The Depression Storm: The Com...

By Twright7597

16 1 0

This is the complete Poetry series of the Depression Storm about love, heartbreak, social justice and issues... More

The Depression Storm

16 1 0
By Twright7597


*Guidance: Physical guidance, not a mentor, but more like a big brother or big sister not a drug dealer or someone who always has a gun. We all need someone to talk to, hear our problems, don't judge, accept who we are, pray with us, show us a better way, and help us along the way, furthermore if a person wants to leave don't force them to stay. Not like a therapist who is going to charge you just to lie or sit and don't understand what you talking about unless they've been in that situation. More like a friend whom you can call on and no matter what the situation is or how bad y'all fall out they still come. Mental illness is not anything to play with, too much going on to not just leave a person with crazy thoughts. We all were brought up differently and we see things differently. It's important to reach out to another person no matter what the situation is because life is too short and you don't know when the last time you go to see that person. Go out and be somebody's physical guidance, but if it's not in your heart don't force yourself.

*Rape victims: #me too movement

We all have a past and we all have been in dark days. The hurtful thing is letting your past hurt you mentally, emotionally, and physically as well. As a child, you were just learning and exploring new things until someone foolishly came in and took advantage of you and your childhood. Growing up traumatized, It's hard for you to stay focus so you say fuck it I'm going to do what I want to know, be another statistic In the books. big head but no common sense, education is free, but don't want to learn, you a beautiful person, but don't want challenge your mind, all you thinking about sex, sex, sex all the time, doing the evil things that are destroying the minds of our young kings and queens. If you overcome it, stand up against rapists who prey on children like yourself. Children these days go through so much, because parents are not putting the belt on them, not teaching, nor setting a positive example. Plus when the child is doing wrong there is no discipline and bringing their child around somebody that doesn't know how to treat a child. Some parents are so simple-minded that they would let the government tell them how to raise their children. We have to do better and not let the devil get to us because we need each other to get through the hard times that we've been through in our past to overcome. so we can teach and empower the children of today. The world is getting worse and there are so many baby killers than ever. We all need love and help no matter how hard the situation is we have to keep pushing and teaching so that we can stand up against hate and harming children together.

*Life lesson ( you have to learn from your mistakes)

Sometimes the person that you want is not meant for you, certain people are there for you just because of what you have or what you do for them. I was a victim of being used in both ways, trying to figure out why the females that I was in love with didn't want to stay. new generations versus the old generations. I have a cycle to break and I'm trying to be different from what everybody stereotypes me to be. When you get heartbroken by a spouse it's best to keep positive, stay out of the way, keep busy, and love yourself before you try to love anyone else. Trust me I am a witness to loving females, getting dogged out, played, and being taken advantage of by them all. I wish I had some type of glasses that I can see what is the purpose of why you in my life, it will make things a whole lot better, but that is kind of judging in a way. It's best to know the person first before you jump into anything. Remember some people are there for a reason and a season. If you pay close attention to their movement some are there for a blessing and a lesson so stay focused.

*White privilege ( stop the racism )

White privilege: not to cause a race war but it this ridiculous that Bill Cosby got accused of something that happened long ago. All the time when you are a successful black man doing great everyone is going to try to bring you down with lies. It's all going back to slavery when the white woman lied on a black man to get him hurt or killed just like what happened to Emmitt til. Racism is still here and it never went anywhere. Now we have blacks going against each other but dare to say black lives matter when blacks are going against whites for Shooting and killing a black man that is so backward. All lives matter not just one race but all races, we are one in God's eyes. White privilege is going around strongly in order words a white person can get anything that they want because whites stick together like glue on the other hand blacks have so much hate for each other we just miss a blessing. Another example of white privilege when whites win more awards than blacks when it comes to actors and artists, but when it's time for blacks to win something they are half dead or older age. Some blacks turn on each other and go to the other races but dare to cross their kind. Bleaching their skin is not right especially when you are trying to blend in somewhere you don't belong. That is what you call uncle Tom or a coon when they kiss butt or try to be white instead of loving the skin they are in. White privilege is not fair how we as blacks get picked over, accused, get laid back, or pushed because of the color of our skin.

*Too much ( be careful whom you help)

Too much: when you have a big heart you tend to do so much for individuals until you realize it's too much when you don't get the same treatment in return. Nobody has the same heart nor the same motives so you have to be careful whom you help, because they will take advantage of the kindness and use it to their weakness to get what they can get out of you. Playing you like a toy when it gets old, time to get a new one to play with, then lie saying I got your back when you need me or I'll pay you back just to keep prolonging the fact it will never happen just to say something to be talking with no proof just to give you hope. Selfishness just on top of the list of what people are on. It's not right to take out your frustration on someone who is trying to help you, because someone else did you dirty. What is the point of doing it for folks and who are so ungrateful wanting more, because they are not happy with what you gave and if you give it all to satisfy their needs you will never hear from them again. When your heart is big, YOU tend to give more, but receive less and feel bad when your feelings get abused by the society of misloved, selfish, and weaknesses you begin to turn dark on the inside unless you know how to release your anger. Sometimes it feels like God doesn't see you, but he does every time he wakes you up he is blessing you. When you do something for somebody don't talk about it nor look for them to throw a boomerang that is how individuals mess up on their blessings. If you do something from the heart let the lord reward you, he will send you something in return even if you have done wrong, confess in your way. Just don't do too much, because too much can be turned into so much and they use you like a puppet. Be careful whom you help.

*Trying to mend a broken heart ( getting over the pain)

Trying to mend a broken heart. After failed relationships for seven years, I decided to put my heart on a block. Falling back and focusing on yourself is the way to go. If that person loves you for who you are and want to be with you it will show. If a woman has bad taste in men it's best not to date any men. Good people are rare on this earth, the devils are showing their true colors and we let the good ones pass us by. The ones that we want in our lives are not what God said that we need. We need him at the end of the day, because of all this chaos that is going on. After you give your all, love, and everything to a person who doesn't deserve it, that can drive a person over the edge or don't want to be around anyone. Exposing your feelings can make a person shut down and turn cold In the heart. It's best to be yourself around your family and someone that you love close to you. In reality, nobody is going to accept you but God, because everyone else judges and looks over you. Hard to trust after your heart has been in the hands of a dark, evil, selfish person. Sometimes a person just wants to be alone to deal with the pain, because we all grieve differently. It takes time to get over a broken heart. What is going on is that love has changed, because of the good individuals getting hurt by the ones who are wondering or not ready for real love. After Been broken make you not wanna be in love anymore. Where is real love? It's not the same anymore.

*Scorned person ( getting over from being broken)

What is a scorned person? someone who has been broken in pieces by the devil who is seeking the opposite of love. A person that is hurting from a meaningful relationship. An individual that is bitter and hurt thinks he or she deserves love, respect, loyalty, or power. Respect takes you a long way in life, but people don't understand. Being bitter doesn't come by night. It comes from being loyal to someone who doesn't deserve it. In this generation, it's going to be hard to find love, respect, and loyalty. Some people love whom they want, respect those who don't deserve it. All the pain that was caused is not recovered, so you DO odd things to keep your mind of it. A Lot of people have different theories about how to get over a breakup you either keep busy, deal with the pain alone, or get under someone else. Time heals all wounds, it's going to take some time to get over the pain, but you can't go around people carrying the hurt that somebody caused you, because of their selfish pleasure. In other words, you can't date when you are hurt, because you cause more damage to a person and expect that person to know how to fix it when something is wrong. As a scorned person it is best to stay to yourself and deal with the hurt alone. Don't talk your problems out with people, because you are going to hear about them. Talk it over with God what is going on the inside is safe with him.

