F.A.T.E (on hold)

By family505

7.2K 192 14

Sequel to Could've Been More

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c h a p t e r. 03

403 14 0
By family505


June 13, 2023


"Jeff, do you have my Oreos?" I ask Jeff, my manager, as we drive to the 99 Jamz interview.

"Yea, I also have your water," He told me while handing me my water.

"Thank you. Oh, is Melissa at the place because you know how I want to have everything." I told him, and he nodded while paying attention to his phone.

"Yes, she texted me 5 minutes ago and told me that they have everything how you want it and what questions you are comfortable with them asking and everything," He says as we pull up to the Penthouse that the interview is being held.

"Hurry up and eat your Oreos," He tells me as we get out, and I stuff my mouth with three Oreos. We walk into the building and go to the elevator and press the 10th floor to where they are going to hold the interview.

"Just relax and go with the flow," Jeff says to me as the elevator opens after a couple of minutes on it.

"Everybody in the penthouse makes some noise at the very talented H.E.R. HER!" The hostess yells, causing me to smile at the audience.

"H.E.R is in the building. Hey! Hey! Hey, Welcome." She says, greeting me as I walk towards her as she gets up from her chair and hugs me.

"Welcome to the penthouse studios! Sit. Enjoy. Relax." She says as I sit down beside her and grab the mic from my seat.

"How are you?" She asks me as I fix my glasses.

"I'm doing good. Happy to be here," I say, smiling.

"Good, good, good. You're not nervous, are you?" She asks me as I look in the audience.

"Not at all, no," I say as she smiles at me.

"Good cause this what you do." She says, causing me to laugh.

"Y'all, show some love to H.E.R., please." She says into the mic, and the audience starts to cheer.

"When I tell you, we have some Day-One fans in here too. We got the lighting nice and dark in here, just the way you like it." She says, causing me to smile to myself a little.

"Dope, dope. It's a vibe in here." I told her as she agrees with me.

"Yea, it's a vibe in here. I told the audience that we should be burning some candles, some incense a little bit." She says, laughing a little causing me to smile at her.

"So, so that you know what's happening. Umm, We'll be live on air in a few minutes, and then we'll do more of an off-air interview well. So we have some Day-One fans of yours in the building, they know your music girl. They have some questions for you, girl, but I'm just curious about the name H.E.R. Having Everything Revealed. Girl, what are you revealing? Talk about it." She tells me as I get ready to answer her question.

"What am I revealing? Honestly, it's just my thoughts and feelings, and what's it's like growing up as a young woman and life. I mean, H.E.R came from the concept of me growing up and kind of the evolution woman and stuff you go through in relationships and life, and it's just shining a light on that. It's just expressing myself because music is my outlet now, and it's my diary, and I just decided to release it onto the world. Now I found that I'm not alone in everything I go through." I spoke the truth into the mic, already expecting this answer.

"I'm glad that you said the music is diary because, girl, it feels like you are giving real, personal situations that you are sharing that we can all relate to. Right?" She asks as I smile at her.

"Absolutely," I say into the mic laughing a little.

"Are you currently in a relationship? Is that the inspiration? Or was its heartbreak?" She asks me, causing me to smile shyly.

"I'm living my life, and it's several things. I think that we all have a lot of ups and downs, relationships or not. Umm, a lot of situations. You know more so than relationships, but umm, yeah. I'm just living my life." I say into the mic, looking at the audience.

"I like that. She's like situation-ships. We all had a situation-ship before. One or two before." She says, laughing as I agree with her.

"H.E.R is in the building! We're going live in one?" She asks to the side, and I make myself more comfortable on the couch.

"One minute? Okay, does anyone have a question? Okay, y'all think about it. Can we turn the radio a little bit? There we go." She asks the DJ, and I hear 'Shawty' by Plies start to play.

"Is there anything that you want to talk about?" She asks me as I give her a confused look because Melissa already told them what to discuss.

"The tour with Chris Brown or Bryson Tiller. That's about it." I tell her, and she laughs slightly, nodding to what I say. I turn my head to the front and listen to the music that the DJ is playing as she goes over her questions that she is going to ask.

"It's a cool vibe in here," I tell her, facing her again, and she smiles.

"Yea, but it's hot," She says as I nod along to what she's saying and also the music.

"Are you comfortable? Do you need water or anything?" She asks me as I shake my head no.

"No, I'm good. I'm good, but thank you," I told her as she nods. I start to mouth the words to the music until someone in the back began to count down from 5 to 1.

"Study Night Jams California's number one for hip-hop and R&B. Reporting live from the Penthouse today. We have the very talented, the beautiful, H.E.R. Hanging out on the couch. Having Everything Revealed, you just revealed a few things to us earlier offer. But now- I am sure you are super excited about this space that you're in right now." She says, stuttering a little bit.

