π™Έπš πš˜πš—πš•πš’ πšπš‘πšŽπš›πšŽ'𝚜 οΏ½...

By Blair_Yodin

97.4K 2.7K 406

COMPLETED πŸ“Œ----- I fell inlove immediately after watching some clips of the series True Beauty and also fell... More

Errand Girl???
The Gangster
Chaos: The Tension
Best Friends: Love Square
Camping gone wrong...Love Square ended?!
Accident and the New student
Jealousy, Jealousy
Doubts and the Talk
Made of Glass
Intern Make-up Artist
The wedding of 2 couples
In the end
πŸ’™ - FUNFACTS - πŸ’™

Chaos: Hurts so Bad

4.8K 148 16
By Blair_Yodin


I was researching the brand of helmet Seojun has and where could it possibly be sold in an app. "I was running errands..." I replied. "For who?" She asks. "For Seo- I meant Sem, teacher." That was close.

I should ask Juyoung. What app did he use?

Jook-yung called and told me her mom asked me to come over to her parlor and invited me over dinner. My mom and I arrived. "Ah, ajhuma, I'm here~" I brought some rice cake. "You shouldn't have, you're too kind." She patted my head. Mom and Mrs, Lim greeted each other. "Oh, what a pretty child. Where are you from?" A lady asked, she was kind of pale. I smiled. "I'm from Philippines." I replied and bowed at her. "She's at the same school as Jook-yung." Mrs Lim said. "Oh, then, you must've met my son Han Seojun?" My eyes widened. "Maybe, Kyla do you knew him?" My mom asked.

Is she the mother of Seojun?!!!!

"S-Seojun, Han Seojun?" I asked again. "Crazy-monkey?" Seojun suddenly appeared behind his mom. Then there was a loud thud which was the one and only, queen of embarrassment, make-up queen-bee, my friend...Lim Jook-yung. She slid down with a broken bed from the stairs...and, with a face mask on. Seojun laughed and started taking pictures while I blocked Jook-yung. "Gwenchana?" She nodded. I brushed off her clothes. I tried to break the awkward atmosphere. "Ah, mom, I'll just help Jook-yung fixed her self, okay." I pulled Jook-yung's arm and ran upstairs.

"Why are you like this? Stop embarrassing yourself!" I scolded her while wiping the mask off. "You're right, I'm such an embarrassing loser friend~" She yelled and started crying. "Oh, Jookie...I didn't mean it like that..." I said, trying to stop her from crying.

"You're son is so handsome." My mom said. I almost chocked on my food. "Are you okay? Do you need a water Kyla?" Mrs. Lim said. "What's wrong with you?" Mom asked as she slowly helped me drink water. Seojun gave me a glare. Jook-yung secretly laugh. "Kyla is really good in school I'm so jealous, it's like beauty and brains." Mrs' Lim complimented me again. "Jook-yung is always lazy, she only have the beauty, not the brain." Seojun chuckled. "She even go to blind dates..." Mrs. Lim's eyes widened. "Bo?! Lim Jook-yung!" She shouted.

"Seojun still ride his motor." Jook-yung pointed at Seojun. Seojun's mom gasp.

"She always has low grades in quizzes!"

"He always sleep in class!"

"She agreed to make some errands for one of our classmate!"

Let's just say that the night didn't end well for Jook-yung and Seojun. Seojun gave me his number because tomorrow is the day that I will be running errands for Seojun, it's my 1st time doing that, my classmates are always scared of me cause I look like a could beat the shit out of them all. Well, I think the world changed nowadays. I'm busy doing homeworks when my phone buzzed. "He really is annoying..." It was Seojun.


-Han Seojun 🙄

>Yah! Crazy-monkey, you still alive?

<Ani, this is her ghost. 

>Whatever, meet me at my motor's parking lot and reserved a table in the cafeteria for me tomorrow.

<You're wish is my command. 


"Ahhh can I die now?" I sighed. Tomorrow comes and I woke up early, I told Jook-yung that I'll be coming to school earlier and that she doesn't need to come with me. I'm waiting at the parking lot scrolling through my feed. I heard a  loud engine noise and knew it was Seojun. He took off his helmet. "You're good." He said and thumbs up at me. "Nice helmet." I said. "I still like the other one." He climbed off of his motor. "I have a lead for your helmet." I replied smiling. "Woah...I can say I amazed, you're more easy to talk to than Jook-yung." He give me his bag. "Carry this." I rolled my eyes and grabbed it, he walk away but looked back at me. "Kaja." He added.