*What is a friend ( a true friend is so hard to find)

What is a friend: these days people are using that word like a tattoo OR a trend to make it cool. Yea we all need someone to lean on when times get rough, but your true friend is your creator. He always got you even when you were wrong, his love is unconditional. Everyone you meet ain't your friend until you get to know that person or y'all been through tough times together. friendships start from the bottom, that is the way that you know it's real when both have conversation, understanding, respect, and love for each other. It's so hard to find good people let alone a good friend because selfishness is the new trend now and money is the ruler. The only way a person can tell a good friend is when they look out for you when you are in need and you do the same thing that is what you call a good friendship plus those the type of people you have to keep around. It's best to be careful whom you call your friend and whom you associate your business to because loyalty ain't the same anymore. People come and go like seasons and the weather; moreover, God brings people in to teach a lesson or to form a blessing. moochers who always want a handout but never dish out when they have something. The only thing that an individual wants is your presence or when you come through with a hand full of favors and then lie saying I'll pay you with no confirmation that you will get it back. A friend is supposed to help not harm, accept you not judge, have your back not go against you. It's a 50/50 type of friendship, not 50/40 because we all need someone to console when there is nobody around to hear you cry. What is a friend to you?

*I'm stuck with you

I'm stuck with you, Like a child who comes out of a mother's womb.

I'm stuck with you, Like peanut butter getting stuck on the top of your tongue.

I'm stuck with you, like a permanent marker on a wall.

Come to me because I want to give you my all.

I'm stuck with you as pinto beans stick to your ribs.

I'm not going to tell you what it was, I'm going to tell you what it is. I'm stuck with you, like a clock that is glued on a pole or nailed to a wall.

BABY, to me you are like gold and you are the only female that I love to hold.

I'm glued to you like your favorite color.

Close to you like your brother or sister.

I'm attached to you like your heart.

BABY, I will be your light, I will never leave you in the dark. I'm stuck with you like your favorite food.

I'm stuck with you like your favorite outfit.

I'm not going to let you go, because you are heaven-sent. I'm stuck with you, like the man above.

Just don't throw my love away or I don't want you to remember how the love was.

I want you to catch my love in the air with a glove.

I don't want your love or your heart to be bottled up.

I'm stuck with you and close to you like the twins with the same identity. When I fall I just want you to be always with me.

I'm stuck with you, like the color of a flat screen.

I'm stuck with you, as the threads of a bed.

I'm there for you when your mouth is dry and cool your mouth with your favorite beverage.

Please don't let My love for you die.

I'm stuck with you, Like car paint, there may be bumps and bruises, but I'm holding on.

Don't THINK I'm crazy, but I just don't want you to leave me alone. I'm there WITH YOU until the world blows.

If THE love is not there, I'm going to keep trying until I can't anymore. I love you and I will always love you.

I'm just stuck with you until God calls me home.

*Bias ( playing favorites )

Why play both sides? instead of being a peacemaker. Why not speak your mind on how you feel? Are you scared that someone is going to disagree with you?

Why play favorites on a job and we are all trying to get the money?

Why hate on each other or disagree? How come we can't just get along?

Certain people don't understand that working together is so much better than working alone. Followers follow, leaders lead. Most of the time the ones that are judged are the main ones proving the haters wrong.

Vice versa with males and females, they play favorites to the one they like, but when they get double-crossed or get did wrong they look stupid.

Don't judge what you don't know, don't be biased, love all.

*So deeply in love with her ( past love )

I want to be a part of her like her favorite music she likes listening to every day.

I want her to feel me, like a fitted dress that shows her curves. I always want her to think about me like her favorite things she enjoys doing. I want to make her feel good like a love potion.

I want her to wear me like her favorite piece of jewelry.

I want her to lay on me like her favorite mattress with the right size she likes. I want to be her favorite music to ease her mind.

I want to be her favorite topic she talks about a lot.

I want her to be able to come to me before she goes to anybody else. I want us to be able to check, need to hear, and want each other. When times get rough I want us to help each other and praise God together.

I want her TO feel the beat of my heart like when she plays her favorite instrument.

I want to be a part of her heart so I can see it skip a beat and take the darkness away.

This is my way of having sex, there is nothing wrong with enjoying each other company and being one with one another.

I'm just so in love with her from her head to her toe. I'm so INTO her like an overprotective parent.

*What is the appearance ( you should not judge a person based on What that individual wear )

What is appearance: the internet defines it as someone's arrival or how a person looks on the outside. Our parents always tell us to dress appropriately when we go out, Before we go on a job interview, dress up in professional wear and look like we want the job. You indeed have to look a certain way when you get out because people judge what's on the outside instead of the inside of your heart with no hesitation. If you look thrown away ain't nobody going to look at you, you have to fake it to make it at times. What is appearance: is it something that hides people from who they are? Or is it a foundation that people look for in a person or is it a sex appeal that turns people to you and always wants to be around you? What is appearance: it's something that both genders put as their priority to get other people's attention for someone can give them compliments so they can feel good about themselves when they have low self-esteem. It's a need THAT some people have to get to look a certain way when you are around different people, go somewhere or on a job site. What is appearance: in my opinion, it's YOUR arrival and the way you carry yourself as a person, How your heart is, and also how you treat people. You can get a neat individual up and down the dress to the tee, inside of the heart ain't right, but that person still gets accepted by other people, until someone finds out that person's motives and how they are. Turning it from racial profiling to self profiling. This means if you are not looking a certain way then you can't go anywhere or someone that is evaluating how you look so they can pick and choose. Why is this reversal judgment based on your clothes how you look when you come out? To most people, it should be what you put out and the work you put in, how helpful you are, HOW respectful, or how good your heart is, but it's not. Start acting differently until they get to know you. At times you get to know a person to see who they are. then you get to see what others don't see. YOU tell that individual "hey you are a good person keep it up", but the person doesn't know the struggle that he or she has to go through in this judgemental world. Certain people don't understand it's all about how you treat people, Not changing who you are for your appearance. It's best to be happy, comfortable, and loving yourself not to feel obligated to do something that you don't want to do. Has anyone ever heard what is good on the outside? It's always not great on the inside. We all struggle differently, God put angels on his earth that don't look at the outside and look at the good of all people no matter how bad they screwed up. You got to have confidence, don't care what anybody says, because we all human and have to answer to one man who is the judge and jury. So tell me what is appearance to you?

*You will never know what a person is going through ( don't be so judgemental, help someone)

you will never know what a person is going through unless you are in their shoes or have been in their shoes. Anybody can say I know how you feel or I got you or use other slang words just to get their point across and interrupt you from talking. You will never know what a person is going through until you listen to their story with no judgment. You will never know what a person is going through unless you try to get closer or get to know that individual. A loner in my definition is a person who likes to be alone so they won't have to deal with drama from people and other things. A people person is the opposite of that, People rather judge than help, hate than love, kill than bring peace. All the time when a person is hurting he or she needs a hug, a good laugh, and someone to have their back through the mud and to say that I love you with some action behind it. You will never know what a person is going through until you see that person commit a crime or do something wrong in the heat of the moment than you want to bring up questions like a therapist trying to get more ammo to use or to tell people what happen just to start a conversation with someone that you barely know or to try to get to know. You will never know what a person is going through until you see that individual disappear for a long period. no type of conversation until you see that person again wondering what happens and that person says a lot been going on and someone suggests to hit them up, but the feeling ain't right or that judgemental state of mind kicks in, but you will never know what that person can do or say to uplift your spirit or your life. You will never know what a person going through so stop judging and help someone.