"Hey, what's up? Absolutely, umm honestly creatively, in every way I've been in an excellent headspace. This is because I'm busy, and being busy is a blessing and the fact that people are loving the music and taking in the message and saying things like 'Oh, I feel you on that.' That's very rewarding to me, and that's a great feeling, so I'm happy." I say into the mic and adjusting my glasses since they keep on falling a little.

"Speaking of taking away messages from your music, what do you want to be known for? I know that's a big question, but like right now presently?" She asks as I think about the question.

"I never really thought about what I wanted to be known for, but I just wanted people to be comfortable with who they are and what they go through and to know that they're not alone. Because even before I released my music, there are songs that I didn't want to put out because I might as well be saying names on this song. I felt like it was so personal. I was afraid to release the music, but music is what I love, and I knew that I had to, and now I feel like I found my purpose as being a voice to young women and a voice for the disenfranchised. Also, to the people that have a hard time pinpointing what they feel and have a hard time releasing it and not knowing what their outlet is, but it's kind like just giving that voice." I say into the mic, expressing how I want to be viewed.

"Now, for some reason. I get the shy introvert vibe. Your voice is so big, and your music is so powerful. Is there anything else that you would've been doing?" She asks me.

"Honestly, I don't know. I wouldn't say I'm shy, but I'm private, low-key, and to myself. Yeah, I don't know because music has been in my life since I was a toddler. I probably would've gone to college, and I still want to go to school and get my degree. I have everything figured out regarding my career, and I'm super grateful because of waiting to release the kind of music that I want and not about what's in popular demand right now. As for college, I'm still trying to take the time to figure it out." I tell her, and she nods.

"We like that. She took the time to figure it out. If you're just now tuning in, we have H.E.R hanging out in the penthouse for a special edition to 99 Jamz live y'all." She yelled the last part into the mic, and the audience cheers.

"So, I'm sure that being signed to a label known for their most listened to artists, you've had some amazing mentors? Who put you under their wing since you've been signed?" She asks, causing me to laugh a little.

"My management company, MBK, that's like my family. They're in the building with me right now, always sticking by me, but they helped develop me, and MBK managed Alicia Keys, Brandy, K. Michelle, Tyrese Gibson, a lot of artists, and Keshia Cole," I say into the mic naming a few of the artists.

"So, these are all like the big homies?" She asks, causing me to smile.

"Yea, they're the big homies. I learned from them, and they took me in and offered some great advice," I say into the mic as she agrees with what I was saying.

"So, we're going to open the floor up. Does anyone have a question? I had a few questions, in the beginning, don't get shy now because I remember your faces. You right there, you had a question. Just stand up and say your name." She says, pointing to someone in the front row.

"Hi, how are you doing?" I ask into the mic as someone goes towards her with a microphone to hear her properly.

"Hi, I'm Princess." She says, causing me to smile and greet her back.

"How much of your music do you write? Because they sound personal, but just an FYI, I listen to your music and the song 'Rather Be,' I can see myself dancing with my husband on my wedding night. That's my first dance song like I really can see the things that you are saying. I like when words can paint the perfect picture. That's why I love musicians who love to read." She says, causing me to laugh.

"I appreciate it. So yeah, all my music is my stories and my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I like to collaborate. Sometimes people bring something different or when I write I love to talk and talk about life and the feelings and everything. That's how I sometimes write with other people, but yeah, that's why I write my thoughts and feelings. I wrote 'Rather Be' when I was 16 years old. I wrote half of my album when I was in high school or right when I got signed." I say into the mic, shrugging a little.

"That's powerful because, at 16, you were writing a record that a woman who is talking about how she can play it at her wedding. That's timeless already, girl." The hostess says to me, causing me to smile.

"I would've never thought that. It's just crazy; the way that I feel and felt is universal," I say into the mic, shrugging a little and looking back at her.

"There's something wonderful about simplicity and not being simple in terms is just basic, but just of being so raw and honest with your words. Sometimes we can overthink and try to be super-duper creative like the 10th power, and I'm not trying to knock anybody's creativity. Still, there's something very pure about your songs," She compliments me, causing me to agree with her.

"It's interesting because we live in a society where everything is in your face. Interestingly, you can create a space and leave so much mystery. How is that?" She asks me as I think about the answer.

"Thank you, and it's good. I honestly think less is more, like you said, and at the end of the day, we all go through the same things, just in different ways, and we all feel love, anger, and hurt. Music, to me, is something that everybody speaks. The language of music and that kind of mentality when I create it's like 'this isn't just for me, this is for many people out there.' We might not look the same, but we feel the same," I say into the mic.

