That Fair-Faced 'Sage' {Compl...

By Drunken-Shifu

2.1K 643 22

After enduring years of suffering, a young lady aims to avenge the loss of her loved ones, and filled with ha... More

Helpful Guide!
2. Trouble Arrives
3. The Strange Aura
4. The Blood Sage
5. Zhao LanFeng
6. The Elder In The Shadows
7. Old Man Xu
8. The Shuǐ Manor
9. Sibling Rivalry
10. The Leaders Of Xin Dao
11. The Hearing
12. Elder Zhao
13. The Other Betrayer
14. The Dark Years
15. The Uncle In The South
16. The Wang Family
17. An End To The Tale
18. The Verdict
19. The Sentence
20. Eighty Lashes!
21. The High Grandmaster
22. New Master
23. Impossible Disciple Zhao!
24. Luòshuǐ Mountain
25. Demon Cultivator
26. The First Mission
27. Lode City
28. The Ming Family
29. The Ming Manor Scandal
30. The White Cat
31. The Misty Forest
32. The Death Mist
33. The Hidden Card
34. The Spirit Arrow
35. Fifth Madam's Master
36. Jin ShuLin
37. Lin City Festival
38. Moments Of Worry
39. The Lost Memory
40. First Meeting
41. Shuǐ ChénLín Vs Zhao Mao
42. One-Of-A-Kind Apology
43. Duels
44. One Versus...
45. Lin Lingshan
46. The Spirit Arrow Again
47. Sugar-Coated Hawthorns
48. The Trap And The Purple Flames
49. Multicoloured Robes!
50. The Demon Aisle 1
51. The Demon Aisle 2
52. The 'Manly' Competitions!
53. Before The Mission 1
54. Before The Mission 2
55. The Kong Clan
56. The Wayward/Genius Son
57. The Kong Genius
58. Questions And Answers
59. Intruder
60. To The East
61. Troublesome Boat Ride
62. The Plague
63. Bai Hua Mountain's Secret
64. Adopted Son
65. Back to Bai Hua
66. Master of Poisons
67. QingJun's Decision
68. The Zhou Manor
69. Zhan YiZhen Again
70. The Flaw In The Plan
71. The Wrecked Inn
72. Moon cakes And Lanterns 1
73. Moon cakes And Lanterns 2
74. Back to Jade City
75. The Waterfall Again
76. The New Year
77. Resolve
78. The Demon Attacks
79. The Mantis Stalks...
80. Xuè Shèngrén
81. Two Friends
82. The Elder's Spy
83. Shuǐ ChangSheng's Trap
84: Lady Yun
85. The Shuǐ Orphan
86. The Elder
87. Healer Wang
88. The Shadow Clan Attack
89. The Elder And Yi Wen
90. The Elder And Yi Wen 2
91. A Gourd Full Of Vinegar
92. A Rather Eventful Night 1
93. A Rather Eventful Night 2
94. Bonds
94.5 (Bonus!). Bonds 2
95. Shuǐ Family Scandal 1
96. Shuǐ Family Scandal 2
97. The Alliance
98. Another Nightly Guest
99. Luo Abyss
100. Elder Xu
101. The Newcomer
102. Cave In The Abyss
103. LanFen's Master
104. Memories
105. The Last Journey
106. Thieves In The Night 1
107. Thieves In The Night 2
108. The Demon War
109. Dance Of Petals
110. The Tough Decisions
111. A Resolve To Live
112. Peerless
113. The World's End
114. Aftermath
115. True Happiness (Finale!)
115:5 (Bonus!) - Night Hours Are Precious!

1. Who Is Xuè Shèngrén?!

115 8 5
By Drunken-Shifu



'A rotten tree cannot bare good fruits...'


The tale started when another tale had ended...

The Kingdom of Xin Dao spanned miles and miles of seas, mountains, rivers, forests, lakes, cities, towns and settlements.

Across the thousands and thousands of miles, not many things could shake the entire kingdom...

There were of course, terrifying beasts, demons, and even a few ultra powerful ancient beasts. But these could only terrify the people in their own regions.

There were even times when the wind blew in the talks of war and there was unrest across the kingdom. But Xin Dao had not seen war for many many years.

And yet, the entire kingdom was undoubtedly shaken!

Almost everywhere, the questions were being asked:

"Who is *Xuè Shèngrén?!"

*Xuè Shèngrén - Blood Sage.

"Who is this sage who had defeated two of the top martial families in just three days!"


On one fine dusky morning in Camellia City, the capital of the Eastern Region, lanterns swayed slightly in the brisk morning breeze, and the fresh scent of snow filled the air, as a crisp chill descended on the large city.

Though it was still early, the streets were already teeming with activity.

A red-faced man dragged two stubborn donkeys which brayed indignantly, and caused passersby to laugh at the early spectacle.

Here and there, warmly clothed children played around with kites, fake wooden swords and other toys. Men carried loads on their backs or shoulders, while the women carried dainty baskets full of foodsfuffs, fabrics or some other goods. Some of the women had a child on their backs, or little children following around them.