I wore his bag and straight went to the classroom, I placed his bag and sat on my chair. "Whose bag is that?" Suho again appeared. "Seojun's...we had a deal." I responded. "You're running errands from him now?" He asked, I nodded. The class is about to start, I prepared the things I will be using for this class. "We have a new student, please introduce yourself." 

"Annyeonghaesayo, I'm Kim Ara. I hope we all be friends."

Kim Ara?

I looked at the front and saw her smiling, our eyes meet but I looked away. Kim Ara. How should I describe her? Well, she's the reason why we moved to Seoul, I caught her cheating on the exam and she threaten me if I told the others about it...Ofcourse, I'm not scared of her but I still didn't tell anyone about it. Her group framed me about beating her to death, I did kick her because she almost had me kidnapped and raped but still, her father is the principal obviously I lost and took the blame.

"You can have a seat over there." The class started and ended soon. I ran to the cafeteria and reserved a table., I read a fantasy book while waiting for them. Several minutes later Jook-yung, Sujin, Su-ah, Taehoon and Seojun arrived. "Kyla-ssi~" Su-ah said and sat infront of me. "Stand up. Move." Seojun said and I did, I sat infront of Taehoon, Seojun sat beside Jook-yung and beside me. "I'll grab my food now okay?" I told Seojun. 

I was near the stall when I became face to face with the one and only Kim Ara. "You've grown, how's your foot?" I forgot to tell you, I once joined the hurdles back then but Ara wanted to be the best and compete to the other schools so, she pushed me on the stairs and sprained my ankle with an upcoming competition the next day. "Feels good after kicking your face." I smiled at her, what? Ofcourse I need to defend myself. I wanted to eat and just ignored her but when I was about to leave she grabbed my arm harshly. "I'm not done talking." She scoffs. "Well, I'm done listening." I said.

She got pissed so she took my book and threw it on the wall of the cafeteria. "Now, you got all the attention happy now?" I told her with a glare. "This is not enough...if they all knew how you acted back in Daegu." She suddenly faced all the student inside the cafeteria. "Hey, did you know how dangerous Kyla back then? She even threat the teacher in our school in the past and beat me up...she must not be trusted." She announced. Everyone is staring at me and started whispering. 

"Ya, transferee! Do you think we'll believe you? You're mouth is full of shit." Sujin shouted. "Show some manners." She added. She chuckled. "Whoever you are, I'm not talking to you. She told Sijun. She and went closer to me. "You've been busy having friends...good for you, bitch." She slightly pushed me and walk closer to the exit. I picked up my book from the ground, aim it to her with my right eye opened. "She never learned..." I laughed and I threw it to her head. "Bullseye~" I happily said. Now I'm the one walking closer to her. "This is not your school anymore, this is a different place. A place where I could take control...Watch your back not mine." I left the cafeteria without eating whatsoever and went to the back building. 

I was jumping happily. "Yah Crazy-monkey!" I was startled and turned around. "What do you think you're doing?" Seojun said while holding a camera, recording me and laughing. "Yah! Hajima!" I chased him but he was so fast. I caught him but he raised his hand so high that even my height cannot reach it. "Yah! Delete that!" I screamed while I tip-toe. "It must've been painful being small." He laughs. I slipped and we both fell from the ground. I was on top of him and our face is closer.


 When I come to my sense...I stood up quickly and he did the same thing. "You're heavy and clumsy..." He said as he dust-off his uniform. I rolled my eyes and kicked his shin. "Delete that or else!" I ordered. "Or else what?" He glared at me. "Nevermind..." And I walked out.


We had a math study in the afternoon, Suho surprisingly joined us and taught Jook-yung with her math problems. God, I ship them, Sujin looked a little bit jealous though, she keeps throwing death glares at them. After that, we treated oursleves with karaoke, food and shopping. We sang and sang and sang. It was fun. Su-ah and Taehoon left first then Sujin. It was practically Suho, Jook-yung and I. 

I felt like a 3rd wheel...

"Well, I'll be leaving now...Jookie, see you tomorrow. You too Suho-ssi~" I waved at them. I bought a soda and some candies from a 7-eleven store when I saw Seojun and Jook-yung being chased by Suho and Suho being chased by the gangsters...

Wait, by the gangsters?!

 I quickly paid the cashier and went outside. I went to the alley where I saw them being chased, I went around and bump onto Seojun and Jook-yung holding hands. "Oh, Kyla-ssi run!" Jook-yung shouted and started running again. "Yah, Kyla, keep running!" Suho grabbed my wrist and started running so, basically we're holding hands. Suho and I were behind Seojun and Jookie. "Yah, Han Seojun! What did you do this time!" I shouted at him. "I guess it was because of what you did the last time!" He answered.

