nothing fucking good.

By B4kug0usnumber1s1mp

35.2K 1.5K 1.1K

Bakugou has to deal with COVID and mental issues in one way or another. Let's just say nothing good comes out... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
authors notes (ily all)

chapter 19

1K 42 85
By B4kug0usnumber1s1mp

(authors note: hi. i know that its been nearly two weeks and i didn't really keep to my promise, but i have shit going down in my life my aunt and two of her children have to stay here, and we don't have all that much privacy or space now, so I've been working to get time to continue writing this. To make up for it, its longer than my usual updates are. Trigger warning for the usual things. enjoy. Also, i was hoping to leave some questions unanswered for this chapter, but don't worry, all will be sorted with time.)

Before Bakugou could process the hurdle of emotions thrown his way, he was carried to the medical bay straight away, by Cementoss. His teacher was unsurprisingly strong, but there was still a part in his brain telling him that Cementoss was struggling to carry the peer weight of him.

Wanting to do nothing more than be alone, he felt the urge to bash his fists around to get out of the hero's arms. Even still, he would be forced to go see the old woman, which he knew would lecture him and try to force sickly-sweet sweets down his throat.

Why did he have to be stupid? Ugh.

As he was thrown onto a chair in recovery girls office, she quickly examined him, checking his eyes and other signs for a concussion.

He groaned, tired of the constant fussing the old woman was doing. "What were you thinking young man? If you were that tired you should've stepped out. Were you trying to get yourself killed?"

She sounded a lot like a mother nagging at him. How annoying. At the last part of what she said, he was tempted to reply with, 'Yes, you hag. I was trying to die.'

The temptations were strong, but he resisted, knowing that would have the opposite effect of what he wanted.

Recovery girl, being the motherly type of person, still gave him a healing kiss, just in case of any underlying pains the boy could be in.

Straight away, he noticed two immediate things; he felt unmistakeably exhausted and the constant pains in his stomach stopped completely. Surprised, but still tired, he couldn't display that much of a reaction. A good thing in that situation, in case the old woman got curious about any puzzled expressions he would've made.

"Hurry and sleep, boy. I will bring you food when you wake up. As for you, Cementoss, thank you for bringing this clumsy boy to my care, but you can leave now, I will care for him whilst I wait for Aizawa."

Whilst Katsuki lied down on the bed, muttering about not being clumsy or needing taken care of, Cementoss bowed and took his leave.

Katsuki fell into a deep slumber, despite trying not to go to sleep, wanting to think about the effect recovery girl's powers had on his stomach pains for a bit.

He awoke after school hours, eyes sticky with sleep, yawning like a child.

"Ah, finally you are awake, Bakugou."

Bakugou flinched into the bed as he heard the cold, tired-sounding voice of his form class teacher: Aizawa.

He rubbed his eyes viciously as he sat up in his bed. "Um... Hey teach. Sorry, I'll catch up with classes I promise" he said, automatically knowing he had slept for hours.

Aizawa stared deep into his soul as he replied, "Don't worry problem child, Kirishima offered to take down notes for you. I just need a statement of what happened up there for your head teacher. Also, some classmates were worried, I recommend you explain to them as well."

Bakugou absorbed all the information with a lame look on his face. A look on his face of a person that had just woken up from a 4-hour nap and was slightly confused.

"Huh, a statement?"

"Yes. You need to write down what happened in your perspective, or explain to me and I will report back."

Thinking about it for a second, Bakugou decided to go for the option of writing it down. Although it sounded bad, he would be able to think a little bit before he explained what 'happened'. He needed the lie to be the most believable it could be.

The statement he wrote went along the lines of.

'Bakugou Katsuki.

I was tired today because I woke up really early and did a lot of exercise. The training was really extreme, and I could have handled it, but I got a bit more tired and I passed out. It was a short blackout and I snapped out of it when I heard someone shout my name. I then blasted at the ground to soften the blow. Then I was taken to recovery girl who gave me a healing kiss.'

