Walk On The Wild Side [Not Ed...

By itsjustmejessica14

272K 7.9K 1.4K

Read at your own RISK! [Originally called Crush On The Bad Boy] Socially awkward Victoria Pennington is a com... More

P R O L O G U E [ S N E A K P E A K + T R A I L E R + C A S T ]
1. "You can never get rid of me"
2. "What are you really hiding Tori?"
3. "Tori, just get in the damn car!"
4. "Why a gay stripper bar?"
5. "I'll give it back to you if you give me some answers."
6. "Just leave me alone, Carter"
7. "I dare you to kiss me."
8. "Who knew the bad boy is a softie"
9. "She's back"
10. "I'm here if you need me"
11. "He doesn't do love he bangs different girls, every day"
13. "did he just call me Kitten?"
14. "Aww Kitten, you worry about me."
15. "I'm here for you Tori, I'll be by your side."
16. "Do it now Carter!"
17. "I'm getting too attached to you, Kitten."
18. "You are so stupid Tori."
I have a Snapchat account?
19. "Do you have feelings for him?"
20. "What secret?"
21. "Did you just smell me?"
22. "I'm sure you'll figure it out Kitten, your smarty brain will help you out."
23. "I'm giving you an offer."
24. "surveillance camera"
25. "Only Two Weeks Left"

12. "All things go back to Daniel"

8.2K 298 22
By itsjustmejessica14

[Listen to music on the side] 

Chapter 12 – “All things go back to Daniel”

I pushed past people down the school halls.

Let me to tell you something, what I saw a week ago was just something shocking. I guess Carter made it easier for me since he hasn’t been showing up at school for a week.

I guess it was my fault for running off like that, but how else could I react. Half of his body was covered in blood, so how can I not be scared of him like that.

I don’t know if I can face him.

Sure you can Tori, just talk to him like how you do you.

I quickly walked down the school halls as I was walking I suddenly crashed into someone.

“S-sorry-…” I looked up and my eyes bulged out of my sockets.

This is exactly who I was trying to ignore.

I looked at him in the eye, I noticed that he got a cut on the side of his temples. Reality hit me in the head as I realised he had his arm around me, did he know I was going to crash into him?

Never mind.

I wiggle out of his arm, as I walked away from him quickly.

Fuck, this isn’t going great.

I looked back still checking if he was standing there, and he was.

He had a half boyish smile, never thought that it would look cute on a bad boy.

I turned around and shrugged as I headed to my biology class.


“Listen class, I want you all to start at page 1 and read from 32.” Everyone groaned, I rolled my eyes. I honestly didn’t want any more school work, now we have an essay to write in biology class.

To be quite surprised I wasn’t listening to Mr Sales very much, I would always be very ahead of everyone in this class but today, I guess I wasn’t in the mood.

I tapped my pen against the table creating a sound, I sighed resting my chin on my hand that was supporting on the table.

Daniel the guy sitting next to me got annoyed.

“Can you stop making that tapping sound,” I straightaway stopped.

Few minutes later.

I went back to tapping.

“Seriously if you’re not going to stop, then I’ll throw your pen away.”

I looked at him as he looked at me with anger. “Geez, a simple no would have sufficed.” I said taking my pen away from him.

He grinned. “Oh yeah, look how that turned out.”

I rolled my eyes and turned the pages in the book.

“Are you even okay today?” he asked, I looked up stopping myself from writing.

“Y-Yeah why?” I cleared my throat making everything seem fine.

He chuckled. “You definitely write more than that in class.” I looked down at my work and only saw that I wrote a sentence.  I looked at Daniel’s work and saw that he was already on his 4 paragraph. “You sure you don’t need any help? I’d be happy to help?” I smiled but shook my head ‘no’

I breathed out and laughed. “Right, just things happening that’s all.”

“Things like with Carter?” my eyebrows shot up, as he was writing stuff down casually. How does he even know stuff?  “Why are you even with that guy?”

I turn the pages in my book. “I’m not with him.” I said lowly, but loud enough for him to hear.

“Really?” he said looking at me. “Seems to me that it’s whole lot different from what you just said to me.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay whatever, can we go back to writing an essay please.”

He put his arms out in surrender. “Okay ma’am, I’m trying my best not to get on your bad side here.” I chuckled.

I’m a little surprised that Daniel is even speaking to me; he’d usually ignore me and just leave it if I’m doing anything like tapping my pen on the desk. For some unknown reason he actually spoke to me.