"What the hell did you 2 did to involve Jook-yung and I?!" Suho screamed at us. "Everybody shut up and keep running!" Jookie said. We're at the end of the alley when a black car stopped in front of us, the window rolled-down. "Get in!" He shouted.

He's back????

Without thinking we all went inside. We drove away and the gangsters stopped chasing us. Jook-yung was seated near the window with Seojun beside her, I was beside Seojun and Suho is at my left. "You're back? When did you return? Why didn't you contacted us?" I asked him. "What's with that tone? I just saved you and your friends." He responded.

"Wait, wait, wait...Kyla, who is he? How did you knew him?" Jook-yung asked me, Seojun and Suho are also waiting for my answer. "He's my brother..." I answered. "So, I left to America, having a hard time in college and you're being chased by those...those kids." I rolled my eyes. "So, he's your older brother..." Jook-yung mumbled. "I almost forgot, This is my brother Ken-imnida, Oppa, this Jook-yung, Seojun and Suho." I pointed them one by one.

"Nice to meet you~" Seojun bowed. "It's great meeting you." Suho added. "Stop acting nice Seojun-ah, it makes me puke."I imitate a vomiting person, he elbowed me and I did the same. "Says who's the one responsible for that gangsters..." Seojun mumbled. "My sister doesn't like being in a fight it just keeps coming to her." Ken said watching us from the rear-view mirror smiling like an idiot. We dropped off the 2 boys at the side walk and took Jook-yung home.

"Visit the Prince Comic store tomorrow when you're bored." I told Ken and went to bed. He's older but, I'm more mature.


Seojun's POV

"Keep your distance." I told Suho while walking. "I'm not even trying to be closed to you." Suho walked passed me and called a taxi. He entered but he quickly closed the door. "Yah! What about me?" I knocked through the window. "Starting tomorrow, stop ordering Kyla to make errands for you, you have a bunch of twerps to do that for you." He said as he rolled down his window. 

Is this guy for real?

"Wae, is she your girlfriend or something? And who told you that their twerps?!" I screamed at him. "1st of all, Kyla is like a little sister to me...and 2nd of all, Sujin told me about the 'twerp' word, lastly...keep your distance." He closed his window that almost cut my fingers and left. "Yah!  Aish...Like a little sister my face. She already have a brother, she doesn't need you anymore!" I kicked and punched the air.

I got home. "Ahhh, my feet hurt!" until someone hit my head. "Stop screaming!" Gowoon shouted. "You could've take a taxi or something and stop whinning." She added.

Why do I even exist to live like these?

I ruffled my hair in annoyance and went to my bedroom, I plopped myself on the bed kick my shoes off to the floor. "What a day...Wait, did Jook-yung got home safely?" I sat up and took out my phone to text her. Once I opened it a video played which was Kyla jumping like a kid, it's the one I took after she walked out the cafeteria. 

Cute...wait cutel?! What the...what the hell am I saying???

"I really am tired..." The video was on reply, I smiled. "Why are you smiling? You look like a crazy person...hajima." I cleared my face and told Gowoon to knock next time. I took a shower before goin to bed, I let my hair dry and planned what to do tomorrow. "Should I or should I not...?"

End Of Seojun's POV



I woke up with a bunched of texts from Seojun. "Shit, I'm late!" I gotta come to school earlier than him but, his last text is where am I in school. I'm like The Flash as I keep running inside the house. "I made breakfast." Ken said while wearing an apron. I packed the sandwich he made and ran out of the house. I met the owner of Seojun's helmet and met him at a cafe'. I paid him to buy a new one.

I went at the hallway and I keep running when Ara blocked my way. "I don't have to talk and listen." I told her. "Can we talk for a moment?" I sighed and agreed. "Mianhe...for everything...I know you're still mad at me but...you can throw many books as you want at me-" I cut her off. "Hey...I forgive you, gwenchana...the book must've hurt." I smiled at her and held her hand. She smiled back when Sujin arrived. "Get away from her." She said as she took her hand away from mine. "Sujin, she's just saying sorry to me..." I said. "Well that's better...kaja." Sujin pulled me. "Kyla!" Seojun shouted. "Sujin I'll meet you later." I pushed her inside the classroom.

I walk towards him and he pinned me on the wall. "You're late!" He screamed. "You're 30 minutes late!" I gulped, I covered his mouth with my hand. "Stop screaming, everyone's staring." I whispered, He took off my hands on his mouth. "Wae? What're you looking at? Did you think this is worth watching?" He shouted at every students in the hallway and they got scared of him and just ignored us talking. "Calm down, atleast I'm here now...guess what?" I pull out his helmet from the paper bag.

