Sweetest Top Actress At my Ho...

By BooknerdSister

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This story is not mine, the translation is also not mine. This is for offline reading Description "I can't do... More

Chapter 1
695 & 696


476 10 3
By BooknerdSister

Chapter 261: This Old Mother is Comforted
In fact, it was not totally unreasonable for Jin Mingchen’s fans to think and react in that manner. After all, when they made time to watch the variety show, all they would be hoping to see on the screen would naturally be none other than their own idol. Why would they be hoping to see some other celebrity? This probably meant that Jin Mingchen’s fans have already hated Jiang Yuning for a long time.

After that, Jiang Yuning decided to give Vera a call to discuss this matter with her. “The young child, Mingchen, called me earlier tonight and he was sobbing over the phone. He told me that the second social media account does not belong to him and that he wants to retire from the program. However, I feel that this matter occurring at a time like this is too much of a coincidence. I believe that someone is trying to use Jin Mingchen and Qi Mo’s fans to intentionally stir up dissatisfaction not only among the fans, but also among the cast of . Although this matter seems to be directed at Jin Mingchen on the surface, they are trying to use this matter to suppress me in actuality.”

“So, I hope that you can give the director and the production team a call tomorrow morning and ask them if they are able to delay the recording of the next issue of the program by two days. If this matter is not resolved before we start recording, then there will definitely be a rift between the guests. If Jin Mingchen really leaves the program, wouldn’t it seem as though the production team really did favor me over the other guests?

“I will speak to the production team tomorrow morning. I have already instructed the young paparazzo to investigate and find out who the culprit behind the fake account is. As for Jin Mingchen, he is still a young boy who can be very reckless at times. I will go over to his agency to discuss this matter with his agent tomorrow,” Vera replied Jiang Yuning in a professional manner.

“Because of the popularity of , there is indeed a large wave of jealousy brewing against you in the entertainment industry. Therefore, the ultimate goal of the person who started this rumor is to provoke the cast of and to try to alienate the guests so that the program would not be able to continue airing.”

“Unfortunately, the other party can continue having their own wishful thinking. I am afraid that their plans would never work against me.”

Jiang Yuning was already used to getting scolded and criticized throughout her years in the entertainment industry. However, compared to the previous attacks that she had suffered in the past, she at least had the support of some of the passers-by now. Moreover, she also had twenty million loyal fans and even though it might seem little compared to that of some other artistes, it was already a huge milestone for Jiang Yuning.

After discussing the matter with Vera over the phone, Jiang Yuning was finally relieved and she headed into the bathroom to wash up. At this time, Lu Jingzhi was already waiting for her in the bathroom.

On the other hand, Vera was not that fortunate because she still had to get to the bottom of the matter. She had to find the true culprit behind this matter as soon as possible.

That was the life of a single person.

Although Jin Mingchen had already apologized to Jiang Yuning, he still felt extremely distressed and sorry towards Jiang Yuning.

This was especially so when he saw his fans attacking and criticizing Jiang Yuning in a vicious manner. Even though his friend was getting attacked, he felt so helpless because there was nothing that he could do for her.

[I hope that our Mingchen will never have to work with that b*tch Jiang Yuning again!]

[Jiang Yuning is a XX.]

[I curse that Jiang Yuning will fail sooner or later!]

When Jin Mingchen saw these vicious words and harsh criticisms, he clenched his fists tightly together until he could no longer keep it in anymore. After that, he directly replied under one of the messages, “I can’t stand this anymore! I will not allow you to insult my friend! Sister Yuning is not the kind of person that you guys are making her out to be! You are not worthy of being my fan!”

Jin Mingchen then posted another message directly on his public social media account. “I do not have another social media account and I know my own capabilities and abilities very well. Sister Yuning and I have always gotten along very well and we are all on very good terms with all of the guests and the production team of . I really do not understand why people who call themselves my fans would attack and insult my friend in such a vicious manner. Are you guys really my fans? Do you really know what is going through my mind right now and do you really think that this is the best way to show your love and support for me?”

“If you are one of those people who think that the only way to show your love and support for me is by cursing and insulting other people, then I would rather not have a fan like you!”

