REMOVING 1 JANUARY 2025 Ryder...

By renacollins

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REMOVING FROM WATTPAD PERMANENTLY ON 1 JANUARY 2025 Mature Content 17+ || Savage Wolves MC Book Three Talia's... More

Authors Note
Savage Wolves MC
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Talon (Savage Wolves MC) #4

Chapter Thirty-Eight

7.9K 271 27
By renacollins


The days following the deal made with the King family feel oddly lighter, but dually heavy. None of us know exactly what to think. None except for Lowell who is vehemently against this.

We've not been in direct contact with Elias or Christos since that evening. They made good on their word, though. After they came and collected every last bit from our warehouse, there was a suited up man that showed up on our doorstep, handing us the keys to a nondescript storage locker in a sketchy part of town.

Upon further examination, we discovered the storage locker was loaded floor to ceiling with cash—way more than what we should have gotten to begin with.

Lowell didn't like that either.

"They're buying us. You fuckers know that. Don't be blind. They're about to own us and we're going to get into even deeper shit." He grunts in agitation. "They're going to want more and then more and then more, until we're back in the same spot as we were before."

Ash bangs his fist on the table, shaking the mahogany before us. The few scattered beer bottles and glasses wobble under his strength.

"I didn't see you spouting any other ideas. We didn't have a choice. What's done is done. We need to work to move past this and try and form a mutual alliance with the King's rather than have this power imbalance. Show them we're useful, and we won't be treated as pets. Simple." Ash leans back in his chair and stares down Lowell who has a permanent look of disgust and disappointment on his face.

Lowell shakes his head. "You're a good prez, Ash, but this was a bad call. You'll see." With that, he stands, leaving before church has even ended. I gape after him, knowing Ash is fuming at the head of the table. Lowell has been increasingly defiant lately.

Of course we all know the deal with the King's isn't what we needed, but it's what we've got.

We need to make it work for us in ways that favor us.

"Anyone else got anything to add that'll piss me off?" Ash's jaw ticks as he grasps the gavel. "No? Good. Church is fucking over. Get the hell out of here." He bangs the gavel and the room descends into an uncomfortable silence.

He sits there, bent over the table now, head in his hand and thumbs rubbing his temples, his other hand wrapped around a bottle of whiskey.

The guys are flooding out and into the bar, but myself, Blade, and Stone remain for the time being.

"We can handle the King's," Stone declares enthusiastically.

"You sure we didn't just trade one evil for another?" Ash sounds uncertain. Ash never sounds uncertain. He's let Lowell get to him.

Stone's face lit up with amusement. "At least this evil dresses better. I was getting sick of that pseudo eighties slash hipster thing the Australians had going on."

I snort. They dressed rich, with designer everything, but I have to agree that their style may have leaned more towards what coffee shop enthusiasts sported.

Ash's mouth twisted up just slightly before falling back into his typical scowl.

"We've got your back, bro," Blade states, slapping a hand over Ash's thick shoulder and gripping firmly before letting go.

Ash nods and stands, dragging himself out of the room and heading in the opposite direction of the Den, probably going to sulk in his room.

"Send one of the girls up to keep him company," I tell Stone who nods in agreement and turns to leave.

With the two of them gone, it leaves Blade and I just sitting around. Grabbing for my smokes, I pull one out, offering it to him next. He takes one and sticks it between his lip, looking contemplative before lighting it.

"Everything alright, brother?" I ask through the cigarette perched in between my lips, sitting back and slinging my arms behind my head.

He inhales deeply, plucking the cigarette from his lips and blowing out a lungful of smoke. "What if this is the worst thing we could have done? The King's aren't small time. They're the big leagues. They do shit we wouldn't even touch with a hundred foot pole."

I know what he's referring to.

The King's are involved in dark business. Dangerously illegal and morally wrong shit.

None of us can be certain, but it's been a long time rumor that they deal in human trafficking. No one can be sure except for the people involved, but with the way they keep most of their business dealings secret, it's likely.

The Wolves have never gotten tied up in that side of the underground. We may deal in pussy at the Lounge, but all the girls are there of their own free will and are over eighteen. We don't own whore houses. Hell, we don't even deal in porn like some of our brothers from other chapters do. Swifty is a bonafide porn director these days. He's tried to get us in the game but we've got so much going on already, we don't need another venture. It's something to think about—as long as it stays legal. Nothing shady.