*Semester buddies ( school life)

Semester buddies: in school every spring, summer, and fall. You have buddies that you meet to talk to, hang with, and get through the class with a difficult teacher who is trying to challenge your mind. Some classmates are willing to help, willing to see what each other knows, so y'all can come together and get an A or a passing grade. The important thing is to stick and work together. Every failed grade should be motivation to do better or a chance to partner up with someone, so you can get a better outcome next time, there is no room for failure. All students need someone to motivate them to tell them It's going to be okay and help them out with what they know about the subject. No student shouldn't be left behind if the teachers work with the students to achieve through the class. You don't know anybody struggles until YOU understand, as a student, we have a lot on our plates trying to work and go to school besides that deal with teachers who are trying to make a subject hard and it's not. There should be a law, a student-teacher law help the students or you don't get paid. 50 percent end up dropping a class because the teachers were not understanding, but that is when your semester buddies come in its going to be hard to find one because there is a stupid trend circulating call selfish. keeping everything to themselves than, but when it's flip they ask a question "can anybody help me". The only way you know you have a good semester buddy is when y'all always stay in touch with one another, have each other backs, and never stray from one another.

*Facts and opinion ( feelings on the society and this generation)

Facts and opinions: Sometimes the person that you want not meant for you, certain people are there for you just because of what you have or what you do for them. I have been a victim of being used in both ways, trying to figure out why the females that I was in love with didn't want to stay. I was judged, but I had to realize too much self need leads to self-destruction. Everybody wants to stop the violence, but trap music is still playing, hood movies are still being made, Guns are still selling, these shooting games are still on the shelves and people still playing, rated R and sexual conduct movies and shows are still on television to corrupt the minds, so how are we going to stop the chaos? These kids are being exposed to sex or having sex at an early age how are we going to stop it when the R&B and rap Artists' songs are all about getting an individual unclothed and having intercourse with each other instead of getting to know a person. This type of behavior is messing up the minds of the young people of today, but if they see the effect of it very few will walk away and be different. How are we going to stop smoking, but we have every corner store and gas stations that sell cigarettes, swishers, black and mild, and everything else to get you high. You can quit, but it's all in the mind, what a lot of individuals do They trick their minds to say I have to get it in my life, but they are allowing themselves to get addicted to the wrong medicine. Some individuals think money rules them or they need money to make it, but think outside the box and use your brain. You can't let money be your getaway, use your talent, but don't let it go to waste.

*The woman of my dreams ( trying to love a female)

*Hello, my Love how you been.

I know you are surprised to see me again.

I know things went south between us.

I see you jumping into relationships trying to find someone who loves you unconditionally.

Giving your love to people who don't deserve your presence. Even after all the drama and pain, you caused me I will still be there.

As a friend, I know everything about you that you are trying to force somebody to know.

Sometimes it hurts to see you getting with guys who don't love you as I do, please you like I can.

I try not to get too close because I want you to take me seriously. I see things and I hear stuff, but nothing is accurate unless you have proof. You get dogged out by the guys you choose and your heart is being abused.

I pull back from you because I can't take the fuckery of you not seeing my heart.

When you weep my heart cries out for you saying try me because I won't put you through no pain.

If you were my girl: I will take away your worries and pain. I want to make a difference in your life. Loving you will be so right and I will hold you so tight.

It hurts being your friend noticing that you are not going to try me and you are still picking the wrong fellas. Don't worry nobody is going to take your spot.

I'm not going to give your love to anyone else LIKE these other people just want to fuck and leave.

I pray that God will show whom he wants you to be with, but until then I will sit here and wait till you come back to me. While I'm waiting for you, I'm saving myself for that special moment with you. I'm here for you my love. See you later my love.

To the mothers ( showing my appreciation to the women who gave birth Hello ladies, wake up, because this is a special day.

Let the Lord shine his goodness on you with the sun, drop his love on you with the rain, because inside and out you are a very beautiful lady.

You carried us for nine months with the pain, agony, and morning sickness behind it.

When WE were born, you held us with love and care. The first time we laid eyes it was like love at first sight and ever since then, you protected us from harm and danger.

Growing up, we were dressed in the finest clothes and shoes. If we weren't, you made a way for us to have it. You put a roof over our heads and a bed to lay in, at the end you taught us how to love and care. When you beat us, it was out of love when you took something away that we love or made us work for something we want or punish us for something wrong that we did that was tough love.

Y'all are warrior women blessed with the love of the lord. Certain things never went your way, but you kept pushing and striving.

Women in this society don't get much respect or love like they should, because it's full of sex, racism, and corruption. with all the madness going on, you were there to keep us calm. Even though you made mistakes, you were always the one that said don't follow in my steps and be better than me. You made sure that we had a great education and the best of everything because you realize that life ain't easy. You congratulate us when we do good you get at us when we do wrong. When we got heartbroken you were there to tell us that everything is going to be okay. We were hard-headed and we had to find out things on our own. You prayed for us when we were too stupid to pray for ourselves. God did a great thing by putting you as a mother and a great friend. We might not have the best of everything, but with your help and God's help, we will work and be patient. We may not show you that you are the greatest, but our love is everlasting. Thank you for being the best mom that you could be. We love you and you deserve love. Cheers!

To the female I wanted, but she went to the Otherside

Baby girl, I want you.

You slipped under my fingers because you didn't understand how much I loved you.

We go together like peanut butter and jelly.

I want my love to fall on you like confetti.

You never tried me, but you judged me on what I couldn't do for you. I'm hurting because you are doing good things to the wrong guy. I tell you I love you every day because you are still the joy of my life. Every day I wish that you can see me for who I am.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you because you are worth it.

No matter WHAT the situation is, YOU can always come back and make it right.

Forget about the mistakes you made to ME, come home and all forgiven.

Every day and every night I think about you and how I miss you when it was me and you.

We have a lot in common writing, education, and attitudes.

Before you came into my life, I prayed that I meet someone with the same everything as me. forgive me for being so attached it's just something about you I love.

In the midst of the wicked and corruption going on, YOU picked the wrong side, because OF money and what EVERYONE was saying.

I would love for you to come back to me so I can love you the way God told me to love you.

You will always be my love, My Angel, My baby.

Until you come back, I will wait until the end of the world, because you are the woman that I want and I love you.

fell too hard

I'm so tired of broken promises.

I'm so torn my love has not been right since.

I'm tired of getting my heart broken and stolen by the wrong person who is trying to play games.

I fell too hard for a female that didn't love me.

She fell for the trap of this young generation that everything glitters is gold, what is good on the outside is good on the inside.

The female that I love slipped in another guy's lap.

Baby, WHAT happened to us? I thought you were going to never leave me alone.

She let the other guys get in the way and just pushed me in the dark. Feeling so betrayed, I just don't know what to do anymore.

I fell for the right thing, heart, mind, and soul, but she wanted the opposite.

I have never been the type that has multiple sex partners or picks somebody random to have sex with.

I'm saving myself for the right one, not the wrong moment. These days you have to guard your heart and protect your mind

Certain people say for you to get over someone get somebody else, but that only causes headaches and pain.

There is no love out here in this world, due to people who have evil intentions and let situations change themselves.

Some individuals are after the things that they want instead of the things that they need. When they are going to wake up and realize that they are not always good for you.

I can't be friends with a female that I want to make love to. I fall so hard, but my heart breaks fast.

I just want to be laid up with one woman, we can make love. Loving someone should be easy, I want your heart, mind, and soul, so we can't ever go wrong.