Street vendors lined both sides of the road, enthusiastically calling out to the passers-by, arranging their goods, or chatting excitedly.

There was a small gathering of traders, 'trading' gossip, and of course, the 'hot' topic was, 'Xuè Shèngrén'.

"Aiya! I can't believe something so unfortunate happened right here in Camellia City!" Said one, as he arranged a bunch of juicy looking apples on his stand.

Another one, "And not too long after the New Year! 'From joyful tidings to mourning'!"

Yet another one, "So many lost their lives... The entire sect's cultivators were defeated so easily, and their faces have reached rock-bottom!"

"Exactly! Do they dare show their faces in public? Even the Head of the Zhao family and the twelve top Zhao cultivators, were killed by this Xuè Shèngrén!"

"Really?" Another asked, and distractedly walked into his own cart. The cabbages he had been holding rolled down unto the dusty road.

A few passersby laughed at the sight, and the man shielded his face from view.

"Did you crawl out from under a rock?" One asked him. "I say, even if your eyes are bad, use your ears! This news has spread everywhere!"

"But several of them were in the White Realm! Who is this sage, to defeat them so easily?!"

"I hear the corpses of the main family members are barely recognisable, because of how gruesomely they were killed!" Yet another one added.

"Yes yes yes! They were completely disfigured!"

"Aiyu!" They all shuddered.

Having a proper, dignified corpse to bury, was a mark of respect... How could one rest in peace with a disfigured corpse?!

"The attack didn't start here, you know? The first was at the Southern Dragon Clan, and the guards and more than twenty cultivators were also killed.

"Then Clan Leader Wang, his wife and son were brutally murdered, just like what happened here. The coffin maker's only son was one of the dead cultivators, so he can't even rejoice over this sudden rush of business."

"Ah... A cruel misfortune, right before useless fortune. He will prepare a grand coffin for his own son, but who then will his riches be left to?"

"After all that, the Wang Clan had no leader... The illegitimate son of a servant that everyone has been looking down on, suddenly became Clan leader overnight!"

"Ei?! That Wang FeiYang? But he's basically trash! Such a low cultivation level at the age of twenty-three, and he's scared of his own shadow!"

"It's still better than here... The only other descendant of the Eastern Dragon Clan left, abandoned his own clan and disappeared five years ago!"

"Ah, that Zhao LanFeng fellow? *Wo-Peh! Isn't he the Zhao Family Trash? At least Wang FeiYang cultivated a little... Zhao LanFeng is completely without Spirit Power!"

*Wo-Peh! - could mean anything from disgust, to 'bullshit', to 'nonsense', and usually accompanied by spitting motions! I gave up trying to figure it out, at some point.

"And he even dared to point fingers at Clan Leader Zhao and his wife, falsely accusing them of killing his mother... That fellow can never rule the clan! *Cui!"

*Cui- spitting sounds

"But You know? I heard something ridiculous." One of the men lowered his voice. "I heard this *'Xuè shèngrén' is one and the same Zhao LanFeng!"

*Xuè shèngrén- Blood Sage

"Ei?!?! Are pigs running in the sky? Say something believable, if you must spout lies!"

"But why is it surprising? His mother was an evil woman as well! 'A rotten tree cannot bare good fruits...'!"

"I say, that's not the problem here... The issue is, how did a 'good for nothing' trash, become that powerful?!"


That was indeed the question that bothered the *Wulin, and if the Wulin was bothered, so was the whole kingdom!

*Wulin - The Martial arts world.

How could the good for nothing son of a sinful woman, suddenly become strong enough to attack two ruling families?

The boy in question had been born without any spirit power, and he had disappeared five years ago. And then this Xuè Shèngrén character had recently emerged, killing people here and there.

And now, he dared to attack two ruling clans.

Even worse... He had succeeded in his attack and had killed the ruling family members and their top cultivators!

That was at least six White Realm Cultivators, ten Black Realm cultivators and an uncountable number of Purple Realm Cultivators...

Almost a hundred, in all.

Exactly how powerful was this Sage?

The questions, "Are we next?" or, "Am I next?" or, "Is our clan next?" were flying round the entire Wulin, and most of the scared ones were now trying to remember if they ever ran into this 'Zhao LanFeng' fellow, or wronged him in someway.

And that was, IF he was actually Xuè Shèngrén.

A further addition to the whole confusion, was how Xuè Shèngrén could have been in two places...

From the Eastern region to the Southern region was roughly a ten to twelve day journey by carriage, and about five to eight day journey by boat.

Yet Xuè Shèngrén had destroyed both clans in just three days, and had been seen in both places!

Even the most powerful cultivators flying their swords could not move that quickly, and even if they did, their qi would be depleted to the point where they would think twice before single-handedly attacking a whole clan.

Had he used a teleportation talisman...?

This was the most likely conclusion, but the long-range teleportation talismans were ridiculously expensive, and more importantly, they would also drain one of immense energy.

If Xuè Shèngrén used such a talisman to get from the South to the East, he should not have possessed the strength to attack.