"We stay out of that shit and we won't have any problems."

"Yeah, and what if they try and make us? What if they hold this over our heads and force us to get into stuff we don't want to do. You've got to admit you've thought about it."

I look back down at the table, my eyes following the smooth top where the different colors in the wood run in swirling lines. "Of course I've thought about it." And I have. Repeatedly. Ever since working with them even became an option.

The King's are a different breed. Of criminal activity, they're at the top of the food chain and we're somewhere closer to the bottom. We're bikes and leather and they're sports cars and designer.

We may be their new pets, but we're not learning any new tricks.

They want to own us? They'll take us as we are.


I'm sitting out by the pool. It's sunny and warming up finally. Better for riding. I'll have to take Talia out soon for another ride through the desert. I know Blade and Letha have already been out a few times—probably to do whatever nasties they get up to.

I'm one to speak. Talia and I had sex for the first time out in the desert, but that doesn't compare to the icky things my brother and his lady get up to. I'm lucky he doesn't screw her in front of everyone, I don't think I could watch without needing holy water with a dash of bleach for my eyes.

We may have all had our moments, myself included, that involved us and a few naked Sheep in the Den, but those days are over for Blade and I. Gray never really partook so I can't include him. Jett and Axel continue to do whatever they want so they don't count. But I wouldn't dare touch another woman now that I have Talia.

Who is inside right now slinging drinks all by herself. She told Jazz to take the day off and that she'd work for her extra hard today. Jazz gave her a kiss on the lips in thanks that made me tense up, but scurried away and back out to her car before I could reprimand her for kissing my woman.

Talia likes women and I'm sure she thinks Jazz is hot—who wouldn't—but I know she's not interested. I can see it in her eyes when she looks at me as if I'm the only person in the room sometimes.

It's startling to think someone actually cares about me. It's been so long since I've feel that kind of love, and even when I thought I had it, it was fake. What Talia is giving me is real. Undeniable, frustrating, all-consuming love.

The water of the pool ripples in the wind and I hear commotion in the Den. Voices are raised and chairs are scooting around.

Curious, I stand and head in through the back door to see a flurry of movement. People running around, screaming their heads off.

"Quick! What do we do? Fuck!" Kai shouts, pressing his hands on top of his head and looking scared out of his mind.

"Hot water! We need hot water!" Jace commands, pushing Finn in the direction of the kitchen who is struggling not to laugh as he slowly walks towards the sink and pretends to fill a tub with water.

"Bring me a bottle of vodka!" Stone shouts.

"Babies don't drink vodka!" Kai yells back and Stone shakes his head.

"For me, you dumbass!"

What in the actual fuck is going on.

Getting closer, I see what they're all fussing over and smile at the sight.

Callie is sitting at a table, hands over her stomach, looking calm and collected. A pool of liquid drips onto the ground under her and her cheeks are slightly flushed, but other than that, I'd say she's the calmest person in that crowd right now.

"Seriously guys, just relax. I'm not giving birth in the dang clubhouse. Gray's getting the stuff we need now. I'm going to the hospital. You're more than welcome to stop by later." She laughs and some of the guys continue to practically pull out their hair.

"Your water broke! You're in labor. You need to stay and have the baby here. Do you want your daughter born on the side of the road? Hmm, hmm, Callie?" Kai questions, looking mad with worry.

It's entertaining and now I know why we canceled cable in here. This was better than anything I could ever get on tv.

"Leave her alone. Back up. Don't crowd her, you'll suffocate her," I say, grabbing Kai and Stone by the cut and pulling them away from Callie.

Talia rushes by me, holding out a plate of pizza rolls and drops them onto the table in front of Callie who is salivating at the sight. "Holy shit, thank you so much. I'm starving."

Talia smirks, coming to my side and leaning into me. "Anytime, girl. Eat up."

Callie devours the pizza rolls, only occasionally closing her eyes in pain as she experiences the beginnings of labor. Other than that, she's tearing into her food like she hasn't eaten in years.

"How can you eat at a time like this?!" Stone frets, pacing back and forth. "And where is Gray? What's taking him so long?"

"He had to get the baby bag from our apartment. He'll be back soon. Jeez, don't stress yourself. The hospital is in the opposite direction from our apartment. I didn't see a point in going with him when he can just pick me up on his way back," she says through her stuffed face, crumbs decorating the sides of her lips.

