perfectly imperfect

By readers223455

58 22 0

Emily Black (21) the daughter of the 2 famous billionaires- Hailey Evans and Daniel Black who also has an op... More

chapter-2 Spaghetti
characters part-1 (2 families) main cast
Character Aesthetics part-1
Chapter-3 first date.
chapter-4 interviews and shoots
chapter-5 girlfriend

chapter-1 morning blues

7 2 0
By readers223455

Chapter 1 -- morning blues

Emily's pov**

Shit.shit.shit I was late and Melissa (my agent) was going to kill me. I got off the sheets and ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. I had two sides- my second name- Millie made me a star pop singer and my real name- Emily Black makes me a model. I don't model professionally for runway shows and stuff a lot although I have done a couple of them, only because they were irresistible, know what I mean , mainly magazines. It's much easier shuffling all of this mostly because of my 2 billionaire parents. I have never been short of money and I have always gotten what I have wanted but my parents have never spoiled me so much to the point where I become a brat.

My dad is a very well-known businessman in the hotel industry and my mom is the CEO of a very famous real estate company. Both of them are and have always been extremely supportive of my career and dreams and goals. So has my little sister.

Riley is 3 years younger than me and is an amazing sister. We have always done everything together and now we have been roommates for almost 2 years. I started for college at the same time she decided to move in with me. Luckily we live in LA, thanks to our parents jobs and I went to a nearby college, one of the best in the US. I decided to study singing and theatre.

Riley has always been my best friend and we both are very close, she is probably the main reason I am so successful now. Now just because I have a huge net worth, doesn't mean she's any less. She has become a huge influencer on all social media platforms just at the age of 17 and she is doing very well in both academics and in her growing modelling career. Both of us do similar things so we have a lot of shoots together which only adds up to more time we get to spend together.

I hear Riley banging on the shower door, asking me to shut the hell up (quote on quote) because well, I tend to sing (Loud) in the shower, it's a habit. "EM, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE AND STOP SINGING! I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!". "Ya ya chill a little, and stop screaming," I say while coming in a towel wrapped around me and a hair tie preventing my hair from getting wet. She leaves the dressing room rolling her eyes, for me to get ready. Generally I spend around an hour changing and getting my hair and makeup done but today I don't have that kind of time.

So once i am done, I look at the mirror, satisfied with my outfit-- (on the top)

I am wearing some black tracks and a tight fitted black crop top, matched with some white vans and a Chanel handbag. I also throw on a woolen cardigan because it's sort of cold out and it looks cute. Lol. For my hair and makeup, I go for a cute messy bun sort of a thing and just some powder, mascara and my favorite mint Chapstick and I am good to go! Anyways, I walk out of my room and it's around 9pm. I stop in my tracks and start to panic thinking about Melissa's face when I get to the studio. *shivers* I shake it off and grab a breakfast bar, say bye to Riley and grab my keys.

I have 3 cars (A/N: I know what you are thinking, but she's like a huge millionaire) , so I decide to go in my black Audi RS6. I start the car and immediately stop at the Starbucks drive through. I mean can you blame me, I need my morning coffee. So I get a Grande coffee frappe, pay and head to my studio.

Around ten minutes later I get out of the car and open the door of my music studio. I am currently working on my new album. I have made around 4 albums and countless singles throughout.

I take a very much needed deep breath and walk in only to find no Melissa at all! Surprisingly really, she generally comes in way before either me or Johnathan.

I met Johnathan in nursery when he was starting first grade. At that time he lived with his grandparents, because they thought with his ambitions to be a music recorder, they thought that it would be better if he lived in LA. His single father and his 3 brothers lived in New york, till he turned around 14. When his dad got married to his now step-mother, Nicole. She and my mom had a huge highschool thing. They both and my dad hated each other back then, with Nicole being a part of the 'mean gang' and my mother being the captain of the varsity dance team, and my dad was in football.

It was a typical teenage drama, as you would have guessed. Till they decided to go out for dinner, just the 4 parents together, for a fresh start. Nowadays they meet rarely as Nicole and Matt (his dad) moved back to New York so that he could continue coaching his football team. They were really good.

Anyways, I saw Johnathan in the corner of the room, eating a cheeseburger with a drink, that looked like coffee. "Hey Johnathan!", I said to which he replied with a 'hi' and asked me if I knew where Melissa was, but I said no. We then just talked for a while, mainly family gossip. Then, we heard a knock in the door which was weird, considering no one really came in except the 3 of us and Riley, occasionally.

