Say What You Mean

By stromburger

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// Keaton Stromberg // + " ... and I didn't love you at first, no, it just didn't make sense because we were... More

Chapter One - First Encounters
Chapter Two - First Wave
Chapter Three - Welcome To Huntington Biatch
Chapter Four - The Break
Chapter Five - Music for Music
Chapter Six - Holy Bucket Of Oats
Chapter Seven - The Charity Ball
Chapter Eight - Noah's Bright Idea
Chapter Nine - The Aftermath
Chapter Ten - The Quiet Life
Chapter Eleven - The Closing Act
Chapter Twelve - Celebrations and Frustrations
Chapter Thirteen - Opening Up
Chapter Fourteen - Unwanted Feelings
Chapter Fifteen - The Wave Logic
Chapter Sixteen - Testing Different Water
Chapter Seventeen - The Interview
Chapter Eighteen - The Unexpected Guests
Chapter Nineteen - Saving The Perfect Couple
Chapter Twenty - Not The Perfect Couple
Chapter Twenty One - The Apology
Chapter Twenty Three - Phone Conversations
Chapter Twenty Four - The Dinner
Chapter Twenty Five - Choking Up
Chapter Twenty Six - Waking Up
Chapter Twenty Seven - Christmas
Chapter Twenty Eight - K for Keaton
Chapter Twenty Nine - Getting Closer
Chapter Thirty - Guitar Lessons
Chapter Thirty One - The New Year
Chapter 32 - The Talk
Chapter Thirty Three - Asking Questions. (The End) ... Kind Of.
Keaton's POV - The End

Chapter Twenty Two - The Start Of A War

17K 318 43
By stromburger

Chapter 22

Please check out my other Emblem3 fic Black and white and don't forget to comment, vote and fan for both of them. I'd appreciate it so much! And I'm so sorry everything is so slow moving but I promise it'll kick off over the next couple of chapters. Maybe. I'm not really good at keeping promises. But whatever. Enjoy the chapter! xo

I also just want to mention how much I appreciate you guys. Thanks so much for reading and voting and giving me lovely comments. Without y'all I wouldn't have the motivation to write. So thank you! 

Everyone is out in the backyard when we get there. I do my rounds of hello’s and Zack merely gives the older boys curt nods and a frost ‘hey’. When we walk over to Keaton, who is with Lauren, I glare at my boyfriend, “Behave, okay?”

He rolls his eyes but when we approach Keaton he smiles, “Keaton mate, hey! How are you? And how is the lovely Lauren?”

I think Keaton senses the sarcasm behind his voice too because his reply is hesitant. I give Keaton a hug and Lauren a friendly ‘hello’. We talk about her surfing attempts today before Zack starts to whistle annoyingly. I look at him and force a smile, “Zack babe, what are you doing?”

“I’m just slightly bored babe.” He says in a sugary tone, “Maybe we should go somewhere more private.”

He pulls me closer and gives me a kiss. Lauren and Keaton awkwardly avoid looking us. I push Zack off me, “Save it for later.” I look at the couple standing next to us, “Would you excuse us a minute.”

I pull Zack inside and when I’m sure no one can hear us I slap him across the shoulder, “Honestly. What the hell is your problem?”

“I told you, I don’t like them. What they said was downright wrong and I don’t just let those things go lightly.”

Obviously not. And I understand that but for my sake, can you please be civil?” I hiss.

He sees the frustrated look on my face so he slumps instantly. A sad smile finds its way to his face, “Okay, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be ruining your night; you barely get to see them.”

“Exactly, so can you please be nice? You don’t have to stay long if that makes you feel better.”

He pulls me in and kisses me gently. “That sounds excellent. I can’t wait to have you all to myself.”

He nuzzles my neck and I can’t help but giggle. I push him off “Stop it. Behave!”

“Fine sorry.” He says with a throaty chuckle, “You’re just irresistible.”

“Yeah sure thanks hot shot.”

