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By ellieelephant-

51.1K 910 229

I'll pick up these broken pieces until I'm bleeding, if that will make you mine - Draco Malfoy āš ļø WARNING ... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one

twenty seven

545 13 7
By ellieelephant-

An hour on and Narcissa had returned with a smaller female who wore a black dress also carrying a black leather rustic briefcase. She didn't look like a regular nurse, she didn't wear any nurse uniform she wore dresses as if she was going out, she was very beautiful.

"Lucille this is Annabelle shes our family doctor" Narcissa spoke as she was bringing her closer to me, I got myself out of bed and stood up to greet her

"Oh wow you have grown so much Lucille since the last time I seen you, look at you now you've grown into such a beautiful woman" she spoke touching my hair I looked at her slightly confused i turned to Narcissa to see if she could explain

"Do you remember Annabelle she came here when you had that bad fall when you were younger? That's how you have the scar on your stomach Lucille" she laughed gently then it came back to me Draco and I were climbing the trees and clumsy me never judged the distance of the branch properly, I fell right down leaving a open wound on my stomach.

"I do remember now I'm so sorry Annabelle" I said to her embarrassed my face was slightly turning pink as I touched my stomach where my scar was

She placed her briefcase on the bed opening it slowly I had no idea what any of the things were, "I'll give you some privacy I'm just downstairs if you need anything" Narcissa spoke as she was leaving my room

"Narcissa is Draco ok?" I asked her, she took a step back turning to me with me a smile "yes darling I told him to give you a bit of space for the now, you know what he's like" she said as she left closing the door behind her

Annabelle was still looking in amongst her briefcase "so Lucille it was just a rush of sickness my dear anything else?" She asked me "Yeah that's right as soon as I smelled the fish I had to run to the bathroom" I mumbled to her. She took my arm gently and sat me on the bed checking everything over a few times, she flicked her wand at me and a little blue light formed from her wand.

"Have you had any change of appetite my dear?" She asked packing her things away, was she already done? "not that I know of just some smells repulse me" i giggled I couldn't think of anything "still obsessed with chocolate?" She asked with a small giggle then it dropped I haven't been wanting chocolate and the thought of it kind of disgusts me right now "I was but I don't think I can bring myself to eat it now" I whispered worryingly chocolate was my saviour and the thought of it not being my go to worried me more

"My dear you're perfectly healthy you're absolutely fine" she said to me patting my head as if I was still a child "but there is something Lucille" she kneeled down infront of me

I could feel my heart beat twice as fast and everything was going slow. What is wrong with me? Then Annabelle took my hands "Lucille you're pregnant my darling" she whispered squeezing my hands. "I'm sorry?" I asked her I was so confused I couldn't take it in

"My dear you're a few weeks along, baby is fine and you are also, you might experience morning sickness cravings and want to sleep more but that's perfectly normal. All I ask of you is to eat more and rest more. You could do with putting a little bit more weight on my darling" she said to me then headed over to pack up her briefcase

The news was sinking in my body slowly, I couldn't believe it my mind processing all of this was like a glitch only allowing so much to be taking in at a time.
"Please don't tell anyone, I mean I want to process this all first before I say. I just need time" I whispered to her

she gave me a smile and a gentle nod then came to give me a cuddle "I'll be seeing you in a few weeks time my darling you and Draco will be the perfect parents, congratulations my dear" then she pulled away from me and she was out of sight

I sat myself back on the bed i could hear the blood pumping through my body I couldn't believe it, how can this be but what did I expect Draco and I were having a lot of sex and not using protection. I couldn't believe it's happening now though not while everything is the way it is. I can't bring a baby into this cruel world. I lay back in my bed rubbing my stomach, I can't believe I'm going to be a mummy.

My mother would be so delighted with the news well she won't be too happy Ill be a parent at 18 but I wouldn't change it for the world. My mind then went in to overdrive wondering what our life will be like as parents, Draco and I just got back to each other and now I'm having a baby it was going fast but I wouldn't change it for the world. This little baby inside me needs protecting and I'll do anything I can to do it.

