Wrong Place To Rob [L.S.]

By EatCarrotInBigRedBus

7.9K 417 273

[L.S.] Louis and Zayn are local thieves, robbing different small houses in London. They want to rob the house... More

short story: inspiration
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Epilogue ~ "I care."


348 16 8
By EatCarrotInBigRedBus

I hope you taste my saliva.


"Good morning, sunshine!"

Louis moaned, lying curled up on the floor. He was glad he at least had his hoodie to keep him warm.

"What time is it?"

"Nine O'clock, sleepy head." The smile Harry had could probably split his face in half.

"Is it the fourth day I'm here?" Harry nodded.

"I got you a sandwich with, guess what?" Louis opened his eyes and had to do his best not to poke Harry's dimples as he sat against the wall like he'd been doing the days before.

"Someone's in good mood." Louis scoffed and came sitting next to him.

"I'm always in this mood. You're just extremely pessimistic." Always in this mood? Yeah, right.

"You weren't in that mood when I tried to escape." Not a smart move, Louis. Not a smart move.

Harry's cheek clenched and he sighed.

"You know, if you were smart, you'd remember that effectively and shut your mouth, princess."

Louis did. Harry's mood had definitely changed now. Or not, as he got a little paper bag from his pocket and smiled while opening it. He got a sandwich with cheese out and handed it to Louis.

"There, now you don't have to guess. Happy?" It sounded like he was annoyed but his smirk gave him away.

"Very much." Louis mumbled and ate.

"Is Zayn doing any good?" He asked once his sandwich was done. He'd tried to stop it but his mood actually quite lifted because of Harry's humming while he was eating. Isn't that just annoying, normally?

"Yeah, I actually can't believe we didn't have such a guy with us before. He got us everything we needed to know about the house and Liam managed to place cameras here and there."

"Wow, you're actually telling me now?" Louis mocked, but there showed a little smile on his lips. This was more interesting than the crumbles of bread in his lap anyways.

Harry just smiled while looking down in his own lap. They talked about random things for a bit before Liam called Harry out to work.


"It's day five, right?"

"Mhmm." Harry murmured. He was eating, same for Louis. For once he'd brought himself something to eat too, which made it less awkward for Louis and more casual.

"How're you doing, princess?" He smiled once his mouth was empty.

"Stop calling me that." Louis looked down at his half eaten sandwich with ham and took another bite.

"Sweetheart, princess, what else is in the list of forbidden names, honey?" Harry mocked but he chuckled right after.

God, his good mood was annoying.

"Honey's on the list." He mumbled as he shrugged down the last of his sandwich

"Then what should I call you?"

He rolled his eyes, Harry did too.

"I don't know, Harry. What about my name?" The eye rolling became a constant thing he had to do while talking to Harry.

"That's boring, and I don't want you to call me Harry. Until I find something you approve of, I'm gonna call you honey-poney." He fully laughed now, amused by his own behaviour.

Jesus, was this the definition of self-esteem?

"No, please don't." Louis whined and Harry smirked.

Suddenly, Harry looked down at him, leaning closer so their shoulders were touching. Their eyes locked steadily and they both weren't able to look away.

Until Harry's hand went through Louis' hair, his fingertips feeling the softness of the messy locks before he placed a gentle kiss against Louis' temple.

Then he backed away and stood up towards the door, before he turned around to look at Louis sitting still like a statue, extremely confused at what just happened.

Harry started laughing, "You should've seen your face!" He cackled and left.

So. This criminal had a weird kind of humour.

The motherfucker liked to play with Louis' feelings, those confused feelings, feelings of certain hate towards Harry. Yup.


"Guess what?"

"What?" Louis looked up as Harry closed the door behind him.

"No-" he sighed, "you have to guess, honeyponey."

"Oh god, not the name." He scoffed while rolling his eyes. This man had no limits. Besides, what the fuck was this man? Scary? Childish? Both?

"Yes, the name," He sat down and handed Louis his daily sandwich, "Now guess." He said while taking a bite of his own.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"I don't know, Lou, maybe guess?" Harry chuckled and threw the paper bag from which he had gotten the sandwiches onto Louis' lap

"Haz-" he interrupted himself by choking on his sandwich, quite shocked, "Harry! You actually called me by my name this time!" He said while smirking and took another bite, careful not to choke this time.