We go back outside and thankfully, he is nicer. It makes my night much more enjoyable and when it comes around to finally eating, I’m having a really good time. Even Wes isn’t annoying me with his immature remarks. I'm sitting with Zack and he has his arm wrapped around my waist. It feels lovely and I feel protected. I eventually have to break away from him because Laraine announces dinner is ready. Zack offers to get me my food like the good boyfriend he is so I'm able to just sit and relax. He comes back holding two plates; he sets one down in front of me on the table and sits next to me. Harper sits on the other side of me before Keaton, Lauren and Camila sit opposite us. I look down at my plate of food and see that I have roast chicken, roast potatos, peas and carrots, cooked brocolli and roast pumpkin. Before I can even say anything, Keaton starts pushing his carrots onto my plate before scooping up the peas and placing them on his own. I give him a sugary smile, "Thank you Baby Keats." I put a singsong tone to it to add to the playfulness.

He laughs, "No problem Baby Ara. Now eat up before it gets cold." 

I start to eat but I can feel Zack giving me a funny look from beside me. I peer at him, "What's wrong babe?" 

"I could've eaten your peas if you don’t like them." 

I shrug, "I hate peas, and he hates carrots. It works out perfectly anyway." I give his hand a gentle squeeze under the table, "Don't worry about it." 

He takes his hand out of mine and goes back to eating. The gesture is cold but I try not to make a big deal of it. The table is silent while we munch away at our food. Keaton does a good job of hosting though and clears everyone's plates for us when they're empty. As he walks away Lauren smiles, "Isn't he such a good boyfriend."

"He is indeed." I say with a smile, "Such a genuine kid. He made me a playlist when I was bed ridden because of my broken arm. It was really cute." I tell her this because I think people deserve to know just how cool Keaton is, not because I want her to be jealous. Well, that's what I tell myself anyway.

She beams at me, "I was sick the other week and he brought me breakfast in bed." 

"He did the same for me!" I gush, "It was such a nice gesture."

Harper gives me smirk from beside me, as if she knows exactly what I'm trying to do. I ignore her but before Lauren can reply, Camila interrupts us, and “Well I wish I had a boy doing that for me. Life isn't fair. I never get the good stuff." 

"You've met One Direction." I point out.

"Oh yeah that's right!" She exclaims, getting excited at the memory almost instantly. 

Keaton comes back outside to tell everyone desert is ready. It's like a stampede because everyone who's hanging around outside goes rushing inside. Zack laughs, "Do you want me to get you some?" 

"Will you? Thanks a million." 

He shakes his head, "You're unbelievable." 

When he leaves along with almost everyone else, Camila rests her chin on her hands in a dreamy sort of gesture, "You are so lucky. Zack is so nice." 

"I know." I say with a small smile, "He treats me so nicely." 

"So what's it like having all the boys after you?" 

I scoff, "Sorry, what?" 

"Well you go out with Zack. You're amazing friends with Keaton and Wes, Drew, Kenny and Kyle think of you as a little sister."

I laugh, "They’re not after me, that's for sure. It's not all good either. They get protective and it has put strain on me and Zack’s relationship."  

Lauren hears this and rolls her eyes as she sits down, “Yeah I tell Keaton to just let it go and that you should be allowed to do your own thing but he won’t hear any of it. I think you and his relationship is cute but if you ever need me to kick Keaton's ass just give me the word.”

I smile and laugh nervously but I immediately feel bad. Here I was trying to hate Lauren when she’s been nothing but nice to me. She’s such a lovely person and Keaton deserves to be with someone amazing like her, not some lame New Zealander.

When everyone is back and seated at our table, Zack hands me my bowl.  I put my spoon into the ice cream and swirl it around before spotting a strawberry. I let out an ‘uh oh’ before I can help myself. Everyone turns to me and Zack has a frown on his face “Is something wrong?”

Keaton peers into my bowl before sighing, “She’s allergic to strawberries.”

“Oh shit, I didn’t know.” Zack says embarrassed.

“It’s okay babe, no one really knows.”

“Well Keaton does.” He points out grumpily, “I can’t believe I didn’t know.”

I put my hand on his arm and give him a smile, “Hey, it’s fine. I’ll just take them out no sweat.”