My door knocked lightly then Draco had came into my room he looked tired.
"I'm going to shower and brush my teeth Luce I don't want you being sick again" he laughed taking his clothes off folding them neatly on the dresser, as I was watching him lying in my bed I couldn't help but still touch my stomach. I quickly got up and changed into my pyjamas getting back into bed.

Once Draco was out of his shower and dressed in his shorts he came and lay down beside me. "Is everything okay darling" he asked me kissing my head "everything is fine draco" I looked at him. I didn't want to tell him tonight I wanted to wait until this was over I couldn't worry him more. We ended up falling asleep holding each other it was perfect, we were becoming parents.

The next morning I woke up to the sun coming through my window, it was a beautiful day. Draco was still sound asleep he looked so beautiful sleeping I didn't want to disturb him so I slowly got out of bed got myself dressed and freshened up and headed down to the garden.

The closer I got to the garden I heard Belle and Luke were already there with Narcissa and Lucious. They were laughing that's the first time I've seen Lucius smile in a long time. He noticed I was there and stood up giving me a small smile, this is strange I wasn't going to lie "Luce! Good Morning you look radiant" Belle shrieked

I could feel narcissa looking at me she looked so happy, sipping her tea then placing the cup down slowly.

"Good morning darling, how are you feeling now?" She got up and grabbed me in giving me a hug

"I feel good thank you, how are you" I asked her

"Oh I'm good as can be darling" she said she was fixing my clothes and her hands stayed on my stomach.

I looked up at her, she finally got out her daze and rushed her hands off me.

"You look lovely Lucille would you like some tea" she said walking back over to her seat beside Lucius

"No thank you I'm okay I'll get some water" I said walking back in the kitchen

Narcissa got back up and followed me back into the kitchen getting my water "oh it's okay I'll get" I said to her

"Nonsense darling, listen I picked some strawberries for you they're coming into season so they will be delicious" she said going into the fridge holding a big bowl of radiant red strawberries, she closed the fridge door taking one out to eat then put the bowl in front of me. I took one and she was right they were delicious the sweetness around my mouth I could sit and eat all of these if she allowed me "I told you they were delicious didn't I? and they will be good for the baby" she gasped turning her head back to me, the bowl of strawberries fell out of her hands and smashed onto the floor

She knows?! How can she know?! The nurse gave me her word that she won't tell.

"Oh silly me, it's one of those days" she mumbled picking the strawberries back up

"I'll help you" I bent down

She put her hand out to stop me then got her wand from her jacket pocket "repairo" she whispered and the bowl was repaired she placed it on the kitchen worktop.

As She fixed the strawberries back into the bowl, she looked back to me but her eyes met with someone's else's. I turned to look behind me, Draco was there how much did he hear?

"When we're you going to tell me you were pregnant Luce?" He asked me I could tell he was furious, he gave me a look I wish I never got, it was out I couldn't deny it how could I? 

"Draco I'm sorry I should've.." but before I said anything else he shouted at me again "WHEN LUCILLE? WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME ABOUT THE BABY" he screamed that loud Belle and Luke had walked in to see what was going on.

"Draco I was going to tell you when this was over I didn't want you to worry, please I'm sorry I only found out last night" I stuttered beginning to beg for him to hold me, the more I walked towards him the more he moved back


I didn't want him to find out like this then I heard a faint voice beside me "Luce you're pregnant?" Belle asked holding my shoulders trying to comfort me I ignored her I couldn't take my eyes away from Draco as I moved closer to him he put his hands out to stop me from walking any closer, "I need space Luce" and then he was gone. Belle slowly pulled me back turning me to cuddle her, I sobbed into her I couldn't believe it I have no idea where we stand now. I couldn't tell if he was happy or pissed.