“I know that I have always been very childish and ignorant. I would always just wince and cry whenever anything happens or anything unexpected comes my way, but I am not a bad person. I am not afraid that my fans will be sad, but I do not want anyone to hurt my friends and make them upset when they did nothing to harm me at all. Please stop insulting and attacking Sister Yuning already! If you have any dissatisfactions, just come at me directly!”

No one would have expected that the weak and meek Jin Mingchen would suddenly break down and start ranting online.

Moreover, the first person whom he reprimanded was his own fan.

[Jin Mingchen, are you in your right mind? We are all doing this just for you!]

[You say that you do not care if your fans will be upset?]

[You are going to lose me as your fan!]

Furthermore, no one would have expected Jin Mingchen to immediately reply to the hot comments as soon as the fans reacted to his message.

“You are not helping or supporting me at all by doing this! You are just ruining my career and driving my friends away from me. I am not afraid that you would be upset because neither do you care if I am upset or otherwise! As for the fans who have been loyally supporting me all this while, I am really grateful for your support, but I do not want fans who aim to hurt the friends around me just to lift me up. I hope that you will be happy in future.”

Of course, while there were some who objected to Jin Mingchen’s statement, there were also fans who supported him for standing up for Jiang Yuning.

After all, some of Jin Mingchen’s fans had already been following him loyally for many years. Therefore, they understood his temper very well and quickly came out to appease and comfort him.

[Hahaha. My young boy has finally grown up and he knows how to stand up and protect other girls now! This old mother is comforted.]

[I am very supportive of Mingming because I think that what he’s said is right. Moreover, I have a feeling that Mingming really means and believes every word that he’s just said.]

[The heat and excitement over were indeed brought up by Jiang Yuning. Does she really need to endure such insults and ridicule just because of her versatility? Who has the right to insult her?]

[The relationship between Mingming and Jiang Yuning is really close and both of them really treat one another like brother and sister! Although Miss Yuning could have chosen to ignore and disregard Mingming whenever he encountered a crisis, she had always cared and had never once hesitated to help him. Miss Yuning, we really appreciate you and I really do not know what the other fans are thinking! Those fans can just leave if they want to!]

Because of the brave and courageous move that Jin Mingchen had taken to step up and cleaned up the mess created by his own fans, he had somehow managed to successfully suppress the rumor and stop the fans from creating a bigger issue out of the matter.

This was totally unexpected.

Jin Mingchen actually had an opinion!

An awkward and unexpected situation had occurred because of this. Initially, Jin Mingchen’s fans were having a confrontation with the passers-by but at the end of the day, Jin Mingchen was actually confronting his own fans directly!

Jin Mingchen’s quick action in directing the flames at himself had actually prevented the situation from escalating and developing even further. At this time, Hua Xin was very helpless because she did not get the outcome that she expected from this plan of hers, now that Jin Mingchen and his fans were no longer acting in accordance to her script.

This incident gave Vera the urge to call Jiang Yuning to brief her about the situation immediately even though it was already in the middle of the night. It seemed as though there was no longer any need to contact the production team to request for a delay in the recording of the fourth issue.

“You were right about Jin Mingchen. Although he can be very childish and mischievous at times, he can be very righteous and loyal to his friends in the face of adversity.”

“Alright then, but we will still have to investigate and find out the culprit behind this matter,” Jiang Yuning replied immediately.

“I understand. You can go and rest now.”

Jiang Yuning hung up the phone before she turned around to look at Lu Jingzhi, who was lying down right next to her. After that, she took out her cell phone and logged into her social media account to post a message.

@JiangJiangLovestheScenery: Silly boy, everything is fine! Don’t get too upset! @JinMingchen

@JinMingchen: No! I do not want my friends to get bullied because of me! @JiangJiangLovestheScenery


This pair of siblings were keeping everyone awake in the middle of the night because of their love and support towards one another. This was an outright smack in the face for the mastermind and those fans who had publicly announced that they were no longer a fan of Jin Mingchen.

However, Jin Mingchen did not mind at all. If his fans wanted to stop being his fans, they could do whatever they want to. After all, he did not care for this kind of fans who would attack and humiliate others unreasonably.