He had to put his signature, which was really just his full name in his handwriting, and a short, brief explanation of what happened in his own perspective.

He admitted to himself that he was scared of being viewed as weak for putting that he was tired from a little work out, but it was what he believed would be the most believable to the mouse-rat like thing of a head teacher they had.

He almost wanted to 'blackout' again as he witnessed his teacher reading the statement with raised unbelieving eyebrows, but what was he supposed to do?

Soon, he learned, from his form teacher, that some other classmates had to write statements of what they saw. The classmates that witnessed it from up close. Anxiety of some sort creeped up his gut when that bit of information was revealed to him, and he grew stressed. What if some over dramatic classmate like mina had to write a statement. He could only imagine that load of shit that would be written.

His teacher left the room, saying a formal sort of goodbye, whilst Katsuki sat on the tough mattress of the medical bay beds, anxiety crowding his head and taking over his thoughts.

He managed to grasp some sort of control over his thoughts and heart rate as the short, old woman, known as recovery girl entered the room with a very full plate of food, that was handed to him, right on his lap.

Seeing the woman, and hearing her remind him to eat properly like a mother, gave him memories of why and how his stomach pain had gone.

The stress and anxiety wracking his body made the food put Infront of him look irresistible and comforting.

As he thought deeply about why and how her quirk could've relived the pain in his lower stomach, he didn't even take into account the food he was practically inhaling. Not even making the effort to properly taste the food, he relished in the comfort he got from chewing food. The bread especially satisfied him and he quickly became addicted.

Soon enough, he was still deep in thought about the effects of recovery girl's quirk, as he reached down to the tray to pick up more food to stuff in his mouth, but his utensil came in contact with the solid unsatisfactory feeling of an empty plate.

Bakugou looked down at the speed of light, looking like a dead fish of the sight of a crumb covered plate on his lap.

"You must've been hungry young Bakugou, huh?"

With the same fish look on his face, he turned his view to the old woman and stuttered slightly, "D-did I really eat all that?"

Recovery girl had a confused look on her face, "Yes... That was a good portion of food for a teen that goes through a lot of training and missed lunch due to sleeping."

Bakugou turned his head down to his lap, and instead of seeing his thighs like usual, he saw big round ugly fat slabs of skin and adipose hidden under much too tight trousers.

Even though his eyes worked fine, and he could see the way his pe trousers hung off his legs, it felt too tight and too restricted. Infact, he felt his stomach bloat up with all the food and his skin restrict tight around the contents inside his belly.

He wanted to be sick... He actually felt sick too.

Groaning weakly, sounding in pain, his stomach made a wailing noise and he could tell he was going to look a sickly pale colour by the end of tonight. So much for recovery girls quirk putting the pain in his stomach out like a light.

What was even worse than the physical pain, and the way every time he looked at his limbs they seemed to be inflating, was the fact he allowed recovery girl see him in his weakest form. Pigging out, like an actual pig. He wouldn't be surprised if he made weird grunt-y pig noises as he ate. It was so embarrassing, that his once sickly pale face, turned pink with the pure embarrassment.

Why him?

"Young Bakugou? Are you ok? Do you need to be healed again? What did this problem child get himself into now?"

Bakugou didn't currently have the capacity to listen to her fully, too stuffed with calories and fatty foods, but he did at least reply with an unconvincing, "I'm fine, can I go now?"

Recovery girl seemed in thought for a few seconds before agreeing. She trusted the young student to come to her when he felt sick, he must've just been shocked to see he had eaten everything quickly. It's alright. Well... At least that's what she told herself as she gave Katsuki the permission to leave. Bakugou practically ran out of the room like he would've in a marathon.

Rushing, he tried not to look down too much, not wanting to see the massive bulge of his bloated fat stomach under his pe shirt. He made his way fairly quickly to the changing rooms, where his locker stood. Rapidly, he opened the locker to a mirror, which was placed in everyone's locker, only to see a round chubby double chinned boy staring back. No way! That was unacceptable!

