Steve Short Story

By Bin0249

252 5 0

She wasn't expecting to fall in love, and neither was he. She lived her life on the ground and he was in the... More

Author's Note


23 1 0
By Bin0249

Monday Morning....

Remi arrived at Tony's to find it empty and the lights off. Puzzled, she asked Friday where Tony was. "He is in conference room three," she replied.
As she made her way to the conference room she didn't see any staff or Avengers in the hallway. She opened the door and was surprised to find everyone seated and waiting for her. "And here's the woman of the hour, Dr. Remi Spencer!" Tony said enthusiastically. Everyone stood and clapped as she walked into the room. Steve came to her side and took her jacket and bag.
"What is all this, Mr. Stark?" She adjusted her name badge, her glasses, and started to fidget with her hands. Steve could hear her heart rate picking up and grasped one of her hands to help her calm down.
"We've completed the project and I wanted to show everyone the quality of your work," Tony said. At the front of the room there were three cases and the glass gradually began to fade to clear. Each body suit was a different color and had different features to the light armor that was layered over it. Everyone oohed and ahhed when the suits were fully visible.
"The materials used are nearly as strong as vibranium. They have an aerodynamic quality along with flexibility and reinforced protection. They are also good for high or low altitude aerodynamics and heat signature minimization." Tony kept talking about all the specs of the suits and there was a case with wings coming out of a pack.
"These suits look amazing, Dr. Spencer," Natasha said as she approached. "Did you design one for each of the team members?" She asked.
"Thank you, Natasha. I'm not sure who gets what suit since Tony referred to them under nick names. I do know there is one for Captain America, one for a bug? And there is one for a cyborg?" Remi was puzzled as she hadn't met all of the team members yet.
"The cyborg one is for Bucky. You'll meet him tonight," Steve said near her ear.
"Why tonight?" Remi asked.
Just then Tony was talking loudly again. "Party tonight, 8:00pm sharp and dress up, ladies and gents. That includes you, too, Dr. Spencer. There's no getting out of it and I'm sure it's in your contract somewhere that you have to do what I say," Tony said as he winked at her.
Remi squeezed Steve's hand a little tighter. She didn't know what she was going to wear and would need to call her sister for help. Just the thought of wearing something different and being in a large group of people she didn't know made her feel dizzy. Steve noticed the change in her pulse and how she spaced out for a moment. "Are you ok, doll?" He asked as he placed a hand on her face.
"I-I just...just need some air," she panted out. He immediately grabbed a chair and guided her to sit down. "Just sit down and relax. Breathe for me ok?" He coaxed her as Natasha grabbed a bottled water for her. She also brought a folder so Steve could fan Remi. Everyone else started to notice she wasn't feeling well and stopped talking to look at her and crowd around. "Oh, I'm so sorry.... I just have anxiety...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your meeting," she panted out.
"Don't worry about them, doll. They've all had their own breakdown moments; we all get them," he said to comfort her.
Once everyone saw that Steve had the situation handled they crowded back to the suits, and casually listened for her to improve.
"Just look at me, right here and breathe. Take a deep breath, hold it in, and let it out," Steve coached her. He grasped her small hands in his large one and she held on to him for dear life.
"I'm so sorry, Steve. This is one of those things where I don't handle large groups of strangers and new experiences. It's all unknown to me and I just freak out. I got teased about it all the time in class." Remi was talking so fast, just wishing the floor would open up and swallow her.
"It's ok. It's nothing to be ashamed of," he said to her gently. "I'll be with you the whole time at the party or you could just not go. Tony was just joking when he said you had to go," Steve assured her.
Remi looked at Steve's intense blue eyes and couldn't deny wanting to please him. "If you can be brave and go to the party, then I can be brave, too," she said with a small smile.
Steve smiled in return and kissed her on the lips before he stood up. "It would make me really happy if you went to the party, but I won't pressure you. I'll still like you even if you don't go." He was serious in his tone, but his eyes were gentle as he looked down at her.
"It's ok. I'll go. I could use it as a learning experience," she said more to herself than to Steve.
"Come tell us more about the suits," Tony said, beckoning them over.
Remi gradually relaxed a little more as she talked about the suits to Bruce, Wanda, Natasha, Maria, and Phil. Science was her comfort zone and she would rather talk about numbers and alloys than try and meet new people.

Tony gave Remi and the rest of the team the day off to get ready for the party. Remi immediately called her sister Brielle for advice on a dress. "You have to help me! I have no idea what I'm doing and I don't think I have a dress that will be nice enough for this party." Remi was close to hyperventilating again and Brielle told her to calm down.
"Don't worry! I'll be over there tonight after work. I have some shoes you can borrow and I'll bring my makeup. You'll look amazing tonight," Brielle said.
"Thanks, Bri. I know we haven't always gotten along but this really means a lot to me," Remi said into the phone.
"We're family. We always stick together," Bri said lovingly.