"Dun, dun, dun~ You're helmet!~" I told him smiling like crazy. He sighed and grabbed his helmet. "I paid and persuade him to just buy a new one, I told him that the owner of this helmet is a dangerous man, that's why he let it go." I proudly said. He smiled as he lightly hit my forehead. "Pabo..." He said as he examined his helmet. "I found your helmet, let me rest for now. I'll go to the  classroom now cause my legs hurts from running, okay?" I patted his head and left.

Seojun's POV

"I found your helmet, let me rest for now. I'll go to the classroom now cause my legs hurt from running like Flash, okay?" 

I was startled as she patted my head. 


I stared at her till she got inside the classroom, I held my chest. "Oh, Han Seojun, are you okay...does your chest hurt, do you need to go to the clinic?" Chorong said. "Leave me alone, I'll go to class now..." I told him. "You're helmet is back? Did Kyla returned it just now?"

I nodded.

End of Seojun's POV

 "Kyla-ssi, morning~" Su-ah greeted. "Oh, you arrived, I tried to wait for you but...Ken-oppa told me not to..." Jook-yung spoke. "It's fine." I replied. 

 I sat on my chair and exhaled deeply. "I'm free~" I stretched. I look beside me and saw Suho listening to music while reading a comic. I took one of his earphone and wore it. "What're you doing?" He asks. "Listening to music." I replied, I ate my breakfast while sharing the music with Suho.

The day ended as it supposed to be, Jook-yung, Su-ah and Sujin went somewhere and I went to the comic store and saw my brother there reading and already friends with the owner. "Kyla!~" He waved at me. I rolled my eyes and looked around. "This place is really cool..." He said. "I know right, everything here is amazing..." His phone ringed. "It's one of my friends...bye see you later at the house." Then he left. 

I spend my time reading comics there until it was 8:00 pm already. "Thanks for coming~" The owner said, I smiled an greeted him a 'Goodbye'. Right after I got outside, Seojun, Suho and Jook-yung are on the front of the comic store, bickering with each other.

A love triangle...digursting shits...

 "Goodevening..." I greeted. "What're you doing here?" Seojun asked in a harsh tone. "Why do you keep appearing in a moment like this?" I glared at him. "It's because I have magic powers." I replied while copying Harry Potter. Then, Jook-yung's sister appeared out of nowhere and drunk. 

"Oh...oh...Am I dead, why does it have 2 handsome boys here? Oh, Kyla you look really pretty tonight,, do you want to debut? Am I in heaven?" She laughs. "She's...drunk." I said. She almost fell but we caught her and helped her stood up. "Unnie?" Jook-yung said but her sister hit her jaw with her head. "Ah...Jookie are you okay?" I asked Jook-yung as I checked her jaw if it's bleeding. "Let's go! I'll make you 2 debut!" She screamed. "She's going to puke soon, let's bring her home." I suggested. 

"What, why? I don't want to!" Seojun complained. "Shut up and walk faster." Suho responded. I carry her bag that smell like a bar. We arrived at Jook-yung's gate...after several seconds she vomitted at Suho's blazer. Suho frozed and Jook-yung quickly took off his blazer. I almost laugh. "Ah, mianhe...I'll never forget your kindness, see you guys tomorrow." Jook-yung closed the gate and it's only the 3 of us left. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHA...AHAHAHHHAHAHA!~" I laughed hard while holding my stomach. They both looked at me. "You're a psycho...you clearly need some help." Seojun scoffed. "Did you think it's funny?" Suho asked. I nodded while laughing. 

We went back to where Seojun's bike parked. "Wait, correct me if I'm wrong..." They both gave me a What-the-fuck-do-you-want-now look. "Do you both like...Jookie?" They suddenly looked at each other. "Do you like Jook-yung?" Suho asked Seojun. "I think I might." Seojun answered. 

"Sana all like..." I sighed. "Bo?" They both said in the same time confused. "Wala este, nothing...see you guys tomorrow ehe~" I waved at them leaving. "Wait, I'll walk you home." Suho said. "Ani, I'm fine~" I showed him my thumbs up. "I insist." He's about to walk towards me but Seojun halt him. "She said she's fine...leave her alone." I heard him say. I walk home and ignored them.

Out of all the person all over the world, why him? Why do I even like him when he likes my friend...

"You're home~" Mom said, I suddenly hugged her. "why? What happened?" I shook my head to her question. "Nothing..." I closed the door to my room and I also didn't eat dinner...I lost my appetite. 


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