked on his tie, "He shares the shift with his ex girlfriend, Angelina and his boyfriend, Lee".

 "Are you sure it's a good idea to go high to work?".

"You sure are asking many questions, love. You sure my Weasley charm isn't affecting you?" he teased. Though, he didn't know he was correct.

"Shut the hell up, Weasley" she joked, slapping his shoulder before going back to fixing his tie. "Done" she smiled, "See you later?"

"Indeed, honey"

Rylee rolled her eyes with a smile on her face as she watched him crouch under the chimney, which was now too small for such a tall man like him, and disappear.

She yawned and made her way back to her bedroom.

It was good to know that her friendship with Fred hadn't changed and that there was still jokes between them. Though it sucked. Having the burrow to themselves without being able to do anything because he'd always see her as his best friend. 

But even then, all was well. She was excited to attend Hogwarts tomorrow and reunite with all her other friends. She was glad it was just her and her life long mate at the burrow with no distractions. Maybe it was enough to make up for all the years she'd spent away from him in France.

A loud boom caused her to jump as she rushed towards the living room.

A tall frame stood in the dark passage in front of the chimney.

"Fred?" she whispered.

But the body didn't seem like his.

This figure was tall, but still an inch or two shorted than Fred. The body was skinnier than Fred's and the hair was shorter and messier.

She quickly pulled out her wand from the thigh harness she wore under her robe and whispered "Lumos" flashing the light in the strangers face seconds before the living room lights were turned on.

"Oh fuck me" she whispered to herself, setting her wand down and glaring up at her sworn enemy. 

Had she made him her sworn enemy at the age of 6? Yes. Had it been around 14 years since then? Yes, but was her hatred for him strong enough to last all those years? In-fucking-deed.

"I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you, princess?" he smirked down at her.

Spencer Weasley was the one Weasley that Rylee could never get along with. She hated him more than one could imagine. He would always ruin her pranks or he would always tease her about her platinum hair. He'd break vases and quickly blame her for his actions. Oh, how she hated him.

That was the last thing she needed. This imbecile being here when she had plans with Fred.

"No, actually. I wouldn't" she spat, crossing her arms out in front of her and glaring up at him. His smirk pissing her off.

"Don't worry, love. I won't steal Fred's attention from you. We all know you've fancied him since you were kids" he smirked, catching Rylee by surprise.

Was it really that obvious that she liked Fred?

"Going to bed. I've had a long day and I most definitely was not expecting you to be here" he began to strut towards his bedroom which was right next to Ron's.

Rylee walked closely behind him, "What do you mean, me? I should be disappointed that you're here, you prick".

Spencer chuckled, slamming his door in her face.

He slid his shirt off from the back and looked at his body in the mirror. On his right rib he had bruises from being kicked earlier by Greyback for not obeying Lord Voldemort's orders. He winced as his finger traced over the bruises, but it was the pain that he liked. He pressed on the bruise, letting his head fall back slightly at how good the pain felt.

He extended his left arm and tilted his head as he stared deeply into his forearm in which a skull with a snake was marked. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed before walking towards his bed.

As a child, Spencer's favorite thing to do was annoy little Rylee. He loved being the reason she hated the burrow. He adored making her nervous and stutter. Though, he himself hated her as well, which is why he was extremely fond of being the reason she hates being around Fred at times. He believed she was a stuck up smart-ass and there was not one person in this world that he despised more than her.

Go to hell, he thought to himself as he watched his bulge grow erect. His brow raised as he remembered that Ron's room was right besides his. 

"Ah fuck" he moaned loudly, a slight chuckle as he heard Rylee groan, "Mmm, fuck yes" he continued as he eyed the door. Loud banging on his door just a few seconds in, "Shut the hell up, twat!" she shouted as she continued to bang on the door.

"Why are you knocking so loudly, love? You want to help me out that bad, huh?" he teased her, trying his best to suppress a laugh.

On the other side of the door, Rylee had frozen. Normally, she'd be appalled to hear scrawny little Spencer say such a nasty phrase, but he truly was no longer a puny little boy. He, dare she say.

She gulped and walked back towards her room.

"It feels so good" he moaned louder. He began to whimper, "You'll dream of me, Rylee" he moaned loudly.

Her name rolling of his tongue in such an explicit way irritated her. She had always hated Spencer and this just proved why.

She slammed her door open and stomped over to Fred's room, tucking herself into his bed and covering her face with one of his pillows. For fucks sake, she thought to herself as Spencer's whimpers grew louder as he came closer to release. His moans sloppy and his whimpers loud.

Spencer chuckled to himself as he looked down. His briefs were still on and his member had grown soft long ago when he'd heard Rylee's voice. He was in no way shape or form, ever, going to touch himself to the Rylee Griffin. He had been doing it to ruin her night.

And after 30 minutes of loud whimpers, begs, moans, and groans, he had finally stopped and Rylee fell into a deep slumber.

The clock striked 4 AM and a gentle woosh came from the living room. He gently tiptoed into his room, his eyes widening as he saw Rylee asleep in his bed. 

"Why would she.." he whispered cluelessly before walking to the only closed room. "Ah, Spencer's home.. makes sense" he chuckled to himself. 

He crawled into bed with Rylee, but faced the other way. She was his best friend and that was how he had to keep it. She had always seen him as someone she can confide in and he sure as hell wasn't going to ruin it over a small crush he had on her years ago that for some reason, magically resurfaced.

"I hope you're sleeping well, Ry" he whispered softly before closing his eyes and falling asleep. His back pressed against hers and their body heat becoming one.


AHHHH hello everyone!!! I'm so excited for this new story. 

In this section, comment things you'd like to see in future chapters and what I should do to improve my writing because I truly need it

Here, who do you ship so far?

I don't know how to feel about this chapter because i feel as if it's all over the place, BUTTT next chapter will be more collected and better written! 

Thank you so much for reading and until next time, Bye!!

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