And causing even more confusion, was the absence of a clear and consistent description of Xuè Shèngrén...

"He was so tiny! White faced and scary!"

"I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything!!"

"His figure was slighter than a blade of grass!"

"He was like the worst of demons!"

"He was black from head to toe!"

All on this only added to the mystery, and led to numerous questions...

Who was Xuè Shèngrén?

Was he Zhao LanFeng, the lost 'Zhao Family Trash'?

If he was Zhao LanFeng, where did his sudden power come from?

How could a nineteen year old boy even have such power?

What were his intentions?

Would he attack the remaining two ruling clans?

How had he gotten from the Southern region to the Eastern region in less than two days?

The leaders of the Wulin came together for the first time in a long while and had one clear goal.

Capture Xuè Shèngrén.


Meanwhile, a smaller but powerful group of individuals, men who had always acted in the shadows of Xin Dao, had a different thought.

The Xuè Shèngrén they knew was already a threat to them...

After all, they had recently taken away something precious from him, which had led to the devastating attack on the two ruling clans.

If that same vengeful Xuè Shèngrén turned out to be Zhao LanFeng, then investigating him, would shed light on past events that they would rather leave buried.

And so they had another goal...

Kill Xuè Shèngrén!



The 'Tea Haven' was a rather noisy restaurant on the edges of Camellia city, where men and a few women ate their first meals of the day, and drank various types of cheap, watered down tea.

It was snowing, so the restaurant was abnormally full, as half of the customers were there to escape the cold.

Servant boys hurried around the scattered and battered looking tables, trying to meet orders and please the customers, and a lone musician played the *guzheng, with the natural wind howls from outside, punctuating his rendition of a popular tune called 'Dance amidst the snow'.

*Guzheng - Chinese harp

There was lighthearted, sometimes crude, conversation blowing around with the air.

Sometimes it was about the weather, or farms, or this or that clan's most powerful cultivator, or disciple, of this or that Lord's household rules, or even about this or that new city tax.

However, one was more likely to hear about things like how 'mister this' was caught and chased by 'lady that's' husband, for 'doing the deed' with his wife, or how 'madam this' had hit her husband over the head with a pot stick, after a young lad who looked exactly like him had arrived at their doorstep and dared to call him father!

But through all of these, the major point of gossip was still Xuè Shèngrén.

"Some people say Clan Leader Zhao and his family were by no means good people, but did they deserve to die like that?Their corpses were really frightening! How can people feel safe enough to sleep?"

"Not even one proper corpse to be buried! How much of a grudge did Xuè Shèngrén hold for them?"

"I privately think they got what they deserved!" one bitterly spoke aloud.

He had been part of the Zhao Clan, just two years ago.

Clan Leader Zhao had destroyed he and his son's cultivation, essentially making them useless! Just because his family had been getting more powerful than the Zhao family.

"If I ever meet Xuè Shèngrén, I'll *Kowtow to him at least ten times!" He hatefully finished.

*Kowtow- kneel and touch the ground with the forehead in worship or submission as part of Chinese custom.

"Shhhhhh! Do you know what it means to support such a fellow?! He's the enemy of the entire Wulin!" The others glanced around nervously, and one even attempted to shield his face from view.

In the corner, a stranger's lips curled upward in a smile.

'This interesting name, 'Xuè Shèngrén'... Who even came up with it?' She shook her head as she filled her cup.

In stark difference to the teas trickling into teacups on the other tables, clear wine trickled into a small liquor cup, which was surely designed to deceive one into drinking 'just one more cup', until they didn't remember their name.

Her pale, slim fingers lifted the small liquor cup and raised it to her waiting nose.

"Mmm..." She gently turned the cup, swirling the liquid as she savored the scent of the aged wine.

'Twenty years? Thirty years?' She wondered. 'This aroma is certainly close to Thirty years!' She could guess, but couldn't be sure... She had stolen the wine!

She didn't toss the first cup of wine down her throat, but savored it slowly, feeling every tang of its deep, rich taste, and lightly turning it over on her tongue, then letting it smoothly glide down her throat, leaving a pleasant burning sensation in its wake.

"*Hao Jiu!!" She declared loudly in a light voice, causing a few of the other customers to stare at her.

*Hao Jiu- Good Wine! I left it like this, because it's pretty common, and used a lot.

She filled the small cup four times, tossing down the wine each time, and with each toss, the topic of conversation was slightly changing.

"Aiya... Tsk tsk tsk! A drunk fellow, first thing in the morning!"

"This place doesn't even sell wine, but he brought his liquor!"

"Cui! This fellow's wife didn't *light enough incense sticks before the marriage!"

*She didn't pray well enough for a good husband.

A few tried to look at the stranger's face, but 'he' wore a wide bamboo veiled hat. The black veil was so long, that it would sweep the floor, even if she was standing, so even though it had slits running down the sides, her face was completely hidden from view.

Because of the way she was dressed, they had already assumed she was a man and a drunk one at that.

But none could even guess, that this tiny person, was the same Xuè Shèngrén, who had shaken the whole of Xin Dao!


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