Is he up to something?

Especially since he has a sister like that.

I took the pen out of my mouth. “Hey can I ask you a question?”

He finished writing down his sentence. “Yeah sure.”

“You know we’ve been sitting in this seating plan for almost a year right?”

He nods. “Yeah why?” he said slowly trying figure out what it is that I’m trying to say.

“I mean, we never once spoken,” he thinks to himself and realization hits him. “I was just wondering why did you ignore me or why did you finally speak to me?”

He ran his hand through his soft tousled blond hair; it almost was like a hair commercial. “Oh right, yeah er… you know my sister right?” Brittney of course you’d come in the picture, I gestured him to go on. “Yeah well, when we first had the sitting plan I told my sister that I sit next to you. At that time she was saying how she despises you and doesn’t like you at all.” She still does. “But yeah anyway she told me to not talk to you and just ignore you. I did want to talk to you, seemed really vulnerable that time. Don’t get me wrong but my sister’s a bitch and she’s not kind of the person you want to get in a fight with, believe me I have arguments with her every single day. Can’t wait to move out of the house already.” We both laugh, I checked the clock and saw that we only have 2 minutes until lunch.

Me and Daniel start packing our stuff.

“Hey, you want some advice?”

I looked at him in confusion. I shrugged, “Sure.”

“Stay clear away from Carter.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

“Carter might seem really nice, but that doesn’t mean you know everything about him.” What is trying to say? He swung his bag to the side. “I’ll catch you later Tori,” I nod.

I’m trying to figure out what he meant by that, he’s right though. I don’t know much about Carter, even if we were friends before.


“So,” Serena said nudging my arm. “How was biology?”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Like every other lessons.”

Serena rolled her eyes. “I heard that Daniel was speaking to you, is that true?”

How does everyone find out already?

“Yeah, it’s true.” I sighed giving up.

Serena pulled me closer to her in the lunch line. “What did he say?” she said giving me her stare. “I mean he’s Brittney’s brother.” She gave me a concerned look.

She’s not wrong though.

I shook my head. “He didn’t say anything, we just spoke about his sister and how moody she can get.”

Serena laughed. “Well it’s true, we’ve seen the whole side of her.” I joined with Serena.

“Yeah we-…” I stopped speaking when I saw everyone crowding around Carter.

My eyes widen at what I saw, Carter was currently pulling on the other guy’s collar.

“Don’t you ever say that again!” he shouted, his loudness made me flinch.

I looked around everyone who also seemed a little scared.

The guy put his hands out in surrender. “O-Okay, I-I’m s-sorry.”

“If I ever hear you say that about her, then you definitely wouldn’t want to know what is coming next.” Carter threatened him.

And this was about a girl?

I looked at Serena as she had the same expression on her face.

“Who could this be about?” I asked Serena, but to my unfortunate I was too loud causing many people to look at me.

Including Carter.

Shit, double shit.

Oh ground, why don’t you just swallow me up already?

I squinted my eyes as I turned to face Serena, she was currently biting her lip.

I turned around and saw that Carter expression was like he was ready to kill anybody. I gulped as he kept staring at me with those dark grey eyes.

I couldn’t look away and I wish someone would just top one of us.

Thankfully, Val came in and told everyone to go off and get there lunch.

He did give Serena a look though, but I couldn’t understand it because he only stared at her for a few seconds. He then went back to Carter as he finally looked away from me, I sighed in relief.

I did for some reason get glares from a few girls, what the hell?

Brittney and her posse came over to me and Serena, it almost looked like I was watching Mean Girls again.

“Looks like you’re getting noticed, Nerd.” Her friends snickered at the little nickname Brittney had given me.

I sighed shaking my head, hoping she’d get to the point already. “Just get to the point already Brittney.”

She faked a sad face. “Aw,” she looked behind to her friends. “Poor girl doesn’t know that the reason Carter was so close to killing that guy, was because of her.”


What does she mean by that?

She’s lying, yeah definitely lying.

As if Carter would threaten a guy for me.

“You’re lying.”

She smirks. “Don’t believe me?” I didn’t say anything. “Go ahead, ask him.” She said gesturing towards him.

He was currently sitting down with his lunch in front of him. Val, Carlson, Nick and Hunter was also at the table. Looks to me like they were trying to get his mind of things, don’t think it’s working to be honest.

I couldn’t go up to them, well especially him.