Failing miserably, he tried to deter his eyes from the view in the mirror but he just couldn't. How could he pull up the will to have any more self-respect? The way he saw his body drained himself of any confidence and/or self-love he might've had left. Trying to snap himself out of it, he pulled the UA school pe uniform off and shoved other clothes on, trying desperately not to look at his body whilst doing it.

He sighed after he managed to get his clothes on decently quickly, until he realised the aching in his bladder telling him he had to take a leak.

Looking down at the floor, he uncomfortably made his way to the bathrooms connected to the locker rooms and tried his best to stop himself from tearing up whilst he fucking urinated of all things. Past his belt, all he could see were big tree trunk resembling legs, and he wanted nothing more than to just break down on the floor crying. But god knows he can't do anything right, not even have a stupid fucking breakdown properly. Looking up to the mirror next to him, he couldn't understand why his scales were telling him 128lb's when he was clearly at least above 175lb's.

The scales were lying, and everyone was lying. Recovery girl didn't mean it when she said it was a proper meal and he needed it for energy. His parents didn't mean it when they said he was worried.

All the stares he got from some classmates weren't jealousy like he thought. They didn't long for a power like his or his stupid darn quirk, they pitied him, and the state his body was in, and Bakugou wanted to tear his hair out as he washed his hands, but he refrained from doing so. Although he previously thought he wanted to cry, he realised that it would do no good and it would only serve to upset him more than he already was.

Even just looking at any skin upset him, all he saw was fingers and limbs that looked inflated like balloons. He deserved to be thrown in a circus with how odd he looked. No one would ever accept him when he managed to look like a whale fucked a human and it birthed him.

In no way did he hate fat people, or obese people, but he hated the way he felt like he would be judged for one tiny thing that could ever be deemed 'unattractive'. People that society deemed unattractive would never make it far in the hero world. It was sad to say that people tended to like the more 'hot' or 'beautiful' hero's, therefore, they get more recognition and move up higher in the superhero business.

He wanted to rip beauty standards apart, because without them, he knew he would be able to make it far, but with them, he knew there was a lot he needed to change about his appearance before he would be deemed 'beautiful' or 'hot' in anyone's eyes.

In all honesty, he even started to attempt skin care and put special products for hair to make his hair shinier, and prettier. During lockdown, he had even experimented with makeup, defining his facial features and even going as far as to try lipstick and see how he felt about it. In reality, he didn't mind it, and for a while, he thought he looked 'pretty' with it on. When it came to the point to take it off, he honestly felt like it was a shame, always preferring his complexion with, rather than without makeup. But when it came to his weight, it seemed like he could never do anything to rid the fat from his body, he was always too fat in his view.

Spending quite a while at the sink, washing his hands and pondering things alike, he didn't hear the 2 boys chattering in the hallway, just about to burst in and pop his thought bubble.

"yeah, that's what I'm saying! Anyways- Wait, Bakugou, you're here too!"

Katsuki snapped his head towards a beaming Denki and a surprised, but happy Kiri.

"So... you gonna tell us how you got so tired you passed the fuck out or not? I'm curious!" Denki questioned, always wanting to be in on the drama.

"The fuck you wanna know for?" Katsuki snapped back with a sharp unapproving tone.

"Feisty as usual, aren't you Bakugou?" Kirishima all but stated, with a fondness in his eyes, that unmistakably, was paired with concern.

"..." Bakugou chose not to speak up as he reluctantly turned off the tap and walked out with the two idiots.

"Kiri?" Denki started, "What the hell did we even go in the bathroom for anyways?"

Kirishima gave him a confused look and then responded with, "I don't know... I guess we were too caught up in our convo, ahaha"

Kirishima's light hearted chuckle made emotions gather in his chest, to either drag it down with a confusing sadness, and with an addicting feeling of love.

Katsuki only wished he could act on his feelings, but even if he wasn't going to go through with his plan, he still wouldn't ruin their friendship with stupid feelings. The friendship part was now useless as Bakugou was already coming up with way to put the friendship on hold for a fucking diet plan. Guilt was manifesting further in him every day, and he could do nothing to stop the heavy feeling in his gut, only snarl and bear it.