Brielle arrived a little after 6 to help Remi get dressed. She even brought some wine over to help take off the edge. She knew how anxious and paranoid Remi could get in social situations. Even though she was the younger sister, she always stayed close to her at family gatherings and parties. There was always someone who wanted to tease or hit on Remi.
"Just don't think of it as a party. Just imagine it's an office and everyone is doing research on what it would be like to study human behavior disguised as a human," Brielle said.
Remi wrinkled her brow. "What? That doesn't even make sense. Why would humans be dressed up as humans?"
"Well, maybe they are not humans and everyone is really an ape like on Planet of the Apes, but they have human masks on. Everyone is studying everyone else and whoever gathers the most data wins!" Brielle said animatedly.
Remi was silent as she mulled over the idea. That just might work to help ease her nerves.
"Ok, you're all set! Ahh! I love my work!" Brielle said.
Remi was wearing a sleeveless black lacy cocktail dress that had a high collar. There was small detailing on the chest portion and the waist of the dress. Overall, it was modest dress but enough skin was hidden under lace to be alluring. Remi had a pair of strapped sandals and a simple gold bracelet to wear. Her hair was curled in waves as it hung loose and framed her face. Remi looked in the mirror and said, "I feel like an imposter. I never wear stuff like this," she said with a pout.
"Remi, don't be down on yourself. You look beautiful and Steve will think you look beautiful. Who cares what anyone else thinks. Even if you showed up in your work clothes you would still be amazing." Brielle hugged Remi from the side as they looked into the mirror. "Just remember to have fun tonight. All those people don't mean anything. Only Steve and he adores you," Brielle said with a smile.
"You're right, Brielle. Thanks for being such a good sister," Remi said as she hugged her back.
There was a light knock on the door and Brielle squealed as she ran to get it. She checked to make sure it was Steve and then she opened the door all the way. He was a little surprised to see her there but remembered meeting her just the day before. "Come in! Come in!" She said as she motioned him in with her hands. "Remi is ready to go; she just needs to grab her jacket."
Steve waited as he looked down the hallway of her small apartment. His breath caught in his throat as he saw her walking down the hall. She looked so soft and sexy with the warm light from the hallway. Her hair was gorgeous and he couldn't wait to put his hands in it. He closed his mouth and cleared his throat as he looked at her. "You look amazing," he finally managed to say.
She looked at him in his grey suit and said, "You clean up pretty nicely, too." She could see the round bulges of his muscled shoulders and the tightness of his sleeves over his biceps. His large hands were down by his side and she could see the way his pants hugged his thick thighs. A stampede of butterflies ran through her heart and stomach as she blushed. She knew with his super hearing he could hear her heart rate increase with her arousal.
"Shall we?" He asked as he offered her his arm.
"By Brielle!" Remi called as they both left.

When they were alone again, Steve looked down at her tenderly. "You look so beautiful tonight." He lowered his face to hers and gave her a slow and tender kiss.

When they arrived at the tower and rode the elevator up, she was a bundle of nerves. Her hands were shaking and her senses were in overdrive. The lights were too bright, the faces too close, and voices too loud. Steve could sense her unease and continued to hold her hand. They walked out to the opulent banquet hall where Tony was hosting his party. Natasha was by the door to greet them along with Dr. Banner and a young girl named Wanda. Remi stayed close to Steve the entire time, latched onto his arm. Natasha could sense she was nervous and handed her a mixed drink to calm her nerves. Remi gave her a silent thanks as she and Steve made their rounds.