"So, it was about a year and a half ago, when you dropped your EP. It was like this big mystery who H.E.R. was, and I don't remember the website. They put the pieces together, and they were like, 'Genesis Davis is who H.E.R. is.' Like is there a reason why the name change? Or is it just something like let me get away from that?" She asks me, causing me to laugh because I read the article she was talking about.

"Honestly, my name never changed. I'm never going to use my government name on my music. I feel like that doesn't matter. Like my face, my name. That doesn't matter; that's not what I'm going to use as a- I'm not going to be the face of my music. My music is going to be on the front line, and my music is gonna say exactly what needs to be said. And like you said, age is not even a factor because there are women older than me in their 30's, 40's and late 20's relating to songs I wrote when I was 16, so that stuff doesn't matter. In this time and in this era that we're in, we don't focus on the music anymore like we used to. We don't focus on what's important, which is the message and the music. It got lost, so that was my goal; as you said, less is more, and umm yeah, that stuff doesn't matter," I say, pushing my glasses up.

"How do you stay clear? I mean, it's effortless to get lost in the sauce in the music industry or just in life in general. Everybody is always on social media and always has their heads in the phone, and you know, sometimes we have a way of putting essential things, but in real life, it's not that important ahead of what is necessary. So how at 20 or 21 you're so focused? Please give us some tips, girl." She says into the mic, causing me to laugh a little.

"Thank you, but I don't know, honestly. I think that if I were going to get lost in the sauce, as you say, it would've been a long time ago. As I said, I had a bunch of homies and mentors. My management team is super on point with me and looking out for me by making sure that I'm on the right path. I had the proper guidance, and I love music; music is something that I love to do, and I would never do anything to jeopardize losing this-losing the gift that God gave me. I feel like I have a purpose, and I have to follow through and stay on the path, and all those other distractions are just self-sabotage. I have to do what I gotta do to make what I want to happen for myself happen, and at the end of the day, if you want it, you're not gonna let anything jeopardize that and get in the way of that. My drive, I guess, is everything. My parents kind of put that fire in me since I was little, so yeah. I'm honestly just thankful, and that's what's keeping me focused because all that other stuff doesn't matter; the awards, money, and all that it doesn't matter, and when you start paying attention to that, that's when you get distracted." I say into the mic, just speaking the truth, and could tell that my words hit her deep.

"Girl, you're a gem. Y'all taking in this gem? H.E.R is dropping today up in the penthouse." She says, causing everyone to laugh a little.

"Not that I'm mad at it. Now, do you come from a musical family?" She asks me as I nod my head.

"I do a little bit. My mom's Filipino, and she loves karaoke. Yea, we sing a lot of karaoke at home." I say, laughing a bit in the mic.

"But we lived in Texas with my father's half of the family before I moved up here, and my grandfather showed me how to play instruments at a young age. He does it for fun now, but he used to be in a band when he was younger." I say, smiling at the memory of him teaching me, making a mental note to visit Texas soon.

"How many instruments do you play? Because I read somewhere, you played 7." She asks.

"Well, mainly I play the bass, guitar, drums, and piano. I'm learning the harp, saxophone, and some other instruments so I can pull them out on stage one of these days." I say, adjusting my jacket.

"That's super dope, man, and I think that's dope that you are at a place where you're still interested in learning new things. Do you know what I mean? I mean, sometimes you get to a place where it's just kind of like 'I'm just comfortable in this space,' you know?" She asks, and I nod my head in agreement.

"Yeah, I agree. I think you can't get comfortable, you always have to elevate, and I think, um, that's why I want to collaborate with other people as far as my writing. They think, 'oh, I'm cool here,' and they want to write everything themselves, and I don't know they either don't wanna learn new things, and they get comfortable, and they kind of become stagnant and complacent and you always have to elevate. I've always had that mentality of like, 'what's the new thing? What can I do now? How can I make this experience even more fun for me?' Because it's not a job if you love it. Also, if you couldn't tell, I get bored easily." I say, pointing to my hair because I always switch it up.

"I like that 'It's not a job if you love it.' You collaborated with Daniel Cesar. I'm interested that's one of my favorite songs, 'The Best Part'- how did you and him connect?" She asks as I thank her for complimenting the song.

"So, I was in the studio, and my writing session ended early, and he came in with somebody from RCA, and I was shocked because I didn't know he was coming and we just started talking about music, and he played me some new unreleased stuff. I told him how I was excited about volume 2 because volume 2 wasn't released at the time, so I was telling him about that, and he had his guitar, and I mine, then we just started to vibe." I say, recalling our session early last year.

"It's just as organic as a jam session." She says as I nod in agreement.

"Yeah, just pretty much it was pretty much like let's create something, you know, and there were no expectations, and I think that's why it came out the way it did," I say, shrugging a little.