Chapter 262: Overthinking Lately
Hua Xin had initially intended to use this opportunity to create a huge commotion and disagreement amongst the cast of . However, thanks to Jin Mingchen’s sudden appearance and statement on his social media profile, this matter was quickly resolved.

This was also partly because Qi Mo had also expressed his personal view on this matter. He stated that the program was a very interesting program and that the cast and the production team were an integrated family made up of many different characters. He also explained that Jiang Yuning was in fact really very talented and intelligent and this had been the key to their victory in completing most of the missions so far. This was especially proven when Tong Tong had fallen into the quicksand during the second issue. Moreover, although Jin Mingchen was constantly creating trouble because of his timidity and mischievousness, Jiang Yuning would still wholeheartedly help and accept him into her team every single time. Qi Mo explained that Jiang Yuning was a caring and compassionate person and popularity did not really matter in the end.

What was most important to them was the fact that they were like a family that did not hesitate to help one another whenever they encountered any obstacles or difficulties. This was also the core and most important lesson that anyone should have learned by watching this variety program.

Therefore, Qi Mo advised his fans not to be manipulated by people who were trying to wreak havoc within the cast members when the relationship between all of them were in fact very good.

At the end of the day, the production team stepped up and apologized because they admit that there were indeed times where they tend to focus more on Jiang Yuning because of her talents and intelligence and this might have inevitably cause some of the guests to feel neglected. They promised that they would definitely make the necessary adjustments in the next issue to allow all participants a chance to shine on their own.

Early the next morning, the internet was overflowing with discussions about the production team and cast of .

[Oh, my god! This production crew is really too loving!]

[Although I really hated Jin Mingchen after watching the episode broadcasted last night, he is really cool and charming when he stood up just to protect his friends!]

[The cast is really one of the strongest and closest casts that I have seen in any variety program. As soon as one of them realized that another guest was in trouble, they did not hesitate to stand up for and defend the other party immediately. The production team also did not try to shift the blame away from themselves and instead, they apologized and promised to strive for a change in the next issue. Although the production team did not do anything wrong at all in my opinion, I feel that their attitude and response is very commendable!]

[Everything is fine now. Let’s continue to entertain ourselves by supporting this variety show!]

Hua Xin would never have imagined that the participants of the program, who should have been torn apart because of the rumors, were instead even more united and supportive of one another because of what had happened. Moreover, Hua Xin’s actions also helped Jin Mingchen to portray a brand-new side of himself to the public and this subsequently gained him a new wave of fans.

Therefore, both Jiang Yuning and Jin Mingchen’s agencies had already released all of their pent-up anger and tensed emotions, and they even wanted to thank the mastermind behind this situation.Read more chapter on NovelFull

Jin Mingchen initially thought that the number of fans and followers that he had would drop drastically after what happened the night before, but he could not help but smiled like a child when he saw the huge increase in the number of fans that he had gained overnight.

“I used to think that it would not work for you to have a masculine image but now, it seems as though we could actually consider incorporating this element into your performance at your upcoming concert next month,” Jin Mingchen’s agent said after watching Jin Mingchen’s performance. He could not help but sigh a little because it turned out that this young boy really needed some encouragement to prove himself.

“Alright then…could you please prepare a few more extra tickets for my concert next month? I want to invite Sister Yuning and the rest of the cast members to my concert.”

“I will think of a way,” the agent promised immediately. “But are you going be stronger and more mature in future?”

“I think that I can even join the army after I am done with my concert!” Jin Mingchen exclaimed.

“Alright then, I will sign you up,” the agent replied coldly.

“I am just kidding…” Jin Mingchen replied with a miserable look on his face.

“But…I was being serious.”

At ten o’clock that morning, Vera arrived at the Royal Dragon Villa to discuss the findings that she had received from X Society with Jiang Yuning.

“It is not that easy to find out the identity and IP address of the culprit. The young paparazzo spent the whole night trying to trace the IP address of the culprit to no avail. It seems as though this culprit is very meticulous and must be a veteran at this.”

“Who do you suspect the culprit behind this matter is?” Jiang Yuning asked Vera as she stared at her with an intense expression on her face.

