da hood hoe

By greey_eyed_lexxi

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da hood hoe

1.2K 3 5
By greey_eyed_lexxi

life aint easy in da hood

But my life, well dats just a whole different story.






My names new-new, yh i noe funni nme but it suits me cah i always rock da new, new shit.

Ma daddys frm jam rock n ma mummies brazilian so yes u guessd it! Dat mkes me mixxd raced but i look mor lykk a lyty cah i have lyk a goldish brwn skin complexion.

I have long golden hair which goes down my back whick i always slikk n honey eyes. My breasts are 34DD and i hav a big batty.

Im 16 and live by myself in a 3bedroom flat outta da ghetto lykk 10mins away frm da ghetto because my daddy died in a drive by (wronge identity) and my mother took a drug overdose.

I try not to think about it so much but yh dats lyff inih, evri1sz gna die 1dai n evri1sz gna leave u, i learnt frm daii 1 to never rely on ani1 frm da strt.

I only noe da hood so thats were i'll stay for nw until i find a way out.

Waking up frm a deep sleep i screwed the body next to me snoring.

Kmt has he not gone yet?!

I startd shaking him.

"hmmm" he groaned

Me:"ayyy breddah its tym to go! Chop chop!"

I clapped in his ears getting up from da bed and picking up my towel going into da bathroom.

I started brushing my teeth until satisfied and went into da shower scrubbin my self of all da sex odour on my body.

Warpping the towel around my body walking bakk in to my bedroom i turnt da straitners on.

Me:"blud, u styll er fam!?"

He yawned rubbin he's eyes

"fam! I swr ive lst ratings! U remember hu i am?!"

I rolled my eyes and stoppd bcoz i noe wat he capable ov.

Stainsz, da general round endsz. My money supplier. He looksz after me but i dnt cre coz its kinda hott he's gna leave me 1 daii.

Stainz:"fam im not gna leav u!"

I hated dis! He always noe's wat im finkin about. How can he do dis!

Me:"i dnt givva fukk if u leave me!"

Plz dnt leav me, i need u

Stainz:"u wuld cre, u need me"

Dis jus got me angri! I hated da way he read me lyk a open book! I dnt allow my slf to open up 2 ani1¡! Hw duzz he noe me!

Me:"u hungri???"

Stainz:"yh bbz"

He sd sittin up

Me:"me 2! But sadly dersz no food inda hous!"

Stainz:"lets go asda den inih"


He lookd at my digital clokk on my bedside table which read 10:17am

Stainz:"naaa ama go yrd n get chngd 1st so at 2:30 yh"

Me:"kmt suuure"

I said sarcasticly

Stainz:"i promise bbz"

Me:"u noe promises r mde up ov lies rite"

Stainz:"new new, i'll neva lie 2 yu yu"

He sd chukklin

Me:"haha vri funni"

I replied sarcasticlly wlkin 2 my wardrobe takin out da clothes im gna wear 2dai.

I took out my gold vestop which said 'golden daisz' on da frnt in big bold glittery writing and my lite blue batty ridersz and turnt around to place it on da bed 2 c strainz already dressd.

Strainz:"bbz ama phn u at 2 yh"

I ignored him n carried on duin ma ting.


I lookd up


Strainz:"man luvvz u"

He den lft

I creamed my skin with coa coa butter and slippd into my gold thong and gold bra.

I sat down n straitend da frnt ov ma hair leavin da bakk curly n slikkd da frnt wiv gel as a syd fringe n slikkd it into a curly pony tail.

I put my vestop on which mde my breast stikk awt n put ma shrts on which wer baare tite!

I put on my big gld hoops which sd goldie in da middle in my big gold chain and gold braclets

I painted my toes and nails gld n put on my gold sandals i den put my bronz eyeshadow on wiv blakk mascara bronz blusher n shiny lipgloss.

I wz duuuurn n i loookd smexxi lykk!

Da tym wz nw 1:45 coz i tke ma tyyym 2 get readi n pikkd up ma rusty nokia phn errr it mkes me sikk.

Cah it wz july it wz baaaare hot owtsyd lykk.

20mins later it hit 2 n strainz txt me 2 go his yrd.

I pikkd up my phn n lip gloss n keys n left ma yard strait.

Da sun wz burnin ma skin lykk 10minz lata i wz inda ghetto, strainz bits i wlkd pass da prk wer all dem1sz wer jammin but dey soon clokkd me.

"ayy newnew! cum er gurl!"

I turnt around and startd wlkin 2 dem as dey likkd der lips.

"wer u off 2???"

Stainz yunga said, he's da sme age as me cah stainz is 19 inih.

Me:"off 2 ur oldasz yrd"

Y.stainz:"wah, he got summ???"

Me:"my business not ursz"

"so wen we gna get summ???"

Y.murkz said


Da rest ov dem agree'd

Me:"neva boo"

"sah wah, ur onli on dem big mans yh???"

Splash asks

Me:"u niggaz bee trippin n i got sum wer 2 be"

Y.stainz:"hw abwt later on"

He said as i strtd wlkin off


I shouted bakk wlkin off

"jheez! Bby cumm bk n shw us hw u wrk it!!!"


Looool der so jarwin


Telll me if its good so i can add mor ppl! I dunn diss outta boredom

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