The trio walked down multiple hallways, on path to the dorms, and the common room, with Kiri and Denki chatting away happily, a silent Bakugou just walking beside them, in deep thought.

Katsuki was constantly on edge, trying to conceal his body in any way shape or form. Hunching in on himself slightly more than usual, constantly pulling on his trousers to stop them from even making contact with his legs, bringing his shoulders up in a defensive stance.

Denki oblivious to the odd behaviour, stayed skipping along merrily, whilst Kirishima kept glancing back and worrying his lips between his teeth in worry. Kiri desperately wanted to as Katsuki about everything, but he knew Bakugou, and he knew that he wouldn't say shit with other 'extras' around, always preferring to be more private about most subjects. But without having to ask any questions, Kiri understood that with the way Katsuki was just walking, showed just how uncomfortable he felt. Kiri wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around the form of Katsuki and hug him and whisper encouraging things and sweet nothings into his ears until he felt safe and cared for.

He longed to give comfort like he never got. The thing about Kiri was that he never accepted comfort, or help that could indicate he wasn't manly, but he was always too eager to care for loved ones. He knew Katsuki was similar in the way he though any help or sympathy offered his way, was pity, and the person giving it was looking down on him as weak, but Kiri wanted to be someone Katsuki could say truly cared for him with confidence in his eyes. Kiri also hoped that in the future Katsuki could grow to accept help for the people around him the cared for him.

Arriving at the dorm building, Denki had Kiri had to practically beg Katsuki to enter the common room with them. Eventually, Katsuki agreed, gaining a headache from Pikachu's whining, and entering the room with the trio, ignoring the stinging pain in his head, moving to sit on a couch.

He was not in the mood for a class gathering, and he honestly just wanted to go in his room and relax, trying not to think of shit things. But him being 'not in the mood' wasn't because he was in a bad mood (surprisingly) but because he was feeling slightly happier, despite his previous guilt. It was hard to explain, but the heaviness in his chest and the chronic fatigue wasn't hitting him as hard. He had even ordered a whole pack of monster drinks from online to keep in his dorm room for whenever he needed a burst of energy, but he wasn't sure if he would need them now.

It felt like his brain had reset, and had been lifted of all his troubles. His chest didn't feel so heavy with sadness, and he didn't feel so glum and unmotivated. The feeling of guilt sitting in his stomach from his binging didn't go away, but that wasn't enough for him to completely brush off the fact he felt considerably better than before. Maybe it was something to do with recovery girl's quirk? He didn't know... But what he did know, was that he would pay to stay feeling better like this forever. Just that tiny bit more of motivation, and a nonchalant mood, was already doing wonders for him, and he enjoyed it so much. He even thought that if his classmates started to bug him with questions about the whole fiasco that day, then maybe he could withstand it to answer at least 4/5 five questions.

Speaking of, mina couldn't keep it in anymore as she burst and screamed, "Bakugou! I'm sorry for asking, cause I know your gonna blow a fuse, but what the actual fuck happened back there today?"

Sighing, Bakugou shook his head. At least she had the decency to admit she knew he was going to get mad at the question.

Before he could properly respond, a bunch of other extras butted in, agreeing with wanting to know what happened, Iida being the only one fussing over mina's use of fuck and her informality.

"Jesus fucking Christ! Shut the fuck up and I might tell you." The room hushed, all anticipating Katsuki's answer, "I did extra training before and after I slept, so obviously I was a bit tired. The training was no biggie for me so don't get the wrong shitty arse idea! I only fucking passed out because I needed a few more hours of sleep. I would surpass you bunch of losers any other day."

Despite his sour response and defensive words, he just kicked back and rested his arms behind his head, letting his guard dropping a bit. Who cares if his stomach was easily visible when he was in a position like that? If anyone had a problem, they could suck his cock and fucking swallow. He was determined to lose the weight sooner or later anyways.