I went up to open the door and saw Blake Grey, the famous child actor and Johnathan's younger brother. I didn't know him very well, just a little because we went to the same university, but he was a year older to me and had chosen different classes so we didn't see each other much other than passing in the hallways or at lunch. "Hey, what are you doing here?", I said. "Oh hi, umm. Is Johnathan here?" He asked me and I led him in. "Blake, hey dude wassup!" Jonathan said and they did a bro hug kind of a thing.

"Mom and dad along with Andrew and Noah are here in LA, we came to visit you." Blake says to which Johnathan says something about them coming over. I on the other hand leave them alone to talk and go to my piano and start writing down the chords and notes to one of my songs. Soon enough, they come over to where I am. "So, Emily, right?" Blake asks, "yep", I say popping the 'p', we go to the same uni, I know." he nods and asks me what I am doing. "I just have to finish writing down some notes and chords for one of my songs in my new album and before you ask, no I am sorry but you can't see or hear it," I say and give him an 'awkward slightly weird smile kind of a thing'. He nods understandingly and says-"no yeah it's fine, umm I guess I will just get going now. Jonathan um dad asked you to get some ice cream on your way back by the way." he says and we say our goodbyes.

It's not too long till Melissa rushes in the room with very good news! Apparently I got an offer for a shoot and guess what! It just so happens to be from Vogue!!! "OH MY FUCKING GOD! HOW THE- EEEEEEE!" I have always wanted to pose for Vogue magazine as it is one of the biggest magazines globally! We all jump and do a little happy dance and finally decide to get back to work. Later on we decide to go to my parent's place for a lunch break, while Melissa goes to her place just a few blocks away to feed her 2 kids and her husband.

"Mama, I am home", I say and we invite ourselves in. I then start skipping in and put my bad on the counter table, but I stop when I see Nicole, Matt, Andrew, Noah and Blake Grey sitting in the hall. I say hi to everyone and they say it back and then I excuse myself to make a call. I go up to my room and ring my best friend- Elisa.

"Heyyy! Wassup," She says from the end of the line. "Hey nothing much though I did pass by your family on our couch talking with my parents and Riley, weird, I haven't seen them in years, oh by the way, great news! I got the Vogue photoshoot, and I will be the cover next month's issue!!!" I say excitedly. "Wow damn girl, you are on fire, and also yeah I know mom told me they would be there, I was going to call you but your phone was on silent", "ohhhh ya, I did that cause I was writing down some notes, anyways-", I was about to ask her how her day was, till I hear a knock on my door, it slamming open and my dear sister jumping on my bed and Andrew and Noah and Blake standing at the foot of my door. Johnathan came in next and sat on the chair of my coffee table. "Hey, umm I have to go, I shall call you later", I say and hang up after saying bye.

Then I turn to them and wave with a slight-tipped smile. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," noah starts screaming and runs downstairs and we hear him saying-" mommmmmmmmmmmmmmm dadddddddddd I just say her, I saw Milie!!!!!!!!!!!" and then he starts to scream up the stairs and he rushes in front of me and stairs. I, who just so happens to be amused by all of this, looks up at Blake and Andrew to check if he was okay. But they just give a sigh and say "he's fine just a little lets say umm excited." "yeah ok its fine" i say and chuckle at him.

We then go downstairs the 2 of us eat a quick lunch before excusing ourselves to go back to the studio to work. The minute I step out, paparazzi swarms near my parents' gate and around my car. I shut the door in front of me and sigh in relief. Behind me I could still hear their questions- 'Are you dating Blake Grey?', answer to that: nope definitely not. Never in a million years. (boy was I wrong---*future pov.**) and some other questions also related to my love life. The obsession I tell you, I mean can a 21 yr old have a private life?!

Anyways, I walk back into the house, "hey umm we might need security to either help us out of shoo the paparazzi away so..", my mom then nods and calls someone who I think is one her security team officers and a small group of 4 men take us outside and help us into my car. I take it from there and drive back to my studio. The rest of the evening goes fine and we go back to my parent's for dinner as their guests are still there.


hey, hope you liked the chapter

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next update will be either tomorrow or day after tomorrow.


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