Narcissa ran after Draco, Luke and Belle stayed with me "Luce are you okay?" Belle whispered To me as I brought my head off her shoulder and sat myself at the breakfast table. I couldn't speak the tears just fell from my eyes constantly I can't believe this is happening now. "Luce if it helps this is typical Draco, he does this he will come round honestly" Luke put his hands on my back then giving me a small cuddle he handed me tissues to wipe away my tears.

After finally cleaning myself up my arm began to burn, I turned to Belle and Luke and they were looking at theirs. "We need to go" Belle whispered and we ran to the meeting room. There were a lot more people here than before and someone was on my seat, I just stood with the others waiting for him to say something. My eyes wandered and met with Dracos he quickly looked away from me, after this I don't ever think he's going to come round.

The dark Lord looked around the room, he was up to something I can tell.

"Mr Nott what are you doing" The Dark Lord asked a very upset man, that's Theo's dad I thought to myself. He must have found out about Theo I wonder if he really knew what his precious son was like

"Nothing my lord" he stuttered looking nervously at him, The Dark Lord stood up and flicked his wand to him which made Mr Nott fly off the chair and into the wall the sudden noise made me jump I looked over seeing the crack on the wall then my eyes lowered to him he never got up, he just lay there. The Dark Lord had walked towards me holding his hand out "Miss Davies please take a seat my child" I put my hand on his cold leathery skin and walked to the seat I usually sat on, Snape was sitting directly in front of me his face was quizzed he looked like he was studying me for a while then he looked over at Draco. I couldn't bring myself to look at him right now, I kept my eyes on Snape.

"Everyone we cannot wait any longer! It's time now to rise and kill Harry Potter, so now we discuss the actions we take. Miss Davies you will be by my side." He placed his wand on my shoulder, I looked at him with no expression "yes my lord" I said to him I think it gave him satisfaction knowing I was going to follow him.

"ILL BE THERE TOO MY LORD STANDING BESIDE YOU" Bellatrix screamed the dark lord took his wand off my shoulder and looked at her emotionless "WORMTAIL! KEEP OUR GUESTS QUIET" he screamed making me jump again small footsteps were walking then I heard a small whimper off Bellatrix I didn't know what he done but it made her stop.

The dark Lord then stood up slowly walking around the table as Snape was discussing accessible ways to enter Hogwarts, my eyes kept wandering to Draco who turned away every time our eyes met. Luke who was sitting beside him kept his eyes on me though, I had to look away I couldn't have anymore tears falling from my eyes right now.

We spoke further about locations he had everywhere cornered so they could get in all entrances. Then before I knew it the meeting was over, "I'll be back when it's time, get prepared my servants" he spoke before he had disappeared again.

I sank into the large chair until my heart stopped racing, Belle had came over to me and kneeled down beside me "are you okay" she whispered I looked around and Draco wasn't there he was gone again. I nodded at Belle and we left the room.

"No Belle I'm devastated" I cried

"Come with me and we can talk in my room" she said holding her hand out I took her hand and we left The Hall, everything about the manor had finally got colder and more unwelcoming for me. What was once a happy place was slowly becoming a nightmare, I began to feel lonely I knew I had Belle and Luke no matter what but with not knowing dracos mind was at it broke me.

As we got to Belles room, Luke was sitting on the chair reading. He looked round then stood up giving me a smile, the same smile only when he knew something was wrong.
"I'll leave you girls to it" he said placing his book down then leaving closing the door behind him

"Luce, you can talk to me"

"Belle I only found out last night, I honestly had good intentions of telling him. I .. I"

"You didn't want him to worry, I know you mean well Luce and if it was me I would've done the same thing. You know Draco, when something big happens he takes himself out for a while until he can adapt to it" she smiled

"I can't be without him, I know I have you and Luke but right now I have never felt so alone. I have no family now, this baby is everything to me and the thought of us having to go through all of this scares the living shit out of me Belle" I began to cry making myself sit on the bed

"Luce shhh you have us were your family, come on darling it's going to be ok. Everything will be alright in the end, you'll see" she whispered fixing my hair then bringing me in for a cuddle.