I don't why I love it so hard, I guess it's just the way I am and I will never change that.

The same mistakes ( trying to break the pattern of loving the wrong person) The same mistakes ( trying not to repeat the same pattern)

I had to realize to let God control everything around me and the things I have no control over.

I refuse to be around trash that is going to stink instead of me taking it out.

Baby, I sent you a message saying, I know a lot is going on right now and people are dying left and right, but I just wanted to say that I love you. You gave me no response.

I see now that you are not the one, but you are being ignorant by not receiving my love and I never did anything to hurt you in any way.

I refuse to make the same mistakes that I see individuals make by continuing to have stinky trash in their life instead of taking it out.

I have been chasing you for years now and this is how you feel. It's going to hurt, but I am going to let you go. I don't want to repeat the same pattern because if I do I'm not learning anything from my experience.

Friendship to destruction ( what break up a friendship)

Friendship to destruction: any type of bond is supposed to be strong, and United. Started from nothing and ended with something. The blessing and the curse of most bond breakers of a bond or a friendship are money and a third party. When you enter into a friendship with someone, have a better understanding, and help each other out. Have a goal of where y'all trying to go like business partners. Don't let anybody come in and break up y'all friendship for something petty that two kids can make up within hours or days. Money is good to have, but don't get too greedy that you forget the goal that you set and the individuals whom you started with when you didn't have anything vice versa. The love of money is also the root of all evil because people will do anything illegal and bad for the money. So many individuals lose a bond with someone due to money, outsiders, and misunderstandings. Helping and supporting each other doesn't have to come with money, it comes with love, and being there when a person is down and out. These days individuals with good hearts getting killed or hurt, because they trust the wrong individuals. A female on your side is great to have especially when she is all for you but don't let anybody in y'all relationship. make sure she is solid so she would not need anybody besides you and her family. Make your relationship private and keep outsiders out, because a third wheel is never good in a relationship, friendship, or marriage. Keep your heart guarded and don't let worldly items and evil spirits break up a bond you have with someone.

The pain

Pain: it hurts whenever I show my love and you spit on it like you have a bad taste in your mouth. It pains me when I tell you that I love you and it goes in one ear and out the other. Sometimes I ask myself why I even try to explain to or even message you to check on you, but no response. you say you want to be friends, I agreed, but it doesn't feel right. In my opinion, like my ex, I feel you should right your wrongs and be a woman of your word, but you lied to me so I can shut up about it. I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I can't be friends with someone I am still in love with. I refuse to put my heart, soul, and body through this pain of you not receiving and giving me your love and watching you being used by other people. I rather write my feelings down on paper and let God take care of the rest. I'm going to leave you alone, I don't want to go through the same pain twice.


You are beautiful the way you are: you don't need any makeup on your face, you are beautiful the way God created. You don't need fake hair on your head or false nails. I like you naturally just The way you are. You are a precious diamond that God put on this earth, but why destroy yourself by trying to fit in with the wrong crowd or letting the Devil come in and make you out of a promiscuous female. You don't need to twerk just to get attention. You should not have to wear tight or see-through clothing to show how thick you are. You should not have to get bigger breasts or show your cleavage everywhere you go to get somebody to look at you. I know it's your money, but you don't need to be a show-of. You don't need plastic surgery or any other items to hide the way God made you. Baby girl, you are beautiful the way you are, if anybody doesn't accept you for who you are or not trying to help reach your goals then that person not for you. Love yourself

Need a father figure

Looking for a role model: don't mean to make it personal, but that is the only way for someone to feel my pain. My childhood was not the best, I only had one parent doing it all and the other one was a sperm donor. I cried when I saw families together, but mine was broken. It hurt when my mom was all alone waiting on his love and he was giving it to someone else. Growing up I was angry at the fact that she was still trying to keep trash in her life and it was stinking up the house. We all were stupid for somebody at one point, but when it's time to wake up. I made a promise to help her while he is stuck in his ways, but the sad part is she is going to still love him no matter what. It pains me in my heart hearing her crying for him and he turns death ears to her. I use that experience to break the cycle of loving the wrong person. I have been through that thing, but thank God I let my ex-girlfriend go. My prayer is for my mother to see the light and be happy by herself. My mother did her best to show me everything that I need to know God bless her, but I need a male figure in my life. I will rather be with a person that is going to help not harm, build and not leave, listen, and not close their ears. Being around a person like that is a curse and you will never get rid of it until you take it out. I need a role model, someone who is going to show, teach, and love me. I need someone to be there physically instead of me looking at social media for comfort and teaching.

Note: be with someone who is going to love you not harm you. Get with somebody who is trying to do right and who wants help. Don't be selfish, share the love. Also treat people the way you want to be treated.

Have you ever? ( so much pain going through it)

Have you ever felt so unwanted by a person whom you love? Had that urge of wanting them so bad that YOU scratch something or move around in an uncomfortable position and the thought of you not getting that person drives you crazy. Trying to do everything you can to get over the pain. Visioning that individual has given out the love that you were supposed to get. That feeling when you dream about that individual being intimate with that person and spend your whole life with the one you love until you wake up with a space beside you in your bed patiently waiting for that spot to be filled. Falling out of love, and breaking the bond hurt a person who truly loves you. Saving that spot for that special someone until they come back home, but the fear is that individual getting messed over by the ones who don't deserve their love.

Have you ever been In the middle of doing

something such as running, working, house cleaning, or driving to run errands and you had that thought of that person? the memories you shared plus the dedication and determination you went through, so instantly you try to stay busy or do something to take your mind of it or cry a little or moan on the inside. Have you ever been in a situation where you still want that person in your life, but it's too deep to be friends? the way people get put into friend zones these days there will be no love shown. Even though you love that individual, it hurts when you see that person passing over you or don't have that love for you anymore until YOU just disappear without a trace.

Love is a powerful thing on earth so why not share it, your heart has been broken so many times it's damaged. Sunny days and nights don't last forever. Love is so beautiful like loving on a pet showing love and care treating that animal-like family. The wonderful thing about love is sharing and caring, don't let anybody struggle we all need somebody. Trust is so rare and common, certain individuals won't break the trust, but with God, you can always be your trust in him. Loyalty comes with love, a person has to stay true to the one they love and themselves. For a person to understand the love that individuals have to accept, certain people had the craziest childhood and never been introduced to love, also some of their peers tell them differently, or the individual looks for social media for comfort. God is love and we should accept him in our lives. Most people have their theory on love and God, but you can't change a person's mind on how they think just accept them for who they are. You should not judge a person at all" because we all have our flaws. So instead of judging a person to help that person, don't just pray for somebody to help that person.

Love rehab ( I need healing from my past situation)

Love Rehab: I'm trying to recover from getting my heart ripped out of the chest. Walking in the place reminiscing trying to find my room to get some rest. As I lay there, I think about all my failed relationships and all my mistakes. In every situation that came to me, I was that person who did whatever it takes to make things right. I Couldn't sleep, because there is a lot on my brain. So I get up and go to the meetings to talk about my feelings and how I almost went insane. Let me talk to you " everything I think about the love and a particular female that I want, I quench, shake, and move around at a quick speed. I hate she doesn't know how much I loved her even though all the evil she has done to me. ( yo camina sola), because don't anybody understands my mindset. People crossing me like I don't have any feelings at all, I'm a good person in a screwed-up generation with no love, honestly, and loyalty. Trying to put a smile on my mother's face even though I'm hurting in my heart I have to go to a new place lord just be with me. Several of these folks pretend to be my friends meanwhile my heavenly father already showed me how it's going to end. Every day I go to the park and exercise, I think about Everything that I had been through, so I go even harder and harder. When I think about how much she is loving the other guy my blood boils like hot lava. After all that I have been through, I'm trying to recover. I know that this might sound stupid, but I still love her, so as I do the twelve steps help me along the way let me rest because I think I had told you too much in a day".