“It seems as though we are thinking of the same person,” Vera replied as she laughed. “But don’t worry. The other party will definitely hold back, at least for the moment, and she will not plot her next plan immediately because she would be afraid of getting caught. We should just sit back and wait for the next opportunity to expose her.”

“Wow, Vera! Who did you learn all these from? Since when have you been like this?”

“Isn’t it all because of you?” Vera replied as she scowled at Jiang Yuning. “Well, didn’t you ask me to inquire about wedding rings on your behalf? I found a Swiss shop that makes really beautiful and exquisite wedding rings. When would you like to make a trip there?”

“Wait. First, I have to secretly measure second brother’s ring size tonight,” Jiang Yuning whispered quietly because she did not want Sister Liang to overhear what she was saying.

“Alright then. I will go to Xiya Hotel and deal with An Yiqing’s matter right now so that this can be regarded as a compensation to her.”

Jiang Yuning nodded her head and at that time, something came to her mind immediately. “Vera, didn’t you drop by Xiao Chennan’s house last night? How did it go?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Vera’s face flushed red immediately.

What was this film emperor thinking?

What did he treat her as? How could he come to the door without putting on any clothes when he already knew that she would be dropping by?

Actually, he had a bathrobe on, but Vera completely ignored that fact.

“Alright. We will not talk about it.” Jiang Yuning immediately knew that Xiao Chennan did not take advantage of this opportunity that she had created for him. She would have to create another opportunity for him in future.

On the other hand, Hua Xin was extremely angry and frustrated because her plan had backfired and as Vera had already predicted, she did not dare to take any further actions at the moment because she knew that Jiang Yuning was very smart. If she tried anything else right now, she would definitely be caught red-handed.

However, she was not that worried because she believed that she already had An Yiqing helping her behind the scenes.

When the time is right, the seeds of evil will unexpectedly bloom into flowers.

“Hmph! You might be lucky this time but just wait and see…you will not be as lucky next time.”

That night, Jiang Yuning received information from Vera about the wedding ring shop called Precious. This store had already been established for more than 180 years and they were famous for customizing wedding rings for many famous couples in history.

Jiang Yuning read their profile and she suddenly felt the urge to approach Lu Jingzhi so that she could discuss this matter with him, and then the both of them could custom make wedding rings that belonged exclusively to them.

“What are you looking at? Why do you look so fascinated?”

Lu Jingzhi asked as he noticed the expression on Jiang Yuning’s face as soon as he entered the villa.

Was that empathy?

Was she interested in another man?

Jiang Yuning looked up at her man and she closed her laptop immediately. “I watching a drama.”

“Guilty conscience?”

“No! I am just a little shy…there are a lot of kissing scenes in this drama,” Jiang Yuning replied immediately.

Lu Jingzhi snorted but he did not interrogate her any further. This little descendant had been overthinking lately.

Both of them entered their bedroom and went into the bathroom to wash up, one after the other, before they eventually climbed into bed. As soon as they got on the bed, Jiang Yuning turned around and looked at Lu Jingzhi before she said, “Second brother, I am tired. I am going to sleep now.”

“Alright then. Sleep tight,” Lu Jingzhi replied in a calm manner before he turned the bedside lamp off and laid down beside her.

After an hour had passed, Jiang Yuning suddenly turned her body around and whispered into Lu Jingzhi’s ear: “Second brother?”

Lu Jingzhi was wide awake at this time but he pretended to be fast asleep because he was really curious to find out what Jiang Yuning was up to this time.

After that, Lu Jingzhi could feel Jiang Yuning sneaking out of bed and going into the bathroom quietly.

A short while later, Jiang Yuning came out of the bathroom and she walked towards Lu Jingzhi before she knelt down beside him and took a small piece of string out from her pocket…

Chapter 263: It is Everyone’s Responsibility to Look After Children
A brief moment later, Lu Jingzhi could feel her small and delicate fingers brushing his. Although she was trying her best to be careful, her technique was just too rough and she could not get an accurate measurement no matter how hard she tried.