"I love you Belle"

"I love you too sexy mama"

I laughed lightly the word mama made my heart flutter, she really knew how to make me smile she really did.

"I'm going to have a nap Belle, I'm exhausted you don't mind?"

"I do not, you need to rest as much as possible Luce. I'll go and find Luke"

Belle had walked me to my bedroom then she disappeared looking for Luke, once my head hit the cold pillow I fell asleep hoping to wake up with Draco beside me.


As I seen a tearful fragile Luce walk in our room, I knew that Belle brought her in to talk properly. Luce had changed so much from when she began school in the summer til now, she was slowly wasting away that happy carefree soul I knew had became the opposite her glow was gone and she rarely smiled now. She was truly broken and now we have just found out she's pregnant.

"I'll leave you girls to it" I said walking out of the room.

My mind went angry, how the fuck can Draco need space from her. I then began to march to one place only, finally getting to where I needed to be I banged the door furiously.

"Draco open the fucking door" I demanded breathing heavily a short while later he opened his bedroom door, he never said a word he just moved away

"Luke I really can't right now"

"Wake up you self centred fuck, your girlfriend just found out last night she's pregnant"

"Yeah and she wasn't going to tell me" Draco scoffed

"Are you fucking stupid mate, she didn't want to until she knew exactly what the fuck she was doing. She didn't want you to find out right this moment because you will do nothing but fucking worry and keep her in here like a prisoner. I understand your point though what if something happened to her yeah I get that but she's a smart girl Draco"

Draco placed his head in his hands tapping his feet, he knew I was right. I know the news has rocked him but he had to understand she needs him, god if I was his therapist I would be so rich.

"She has no family of her own Draco, she watched her parents die. She was beaten not once but twice off the same bastard then he tried to rape her, that girl has been in nothing but a fucking nightmare Draco and then there's you wanting a bit of space because she's carrying your baby"

Draco quickly grabbed me by the throat and pushed me up against the wall, I knew he wouldn't do anything to me because he knew I was right

"I know exactly what she's been through Luke, I'll let you know something every night when I close my eyes when I'm lying beside her all I can hear is her screams and all I can see is her eyes filled with tears" he spat taking his hand off my throat He walked further away then kicked his bedside table

"If that was Belle, I wouldn't leave her side I would be making sure that I'm picking up every fucking single broken piece and repairing it, doesn't matter how long it would take because in the end she's all that matters" i took a deep breath then looked away from him he's so stubborn I actually wonder if it was worth my time

"Luke I'm fucking trying" he raised his voice

"No you're not, you're in here while she's breaking her fucking heart in my room with Belle" I snapped

Draco then ran over to me pushing me again, just as he was about to throw a punch another voice entered the room

"What the fuck is going on" Belle screamed

"Draco and I were just having a little heart to heart weren't we .. mate" I laughed

Draco sighed heavy once he seen that Belle was in the room, he then kicked the bedside table again. Draco then turned around to look at us resting his hands on top of his head

"I'm so sorry Luke, you're right." He whispered

Before I could say anything else Narcissa barged in, she looked worried

"In the hall now.. where's Lucille?" She asked looking around

"She's sleeping, I'll get her" Belle said making her way back out

"Be quick darling, you two downstairs now" she demanded

As Draco and I ran downstairs we walked in the hall and we couldn't believe what we were seeing. Oh fuck!


I was woken up by someone screaming my name like a banshee, when I opened my eyes it was Belle.


I rushed out of bed that quickly I felt dizzy Belle carried me until I was passed the dizzy spell then We ran down to the hall and when I went in I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There were three people on their knees I knew right away it was Harry Ron Hermoine I only knew because they had the same clothes on from when i last seen them.

How did they get caught?! They looked different but knowing Hermoine she's put a spell on them to change their appearance.

everything is falling apart

I can't believe it's all going wrong.

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