Cautious ( things is not the same anymore)

Cautious: I wake up and thank the Lord for allowing me to see another day. As days go by I see that certain people ain't solid like stainless steel more like oil and water we can't see eye to eye. People change like seasons and the weather: when fall enters and the cool weather comes in people either fall of like leaves or get cold because they don't have anybody on their side to listen, touch, or hold when times get rough, but we all need someone. Springtime rides around now everything's coming up pretty and beautiful, but everything is not lovely on the outside, sometimes it takes a long time to get to know a person. if you pay close attention to their actions you can see how they move around you, the best thing to do is fall back, let God handle it, and get your mind right. In the summer, everything is out like a personal situation that you didn't want anybody to hear, and the person that you told spilled the beans now friendship is broken. you getting sick like you running a fever, just laying in bed can't understand why everything with your ex-bestie turned so foggy, but the signs were there YOU just have to keep going and stay pushing. The lord is always on your side, but it's just a life lesson. But remember don't tell anybody anything if you don't want anybody to know some people say things to people that they don't care about. Stay focus and keep your eyes on God.

A female presence ( a woman to just be there when I need love) A female presence

All I want is someone's presence, a female to be real, not to judge me for the things I do or listen to hearsay. Baby I want you to listen to what your heart says, not just your mind, because sometimes it can lead you to the wrong place if you keep second-guessing yourself. Baby just pray for guidance and patience, we may not be perfect for each other, but if God keeps pushing you my way maybe we are meant to be, God works in mysterious ways. I just love everything about you, your mind, heart, and soul, but I don't want your body that can come later. sex is just a feeling to make a person think that they need it to ease the things that are on their mind and call it a stress reliever than they starting getting picky and judging by people body parts and what size it is down below. Baby don't divide your legs open up your heart. I don't want you to think that you have to change, because of low self-esteem and wanting someone to look at you. Putting all this makeup and everything they Have for women to make them LOOK good, but in reality, you TRYING to change what God created, you don't need that all material things to make you look good, the only thing that you need is God, his love, and my love if you want it. I see you focusing on other people who don't care about

you at all, so I just split and let God show you the way. may the Lord put you in a position to change your mind and the way you think. I don't want you to keep just walking in and out of my life like Jenny did Forrest when she found out she had cancer, the guys whom she was picking were no good, but Forrest LOVED her even though she had flaws. Yea I want a clean woman, innocent until proven guilty, but I just don't want no female to get with me because I'm her last choice even though she tried other guys and it didn't work or try to make love to me like a routine of doing something over and over again I want it to be fresh and brand new. I want her to come to me without any choice just because you feel my spirit and my love for you. Text me or hit me up without even asking for money or want me to help you out when you are satisfied or when you are done using me just stop calling. I don't want any begger or no mocher who is after my money with that fake love. just call to hear my voice and want to come around me to feel my energy plus my presence and just to appreciate what I have done and the work I put in overall. I just want you.

I love you, but we can't be friends ( I can't be friends with someone that I am in love with)

I love you, but we can't be friends: every time I get closer to you, it seems like I know everything about you as we talk and chill. I don't want to jump to conclusions, because everybody has a dark side. As I get closer, I feel there is something between us as we walk and talk at our favorite places to go. Feeling your spirit as we depart and feeling closure as we come together. Every time I pop the question about us hooking up you push me to the side and say "you are my friend and I don't want to destroy our friendship if something goes wrong". Listening to your attributes and I just realized that we like the same thing and have a lot in common, but it pains me that we can't be together. Hear you cry or discussing the stupid people you fell for makes me cry, you have never tried me not one time. I started to distance myself from you because you don't understand my feelings for you. You found someone else instead of looking at me and now I am pissed you have not given me a chance. We have a conversation and I just tell you the reason, "look I don't see the problem in being a couple because we are not related, plus every time we go out together it's the best time of our lives."

"I let you in and tell you everything, but you want someone who doesn't mean anything to you, who only wants your pleasure, money, and not your love/loyalty." We don't have a better understanding of each other, so I love you, but I can't be friends with someone whom I love."

Distinct father ( crying out for my father's love )

Distinct father: as I prepare dinner, tell mom and dad it's time to eat. Set the table so we eat, say our prayers to bless the food that we put into our bodies, and ask God to watch over us while we eat and sleep. A feeling came over me as I was eating my food and I stopped while you told us sweet nothings to make us believe that you love us. I look at you and say " don't mean to disrespect you, but why would you say you love us and you don't show it? You are so distant from us that we barely spend time as a family. I'm sorry mom, but I have to say this, you don't love us hell you don't even love me. There are things that I want to learn and do, but you can't do anything to help me because you are so focused on the outside instead of the inside. Do you know how bad it hurts seeing other fathers spending time and being there with their sons and daughters? Are you ashamed of me? All I need is your love, but I can't even get that. You too focused on your addiction, this crisis and death are teaching us that we need to stick together as one, also to love and help each other. Do you not understand that? People always tell me at least I have a dad because their dad is either dead or not in their lives, But why would I be happy having a father present and he is not active in my life? As a role model, you are supposed to be showing me what not to do and what to do. Do you know it's hard out here for a black man, we are always getting racially profiled by cops, white people, black people, and businesses? Some black people switch up and turn their backs on their people, that is how you act towards us. I need you to guide me in the right direction, so I won't turn into these society boys that get girls pregnant and go to another doing the same thing like a repeated episode. I love you Dad, but I hate who you are becoming".

Are you ready to be loved? ( trying to save a female, but you can't save them all)

Hey queen, I hate that you've been running through dudes and you don't know your self-worth to put a stop to it. Talking about you can do what you want, but is sleeping with other people is doing you or having fun? You are so better than that, why would you put yourself through that drama, something that you don't have to go through? you say that love is sweet, now it's turning sour every day of the week because you are not loving yourself, so how are you going to expect someone to love you? Let me take you on a sweet journey with me, let me help with your understanding that you are a beautiful woman and that you can do anything that you put your mind to. Let me help you with what you are missing so you can prosper on your own, but when you ever need anything I'm here for you. I'm not going to get close, because I don't want you to be smothered or closed in, I want you to be gliding from my love through God's wind. Let me know if you are ready for this, but if you are not willing to change or exit your ways I think I should be on my own and leave you alone until you are ready.

Self-worth ( We all need a piece of mind to think)

Self-worth; why would you force yourself into a relationship? Why are you staying and you hurting? Why would you be there for somebody that can't do the same for you? Why are you trying to love someone who doesn't love you? These are questions you need to ask yourself if you are in a loveless relationship. We all have problems, but if you can't talk it out with your spouse then that person is not for you. Life is too short and too precious to be in a domestic relationship. Every person deserves to be treated with respect even though some might not know what it is or that person is bitter and simple-minded to receive love or try something different. If a person doesn't know how to love then chances are that individual will not love you the way you want to be love. You can't change a person for who they are, you either accept it or move on. You can't love a person who doesn't know how to love. You are better than this, it's time to go and live your life freely without a dead relationship. It's going to hurt to let go, but you are better off being by yourself. Love isn't supposed to hurt or harm anybody, it's just the person whom you choose to love. Know your self worth and you don't have to be with anybody to feel complete.

What is prayer?