Serena helped me out. “Look, Tori doesn’t have to go up to carter and ask him if it was about her. He’d pretty much lie, I mean I thought you would know? You are his bang buddy right?” The last part made me scrunch my nose in disgust. Still felt weird though.

Brittney went slightly red. “Whatever,” she said flipping her hair on a side. “Come girls, let’s go.” We watched them walk away in a group, I rolled my eyes and hi – fived Serena as we both started laughing.

So lucky to have Serena by my side.


Thank god we got to miss English, there was so kind of assembly going on and it was important. Which also meant that I didn’t have to sit next to Carter in the lesson. But it sucks because I have English, first period tomorrow.

Oh joy.

I wasn’t listening to my principle when he was talking, I was mostly focusing on when Daniel said about Carter, and the whole thing that I should stay away from him, and that I don’t know him very well.

Does he mean that Carter is lying about something else?

So after the assembly I waited outside for Daniel, hoping I wouldn’t miss him.

After I saw a guy with dirty blond hair and with a blue shirt he was wearing in biology class as well. I ran after him and well I kind of surprised him.

“Oh hey, Tori?”

“Hey,” I said panting, after running to Daniel I got a little tired.

“When I said I’ll see you soon, I didn’t expect it to be this quick.” He teased, I chuckled with him. He fixed his bag to the side. “So what’s up?”

I should I ask him? I mean what if he doesn’t know anything about Carter.

Plus he is Brittney’s brother, the both of them could be planning something. Especially when Serena made fun of her at lunch.

Again all things go back to Daniel.

But I couldn’t help it and I asked him. I just blurted it out. “Daniel, when you said I don’t know everything about Carter, what exactly did you mean by that?” I asked nervously.

He looked at some people leaving the school building. He turned back to me. “I saw him when he had left.”


He took a deep breath in. “I mean that, I was with him when he went Mexico.”

Carter said he went with his parents to sort out there family issues.

“Carter said he was going with his parents.”

He scoffed. “Typical Carter, of course he’d lie.”

“Wait where could his parents possibly go?” I asked again.

He shrugs. “He never mentioned about his parents at the time.”

I bit my lip.

Carter what is up with all the secrets and lies?

Why can’t you be open with me?

That’s right, I was going to ask him now, I don’t care I’m just going to straight up ask him.

I opened the school parking lot doors and scanned through the parking lot as I saw a motorbike and a guy with a leather jacket hoping it would be Carter.

I walked confidently and was getting nearer and nearer to his bike.

I quickly stopped and when I saw him currently seducing a blond girl, I immediately regretted coming over to him.

I was planning on asking him what else he’s been lying about, but too bad he’s busy sticking his tongue down the blond girl’s hair.

Too bad I didn’t leave fast enough, because the girl who was kissing Carter called my name out.



The voice almost sounded like Brittney?

Oh shit.


Hey lovelies,

I’ m back with an update, it like 12:35am and I just really wanted to update this story for you guys,  a little slow on the updates but I promise guys I will get back into my writing habit. I’ve just somehow don’t know what to write anymore, but hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, please leave a comment down below and tell me what you think and also vote! <3

PROBLEM: What is Carter still hiding about? And how come Daniel seems to know more stuff about Carter than Tori? And could Daniel be telling the truth?

DEDICATION: What was your favourite part of this chapter and why? Leave a comment down below and let me know, because I miss your guy’s comment’s like hell.

QUESTION (WIN A SHOUTOUT): What do you guys think will happen on the next chapter? Do you think Carter was talking about Tori to the guy he had threaten at lunch? (Whoever’s I liked best, will get a shoutout!)

Fun facts:

#1: Daniel was never meant to be in this chapter, but after changing it so many times I decided to add him on the chapter – hence the name/title as the chapter.

#2: Tori was supposed to have a conversation with Carter about that fight she had seen about a week ago. But that will happened next chapter.

#3: Brittney was never meant to have a brother, but I thought that maybe Daniel being Brittney’s brother can stir things up a little.

#4: I like to have a cliff-hanger at the end of my chapters. Mostly because when I next update I can look back and be like ‘Oh I know what to right next for this chapter’ so I also added the part where Daniel had been to Mexico with Carter, but we don’t know if it’s 100% true.

Thank you so much you guys! You don’t understand or know how much you guys are in my life, like I’m always thinking about when to update because I don’t want most of you guys waiting, so I was like I just need to type something up and post it. That’s what I did, and I hope you really enjoyed! I love you guys so much! <3

Stay beautiful, Jessica <3

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