Can't you see, I'm in pain too

By FighterOfDepression

25K 764 1.2K

Everything Error ever cared about was taken away from him. One by one. The dust littered the field as the bli... More

Is this the end?
Who did this to you?
I'm......finally home
Catching up
The retelling and calming a haphephobic Skeleton
He's still out there
Melodies and Madness
Refresh meme
Reunited once more

What did i do wrong

1.6K 52 191
By FighterOfDepression

Credit to otakufancyfanstudent for the idea for this chapter. Let's just say some things get revealed and a lot of people get their just desserts. Did I use that phrase right? Idk I've heard it a lot lately so I assume I used it right.

3rd POV

Why is this happening? Did he do something wrong? No, he couldn't have, he brought justice to the universe. He brought pain to the destroyer in more ways then one. So why was the universe punishing him in this way. Once the party had started for the death of the god of destroyers and nightmares gang, every thing went to shit. First a portal showed up near them. They stopped what they were doing and watched the portal with interest. "And let you go wild. Have fun." Said a voice as too people entered with far from pleased looks. "I'm coming too!" Said another voice as another person walks through the portal.

A man with wild red hair and blue tips peeked into the portal. The man looked like they hadn't slept in months with dark bags under his eyes. His right eye was red and his left eye was blue. The man seemed human and had a bit of stubble growing in. He had a scar across his eye, splitting his eyebrow. He wore a blue plaid button up shirt with some sort of pen in his shirt pocket. "Go right ahead, portals always open. Okay have fun now bye bye." Said the man as he turned and walked away as fast as possible. Ink, who was closest to the portal, could've sworn he heard the man mutter "honestly I'm terrified because technically this is all on me. I'm practically the god of this world and forced these events to happen but no way am I telling that to those blood thirsty beasts. Good luck false judges. Your gonna need that luck in more ways than one." But before Ink could ask what the man was talking about, the man was already too far away to hear anything, only able to see the small pony tail sway in the distance. The man stopped for a second. Turning towards Ink, the man glared at him as the mans eyes seemed to be burning his soul. "Especially you, God of Creation. Once people find out what else you've done to the forced god, you might as well wish you were never born." The man said as his gaze stayed hard on Ink.

Ink looked at the man in confusion as the man turned around and walked away towards a table that had a computer and a bunch of papers on and around it. Ink turned away from the portal. 'How does he know what I did or what might happen?' Ink thought. The thought didn't last long as the three people who came from the portal had begun fighting the others. Not only that, a lot of people are missing and some are being torn apart right before his very eyes. Looking around Ink noticed that the Au's are collapsing onto each other. The mystery people are not going easy on the group and seem as though to be beating everyone senseless without mercy. It only calmed once every one had been destroyed by their own universes destruction. Ink was all that was left as he stood in the blank room. The air was silent. The three people who stood before him glared at him.

A portal opened next to them as the man from earlier stepped through. He walked in front of the group with an aura of leadership flowing off of him. "And then there was one." The man said. "Hi. I'm Simo Cronix. Or at least that's one of the many names I go by. Most people know me as Igneel or Foxy. Some might even call me Fighter Of Depression or even FD. But to you. I am your God. Everything that happens to you, to this world, to the ones around you are all controlled by me. I am not the one who created you, I am however one who has found you and used you. However there are some things you have done that I never had you do. What you have done on your own volition is horrible and sinful. What has happened over the past few months are the consequences of those actions. Many people are not happy with you and yet they don't even know what the worst thing you've done is. Although I am to blame for their cluelessness as I've never shared that information openly with anyone. Except one person who just so happened to have the right guess." Said Cronix.

Cronix turned towards the portal motioning for someone to step through. Soon another man stepped through with a somber look on his face. Eyes towards the ground. The man had light brown fluffy hair with purple tips and wore shades glasses. He had emerald green eyes and pale skin. He wore a light purple button up shit with a sloppily done white tie and and white vest. He wore a pair of dark purple jeans and black boots. His eyes looked shallow as his jaw was clenched, the stick of the sucker in his mouth almost breaking at the tight hold of his jaw. His fists were clenched. "This" began Cronix "is my dear friend Mathew. Like myself he is also your god in someone way. He has controlled you before but neither of us had controlled you to commit the sin you did." Ink looked between the two men. "And what, prey tell, may that sin be?" Ink asked. Cronix sighed as his gaze hardened. Fire seemed to envelop him in his anger. Matthew placed a hand on his shoulder as he stepped forward and glared at Ink. "Well there's the murder of innocents and two types of assault. Physical assault and sexual assault." Said Matthew. The three people behind Cronix and Matthew looked at the men in shock. 'How did they find out about that?!' Ink thought. Cronix's jaw became clenched. "I told you how we know! We are your Gods! We have to know what you have done to others! I think it's time for you to pay for your sins Boy!" Cronix said as the flames grew brighter almost becoming a blue color and the area became hotter.

"That's enough Cronix!" Said a feminine voice from behind Ink. Cronix groaned. "You don't tell me what to do Fate! This is my world, I control you! I control Destiny, I control Luck, all of them!" Cronix yelled. "I am aware of that but I shall take care of the rest. He is my son after all." She said. Cronix sighed, the flames dying down. "Fine but make it painful." Cronix said, siting down on the floor. Matthew and the three other people sat with him. "Sit back and enjoy the chaos everybody. That goes to you guys at home too." Said Cronix as he looked towards the sky only to once again gaze at Ink as he turned towards the feminine voice now identified as Fate. "Mother?! Why is this happening? I got rid of those vial creatures just like you would've wanted!" Ink said in panic which only seemed to make everyone including fate angrier. "I never wanted that! The destroyer was keeping balance. With creation comes destruction. It's the balance of all universes. Light against dark, creation against destruction, good against bad. You have disturbed that balance. And so the universe destroyed itself to compensate for its loss. For that boy, you must pay the price." Fate said and once the words left her mouth, a blood curdling scream filled the empty room as Ink was continuously torn apart and put back together. The three mystery people flinched at the noise while Matthew looked away but Cronix made no movement. "This is the price to pay for anyone who disturbs universal balance. Let this be a warning to anyone who dares to do the same." Cronix spoke, his voice deep and dark. Ink begged and prayed for mercy only for none to come. This would be his purgatory for the rest of existence.

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