Keaton snorts from across the table, “You’re delusional Arabelle. All the juices are still in your ice cream; your throat will swell up no matter what.” He pushes his bowl towards me and takes mine, “Have my ice cream, I don’t have strawberries, only mangos.”

“Thanks.” I reply, knowing even if I try to object he’ll still make me eat the ice cream.

Zack looks at me nervously, “I’m really sorry I got you ice cream with strawberries. I could’ve killed you.”

“Lucky she checked then aye.” Keaton says light-heartedly before starting up a conversation with the rest of the table.

Zack glares at him, “Yeah. I guess so.”

I give my boyfriend a peck on the cheek, “Don’t worry about it. It’s cool now.”

“Yeah it’s not cool when he knows you’re allergic but your own boyfriend doesn’t.” Zack mutters, “Look at him, he thinks he’s so amazing now.”

I elbow Zack, “Hey be nice. He didn’t know I was allergic to strawberries once upon a time. Everyone goes through it so just chill.”

“Of course you’d take his side.” He mumbles.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I hiss. Thank God, everyone else is in their own conversations, the last thing I need is for anyone to hear.

He picks up his bowl and makes his way to the kitchen so I follow him. Once we’re safely tucked inside he hounds in on me, “Keaton this, Keaton that. It’s always something-Keaton. I always come in second place and I’m your boyfriend!”

“That is not true.” I argue, “I put you first just as much as I do him. It’s no competition.”

“Yeah, whatever.” He mutters. “I’m leaving. I tried to be nice for your sake but it’s too damn hard. I don’t like these kids so shoot me right now if I want to leave.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Dead serious.” He challenges. “Are you coming or not? You said we didn't have to stay long." 

"No I said you didn't have to stay long." 

"Well I'm your boyfriend." He hisses.

Before I can reply, Keaton himself walks into the kitchen; I don't know how much of the conversation he heard. He gives us an easy smile all the same, “Hey guys. We were going to start up a fire for smores if you’re keen.”

Zack stands a little straighter, “Sorry, we were just about to leave.”

Keaton’s smile fades and a look of confusion fills his face, “Already? We still have plenty of time before we all have to go back up to Hollywood. You should stay.”

Zack shrugs, “Sorry mate, maybe another time. I just have to nip off to the bathroom, Ara say your goodbyes.”

Zack disappears down the hallway while Keaton gives me a sad look, “So you’re leaving then?”

I avoid his gaze, “Uh yeah sure.”

“Zack really doesn’t like us anymore, does he?”

"So you did hear our conversation." I chuckle awkwardly. 

He laughs awkwardly too, "Yeah. From the part, he said he didn't like us. Just because you're his girlfriend doesn't mean you have to leave. We're your friends too you know." 

I slightly deflate, "I know but I don't want to make things worse than they already are."

“You better say your goodbyes then.” He replies quietly.

“I guess so.”

I say a quick goodbye to everyone outside. I try to do it quick like a band-aid so it doesn’t hurt as much. The last thing I wanted to do was leave early. Keaton follows me back into the kitchen, “You don’t have to leave just because he said so. There are plenty of people here to keep you company, can keep you company.”

If this were yesterday, I probably would have jumped at the chance but then I think back to Lauren and how nice she’s been. I mean she has few annoying traits but doesn't everyone? Her intentions are genuine and I could never compare. I take a deep breath and force a smile, “No you have Lauren to keep company. I’ll uh, see you later on in the weekend.”

“Well at least give me a hug then.”

He opens his arms so I walk willingly into his embrace. He wraps his arms around me tightly and I let myself put my head into the crook of his shoulder. Keaton laughs quietly, “If Zack openly doesn’t like us then we can openly not like him.”

“Don’t make it a war.” I murmur. “Because you won’t win.”

“You say that but I find it hard to believe.”

I don’t reply because I have nothing to say. If it came down to it, I honestly don’t know who I would choose. I don’t ever want to have to make that choice. So I pull away from Keaton and ruffle his hair slightly, “Good luck for this week, I’ll see you on Wednesday, maybe Thursday. I don’t know if Mum has sorted tickets or anything.”