Finally, they made their way to the back of the room that was near the doors to the balcony. Bucky and Sam were waiting for Steve and Remi. Remi could hear the two of them arguing before she saw them. Sam turned around and smiled. "So you must be the Remi that I've heard so much about," he said as he extended his hand to her. "I'm Sam Wilson."
She shook his hand and smiled at him. "And you remember Bucky," Steve said as Bucky smiled and lifted his drink in greeting to her.
"Yes. It's nice to see you again," she said nervously.
"So what are you two arguing about this time? Wait, do I even want to know?" Steve said playfully.
Bucky rolled his eyes and said, "Nah, it's nothing important and I already know I'm right."
Sam threw his head back in exasperation and groaned. "I'm going to get another drink," he said to the group as he moved past Steve and Remi.
"Don't mind him; he'll be fine," Bucky said casually.
"The view here is amazing. I never actually stop to look at it since I'm always working in the lab," Remi said to Steve as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Hey lovebirds!" Tony said as he found them on the balcony. "Sorry to interrupt, but I need to borrow Steve for a few minutes. There's some people he needs to talk to."
"You gonna be ok here with Buck?" Steve asked Remi.
"I'll be alright," she said as she smiled at him.
"It won't take too long, I promise," he said to her.
Tony escorted Steve away to a group of reporters and city leaders.
Remi watched the people in their fancy clothing inside the ballroom. She couldn't believe she was invited to a party by Tony Stark. Her thoughts were interrupted when Bucky suggested they go inside. "You look a little cold. Let's go inside. I need another drink anyways," he said to her. She followed him inside and he made his way to the bar. She sat on a barstool and sipped on the rest of her drink Natasha had gotten for her. Sam approached her from the other side so her back was to Bucky.
"Enjoying yourself tonight?" Sam asked her.
"Yes, I'm having a good time so far," she said to him.
"Well, if you ever get tired of Steve you can come home with me tonight," Sam said as he winked at her. He was obviously drunk or he wouldn't be hitting on Steve's girlfriend.
Remi cleared her throat nervously. "Um, I think I'll be ok with Steve," she said.
By this time, Bucky had his drink and was leaning against he bar looking out into the room. "Where's your date, Bucky? That waitress you picked up get tired of you already?" Sam asked in a loud voice.
Bucky made a face at Sam. "She didn't get tired of me. We just weren't right for each other."
Sam snickered and said, "Uh-huh. Didn't you meet her the day before Steve met Remi?"
Bucky looked at Sam with a warning glare. "I did meet her a few days before Steve met Remi, but what does that have to do with anything?"
"Does she know?" Sam asked incredulously. "She doesn't know," Sam said under his breath.
This question peaked Remi's curiosity and attention. She really didn't know what Sam and Bucky were talking about, but now she was involved some how.
"Know what?" Remi asked as she looked between the two men.
"Oh, it's nothing to worry about," Bucky said with a grin. He was trying to turn on the charm and get Sam to drop the subject.
"Steve and Bucky had a friendly wager. They each had to ask out the next female they saw within a certain time frame and Steve lost. He always does," Sam said.
"The next female they saw? As in any person?" Remi asked.
Bucky was glaring at Sam at this point. It sounded so bad coming from his mouth and that's not how the situation really played out. But Remi didn't know this.
"Do you always bet on how to meet women?" Remi asked Bucky.
"No, no. It's not like that at all. The team meets with a counselor and we're encouraged to try new things socially. So I made it a contest with Steve to try and get him out of his shell," Bucky explained.
Remi frowned as she tried to process what he was saying.
"So when Steve met me and asked me out to dinner, it was because of a bet you had?" Remi stood from the bar stool and looked between Sam and Bucky, hurt etched on her face. Her stomach dropped and the familiar feeling of shame and embarrassment flooded her skin.
They were both at a loss for words to do damage control at this point.
"It's not like that. Just, just wait until Steve gets here and he can explain," Bucky said as he laid a hand on her shoulder. He was desperate to not have her angry with Steve or hurt over a misunderstanding.
"I think I've heard enough," she said firmly. She pushed Bucky's hand off her shoulder and started towards the door. Bucky grabbed her arm and she turned to him with tears in her eyes. "Let me go, please," she said as her face crumpled.
She raced out of the tower and Happy saw her leaving Sam and Bucky. He followed her down to the main lobby where he stopped her before she went outside.
"Ma'am, I don't know what happened and why you want to leave, but let me drive you home," he said to her sympathetically.
Tears were streaming down her face and she was trying to stop the sobs and hiccups. She nodded at Happy and he guided her back to the elevator to take her to the parking garage.

At the party, Steve came back from his meeting with the reporters to find Bucky and Sam arguing again.
"Why'd you have to open up your big mouth?!" Bucky said as he pushed Sam in the shoulder.
"I thought she knew! I though Steve would have been honest enough to tell her why he asked her out. That's what you told me! I didn't know it was a secret!" Sam yelled back at Bucky.
"What's going on?" Steve asked with a furrowed brow.
"Sam told Remi you asked her out on a bet. She doesn't know the whole story of how you said you couldn't do it and just asked her out anyways," Bucky said with a sad look on his face. "She was pretty upset and didn't wait for you."
Steve's mouth fell open and he sighed heavily. "Where is she?"
"She left. I don't know where she went," Bucky said.
Steve just looked at Sam and Bucky and shook his head. He knew it really wasn't Sam and Bucky's fault and he couldn't blame her for being mad at him.
"I gotta go," Steve said to Bucky.
"Let me come with you," Bucky said.
"No, I need to speak to her alone," Steve said as he turned away.

Happy took Remi to her apartment and she promptly changed clothes and found a pint of ice cream in her freezer. She curled up on the couch, wondering how this had happened to her. She was used to being bullied in her younger years, teased by her family, but this was a whole different level than what she was used to. She thought she was past having to guard herself around people, especially men. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard knocking at her door. "Remi, I need to talk to you," Steve said through the door. "Please, let me in. I don't know what Bucky said to you but I want to clear things up." He paused for a moment. "It's not what you think..."
Remi was hurt and angry. She felt betrayed and humiliated by America's Sweetheart. She knew things were too good to be true. She got up off the couch and stormed over to the door. "I don't want to hear what sick joke you and Bucky were in on. I'm a person and I have feelings too. I thought you were honest with me, but you're nothing but a liar!" She shouted the last part at him through the door.
Steve laid his forehead against her door. She was partly right and he knew he should have told her about the bet sooner. "I'm sorry, Remi. I never meant to hurt you. Just please, let me explain," he pleaded with her.
"I think you need to leave. And don't call me," Remi said to him.
Steve walked away in defeat. It was all a misunderstanding but he wanted to respect her wishes.
As soon as Remi heard the ding of the elevator, she collapsed on the ground crying. She felt like her heart was being crushed in her chest. After a few minutes of sobbing, she put away her ice cream and got ready for bed. She wasn't planning on going to work tomorrow. There was no way she could face Steve or Mr. Stark.

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