The subject of the training fiasco died out soon after his response and everybody started playing card games and prancing about like the idiotic bastards they were. Katsuki only stayed to watch them for half an hour before the pains in his stomach grew worse from his previous binging and he decided to leave.

What he didn't know, was that Kirishima followed him out. He only came top that realization when Kirishima entered the elevator with him.

"Huh? Shitty hair?"

Kirishima brought a hand up behind his head and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, giving Katsuki a small, reassuring smile.

"Yup, that's me!" The red head answered in earnest.

"Why'd ya follow me out?" Katsuki questioned, not really feeling the most comfortable in the situation he was placed in.

"Just wanted to talk, catch up, ya know, like friends do." A silent, 'or more' was said in Kiri's mind, as he brought the hand behind his neck down to fit into a pocket, trying to force a natural position.

"Um, ok." Katsuki said, trying his hardest to sound hard, and like he didn't give a shit. Not like that was working very well for him.

They arrived on their floor, and Katsuki led a following Kirishima to his room. Katsuki was not so clearly embarrassed by the state of his room, a couple stray clothing items laid on the floor, a big pack of white zero sugar monster energy drinks shoved in a corner, and a duvet (which wasn't even wearing a duvet cover) was in a bundle on his bed, mattress also devoid of a cover.

Kirishima's non-judgemental eyes roamed the room as he was thinking of possible reasons the usually organised blondes' room was in such a state. It was probably just hard for Katsuki to get properly settled in with just one day, Kirishima brushed off. He probably just needed a few more days to get time to unpack everything too.

The room was silent until Kirishima finally spoke up, "c'mon man, let's go sit on the couch and chat."

Katsuki shrugged his shoulders and made his way across the room to his messy bed and pushed the duvet out the way as he sat on the bed.

The two boys sat on the bed, knee to knee, comfortably chatting for ages. During the long conversation, Kirishima couldn't help but pick up on a few things: the way Bakugou sometimes brought a hand up to his stomach and cringed slightly, the way he used his arms to shield his legs around the thigh area and he kept looking down at his crossed legs with a scornful look.

Kirishima could only think that he had some sort of stomach ache and that there was something wrong with his legs. Growing concerned, Kiri spoke up about it,

"Hey man, are you ok?"
Katsuki glanced at him with a puzzled look, "Where did that come from?"

"You just look like you have a stomach ache because you keep cringing and holding your tummy." Kirishima pointed out shamelessly.

Katsuki flushed a pretty pink at the notion that Kirishima was able to pay attention to the small details like that. Replying back in a small gruff voice, Katsuki responded with, "It's just a little stomach ache, nothing I can't handle."

Kirishima stared at Katsuki right in the eyes and let a fond chuckle tumble out his mouth, "Of course you can handle everything, just let me know so we together can handle it, cause you know I'll always be up to help, no matter if you can deal on your own or not!"

If those words had left anyone else's mouths, Katsuki would've been fuming, but he frowned, pretending he was disapproving of the words as he tried his hardest to conceal the blush that was way too close to blossoming on his cheeks.

Bye the time they were near the end of the convo, dinner time was approaching and Kirishima was licking his lips at the thought of food. "C'mon Bakubro, it's time to get some food in our tummies!!"

"I'm fucking full Kiri. That nurse bitch fed me like 5 times the normal amount of food, hence the stomach ache."

Bakugou was obviously exaggerating, but Kirishima didn't need to know that.

Kiri ended up leaving with a pout on his face and Katsuki with an almost smile being worn on his. That day had started like shit and ended like shit that smelt better than the usual shit. But there was still some stinky arse fucking things about the end of that day (the end of the day being slightly better smelling shit). What about his plan to stop the friendship between him and Kiri? Was that just being thrown out the window now? Was that plan continuing? Did he have the heart to go through with it? If he decided not to go through with it, he would have to be extra careful about any way Kirishima could find out. If he ever managed to find out, Bakugou didn't know what he would do, but at least he had time to think about it. 

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