[13+] DBD x Reader (Gender Ne...

By Snailonnaise

41K 874 221

It's exactly what it says on the tin! Ever wanted to give your favourite killer a hug? (Perhaps even a cheeky... More

Meeting The Trapper
Meeting The Wraith
The Hillbilly & Huntress
The Meeting
There Was A Chapter Here (Edited)
The Realms
A date with Trapper
Quality time with Wraith
Studying with Adiris
Photography with Ghostface
Pizza Party

A lesson with the Hag

1.3K 46 11
By Snailonnaise

Brief disclaimer, this chapter has some more gore-y sections further down so please keep that in mind and you're welcome to skip if it's not for you <3


Wandering around the camp as usual I saw Hag hobbling out of her cabin with a basket of some kind, she seemed to be heading for that weird fog so I jogged to catch up to her. 
"Hey Hag! What are you up to?" I smiled pleasantly at her as she turned to me, gesturing to the basket she was holding.
"I'm heading to the swamp to gather some ingredients for dinner, would you like to come?" her warm yet inhuman voice responded to me. I thought about it briefly and simply nodded, getting what seemed like a smile from her.
"Follow me then," which I did.

Travelling through the fog was getting easier and easier, and soon enough the humidity of the air increased drastically and the ground beneath me became soft and damp. I saw Hag heading towards the bushes and followed along behind her, almost like a lost puppy.
"We need some cicadas, try to catch as many as you can and put them in this jar," she smiled, handing it to me and giving me a brief explanation as to how I'd go about that.

Alright, catching cicadas, she didn't make it sound all that difficult I'm sure I can do it. It took a couple minutes, but I eventually coaxed one of them into the jar and made a quiet exclamation of my success. I noticed Hag was deeper into the swamp picking up something from the ground, but the thick shrubbery concealed whatever it was... Which, come to think of it, might be for the best...

I stayed with the cicadas, gradually getting the hang of capturing them until I had a good half jar full of the annoying sounding creatures. Deciding I'd probably found enough I looked around for Hag, heading over to hand her the jar.
"I got those cicadas, they're a right pain to catch!" I chuckled softly, getting an amused hum back.
"They can be, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it." she paused, putting the cicada jar into her basket and handing me another empty one.
"All I need now is a jar of the bog water, do you think you could fill that up for me Y/N?" 

I just nodded and headed for the small stream, crouching down beside it and letting the jar fill up. Part of me wants to ask what she needs the water for, but the other half really doesn't want to know... I do hope it's not for the cooking though... Before I could get too lost in thought I noticed the jar was full and twisted on the lid, carrying it back. It was once again placed into the basket and Hag gestured for me to follow her back through the fog.

We arrived back at the camp and she took me into her cabin, beckoning me to the kitchen.
"Would you like to help me make today's dinner?" she seemed quite happy to have some help, so I couldn't possibly say no. Up close she really was just like a friendly grandmother if we forget about the whole cannibal thing... 

She placed the basket on the side and lifted the lid, and woo am I glad I didn't eat recently or I think it might've come right back up... The unmistakable smell of blood and human remains wafted from it as she pulled out various body parts and organs stored in jars, containers and cloth. Just breathe, Y/N, you don't want to hurt her feelings.

She removed one of the items from the jar and placed a severed hand down in front of me, looking through her collection of knives. Somehow the sight of it wasn't what made me queasy, instead it was just the idea of this being eaten... Attempting to clear my mind of the thoughts, I felt her place my hand on the knife's handle, guiding me.
"Start by removing the skin, we'll dice it up further later." she explained, gesturing to where I should slit to remove it most efficiently. She continued to guide my hand until all of it was removed, leaving just the muscle and bone.

"Good, you're a fast learner," she smiled, next directing me to remove each muscle and tendon. It took a little while but soon enough I got the hang of it and had all the pieces separated. I saw her take the bloodied bones remaining and suck them clean before placing them to one side, doing my best not to let my slight queasiness show through.

It's just meat, Y/N. You've seen it prepared all the time! Nothing that bad about it. I repeated in my head as she helped me chop the other ingredients needed, mixing them together into a kind of stew. I must admit, it smelled very good considering the contents...

I let her continue the stirring and headed out of the kitchen to have a small look around her cabin. I noticed an old bookshelf to one side of the main room and headed over to see what was on it. The first thing that caught my eye didn't seem to have a legible title, it was chipped off and I couldn't tell what was originally written on it. My curiosity was overwhelming but I didn't want to intrude, I'd ask what it was when the food was finished. 

Somehow I got the idea that snooping through killers' things uninvited would be a very bad habit to get into...

Placing the book carefully on the shelf I wandered back towards the kitchen, the pleasant aroma of stew wafting through the house. Delicious... I peeked my head through the doorway to see Hag dishing up two bowls and looking over at me. 
"It's ready, here you are my dear," and I was handed a warm bowl, being directed to the table as before.

I waited for Hag to arrive before tucking in, taking a tentative mouthful of the stew. Just like last time, it was incredibly good... Hag is a very talented cook, despite her unusual ingredients.

It didn't take me long to finish my bowl, thanking Hag for the meal and taking our empty bowls back to the kitchen, placing them into the sink. I headed back to where she was and paused for a moment.
"Can I ask you about one of those books? It doesn't seem to have a title and I was wondering what was in it."

She seemed to briefly remember something, smiling to herself before nodding and heading over with me. Immediately she knew which one I was referring to, pulling it off the shelf and placing it onto the table.
"This was my grandmother's, it's a book of the charms she taught me as a child for safety and good fortune."

Her expression seemed to dim briefly before she let out a small hum. "I was going to say they didn't entirely work, but given that I'm here and alive I think they must have." I nodded slowly, wanting her to elaborate but I was reluctant to pry.
"I know you're wondering what I'm talking about, your eyes give it away dear." 

So much for being subtle then. "Do you mind me asking?" I cautiously asked, not wanting to upset her. She shook her head softly. 
"Not at all."

I stayed for a few hours, listening to Hag telling me about her life before all this. Her friend Pam, the cannibal tribe who took her, and how she got out. It was interesting to say the least, though I certainly took her warning about messing with higher powers seriously...


[1258 words]

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