RWBY Multiverse Theater (DSMP...

By SkyeFine

49.3K 382 196

After being transported to a Multiverse Theater, the cast of RWBY must watch various versions of themselves a... More

Jaune SMP War
The Fall
Hog Hunt
I'm Just You
Jaune vs Pyrrha
Oscar's Goodbye

Dawn of 16th

5.7K 46 22
By SkyeFine

After the intermission, the audience began to return to their spots along with some new additions. The chatter continues until the lights went off and the next video flashed on the screen.

Ruby is staring at the distance as Yang talked prompting to turn to her sister.

"This is we take it all back either that or we get nothing."

"So, this is the end huh?" Yang crossed her arms hoping her counterpart won't continue her earlier plan.

The sun rises on the bench. After that what seemed to be a destroyed laboratory and a swimming fish afterwards was shown along with the credits of the animation.

Weiss put her hands under her chin. "I wonder what those are about..." The rest of the audience are clueless as well but hopes into finding answers later.

The next scene shows a blocky castle and inside shows two people having a conversation. Coco is sitting in front of the throne with Jaune standing in front of her.

"This is the reason right." Velvet looked at her leader while Coco just nodded.

Neptune muttered to himself, "So that's why I don't get to become king."

Jaune spread his arms as he began speaking, "What do you think gives you power? Is it your crown?"

Coco seems to be taken aback but Jaune continues, "Is it the fact you're queen?"

"It seems that there are some rifts between the alliance of Coco and Jaune." Ozpin stated as a matter-of-factly.

Glynda focused on the screen. "I wonder how would this affect the conflict already going on?"

Sun leaned closer to where Jaune was sitting. "Man, I still can't get over how intimidating you are in this one."

Jaune just nodded at this compliment thinking how every version of him seems to be better in every way.

Weiss was shown standing in an arc overlooking Manberg. A closer inspection shows various burnt marks around her body while Roman entered the scene. The two looked at each other and nodded.

"Wait first Adam then a Schnee why do I get to team up with these guys." Adam complained once again with his trusty partner letting out a small chuckle.

Winter let out a small grunt showing disapproval to this alliance. The other members of Team RWBY also disapproved about this alliance. Meanwhile, a tinge of worry creeps to Adam but managed to shake it off.

Jaune turned his back and continued speaking, "If respect is the only thing protecting you a knife in the back...respect is nothing right?"

Raven approved of this message along with her follower knowing full well that strength and fear are the only things what matters in a battlefield. Other criminals relates to this statement while some governing personnel still view respect as an important part of leadership.

Coco somehow pities her counterpart in this scene and hoping that she will learn her lesson.

Ruby is looking at a frame holding the declaration of independence. "Have you noticed at the beginning of this..."

Ruby looked closely at the signature on the document and starts laughing immediately.

"Suck it vomit boy!" Yang read after laughing and pointing at the signature as well.

Most of Jaune closest friends began laughing while he just sinks further into his chair.

"At least you two share some similarities." Pyrrha quickly tries to reassure her partner.

Yang was shown along with the other members of W'manberg. "Before Yang, before everyone."

Two discs was shown being passed from one person with another. "Just with those discs. No matter what happens here..."

"So that's what those discs are for..." Ruby said as she recalled the end of the first video.

"They're leverage for W'manberg" Blake continued what her teammate was saying.

Just then team RWBY realized that the reason why they survived the first war. Jaune wants those discs and Ruby gave them up.

"But why?" that's the only word came of Ruby's mouth.

The flag of Manberg standing on ruins are shown. "...and if this is all blown up and you have a thousand friends at your side." Jaune was shown along with Pyrrha "And if you have the best PVP-ers, if Pyrrha was there or not..."

"Wait PVP?" Ruby and Yang said in unison as they looked at the other people in the audience.

Some doubts are starting to form among the audience about the nature of the world but they all decided to focus on the end of the saga for now.

"'s me and you versus Jaune." Ruby faced Weiss who is sitting in their bench.

"So, everything leads to these two..." Ozpin sipped his drink once again while observing how team RWBY teasing each other in front.

Jaune was walking out of the castle as the Manberg podium was shown with black birds flying over the sky. Raven was shown wearing a coat.

­­­­­"Mom?" Yang muttered those words as she realized who this mysterious person is.