What is prayer? prayer is a talk with God about whatever you want to talk about like a heart-to-heart with a person. Ask and you shall receive just keep the faith and stay humble. What is the difference between someone praying for you and someone praying against you? There are people on this earth that pray against you and don't want you to make it. In the bible, it says make your enemies your footstool. People come and go, that's life. The ones that you let in do the most dirt to you. Praying for you can also mean putting a curse on you. Prayer without work is dead, so instead of praying for me how about, you help me.

Time ( Do you have time for me)

Time: do you have time for me? Do we have time for each other? Friend, family, or stranger. What is in your front and rearview mirror that has your attention? We are living in a generation where people only have time for the ones they are forcing themselves on and only want to visit a person when he or she is dead or dying then it's too late. It's sad some people rather say rest in peace than text or call to say hey how are you doing or are you okay. Why do we have to wait for the person dead rather than lie and say I love that person? These days it's twisted the ones that check, love, and care about people get treated the worst. So it's time to focus on yourself, know your Self-worth, and make time for yourself.

I can't give you the world ( a conversation with me and a female)

I can't give you the world, because over the years this world turned evil, lustful, and corrupted, All due to money and other things. I can't give you something that you don't need. This world turned upside down. There are a bunch of undeserved and ungrateful people on this earth looking for good people like you and me to use and take advantage of. You have to keep your guard up and watch the people you communicate with or be with. Greed for money is the root of all evil. You have to use money and take care of personal things in your life, but you should not get greedy and want more. Baby, I can't give you the world all I can give you is my time loving you until there is no breath left in my body. I can give you TLC TENDER LOVE AND CARE

Can you handle my way of loving you?

Hey, how are you doing? Can I talk to you for a minute? I just wanted to know if I had a word. You look beautiful, but beauty is only skin deep. So tell me about yourself what are your attributes, your likes, and your dislikes? Calm down, I know you probably never heard anyone say that because certain people you deal with say anything just to get have sex with you. Also, certain people use individuals who love them instead of the ones that don't. So I'm going to ask you, can you handle me and my love, because I'm gonna shower you with gifts, sweet messages in the morning and night, plus please to your heart. But it's not a one-sided love it goes both ways. If you can't put in what I put in then you can't handle me.

Struggle ( struggling trying to keep it together)

Struggle: as I try to keep our relationship from falling apart my other half dipping from me like bad days going to last that long. Finding out she is a gold digger who was only there for the money and what I can do for her because that was the way she was taught. Making up things that I didn't consider trying to keep up with social media saying this is how it is, but do you understand the struggle. The way you can tell when a person is down for you when you are struggling is when that individual never turned their back on you even though their situation is worse, that's love. Struggling makes you stronger and supposed to bring a family together, but these days ignorance is spreading around like this virus it's everywhere. Why can't we come together in the bad times? Why does it have to be bad to take someone's death in the family to bring us together? Stop being selfish and let's help one another.

Do you love me? ( to the female that disappeared on me)

Do you love me? Do you love me is the question I asked myself, I was there for you when you didn't have anyone else. When you got sick I nursed you back to health, now you're back on your feet, but you pushed out of your life saying " I don't have no time for you". So sad how come we can't come together like a good meal full of vegetables and nutrition that's good for our bodies. Now look at me waiting on your phone call while you entertain others, the worst pain is loving someone and that individual loving someone else. Why can't you call me back as you say? All I want to hear is your voice, feel your touch as we hold each other for a long time, but you one arm hugging me like I'm a stranger. Do you understand we are living in a different time, people only want to be bothered with you when you have something, but when you don't have a dime they don't want to give you the time? I don't want anything from you but your love, come here as we give

thanks to the man above. It's so toxic and I see your demeanor. How do you say you want a good man, but when God approaches you, you treat me like roadkill? I asked God to show me the truth and you disappeared out of thin air. I texted you a short message saying " hey it's been a week and I haven't heard from you. I know you are seeing this and I just wanted to say that I have nothing but love for you. For the short time I had with you it was a great time knowing you, but with all my heart I love you may the Lord guide you through the path of righteous take care".

Why now?

Why now?: why it has to take other people to tell you that we have to come together? I guess someone has to break the cycle of ignorance. It shouldn't have to take a pastor or a Bishop to preach to us to tell us about loving one another. This virus is revealing the truth about pastors who are disobeying the rules trying to get in the church so they can keep the money flowing, bad relationships, and things in the world. The only thing we can do is pray and ask the Lord to clean his Earth from the devil's wicked ways. So let's do the opposite of evil and help each other the way God wanted, but I'm asking why now?

Extra steps ( to the girl I lost)

In Love, you are supposed to take major steps to make that person feel special.

When problems come from the air, we need to come together. True love is so hard to find amid lust.

The rate this world is going it' is making it so hard to trust.

I begin to think that intercourse will make it better, but it will only make it worse.

I had to step back because everyone around me was treating me like dirt. I drowned in my sorrows of the love I'm not getting on my time. I need to have more patience

I have a beautiful woman and I would do anything I can to make her feel special.

I'm in love with her, but it's on a deeper level.

I go the extra mile for her every day because I promise myself if I found that one I would

Even after the chaos caused by stupidity, I love her harder than I ever did.

I slowly find myself doing the same routine.

Both ways I showed her that with or without money I can always take away. I'm thirsty for her TLC that showed people who don't have faith in us.

Everybody is praying for rain, while I'm praying for TLC from my beautiful lady.

I want our love to last like old furniture, clothing, and school supplies if you can take care of it.

I want the love to be unconditional like the stopping point when someone is trying to get in the way.

I want our love to stay like people focus on what they desire to do.

I just want love to be something I wish to have for a long time.

cloudy days and cold nights

The day is calm.

It was raining last night, because of the storm.

The sunlight didn't come.

It's a lot of light, but the sun is not bright.

Baby put everything on me and we will be all right.

Walking in the rain, thinking about pouring it all on you.

I am going too fast, BABY let me know because you are the one I don't want to lose.

Cloudy days mean to us, somebody is having a bad day.

I just pray and know that God will show them the way.

Sitting on the daybed, looking at the weather.

Wherever the problems that we have going on, I hope that we can just talk to one another.

People trying to mess us up, why this world has to be so cold. As we walk outside, it's raining COME on let's get wet.

Let's go to a place that we never went to or talk to someone that we never met. Yes, you are right I want to be the one that you come to and cling with. I just love your perfume, it's such a lovely scent.

As you walk in the rain, feel MY warm tears coming down. I want to please you, tell me anything that you want me to do. I will be your shield to block danger from coming your way. Through the storm, I want you to stay.

Let ME come in and pump love in your heart.

If I have control of your heart, I will replace it with my love. Sun is peeking a little, which means that our love is getting great. I want us to sleep well like babies through the night.

If I do wrong I will try my best to make things right.

When there is a thunderstorm, forget the material things, let's hold each other.

God is going to help us THROUGH this because WE were made for one another.

Don't have doubts about love or what you can or can't do. Feel me, like you feel the hot water over your beautiful body. I want you to read me like you are reading for your favorite book.

I want you to enjoy me like your favorite shows or movies. It's cloudy so it's a perfect time to watch me.

Go get some popcorn, because this is going to be good.

Enjoy me like you going to the park, seeing the wonders of the waterfalls.

Enjoy the wildlife in the park, walking around with leeches on them like little dogs.

In this sleepy weather, let me be pillows so I can ease your mind from a stressful day.

Also, let me be your cover so I can keep you warm on cold nights.

Let's look into each other eyes and fuck one another brains out with nasty thoughts.

Come close, the storm is almost over.

If you get scared, let me surround you with my protection.

