My Bestfriend Brother

By swype_House_21

19.9K 213 68

Your name is Nessa Barrett.Your 17 years old and You live in New Jersey.Your Bestfriend is Charli She is Josh... More

Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One

Part Two

1.1K 12 3
By swype_House_21

♡You wake up at 7am and get up and brush your hair and do skincare and put on some light makeup and then you go to your wardrobe and pick a outfit and put it on♡

                   ♡Your outfit♡

♡You walk downstairs and see jaden sitting at the island in the kitchen so you go over and grab a apple♡

Jaden:That all your gonna eat

Nessa:Yeah I'm not hungry

♡You kept waking up during the night thinking about josh♡

Jaden:Come on we need to go get charli and josh

Nessa:What about mads

Jaden:She is going with addison


♡You and jaden go out to the car and you get in the back and drive to josh's and Charli house and jaden beeps and they come running out your a bit nervous to see josh since last night you and josh kissed.Charli gets in the back with you and josh gets in the front beside jaden♡

Charli:I'm so excited for my date tonight.Are you coming over to my house to help me get ready


Charli:My parents are out of town tonight.So you can wait for me to get back


♡You look at josh but he isn't even paying attention to you.Then you guys arrive at school and you and charli walk in and grab your books from your locker and then you see Riley coming over♡

Riley:Hey guys


Charli:Hi so Riley are you coming over to help me get ready with ness

Riley:I wish I could but my cousin are coming over so I can't


Riley:Tell me how it goes though

Charli:Of course

Nessa:So does anyone has English

Riley:I have maths

Charli:I have English

♡The bell rings and you and charli walks to English when you walk in you see jaden and josh.You and Charli go and sit behind them♡

Charli:So I was thinking you could just sleepover tonight

Nessa:Yeah I mean I would have to ask my ma but she will probably say yeah


♡Jaden turns around and faces you♡

Jaden:I'm staying at mads tonight


♡Josh turns and looks at you then charli♡

Josh:No dorks better be coming over tonight

Charli:Oh shut up It's just nessa

Josh:And she is a dork


♡He looks at you and then turns back around.Skip to after school not much happened in school.You and Charli walk out to the car and see jaden and josh waiting for you guys.You and Charli get into the back and ye guys drive to charli and josh house and you all walk in♡

Charli:Okay so we have 2 hours till my date so we need to start getting me ready

Jaden:2 hours that's plenty of time

Nessa&Charli:No it's not

♡You guys fun upstairs and charli hops in the shower and you sit on her bed and wait  for her to come out.After awhile she comes out in a towel and she starts to blow dry her hair♡

Charli:Okay you can pick my outfit but I'm trusting you


♡You pick her outfit♡

                   ♡Charli outfit♡

♡You do her makeup and straighten her hair♡

Nessa:You look stunning

Charli:Thank you I'm kinda nervous

Nessa:Don't be

Charli:What if he doesn't like me

Nessa:Charli he will like you.Your absolutely stunning and your personality is amazing so if he doesn't like you it's his lost

Charli:I love you

Nessa:I love you too

♡You hug her and josh knocks on the door♡

Josh:Chase is here


Josh:You look beautiful

Charli:Omg your been nice


Charli:I will see you in abit ness


♡She hugs you and goes downstairs and josh leaves and you go to herr wardrobe and get something comfy to wear♡

      ♡The outfit without the shoes♡

♡You hear a knock on the door♡

Nessa:Come in

Josh:Hey im ordering pizza do you want some

Nessa:Yeah sure


♡He goes and orders pizza and 20 mins later he comes back and puts two cans of Pepsi on the bed and pizza.You guys start eating and then he says♡

Josh:Btw that kiss yesterday was just a kiss so don't go thinking I like you or some shit

♡You were kinda hurt♡

Nessa:Yeah i know just a kiss

Josh:Yeah and don't make noise I have a girl coming over

Nessa:Yeah whatever

♡He gets up and grabs the finished pizza box♡

Nessa:Hey Josh


Nessa:Don't tell charli please

Josh:I won't

♡He leaves and you just lay in the bed until you hear the front door opening and hear josh and some random girl talking and then you hear Josh's bedroom door opening and closing.You sit there for a hour until charli walks in♡

Nessa:Your back


Nessa:Soo how did it go

Charli:Really good before I came in we kissed


Charli:I know we went to this romantic dinner and it was so nice I seen such a different vibe than fuckboy Chase

Nessa:Aw I'm so happy for you char

Charli:Thank you ness

♡She goes into the bathroom and changes and comes out♡

Charli:Do you wanna watch friends


♡You guys watch friends and charli ends up falling asleep so you turn off the tv but you can't sleep so you decide to go downstairs.You hear noise coming from the kitchen and you walk and see josh in the kitchen without a shirt on♡

~Your thoughts~

Shit he is hot

~End of thoughts~

Nessa:Oh sorry I didn't know anyone was down here

Josh:It's fine I couldn't sleep

Nessa:Why your booty call keeping you up

Josh:Is someone jealous

Nessa:What no

Josh:Whatever she left


♡You go over to the press to reach for a drink but you could reach so you feel josh move over you and he grabs it and you can smell his cologne♡


♡He hands you the drink♡

Nessa:Thanks.I should go back to bed


♡You walk upstairs and walk into the room and put your drink on the sidetable and you get into the bed and you fall asleep♡

☆To be continued☆

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