"That's dope, that's dope. Any questions before we go live? Oh, look, now we got some people up and ready to get their juices flowing. Stand up and say your name." The hostess says as someone from the audience stands up, and the DJ hands them a microphone.

"Hi, I'm Sweet!" She says, and I start to recognize her from somewhere.

"Hey, Sweet!" We say at the same time.

"I like your shirt. I remember you." I say, causing her to smile.

"I know I remember you. First off, I want to say I love you," She says, causing me to smile.

"Awe, thank you. I love you too." I say, causing her to giggle.

"Secondly, I want to ask, should we be expecting another album this year?" She says as the hostess ooh's.

"The debut album because the entire album hasn't come out yet. It's just a taste of what's to come." I say into the mic.

"Oh, so the appetizer." The hostess says, causing me to laugh and agree with her.

"Right, right, the appetizer. So, the debut album is coming out this year," I say into the mic, shrugging a little.

"Nice, okay. We can take one more, how bout you stand? Take one, and stand up and say your name." The hostess says as someone else stands up from the audience.

"My name is Joyce," She says, standing up, and we greet her.

"You're very beautiful," She compliments me, causing me to thank her.

"Umm, is there anybody that you haven't done music yet? Like who would you do a track with?" She asks as I lift the mic to answer the question.

"Honestly, there are a few artists that I would want to work with in the future. Like Miguel, I love Miguel, probably Travis Scott, like there's a lot of artists that I want to work with right now. I'm not sure." I respond, shrugging.

"You have a lot of big names the co-sign you, and it seems very organic. It was Rihanna, Bryson Tiller, and of course Alicia Keys. What goes through your mind when you see big celebrities' names that are rocking with your music like that?" She asks me as I push my glasses up, getting ready to answer the question.

"Nah, it's still amazing to me. It just shows me that I'm doing something right. For example, Janet Jackson came to my show in London, like 'Woah.' The Janet Jackson went out her way to see me perform live. Honesty's incredible. It's reassurance because sometimes there are dark days. There are days where I feel like, 'should I be doing something else?'. You know, we all have those times in our life where you doubt yourself and get in your head, but when Janet Jackson tells me, she loves my music. I'm like, 'Okay, I'm doing something right. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be." I respond, smiling at her as she continues with the interview.


After another hour at the interview and performing 'Focus,' my management team and I left. We were on our way to the studio, but we had to make a detour at the QT gas station.

"Does anyone want anything?" I ask Melissa and Jeff; they shake their head no, and I get out of the car.

Once I get in the gas station, I noticed that there were at least five other people here. I go towards the chips and choosing salt and Vinegar. Then, I walked towards the cookies and got my Oreos. I then walk towards the drinks and get a Carmel Frappucino. Once I get my drink, I start to walk towards the register, waiting behind two other people. The bell on the door rings, indicating the someone entered the store. I looked to my right and made eye contact with LaMelo Ball.

This is fucking great.

He's not looking away.

What do I do?

"Hey, Gene." He greets.

This is painfully awkward.

"Hi, Melo," I respond. We still are making eye contact. At this time, I forgot about checking out and everything.

"How uh- how are you doing?" He asks, stuttering a little.

"I've been great; how bout you?" I ask, smiling a little.

"That's good, umm I've been great. You know, focusing on basketball. Ready for the new season." He says, causing me to nod and break eye contact. I looked ahead and walked forward a little since I was next to go check out.

"That's good. Y'all were looking pretty good last season." I say, handing the cashier my things and pay for it. I widen my eyes once I realized what I just said.

"Yea, just a couple- wait, what?" He asks as I collect my things and get ready to walk out.

"Yea, well, it was nice seeing you. Have a good off-season." I tell him, opening the door and walking out towards Jeff's car.

"Genesis!" I hear him yell, causing me to turn around.

"Yeah?" I ask him as the door closes behind him.

"Would you maybe wanna get breakfast or lunch with me? If you're not too busy?" He asks, causing me to raise my eyebrows. I'm pretty quiet for a while, thinking about my answer.

"Sorry, you're schedule is probably hectic already-." He says, but I cut him off.

"Umm, my schedule is pretty hectic right now, but I could go for some coffee or something. Just I'm not gonna be in California that long, but you can hit me up whenever you want to meet up for breakfast or coffee or something." I tell him, and he nods. I walk to Jeff's car and headed to the studio to meet Bryson.

..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙ ·˚ ◡̈

First and foremost, R.I.P Terrence Clarke. You were a beautiful soul and got taken from this world too early.

Secondly, sorry for the late update. My school has been dumb as hell.

This chapter wasn't really that good. I was rushing the last part, but I got it done.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Serious question, would y'all rather me do chapter 2,000 - 3,5000. Or 4,000 - 5,000?

Vote and comment on what you would want to happen!

I hope everything is well, and stay safe.

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