My protection is so tight, I'm sticking to your body like glue.

Sweetheart, nobody is going to fuck with you, because they have a lot of hell to go through.

Let's hold each other through the night, while God takes care of business. If your feet are cold, one-touch I can warm it up.

Let me in your brain with them bad dreams I can knock it out. No sex involved, just laying there hugging each other.

Body to body, thoughts to thoughts, and brain to brains.

Tears all over my face, because it's like an angel in flesh. Let me kiss where it hurt and take the pain away with my love. Walking in the middle of the night while it's dark.

Just say my name one time and I will heal your broken heart from being torn apart.

Don't you cry, if you do let me wipe them away?

By the time you blink, I will be there with MY arms out.

When it's throwing down outside, and you get afraid.

I will be there mentally in your presence to watch over you while you sleep.

When you toss and turn, call my name and I will be there emotionally and mentally so we can go it together.

When you are stressed or frustrated, I will wipe the pain away from the terrible storm.

It's almost morning and it gets a little breeze through the Windows. Take a hot shower and let My love heat you up.

Make sure you take my love with you everywhere you go.

When you come back I'll keep your bed warm when it's cold through the night.

Tonight let your mind go free and think about love on cold days.

Hot, cold, good, bad, and crazy days I will be there and if I can't, I will be there in your heart.

Make a way for MY LOVE on these cold days and nights. I love you baby

Mental Illness

Mental health: I hear voices, the devil trying to tempt me to harm myself and others. My heart goes out to the family members who lost others due to suicide. We all need a great support system in good times and bad. Too many people leaving us behind to be selfish, yeah most of the problems we put on ourselves, but some of us can't handle the pressure or the struggle. We may be spoiled or a little too much. Sometimes we have family members or friends that take advantage of us and harm us with harsh words or physical abuse. We need an escape, a piece of freedom that we can be ourselves and nobody to judge us or harm us. We all need respect and love, not neglect and hate. Don't ignore or turn us away, because we were born different or have different learning abilities. We need people in our lives to hear our problems and issues instead of just pushing us away, judging us, or trying money from us. We need somebody to check on us when times get rough, we need something to do when our minds start wondering. We need

somebody to talk to who is going to give us great advice. God put people in your life for a reason and a season, we all need each other, we are people like you. Can you accept us and help us?


Abuse: emotional, psychical abuse is terrible, but why would you beat someone you say you love. It's so twisted that both genders go towards the ones that they don't have anything in common. It's either their intercourse, money, and material things, but why would you be with someone that beats and disrespect you. You can't change anybody that has to come from God and themselves. Love doesn't hurt, so why would you drawback or say nasty words to express your feelings? Why stay in a relationship or marriage proceed on getting beaten up and disrespected? Everything starts at home, don't try to change it. Change yourself. You don't need anybody to be with you can do bad all by yourself. All you need is God to feel that void in your life, get out of that relationship before it's too late.


Be honest.

Be truthful.

If you love someone or somebody don't mess over them.

Don't lie.

Be there when that person cry

Don't betray.

Don't creep.

Don't bite the hands that feed you and who is trying to help you.

Stick up for one another.

Don't abuse love.

Don't let anybody talk bad about the person you love.

If that person messes up tell them about it because if you love that person you will always tell the truth.

Truth hurts yea I know, but if someone tells you the truth about yourself that means they care.

Love that person unconditionally.

Don't distance yourself from that person.

Don't spit in that person's face.

Don't do them wrong or leave that person all alone.

Don't cheat.

Don't steal.

Don't put pain in their heart.

Lift that person.

Help build with that person.

Get to know that person.

Know what that person loves and doesn't love.

Know the favorite color, what that person likes to do.

Know everything about that person.

Know how to make that person happy and glad.

Know how to cheer that person up when he or she is down.

Don't scheme.

Don't judge what that person doesn't have.

Don't hold your feelings back.

Don't look down on that person.

Share feelings and secrets if you love that person.

Don't forget that person when you blow up.

While fighting admits that both are wrong and come back together. Don't leave that person in a bad place.

Be there through the pain.

If that person acts up, tell him or her about it.

Talk to one another on the phone or text that person. Communication is the key.

Care about that person's life and where that person is heading in their life. Don't leave that person beaten and nurse that person back to health. Don't play with each other's hearts.

Don't play with each other's feelings.

Be there when that person is down and needs someone.

Be there through thick and thin.

Don't let each other down.

In other words, to all this, love people the way you want to be loved.

I don't want to be in the friend zone

I really want you in my life, but I don't want to be put in the friend zone; time after time again, I hear you messing with these individuals that don't love you. They look at you like you are a piece of meat on a grill and pass you around like trash. When you tell me the sexual things that you do to these folks I hate to hear it because you are doing sexual activities to the wrong ones plus you are giving them something they don't deserve. This is why I don't ask any questions about your past or you're current because it's hurt too much. I want you in my life, but you are so picky and confused about what is real or fake. Also, you lost on what is love, most of the people on this earth think that love is sex. Sex is just a lustful temptation between two people or more who think that is what is needed in their life. God is love and also it's being there for one another when times are rough, making sure that person is good, and checking in as Well. Sometimes I wish that people can have x Rays on feelings and intention so that you can see who wants you and who just wants to fuck you. Don't push me away if I am trying to be there for you. It's kind of fucked up how you let the fuckery of this society and generation make your choice on who to be friends with, hang with, and have sex with. I want you in my life, but YOU made it hard by having me wait on YOU while you are still chasing and being tossed around by individuals That don't love you. My biggest fear is when a person tries to make their way back after that person has a reputation, disease, or kids with a low life person. It's kinda fucked up, some people would say if you love that individual unconditionally then it will not be any problem, but I wanted to be your first to do anything with. Now if we do get together it's not going to be the same, because you gave your love away so many times that you don't feel my love and it turns into a competition between me and your ex's. I really want you in my life, but you fucked up on the stupidity of this generation about negative sexual things that people came up with and been around; for example friends with benefits, threesomes, competition on who is the side, and the main, etc. I want you in my life, but for some dumb ass reason, you keep putting me in the friend zone and expect me to stay to wait for you. I can tell you don't know what real love is because every time I show you something different you act like I did some wrong.

I want you in my life, but you don't see me for who I am so I'm just going to disappear and focus on myself. May God leads you on the right path, but I'm tired of waiting so I'm gone.

What is the point?

What's the point: what is the point of having a lover or a spouse and you don't show any love. Walking around each other with no good morning hugs. What is the point of saying I love you to a person with no show these days you have to put action behind your words? What is the point of lying instead of telling the truth? These days people rather hear a lie to spare someone's feelings than set a person free with the truth. What is the point of cheating on your spouse if you say you love that person; leave so they can deal with the hurt alone, but they have to know their self-worth. Peace of mind is so beautiful you don't need anybody that is going to continue hurting you, but these days certain people rather stay in messed-up relationships than be happy. What is the point of drinking or doing drugs may the lord help y'all with the addiction we all need love and support at every point of our lives. What's the point of having a number on your phone and you not going to use it to just check on a person or to say what is up you don't know what a person going through. What is the point of having siblings and you don't see them or want to be around them live too short to be acting like that family should stick together, these days your family can be your worst enemy. What is the point of being in a relationship and both of you forgetting the main part is a conversation. What is the point of having a friend and that person won't have your back?

Police brutality

Police brutality: the police are supposed to serve and protect, but it's more fake love and neglect. There has been a history of abuse from the police and black people back from the slavery days.