Jiang Yuning used the piece of string around Lu Jingzhi’s finger for a long time and she was already breaking out in cold sweat because she was afraid that she would wake Lu Jingzhi up. At this time, she suddenly remembered that she should have measured his ring finger instead of his middle finger. She wanted to curse at herself because she had been tossing the string around Lu Jingzhi’s middle finger all this time. Now, she had to repeat the measurement all over again.


What a silly girl.

She was only ever this dense and clumsy in front of Lu Jingzhi.

The man who had been lying motionless all this while suddenly felt that the situation was unbearable. So, he decided to sit up as he placed his hand over Jiang Yuning’s and asked, “Do you need my help?”

“Are you awake?” Jiang Yuning asked as she was stunned.

Lu Jingzhi gave her a tight hug before he answered in a serious manner, “Silly girl. My ring size is eighteen. If you continue measuring me, I am going to lose my finger.”

As soon as Jing Yuning heard Lu Jingzhi’s words, she quickly threw the string away before she looked at the man sitting in front of her. “Were you pretending to be asleep all along? Are you making fun of me now? See, this won’t be a surprise anymore! You’ve spoiled everything!”

Lu Jingzhi looked at Jiang Yuning and after a split second, he let go of her and opened the bedside drawer that was right next to him. Then, he took out a box before he handed it over to Jiang Yuning. “Open it.”

Jiang Yuning opened the box with a suspicious expression on her face. In addition to their marriage certificates, there were two wedding rings lying inside the box.

Lu Jingzhi took out the female ring from the box and placed it in Jiang Yuning’s palm before hugged her tightly in his arms. “The French designer told me that the name of this wedding ring is ‘Holding Hearts’.”

This was because the shape of the ring, with its eight prongs holding onto the diamond, resembled human hands holding onto a heart.

“It is really special.” Jiang Yuning slipped the ring onto her finger as she moved her hand around under the dim light. The diamond ring on her finger sparkled brightly. “What about the man’s ring?”

Jiang Yuning hurriedly looked at the man’s ring and found that it was very simple and hollow.

“This ring is called ‘Locking Hearts’.” This was because as soon as Jiang Yuning placed her ring into his, both the rings fit perfectly as though they were one.

Jiang Yuning took the ring out of the box and grabbed Lu Jingzhi’s hand immediately so that she could put the ring onto his finger.

The pair of rings looked magical and it was obvious that they belonged together.

After putting on the wedding ring, Jiang Yuning broke free from Lu Jingzhi’s grasp and rolled towards the other end of the bed before she asked him, “When did you prepare the wedding rings? Why didn’t you tell me anything about it?”

“I thought that you would not want to wear the ring.”

“I cannot be wearing the ring because it would be very inconvenient for me when I participate in events or activities. Moreover, I have to record the fourth issue of tomorrow and I would probably be crawling around the grass or digging into the ground then. I cannot bear to wear this beautiful ring in such situations. After we make our relationship known to the public, I will wear this ring every day…”

After that, Jiang Yuning took the ring off and placed it back into the box.

It was obvious that she was very unwilling to put the ring back.

At this time, Lu Jingzhi picked up the ring and put it onto her finger once again. “Take it off in the morning tomorrow.”

That night, the couple finally wore their wedding rings together for the very first time. Although they did not have any ring exchange ceremony, it was still a very memorable moment for them as they put on the rings representing their token of trust and affection for one another.

Jiang Yuning fell asleep with a sweet smile on her face.

Early the next morning, Vera arrived in front of the Royal Dragon Villa because she wanted to pick Jiang Yuning up and drive her to the recording set for the fourth issue of .

However, Vera did not expect that Jiang Yuning’s first sentence to her that day would be to inform her that she no longer needed to customize or prepare any wedding rings.

“Hehehe. Second brother has already prepared the wedding rings for us.”

As soon as Vera heard Jiang Yuning’s words, she could not help but roll her eyes. “Do you really need to tell me all this so early in the morning?”

“To be honest, you actually have a chance to…” Jiang Yuning started speaking.

“Next time, I will just ask the young paparazzo to fetch you instead of allowing you to annoy me like this. After dropping you off, I have to go over to Xiya Hotel again because of An Yiqing’s matter. There would be other artistes coming over to audition for the role. It is really not easy to offer your resources over to her.”