“Sounds good. Bye Arabelle. Bye Zack.” He says with a small salute to my boyfriend who has appeared behind me.

Zack doesn’t even say anything, he just grabs my arm and pulls me out. I hear Keaton chuckling behind me as I follow Zack off towards the car. Zack doesn’t really talk to me the whole drive. He just drops me off at my house. When he does I'm absolutely seething, "You pulled me away just so you coils drop me home?" I say through gritted teeth, trying to keep my cool even though it’s proven difficult. 

He sighs, "I think we're both really worked up at the moment and we need some time alone." He gives me a quick kiss and promises to pick me up on Tuesday so we can have some dinner together.

I’m still fuming when I make my way to my room, he made me leave so he could drop me off home? That’s messed up. I contemplate going back but I know if he found out, I’d never hear the end of it so I suck it up and chill in my room. I’m still angry though. Nothing gets rid of those feelings. And when I picture Keaton and Lauren being all cute and couple-y it just adds fuel to the fire and I’m raging. It’s a confused rage because honestly, who goes out with one guy and crushes on another? I let myself fall into the floor in a tired heap and I just sit in silence trying to collect my thoughts.


Monday first thing, I find Alexa at her locker. Sitting in a pool of sorrow on my floor did nothing to help me sort out my jumble of thoughts. I look her dead straight in the eye, “Am I bad person if I’m going out with Zack but I’m still hoping Keaton breaks up with Lauren? It may sound confusing but I just want to know if I’m a bad person. I don’t know if I have a crush him or if it’s because my protectiveness is kicking in. Like, at first I thought I was crushing on him and then I started dating Zack and I realised it was just me being over protective because I really like Zack. However stuff has been pretty bumpy lately and now I’m just confused about my feelings. Just answer me truthfully. Please.

Alexa looks taken back, “That’s some deep shit for a Monday morning,” she confesses breathlessly. “Personally I don’t think you have a crush on Keaton, if you did, you would’ve made your move earlier when Harper kept going on about it. I just think you like the idea of him being your little awkward friend and now that Lauren’s in the picture it’s difficult for you. You’re used to being the little baby of the group and now that Keaton is your age and has a girlfriend it’s kind of changed it all up. It’s just a jealous feeling from being left out of the loop. You have fun with Keaton and you have fun with Zack. You like Zack a lot and I can see that whenever you two hang out you’re really happy. A different happy from when you’re with Keaton. I don’t think you’re a bad person for getting a bit sassy because you feel left out.”

It’s my turn to be taken back. “That was some deep shit for a Monday morning. I think you’re right though, maybe it is just me being left out. I mean, Fifth Harmony spends all the time with the boys and even Noah was flirting with Camila so maybe it's just me being depressingly lame.”

She laughs and throws her arms around my shoulder as we walk to first period Biology, “Naww baby, you’re not depressingly lame. You have every right to be feeling that way. Despite knowing the boys for only a couple of months, you’re all really good friends. I mean, I’ve know them for a couple weeks and they treat me like they’ve known me forever. They’re just those kinds of people so you have every right to feel the way you do.”

“And this is why I came to you for advice instead of Harper.” I answer happily. "She would've gone off in some whole plan to break Lauren and Keaton up instead of giving me logical advice." 

Alexa laughs, "I think you're definitely right on that one. Just don't worry about whatever feelings you think you have for Keaton. You’re with Zack and he's with Lauren so there's nothing you can do about it." 

“Thanks Alexa.”

She grins, “Hey no problem. So are you going the Live Shows this weekend?”

“I think so, I think the Wednesday one but not the Thursday one. I wonder what songs they’re going to sing.”

“Hopefully something good.” She replies as we walk into our classroom.

Our conversation is forced to end because our teacher walks in looking grumpier than ever. The rest of the class is spent actually listening and doing work, something that’s rear for me. Afterwards my brain is already tired out and I just want to go home, after all it was a long weekend. By fourth period, I’m dead on my feet. It’s not until I get a call from Zack that I perk up. He apologises for the weekend and promises to take me out to a nice restaurant for dinner the following night to make up for it. I try to object but he isn’t having any of it, he wants to take me out and that’s that.



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