"It's you." Vernal pointed that fact to her leader.

Raven only kept watching curious on what her involvement through the whole storyline.

A surge of worry overcome Tai and Qrow hoping that this version is different to what they have now.

Roman along with the members of W'manberg except for Velvet are gathered in a room with a strange book in the middle while Pyrrha is facing a wall.

"Wait so am I really going to betray Adam to join these brats." Roman protested once again on his counterpart's allegiance.

Pyrrha grabbed a lever. "Now this..." the wall opened up letting others to come inside.

Weiss screamed, "WHAAAT"

Roman rushed inside "First come first, serve."

Pyrrha continued her speech, "...this is the vault."

The camera encircles everyone capturing various shocked expression from different members.

"Holy–" are the only words that escaped Yang mouth

"SHIT" Ruby and Roman continued the phrase

Both Ruby and Roman scoffed the fact that their counterparts are seemingly close to be on the same wavelength.

Neo was jealous that the little red can synchronize swear with her partner.

The camera zooms in to Pyrrha in front of four armor sets. "I am ready for revolution, girls!"

Oscar and Blake are rummaging through the inventory while Weiss runs over with a load of emeralds in her arms.

Roman just whistles to this scene. "Looks like it wasn't so bad after all"

Ruby and Yang turned at Wiess making fun of her running around with emeralds. Weiss ignores them and continued watching.

Meanwhile, Nora shakes Pyrrha with Jaune getting caught between them. "I never knew you are so rich in this one."

"Well, I guess that's one of the reasons Ruby recruited her" Ren said trying to break the two apart.

"First great combat skills now resource gathering it seems that this Pyrrha has some surprises under her sleeve." Ozpin stated while he ignores his drink to observe this individual.

"My senso– I mean eyes indicated that those armors they use have some strange properties within them." Penny stated. The general sitting behind her nodded at the fact and take some mental notes with the individual.

Penny is not the only one who noticed this as one of the newcomers, Amber, felt some strange energy emanating from the armors and weapons they use.

Pyrrha grabbed a sword and passed it to Ruby. The next scene shows Yang with the rest of the original citizens of W'manberg plus Roman.

"Look there we are." Velvet happily pointed to her leader their positions in the screen.

"So, it seems that the reason of your confrontation with Jaune is about reconciling with your former friends." Yatsu inquired his leader

Coco looked at where Ruby was sitting. The two made eye contact and smiled at one another. "Looks like it is."

"Well, its nice meeting ya." Roman put his arms around Adam but his seatmate shrugs it off.

"I really think you should wear armor in this." Blake advised their residential brawler.

Yang just shrugs at the statement. "Eh, its fine let the girl live a little will you."

Jaune wore his mask and stands beside Adam along with Sun, Cardin, Amber and Emerald.


Yang's army was shown standing on the opposite side.


Ren was standing in the middle along with Nora, Fox and Yatsu behind him.

"Who cares?"

"So just like the old times eh Jaune?" Yang looked to where her classmate is sitting.

Jaune froze at her stare and quickly replied, "Yeah but Neptune is missing."

Neptune just noticing this quickly leaned in front. "Yeah, what happened to me anyway?"

"Well based on how everyone allied with one another maybe you ran to Ren's faction." Blake pointed it out.

"Nah I didn't see him maybe we broke his knees for interfering with our plans." Nora chuckled at the thought while Ren exhales deeply.

Sun playfully nudges his friend. "Or maybe he thought he was too cool for this fight and just dipped."

Neptune only rolled his eyes at the statement.

"Still having another faction to worry about is bad in this war." Weiss began thinking once again.

"It seems that we are on the opposite team Coco." Yatsu looked at his friend.

"Well then may the best woman win." Coco smirked while he chuckled at the challenge of his leader.

Adam looked at where Blake is. "Some things never change."

A button was shown while Yang talks, "The thing that I built this nation doesn't exist anymore. It's over"

As she monologues a familiar figure appeared behind her. "What are you doing?"

"You have wings here leader." Vernal said still awestruck to this version of her leader.

Raven is still irritated that her bird qualities still remain in this universe.

Qrow along with Tai just hopes that this Raven would stop Yang in destroying everything.