“When you are done, make sure to find an opportunity to disclose this matter to An Yiqing’s agent so that we would not be doing all this in vain. Otherwise, the other party might end up hating us for no reason if she assumes that we have not done anything to help her at all,” Jiang Yuning instructed Vera immediately.

“Don’t worry. I know what I need to do.”

Jiang Yuning was naturally relieved because she trusted Vera. After Vera dropped her off at the recording set, Jiang Yuning urged Vera to leave and get to work as soon as possible.

This time, the production team arranged for all of the participants to gather at a small farmhouse on the outskirts of Luo City. The celebrity group were even more united after experiencing and overcoming a tough ordeal together.

The nine participants were then brought to the water coast towards the south of Luo City and after getting off the train, Jin Mingchen could not help but asked Jiang Yuning, “Sister Yuning, don’t you think that the production team are looking at us with more kindness in their eyes today?”

Jiang Yuning glanced at the production team and crew before she smiled. “I guess they are probably kinder towards you today. After all, it is everyone’s responsibility to look after children.”


The other guest started laughing immediately.

“Sister Yuning, you are bullying me again!”

“Among all of us, the person who treats you the best and takes care of you the most is Yuning! You’d better start behaving yourself and create less trouble from now on!” Qi Mo replied to Jin Mingchen immediately.

“Okay guys, we are going to announce the rules of the mission for the fourth issue of now. The theme for this issue is . As the title suggests, your mission will be conducted on the small island on your left that is only about forty thousand metres big. There are almost completely no resources available on the island. The nine of you will be working together as a team to complete the mission this time.”

“The tide will usually rise and there will be high tide on this island as soon as it gets dark. When the tide is high, the entire island will be completely submerged in the water. Your mission this time is to build a house that can fit all nine of you so that you can be sheltered and free from the water when night falls.”

“You will be allowed to venture into the woods right next to the island to gather any supplies or materials that you might need, but you will only be given two hours to do so. Besides that, you are not allowed to chop down any trees or do anything that will harm the ecology of the woods.”

In other words, the nine of them would have to work together to complete the mission this time.

Didn’t some of Jin Mingchen’s fans say that it seemed as though this program was only focusing on Jiang Yuning?

This was the reason why the production team had decided to make changes to the mission immediately. This time, each and every one of the participants held an equally important role in fulfilling the mission.

“This time, you will be allowed to bring your cell phone along with you to search for any information or to call for help. In other words, all nine of you will all be spending the next twenty-four hours together on this island. Whether rain or shine, you will all be going through it together.”

“Now, we will give all of you about half an hour to discuss and plan your strategy. We will officially begin the mission at eight thirty.”

The nine participants exchanged glances with one another and after a brief moment, the male participants then raised their hands and said, “I can do all the physical work.”

“I can swim very well! I can dive into the sea and catch some fish for us for dinner!” Jin Mingchen yelled as he jumped around excitedly. “Sister Yuning, you can discuss and plan your strategy with some of them and the rest of us will definitely act and participate accordingly!”

Even though each and every one of them were willing participants and even though they were all very united, it seemed as though it would be completely impossible to build a small house that could withstand the high tide and strong waves within twelve hours without any help or equipment at all.

Chapter 264: There are Two Huge Mountains Behind Jiang Yuning
On the other hand, thanks to the sponsorship and endorsement by Xiya Hotel, An Yiqing finally secured a spot in the variety program.

After Shen Yichen had seen the outcome of the audition, he handed the contract over to An Yiqing’s agent before he stated, “You know how important this contract is to An Yiqing. You should also be clear that the biggest sponsor who has helped An Yiqing behind the scenes is none other than Xiya Hotel. This was all arranged by Jiang Yuning and Vera to help Yiqing secure a spot in the program, to show their gratitude.”

“I understand,” An Yiqing’s agent replied as he nodded.

“Since you already understand what I am trying to tell you, then you can leave now,” Shen Yichen replied without explaining any further.

However sometimes, there was truly no limit to how shameless or ungrateful a person could be.

