Doctor Who: The Adventures of...

By SouthernPansy666

165 6 0

The 14th Doctor and his youngest daughter, Larn, have been living a peaceful and quiet life within the TARDIS... More

The Hound of the Stoneweld
Skinwalkers (Part 1)
Skinwalkers (Part 2)
Skinwalkers (Part 3)
Skinwalkers (Part 4)
Skinwalkers (Part 5)
Skinwalkers (Part 6)
Skinwalkers (Part 7)
Skinwalkers (Part 8)
Skinwalkers (Part 10)
Skinwalkers (Part 11)
Skinwalkers (Part 12)

Skinwalkers (Part 9)

6 0 0
By SouthernPansy666

The Doctor fumbled for something, anything, that could give him some light. His and Larn's sonics were useless now, so his best bet would be a flashlight, perhaps a lantern. The wendigo snarled as it crept closer. There was a crash as it knocked something over. The Doctor cried out when he felt razor sharp claws rake the top of his hand. Desperate, he reached out and gasped with relief when he grasped the stout handle of a flashlight.

The Wendigo grunted as the flashlight cracked its skull, some brain goop splattering on the shed's wooden wall.

The Doctor flicked the light on, sighing with relief as the wendigo slumped onto the floor.

The Doctor stepped forward warily so he could get a better look at the creature that attacked him. The creature looked human, or at least, it once was human. Its hair was stringy, with two deer like antler sticking out of its skull, the eyes were sunken in with its ribs sticking out, its face frozen in a hate filled snarl.

If only his sonic was working he could get a scan...

The Doctor shook his head. He didn't have time for this! He had to get his daughter away from Nimona so they could leave this wretched place.

"Come along now Larn, we must go to the field, there is someone I want you to meet." Nimona said sweetly as she took the girl by the hand, leading her away from the shed....

"Oi! Let me outta of here!" The Doctor demanded as he banged on the sheds twin doors. He whirled around when he heard a deep growl....

The wendigo was awake.

The Doctor ran as fast as he could. His plan worked. He had ducked out of the way right on time, the wendigo broke the shed doors down.

Now he just had to save his daughter and stop Nimona.

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