A railway was shown leading up to a tower where a massive explosion erupted from the side. Pyrrha, Ruby and Weiss jumped out of the building. Pyrrha proceeds to deck Amber to the ground while casually firing a firework to Cardin.

Amber winced at that scene and wondered how did she even joined a dictator in the first place.

Coco just laughs at Cardin getting hit with the explosive while Velvet does her best to calm her leader down.

Weiss shot her own firework while Ruby supported her with a sword. Ruby then fought Jaune but before the fight finishes, Adam is shown sitting beside a box clearly wasted.

"Looks like your trigger finger got us to victory." Yang smirked at Weiss only to be replied with another observation.

"Was he drinking through the entire fight?"

Adam slowly loses confidence in his alternate version. He just hopes that his seatmate won't make a fuss about it.

Yang has her hands on Ruby's shoulders saying, "Do it Ruby." as her sister points a crossbow to Adam.

Adam stands up holding a beer bottle. "You know if I die this country goes down with me."

Most of the audience paid no mind on this ominous warning from a wasted man like him. All except for Blake knowing what kind of person they are dealing with.

Adam smashed the beer bottle to Blake only to be blocked by her.

"You had a dream and I followed if, but you brought it downhill. Everything y-you ruined it."

Blake twitched at that scene. It hits too close to home but it's all in the past now and she had her team that she can rely on.

Adam only clenched his fist at the scene.

Adam grabbed his chest as he coughs up and collapsed on the ground. Dead.

The audience are shocked by this development. Roman tried his best to not laugh at Adam's face as his gut told him that he will need his teeth in the future.

Weiss was shown in the podium standing in front of a cheering crowd. All except Pyrrha.

Pyrrha stand in front of many people as the dust settles. "I did not spend weeks..." The next image shows her looking at the armor set before continuing, "...planning this revolution..." Another shot shows Pyrrha preparing her crossbow from behind the crowd.

The students' eyes widen at the scene as they quickly process what is going to happen.

Pyrrha pointed her trident at everyone. " you guys gear. For you to replace one tyrant with another." She said as she pointed her crossbow at Weiss head.

"What is she talking about!" Wiess slammed her fist into the chair with protest.

"I guess The Blade is smart enough not to trust a Schnee." Roman retorted steering away from Adam for now.

"You do reali—" Neo immediately cut Mercury off preventing her partner for more embarrassment.

"Yet you joined her to take me down." Adam snarled at Roman prompting the later to sit back quietly.

Ruby quickly charged forward at Pyrrha only to be tripped and stomped on the chest.

Most of the audience winced at that scene. Ruby clutched her chest worried if this will happen if she challenged Pyrrha to spar.

Weiss disarmed her captor and shot a firework at her. Pyrrha seems to be standing when both Blake and Adam charged at her at the same time.

"Keep your eyes open students you may learn something." Glynda reminded her students into which they responded with a nod before watching again.

"Hey, you think this Pyrrha can win if we all ganged up on her?" Nora asked Ren.

"I would rather not think about that."

Roman is still uncomfortable with working with Blake, a feeling that is mutual in both ways.

"Don't you see what's happening here." Pyrrha pleads to everyone around her.

Yang is standing in the room with her mother. "There was a saying Raven."

"Don't you see history repeating itself." Pyrrha continues.

Ozpin narrowed his eyes it seems that there is more to this warrior than violence.

"By a traitor." Yang's eyes began to tear up.

Ruby harden the grip on the hem of her combat skirt. "No."

Raven shocked face can be seen before switching to an image of Coco.

Velvet covered her mouth in shock while Raven and Coco only gave a stern look.

"It was never meant to be."

Yang dropped her jaw at those words.

Raven quickly unfolded her wings as she tries to stop the leader of W'manberg. Yang only saluted and pressed the button. Raven covered her daughter with her wings to protect them from the explosion.

"A huge explosion from the stage quickly covered the entire land as Ruby screams.


Most of the audience are shocked at the scene except for two people. One that is grinning like a maniac due to the carnage of the explosion and another lady that just wants to see Ruby suffer.

Raven could never understand why would her daughter would throw away their victory like that.

"How could she do that we already won!" Wiess exclaimed.

The rest of team RWBY remained speechless still comprehending what just happened.

Tai stared blankly at the screen it seems that seeing his ex-wife being protective like this still surprises him.