This was because as soon as An Yiqing’s agent stepped out of Shen Yichen’s office, he was immediately stopped by Hua Xin’s agent, who had been waiting for him in Hua Xin’s resting room all along.

Hua Xin did not even ask before she grabbed the contract that An Yiqing’s agent had in his hands. “Wow. Looks like someone has just secured a new resource.”

“Sister Hua Xin…didn’t you agree that you would be magnanimous and that you would not take any more of Yiqing’s resources?” Lin Xuan asked in a helpless manner.

“Lin Xuan, it must have been really difficult for you to finally secure this deal and obtain this contract. If I remember correctly, the biggest sponsor behind this variety program is none other than Xiya Hotel…” Hua Xin did not ask the question directly but instead, she was beating around the bush. “So…is Jiang Yuning the one helping Yiqing behind the scenes?”

Lin Xuan took a deep breath before he nodded his head. “Yes, I heard that Jiang Yuning was the one who helped Yiqing secure this resource.”

Hua Xin chuckled before she held out the contract, as though she was about to give it back to Lin Xuan. However, as soon as Lin Xuan reached out his hand to take the contract, Hua Xin intentionally dropped the document onto the ground. “Let’s do it this way then. I want you to tell An Yiqing that I was the person who helped her to secure a spot in this variety show. If you tell her that, then I promise that I will not make life difficult for you two and I will not attempt to steal any of An Yiqing’s resources in future.”

“Sister Hua Xin…”

“Will you do it or not?”

Did he have any other choice?

“I know what I have to do.”

“You are a smart man. I know that you will definitely do the right thing,” Hua Xin replied before she sat back down on the sofa with her arms crossed in front of her chest. After that, Hua Xin nudged towards the door, signalling for Lin Xuan to leave immediately.

In fact, sometimes the agent could not be blamed for being selfish or despicable. This was because they would always be dragged into the deepest and darkest transactions in the entertainment industry and they only way that they would be able to survive would be to cooperate with the stronger party.

Everyone had to put themselves first in the entertainment industry. This was very common in the entertainment circle.

When Shen Yichen told Lin Xuan that Jiang Yuning was in fact the one who had paved the way for An Yiqing to secure the variety show, he was trying to tell An Yiqing that Jiang Yuning had already done her part to appease her and thank her for her support. Hua Xin, on the other hand, was only trying to brainwash An Yiqing and manipulate her into thinking that Jiang Yuning was heartless so that An Yiqing would join her camp to deal with Jiang Yuning.

Lin Xuan did not care which side An Yiqing would be on because he felt that neither Hua Xin nor Jiang Yuning were good people anyway. All that he cared about was securing more deals and resources for his artiste.

Therefore, Lin Xuan did as Hua Xin had asked him to when he informed An Yiqing about the variety show. “You are really lucky to be able to secure a spot in this variety show. This programme is really a blessing for a newcomer like you. Sister Hua Xin has really helped you a lot behind the scenes. You should be grateful and remember to thank her the next time you see her.”

An Yiqing was extremely happy and excited as she held the contract in her hands. “I understand. I really did not expect Sister Hua Xin to be the one who would help me in the end.”

“We will go and sign the contract with the other party early in the morning tomorrow so make sure you go home and rest earlier today,” Lin Xuan replied, without feeling even the slightest hint of guilt for lying to An Yiqing.

This was because he was absolutely convinced that no one in the entertainment circle was clean, be it Hua Xin or Jiang Yuning. In his eyes, both of them could only get this far in the entertainment industry because they had others backing them up and that was the reason why they would trample on others to show their own superiority.

On the other hand, Hua Xin was confident that she was raising a poisonous snake that would one day run out of its cage and hurt herself as she tried to harm others. This way, she would be killing two birds with one stone.

Ku Jie had been busy investigating about the gold sponsor who had been backing Hua Xin up all these while and after much effort, he finally discovered some information about the gold sponsor.

During her early years, Hua Xin had always been involved with a rich man who would always back her up in her career progression. However, after a short while, Hua Xin eventually met her true love within the entertainment industry and ended things with her gold sponsor after getting married to her true love. She eventually got pregnant and gave birth to a son after getting married, but as she soon discovered her husband cheating on her when she was breastfeeding, she divorced her husband out of anger and had since gotten involved with her gold sponsor again.