"I didn't say your name. I said Lou, do you consider that your name?" Harry chuckled before he looked at Louis with a serious gaze, waiting for an answer.

"Well if anything, it's better than any of your pet names." He mumbled, looking at Harry still frowning at him, he felt his cheeks heat up under the man's gaze but looked down to cover it and then continued eating.

"Alright, then I'm gonna call you Lou from now on." he spoke seriously which Louis found a bit weird. He had thought Harry would've at least chuckled.

"Fine, Harry. Call me Lou." He mumbled with a little smile. He looked down to hide it again.

"Nah, come on. Don't call me by my name." He mocked and looked up because that's what he did while thinking.

"I'm sorry that I don't use pet names for you. You're still my hostage taker and you're going to kill me, why are you even sitting here every day?" Louis rambled and quickly regretted it as Harry's face turned serious and his cheek clenched, but it wasn't anger. Did he- Was that a sparkle of compassion in his eyes? No... couldn't be.

"Not a pet name, just, something else," Harry spoke slowly and then returned to his relatively good mood, "And, you see, Niall and I don't get along very well."

"I've noticed that." Louis chuckled as he finished his sandwich.

"Yeah well, he pisses me off, seriously. I assume you're bored too and I enjoy your company way better than his."



"You still didn't guess, you know."

Louis felt his enthusiasm return and wanted to answer right when someone called from outside, "Harry, wouldn't you come help us work here for a second instead of doing nothing all day?"

He rolled his eyes at Niall's huffing and Louis chuckled.

"Tomorrow's another day, prin- Lou." He smiled warmly, creating a weird feeling that disturbed Louis' tummy before he stood up and left.

The feeling didn't leave.


"Day seven, let's go." Louis mumbled as he woke up by the noise Harry made while walking in.

"Wake up, Lou, today's a special day." He said, but didn't look as cheerful as the day before.

"What?" he mumbled while sitting up, watching Harry take place in his usual spot.

"It's day seven. You've been here for exactly a week today."

"And now you want to celebrate?" Louis scoffed and this time, Harry actually pissed him off. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he normally really enjoyed Harry's company. Not only because he was the only person he saw these days, but Harry was actually a quite fun person to talk to, even quite adorable sometimes, if you forgot about the criminal and mafia and killing part.

"I was gonna, but I sense you're not in the mood. Anyways, I got you something." He said while showing his dimples. Louis quickly came closer and sat next to him, just like they did it everyday.

"You, you got me something?" He arched a brow in confusion and tried his best to hide the little smile tugging his lips, haunting his lips.

"Yeah, it's what I wanted you to guess yesterday, but after all it might be fun to give it as a one week present." Yup, still pissing him off.

"Right. I'd hope your keeping-me-locked-for-a-whole-week-gift was to set me free, but I know you won't, so what is it?" Louis kind of hoped to bug him a bit, after spending these past days with him, he learned Harry was not a total monster.

He was still disgusted by thinking of Harry killing someone, but he'd shown he was also capable of being nice, being attentive, being friendly, being friends. Louis and Harry were not friends, though.

He opened the paper bag he brought every day and gave Louis his sandwich, got out his own and put his hand back in to get the surprise, Louis' eyes widened as he got two donuts out, one with blue icing and white, pink and purple sparkles, and one with white icing and rainbow coloured sparkles. They looked delicious.

"Oh my god, donuts, really?" Louis scoffed and tried to sound annoyed, but this was the first food he'd get that was not a sandwich since he was there, and it was damn good food too.

"Which one do you want?" Harry asked with a bright smile, obviously seen that Louis was enthusiastic and he seemed proud to have enlightened Louis' mood like that.

"Erm... The white one, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind." He smiled warmly again, something still quite weird to Louis, but he liked it.

A curl hung in Harry's face and he tried to blow it away, but it fell right back. Louis saw so he fixed it.

Harry looked confused to the smaller man next to him, but he was already focussing on his donut again.

"Mhpf!" Louis murmured with donut in his mouth and eyes wide in realisation, "I haven't said- well, thank you, Harry." He smiled back lightly.

"What did you say to me yesterday again? When you almost choked?" Harry frowned and Louis did too, trying to remember.