Yang was guiding Raven's sword to her neck. "Do it Raven kill me. Raven kill me"

Raven hesitated and put the sword away. "But you—You're my daughter!"

Raven shakes her head at this version of her daughter's cowardice while Vernal just stared at her.

Tai and Qrow tried their best to remain their composure while calming Summer down.

"What is she thinking!?" This time Yang is the one that asked the question.

"It..." Blake tries her best to explain, "It seems that you planned this from the start."

"So even though we won we still lose?" Ruby said as she deflated at her seat.

Blake only nodded while remembering the final words of Adam.

The scene shows different reaction from those that have witnessed the destruction. Everyone is distressed except for one man standing on top of the hill with a black shield marked with an X. Jaune with a broken mask laugh before he said, "YES!"

"This was his plan." Salem's words were heard throughout the theater, "Jaune made sure that the bombs will go on no matter what happens. He's playing the long game with everyone."

The students froze up on that statement Jaune has been many things so far but playing everyone like a puppet is a new one in this theater. They're glad someone wasn't like him in this reality.

Ruby is surrounded by a crowd as they listen to Pyrrha's question. "Do you want to be a hero Ruby?" Pyrrha asked as she holds a skull.

Various images are once again shown such as the disks, Wiess holding a uniform behind her back, Jaune being the king, Robyn, Penny and Mercury standing together and finally Raven hugging Yang while stabbing her.

"THEN DIE LIKE ONE!" Pyrrha shouted as she summoned two three-headed monsters.

Dawn of 16th

The ending shows a lone tree surviving the aftermath of the war.

Pyrrha audibly gasps and covered her mouth while Jaune is doing his best to comfort her.

Ruby just stared with her eyes wide open unable to find the right words.

Yang stayed silent while Blake just looks at her.

The silence was finally broken until Oscar spoke up, "I think we can still win."

Most people looked at him but he still continues regardless. "I mean we are still there right Blake, Ruby and me and. I also saw Weiss with an official uniform so W'manberg is still standing right?"

Ozpin smiled at his successor and started to speak as well. "He's right it seems that the tree at the end symbolizes the hope for W'manberg so cheer up its far from over."

The mood visibly become better for Nora to talk. "Yeah, but don't forget that "The Blade" never used a sword in this battle as well."

Various people smiled and chuckled at that statement before Sun added, "Yeah she used a big fork and summoned a monster to fight for her."

"It's a called a trident man." Neptune corrected.

"Potato, potato."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she starts beating everyone with potatoes in a fight though." Yang joked and the theater was filled with laughter.

"Seriously if someone dies to a potato, I would question their competence as a fighter." Weiss said making the students laugh more.

Ozpin then turned to Ironwood behind him. "What do you think?"

"Ms. Xiao Long is already far gone and Mr. Arc took advantage of her plight to enact his plan I say he's quite a dangerous individual."

Ozpin nodded and listen to the students talking once again.

Meanwhile Qrow reached for Amber's shoulders. "You alright kid?"

Amber was shocked at the question but still replied, "Those creatures I can feel a malevolent force in them."

Qrow eyebrows furrowed at that statement before looking behind him. It seems that some of the "villain party" decided to leave early. He returned his sight to Amber. "Let's get you rested later."

"Seriously can't you believe it I'm finally a king." Neptune said as he shakes his seatmate with excitement. "I even have a cute consort by my side!"

Neo meanwhile is trying her best stopping Roman from making a scene with the blue haired boy. She is flattered after all.

"It's kinda weird that she wears a deer suit though."

Now it's Adam's turn to stop Neo from sinking her sword in the blond Faunus stomach.

Meanwhile, its Emerald's turn to do the teasing. "So blue hedgehogs, that's quite a unique taste you got there."

Mercury just groaned at his role. Hopefully he wasn't a total joke at the story.

Robyn just sat there and wondered about being a sheep- pirate person. At least she has an interesting story to tell the other Happy Huntresses.

"Based on my analysis it seems that I am some sort of hybrid father." Penny told to Pietro.

"It doesn't matter what you are as long as you help your friends."

"Of course." Penny smiled to her father and he smiled back.

Yang suddenly stands up. "Well let's take a break I'm sure the story is not yet finished."

Ruby smiled at her sister and followed suit. "Let's go team RWBY."

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