By NikiShare

1.1K 32 1

A single mom and a CEO of twentywendy who is struggling doing both of her job as a mother and as the owner of... More

Episode 2 - Curiosity
Episode 3 - Twentywendy's model
Episode 4 - In one room
Episode 5 - Family Day
Episode 6 - First smile
Episode 7 - Babysitting you
Episode 8 - Partnership
Episode 9 - Remembering
Episode 10 - Change for the better
Episode 11 - Who's in love?
Episode 12 - He is trending
Episode 13 - Dreams

Episode 1 - Love's creation

435 8 1
By NikiShare

Love's POV

At the age of 21 I am already a CEO of twentywendy and at the same time I am already pregnant at that time. I got son, Third. He is small, smart, and cute just like his parents. But, sadly his father died due to the car accident. It had me suffer and tried to move on from him. It's still hard for me knowing that I have to raise my son on my own. Sometimes I don't know what to do first at all, either work or taking care of Third.

"Third, hurry up. You are going to be late in school!" I shouted from distance calling Third.

"I'll be there, Mamu!" Third clamored back.

Third is already 5 years old and called his mother as Mamu while his father is Papu. He didn't even get chance to meet his father personally. Love explained everything to him and the cause of his death at the early age. Third understood it and accepted it later on. He keep telling his self that his father is always in his heart and that soon they will meet. Everything happens is on purpose, he said.

Love is driving Third to school. After 15 minutes they arrived.

"Be good there and..." Love said.

"and don't pick a fight with anyone and don't talk to strangers. Got it! See you later, Mamu!" Third waved goodbye to his Mom.

This is my daily routine driving him to school and picking him up from his school. Now I am heading back to my office. I am working everyday. I am always productive. Imagine me being a single mother and a CEO at the same time. My work and my son is always my priority. I am working because I needed to. I need to work for a living. In order to have what I need and my son's needs.

Love arrived at the office at the exact time. She always wakes up early so that she won't be late and to drive his son to school early too.

The people at the company greeting her as she walks along heading to her office room.

"Good morning, maam."

"Good day!"

"Hi Maam good morning!"

Love replied "Good Morning!"

At her office room she called her secretary about her schedule for today.

"Secretary, what are my schedules for today?" Love said while working on her laptop.

"Uh you have two meetings, Maam. You also have interviews for today."

"That's all? " Love asks.

"Lastly, looking for a baby sitter for your child?" her secretary furrowed her eyebrows.

Right I almost forgot. I have to find a babysitter to take care and to protect my son.

"Okay, I'll take care of everything of that. Thank you. You may leave now."

"Okay, Maam. Do you need anything else? Coffee? Tea?"

"Green tea please!"

"Okay Maam. Green tea? coming right up!"

"Thank you." Love replied.

Love browsing online finding a babysitter for her son.

Her secretary finally arrived and gave her the green tea that she wanted.

She is still browsing on the internet until now. She spent so many hours to find one but unluckily she can't find one as they are all unavailable.

Her two meetings and interviews are already finished. Until now she is still spending her time to find a babysitter. She also gave the employees some paperworks to do at the end of the day.

After her work she picked up Third from school and drive him back home.

"Hi Mamu!" Third gave her kisses and hugs.

"So how's school Third? Did you learn something? Did you have fun? Share something."

"Yes, I do have fun and enjoyed and everything of that. I also learned a lot from my subject teachers."

"Like what? What did you learn?"

"Hmm I know how to solve Maths. I learned an experiment in Science. I also learned a story in my English subject. It's fun. School is fun. Aside from listening to your subject teachers you also build friendship too." Third replied.

"Woah that's great. I am glad you learned a lot from them and had fun." Love smiled at him and patted his head.

Love and Third arrived at home and had dinner.

"Let's eat. I already bought food earlier from the store." Love said.


After dinner Love told Third to take a bath, change his clothes and brush his teeth.

"I'll take care all of this. Go upstairs, take a bath, change your clothes and brush your teeth okay?"

"Yes Mamu!" Third ran upstairs to do what his mother asked him.

Third already did all of it and sleep.

It's really tiring everyday. But I have to do this for me and for my son. I am at my room and still awake. I can't sleep and got bored. Before I sleep I am currently finishing my art at this late. I drew a guy who is 185 centimeters tall with full of tattoos covered on his body. He is really tall and that I think I am just tall as his shoulder.

It just came up in my mind to draw him. I don't have any idea why. Until I realized later on that this guy that I created has passed as a babysitter for my child. He looks buff and I can say that he is attractive also. Handsome? I don't know, just that. I just wished he is real. But what if he is real? will everything be really easier if he is here babysitting Third and living here with us?

Early morning, Love woke up heading downstairs rubbing her eyes. He saw a guy sitting on the couch. She was surprised and was about to yell but didn't continued it because his son will wake up if she yelled.

"Hey, who are you? how did you get into my house? Are you a thief?"

The guy started to move a little bit.

"Don't move or else I will call the police!"

The guy moved again.

"Are you deaf? I said don't move or I will call the police!"

The guy turned around and replied "Hi, I don't my name but you summoned me to babysit your child."


"You summoned me to babysit your child."

"Yes, I heard you. But how is that even possible?" I immediately headed back upstairs to check what I created on my laptop.

I compared this guy to what I created last night and he is right at all. He is not a thief nor lying but he is my creation. I still don't know how it happened. It is too impossible. I can't believe this is happening.

I keep slapping my face to confirm if this is actually really happening but he is still there standing in front of me. I touched him using my index finger. I look stupid but I just wanted to know if he is real at all. This is confusing.

"You created me but you haven't gave me a name yet. So do you know what my name is? You didn't gave me a name last night."

"Huh? uhm K-ka..." Love stuttered.




"Yes, that's it. Your name is Kavin from now on." Love replied.



"It's nice. Thank you!" Kavin replied with his serious look on it.

Kavin is a 185 cm guy with full of tattoos on it whom Love created using her creative mind last night. He doesn't know how to express emotions. He don't know how to be happy, sad, angry, and all of that. No emotions at all. That made him a mysterious guy.

He is curious at everything. His features and appearance looks strong and fierce but on the inside his curiosity at everything makes him soft and cute at all. He often ask about everything and that made you pissed because of it but for him even he always does that or made him curious all of a sudden even in a thing you are literally gonna answer all of his questions all of a sudden that he is curious about too and that is because of his attractiveness and his charm that made you hook by it.

Everyone is hook by him in just one look. To the point that they wanted to get him or made him as their boyfriend or husband.

He barely talk. He talk or ask if he wanted to. He only talk to Love and Third who is now his family too. Finally, he doesn't talk to strangers and just gave them a stare only.

Next episode...

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