"erm... that you called me by my name. Well, by 'Lou'." He said while raising his brows to Harry, as if to ask if that's what he meant.

"No, I mean, you choked while saying my name and..." he trailed off, deep in thought.

"Oh, erm, I- I think I accidentally said 'Haz'. Sorry about that, I was choking as you know, and I-"

"Keep that." Harry said and ate the last of his own donut, licking his fingers after.

"What?" Louis asked as he focused unwillingly on Harry's tongue licking over the soft skin of his fingertips.

"Call me Haz."


For the first time in a whole week, Louis didn't feel cold when he woke up. His neck and head didn't hurt from lying on the floor too.

His eyes slowly fluttered open in confusion as his head was lightly being lifted and lowered in a regular, slow rhythm, as he felt soft, warm skin pressed to the back of his curled up fingers.

His eyes closed again and in his sleepiness he nuzzled deeper in the warmth, that seemed to melt into him too as it pulled him closer, tightening around his back.

He lightly smiled at the comfortable feeling, everything felt right, until confusion hit him. The floor wasn't supposed to be comfortable, or warm, or soft, or pulling him closer.

His eyes fluttered open again and he saw his hand curled under Harry's shirt on his tummy. He quickly pulled his arm away. His head was resting on Harry's chest, rising and falling in a slow pace. He looked up to see Harry still being fast asleep, arms tightly around Louis' waist and shoulders.

Panic was the first and only thing that seemed to be going through Louis' mind right now, as he untangled himself from Harry's grip as quickly as possible, causing Harry to slowly wake up.

He shuffled back on the ground until he reached the wall and sat half up against it, closing his eyes, hands steadily flat on the ground. He felt his body shake and breathing becoming faster. He swallowed.

This wasn't good, no. This wasn't good at all. They were not supposed to- Harry had to kill Louis in the end. He was supposed to be scared of him. Harry was supposed to taunt him, but all he did lately was being soft and friendly and cute, and it scared the shit out of him.

His eyes shot everywhere around the room but Harry waking up on the floor, on the spot where he laid curled up on him just a minute ago. His breathing quickened again and he felt like his lungs were shrinking and there was less air than usual.

Harry propped himself up on one elbow as he rubbed his eye in confusion. He looked even softer in the morning. No, no Louis what the fuck are you doing? You can't think like that. You- you can't. It was not good, these thoughts were not supposed to be in Louis' mind so he shot them out, focussing on his fastening breathing because it felt like he only inhaled more anxiety.

"Hey, hey," Harry breathed in a worried tone when he saw Louis panicking, "what's wrong?" and he crawled closer to where Louis was leaning against the wall, but he backed away from him with a hand up towards him.

"Stay back," he mumbled at first, but raised his voice when Harry came closer with a concerned face anyway, "I said, stay back!"

Harry did as he said and stayed back, confused, and his lips flattened in a tensed line.

Louis tried to breath air, it was a little easier since Harry listened to him, but it was still hard. His heartbeat didn't slow down either when he thought about what happened a few minutes ago. And how he felt about it, then different than now.

Suddenly he started wondering if Harry knew what happened, he remembered they laughed the night before and it felt foreign and he stopped it on purpose. He remembered Harry shuffling closer so their shoulders were touching. He remembered the scared feeling from day one returning when he thought about Harry's behaviour the past days.

He shrugged it off then, but now it scared him how friendly Harrry was and he started to think he was up to something. He didn't remember falling asleep though, maybe Harry just fell asleep too, maybe they fell on the ground and ended up cuddling because it was cold. He hoped, really hoped that Harry didn't remember them cuddling.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or something. You just seemed cold and I know the floor is hard to sleep on..."

So the fucking bastard- he- he knew, he even did it on purpose?

Louis didn't know if he should find it sweet or scary. He decided scary was a better option, for his own sake.

"Leave, please." He whispered. It's not that he didn't enjoy Harry's company, but he was extremely scared right now, overthinking everything that had happened and how little he had been thinking of escaping, how little he had felt worried. He should be though, he should be scared for his life.

"What? Lou, are you okay? I-" Harry stopped and frowned to himself, apparently also realising this wasn't normal, this wasn't right, this wasn't supposed to be this way.

Without another word, he left.

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