"He needs to ride faster! What on earth is his problem!"

"Don't have one. I'm here," Gray says to Stone before turning to Callie, "Babygirl, let's go." Gray comes further into the Den, looking completely wind blown, carrying a suitcase in one hand and a smaller cloth bag over his shoulder. He steps to Callie's side and helps her stand.

"Wait!" She screams, startling everyone. Especially Stone who goes to her side and attempts to help her in anyway.

"What?! What's wrong?! Is it the baby, is it coming?!"

Callie plucks the plate of pizza rolls off the table, continuing to inhale the piping hot little mounds of dough, sauce, and cheese. "Couldn't forget these. Thanks again, Talia!" She sounds calm and easygoing, not at all like she's about to push a baby out of her.

"You're welcome. Good luck!" Talia cups her hands over her mouth to amplify her voice and waves over her head at the retreating couple.

By tomorrow, if all goes well, we'll have a new princess to dote on.

The club will go to the hospital soon to wait it out, but considering how much the staff hate us there, we're going to try and keep our stay to a minimum. Letha and Blade will keep us updated since they'll be going there the full time.

"It's exciting, huh?" Talia says, turning to me and sliding one of her hands into my back pocket and squeezing my asscheek.

It pushes my lower half into hers, my jeans the only thing keeping me from touching my dick to her exposed belly.

"A baby? Hell yes it's exciting!"

Talia's face turns cold for a second. "Have you ever thought about having kids?"

Shit. That's not where I thought she was going with that line of conversation at all.

Have I ever thought about having kids? Sure. Doesn't everyone think about it? You either think about doing it or you imagine it and decide you'd rather not.

I tread carefully, not sure what kind of answer she's really looking for. "I've thought about it, yes."

She looks contemplative for a moment, that cute little crease appearing between her brows. "I don't want kids while I'm young. I need you to know that now. I may never even want them at all."

I'm quiet for a second, thinking over what she's said. It's a heavy topic to bring up in the midst of such joy. The sudden change hits me like whiplash but I don't hold her any looser and I don't pull away.

"I just want you to know now so you can make up your mind if you want to stay with me. If kids are your thing and you want a whole basketball team of them, I'm not your woman." She looks down in shame, unable to meet my eyes any longer.

Grabbing her chin, I lift her head back up. "Just because I've thought about having kids, doesn't mean I came to the conclusion that I want them."

Kids are great. I love them, sure, but thinking about reproducing when addiction runs in my family is a scary thought. Do I really want to pass down those kind of genes onto an innocent child?

"Yeah?" She asks, her voice little and unsure. "You're not just saying that because you love me and want to keep me? Think carefully, Ryder, I don't need you to decide down the road that you made a mistake that'll make you resent me."

I shake my head. "I promise, it's nothing like that. I could never resent you, Tal. Besides, most of the guys love kids, and I'm sure Blade and Letha will have more than enough to share one day with the way they're stuck to each other."

Talia chuckles, "As soon as she gets her birth control out, expect pregnancy announcements back to back to back."

We're both silent and I take Talia into my arms. I'm sure there's a deeper issue that makes Talia not want children. Maybe it has to do with what happened to her. I could be completely wrong and she may just not want them at all for no reason other than she doesn't want them. There'a nothing wrong with that either.

But we'll get through this. Being apart of the club, there are plenty of chances to be an uncle and auntie.

You don't need to have your own kids to know the love of a child.

After the mini freak out—mainly on Stone and Kai's part—most of us break off into our own groups, doing our own thing. Talia goes back to working and I watch from my table as she bends over, occasionally coming out from behind the bar to serve drinks, bending over even further to stick her ass out for my enjoyment.

I'm hard, hidden under the table, envisioning ripping her shorts down her legs and sinking my cock into her wet heat.

My lusty haze is broken when my phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out, seeing a blocked number pop up. For a second I worry it has something to do with the King family. What could they possibly want already? And why call me instead of Ash?

Answering cautiously, I hear silence for the first few seconds. Only an even breathing. A heavily eastern European accented voice finally speaks. "Package is secured. Will be delivered at 0600 tomorrow."

They say nothing else and hang up, not giving me a chance to confirm or ask any more questions. Not that I need any more information.

It's the mercenaries. They have the remaining three and they'll be dumped in the cabin by tomorrow morning.

We've got the sons of bitches.

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