As black people we are on our own, there is no justice or no peace. There are good police people on the force but they are scared to take the bad ones down. As black people we need to do better instead of marching and protesting when a white cop shoots a black man, we need tO start protesting and marching on black crimes. Seems like the white police slap their color on the wrist like society does which is called white privilege. The systems trick the blacks to make them turn their back on their kind by using money, material things, drugs, weed, and sometimes women. As black people, we have to stand with each other rather than against one another.

United as one

United as one: can we stop all the madness and come together. Forget all the pain that was caused, give It to God, and let go. Sadly, we can all come together at a funeral showing fake love to the person in the casket like that person can see or feel it. How about at a family gathering while we are here on this earth still living. Don't matter what color or race we are all one big family in the eyes of God. The devil is trying to divide us with these crimes, racism, secrets, selfishness, envy, etc. We have to stand against the hate if not you are a fool. Why hate or talk about somebody when you can just help and love as God loves you? Why would you say you love somebody without any show? your words speak volumes, but your actions are more powerful. Let's stand together and fight the hate that surrounds your community and the world. Racism and hate are taught, let's get rid of that negatively and teach positive in our community. United as one.


Teamwork: teamwork makes the dream work. Two minds are better than one. The sayings are true, but do people understand the concept and what it means about working together? There are different people with their theories about life and working together, but one thing you can't go wrong with is working together with the right person can make things easier. Some people like to do things on their own based on What they have been taught, what they saw, or just used to doing things by themselves. The reason why we as a people are so distant, divided, because of trust. In a team, you have to trust your teammates like football, basketball, and baseball players when they achieve their goals. A lot of people are hurt by trusting people due to broken hearts and being betrayed. The best way to work through that is to guard your heart, keep your eyes open, and don't fall for anything. Working together with your coworkers, friends, or family is the best thing ever when everyone is on the same accord.

Truth: what is your truth? Telling the truth hurts people's feelings, but I don't want to lie and spare anybody's feelings. I rather tell you the truth now than wait while you die. I only tell lies to fake people in my life to keep them out of my business or change the subject, because I know they do not care. Some people rather listen to a lie than the truth and a lie comes faster than the truth. The tongue is powerful that people use to kill, encourage, and spread love. So I'm not going to hold back to spare anybody's feelings, I'm going to let the truth be told and live truly free.

Black Lives Matter movement is going strong all across the globe, but how come the movement can't come together in the black community? Why so much hatred between one another? In my opinion, we are all one, black people have it hard when it comes to police brutality, jobs, schools, etc. We do fall into the crime juice with corruption, killing, and stealing, but not all people are the same. We all are Godchildren and we need to start working together to fight hatred and racism. Let's break the chain of evil.

I'm cold without you

I'm cold without you, I'm warm with you do you understand me, I want to be there when you hot and cold as the weather. I want to be your gloves so we can hold hands while we talk and cry

Whatever we go through, my love for you will never die. I want us to be strong like braids but don't come apart when it gets dirty. I will be there for you like peanut butter needs jelly to come together to make a

good sandwich or peas and carrots on a plate. I want to be there but I can't. I see you getting a whole lot of attention but I am not tripping. I don't trust anybody around my girl on THE low. people are sneak dissing, some do some don't this is going to test your loyalty and your love for me. I'm going all; In other words, I'm giving you all of me, don't take my love for granted like some people do in class, I want you to pay attention to me and hold ME tight because this is a tough fight. BABY, it's all right to come here I know you been hurt my love can heal that give me a couple of months and you will be floating on my love girl, I'm not talking about sex doing the little things that make you happy, and that what I

like, I'm not going to hold you back I want you to explore as long as your legs don't open to every guy

like a car door, BABY I trust you and I want to be with you always BUT baby you can't STAY because I

have to give you room TO breathe, EVERY TIME I go to bed I'm cold as long as you all right I'm good to remember that it's all about you.

I want you not sex

Can I get an invitation to your heart instead of your vagina? Sex is not important to me, let me love you by caring and spreading my love all your body, like a newborn coming out of the womb with gifts and new things when they grow up. but I want you to hear my heart. Sex is just a feeling that doesn't last long, I want that everlasting love with the Angels of love surrounded us. My situation always gets me down. I need you to be my light to lift me and make me smile. I'm not like the other guys that look the outside saying " damn she got a fat ass and big tits I'm going to hop on her". I'm not going to play you like a game console wearing it until a new one comes out. Don't lead me on or play with my emotions it's going to come back on you sooner than later. All guys are not the same, but we both have different views. Don't let this generation of young boys get you confused. Not all guys looking for sex and trying to use it for their money. I speak for all the real men that need TLC and comfort from the same woman. I don't like going to different women thinking I got it two ways. I just want you under my arms baby If we both just sit down and just talk it out, because today's technology texting and calling are not happening; let's do the old school thing just talk face to face and heart to heart we can get a lot done if we do it that way. Let me kiss your heart and let me bless your soul with the love that God has for us even when we make mistakes he still forgives us. I want you to have that unconditional love for me, so I can see it believe it when you mean it. I want to be your first choice not the last.

True love: true love comes from above, it's not meant to be chased. I agree if you want to be with a person, shoot your shot, but if you get turned down in any way then it's not for you. God put people in your life for a reason and a season, in due time you will understand who is who by their action when times get hard. Love is not the same anymore, because certain people are trying to take God out of everything, and also they are forcing themselves on other people who don't deserve their presence. In my opinion, true love exists when two people have the same things in common like peanut butter and jelly coming together to make a great sandwich or like a house that is built from the foundation with bricks. It's best to get to know a person for who he or she is and not for what that individual has. Material things don't matter and it doesn't last. God can put anything together if only you believe and trust him.

Show me: show me that you love me, show me that you want me in your life. I'm not the type to chase, but I will chase you to the end like Steve did laura. Things are different now you can't just believe what people say anymore, you have to put action behind your words. I want to feel your words as I tell you what is going on. I want to feel your touch as you wipe the tears from my eyes. I want to be able to bring you around people to show what God put into my life like a student brings a project to class to get a good grade. I want you there to hold me down like glue, so we can come together like clay. I want to hug you tightly so my problems can be lifted and my head can be light. I want to kiss your hands to release the veins that are popping out, get down on one knee to give my all to you. I don't want to go on a goose Chase to prove my love for you, all you have is my proof that it is me standing for you. I want your love, but you have to show me that you want me in your life.

Let me make sweet love to you: no sex involved, let's just sit here and talk. We both have a story, but you are so scorned and hurt that you push the good guys away by hurting their feelings. We both have our theories about men and women, but put that phone up, look me in my eyes, and tell me what you see. As we hold hands I need you to close your eyes, I noticed your head is heavy from all the evil thoughts and the foolishness from social media let me kiss your forehead to ease your mind with my words, " you beautiful, you don't need no makeup, a hairdresser, a nail tech, plastic surgery, or fake hair to show how beautiful you are. God made you perfect the way you are, Go to him for all your trouble. Sex is not loved, God is love". As you keep your eyes close lets lay together, let me hold you tightly to release your bruises you took in from being broken-hearted by people saying they are your friends, but they betrayed or crossed you, from men you fell in love with that treated you like a piece of meat and whatever you don't have any control over. baby let it go and give it to God. As we continued to lay together, we stuck together like nails to walls. You sleep so peacefully as your body, heart, and soul are pure from the evilness that you endured. You walk up and let God sunshine on you, my Queen, as you look for me I left you a message on the nightstand saying " I had a wonderful time with you, I don't need to know your story I just saw the anger in your eyes, I felt the rage on your body and I just had to release it, May God be with you and take you down the path of righteous also know your self-worth one love".

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