“Brother Ku Jie, this woman looks so glamorous and beautiful on the surface, but she is in fact so rotten and broken inside. Isn’t it meaningless to be living this kind of life?” the young paparazzo asked Ku Jie as he looked through Hua Xin’s information. He could not help but sigh out of pity.

“Isn’t this what we commonly see in the entertainment industry nowadays? The more glamorous or fancy the artistes seem on the surface, the more desolated they are behind the scenes,” Ku Jie replied as he took the document from the young paparazzo’s hand. He glanced at the information before he used a red pen to mark a big ‘X’ on the section regarding Hua Xin’s resume and qualifications.

“Sister Yuning is still the best. I would like to believe that there are still other artistes in the entertainment industry who are trying their best and giving their everything to achieve their own hopes and dreams, just like Sister Yuning!”

“The only reason why your Sister Yuning entered the entertainment industry in the first place was because she had to feed her family,” Ku Jie replied as he knocked the young paparazzo on his head.

“It doesn’t matter! It has already been five years since Sister Yuning entered the entertainment industry but her personality and character had not conformed to the dark and twisted ways of the entertainment circle. That is why Sister Yuning is truly my idol.”

Ku Jie could only shake his head when he looked at the young paparazzo who was acting like a fool. However, he also felt honored whenever his younger sister was loved and praised by her fans.

“By the way, Brother Ku Jie, how should we deal with this man?”

“How should we deal with him?” Ku Jie sneered as he looked at the young paparazzo. “We can just send his wife pictures of him being intimate with Hua Xin. It would be better if we can find out if he had a second or third mistress so that we can just send out all of the photographs and information at once and get rid of this gold sponsor in an instant.”

“Hahaha. I bet this woman would never imagine that X Society is in fact Sister Yuning’s maiden home.”

“Stop smirking and go get your work done already!” Ku Jie replied as he knocked on the desk.

As Jiang Yuning’s brother, he would not interfere in Jiang Yuning’s development or anything that she wanted to do, nor would he meddle in any of her plans for her future. However, he would never allow anyone to bully or insult his sister.”Access webnovel.live if you like watching manga,comics.

Sorry, but there are two huge mountains behind Jiang Yuning.

It was already noon.

At this time, Jiang Yuning and the other eight participants were busy trying to build the foundation of the house but no matter how hard they tried, the base would not stay because they were building on sand. Therefore, after much discussion, the nine of them came up with a solution. They decided that they would gather all the large rocks that they could find and move it over to their base, then use the rocks to support the base instead.

They decided to use bamboo shoots and some wooden branches that they could find in the woods because they were not allowed to chop down any trees.

Even though they had already spilt and allocated the job to simplify and accelerate the process, it was already evening when they were done with the preparations.

At this time, the sea water was already rising and showing signs of high tide, but all that they managed to do was to lay down the foundation of the house.

“Oh no! The sea water is already rising…” Xu Beishen exclaimed as she was crouching by the beach to grill fishes for everyone. This was because the sea water was in fact rising at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

“This mission is really too difficult! At this rate, the sea water will already be at knee-level within the next hour,” Qi Mo could not help but complained as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“It is okay. Even if we do not manage to finish building the house, the least that we can do is to build a bamboo table so that we would not be soaking wet tonight. Do you guys agree with me?” Jiang Yuning replied as she placed her hands on her hips. “Beishen, make use of this opportunity and the remaining time that you have left to grill more fishes for everyone. Mingchen, try to continue catching as many fishes as you can.”

“I agree with you, Sister Yuning! As long as all of us are together, I do not mind braving the wind and the cold together with all of you,” Jin Mingchen replied in a sincere manner.

“That’s true. Anyway, we are all already in a very miserable state now. Could it get any worse than this?” Xu Beishen replied as she laughed.

“Come on, let’s do this! Let’s just hope that it will not rain tonight!”

Everyone felt encouraged and cheered up almost immediately.

This time, the theme of was none other than friendship!

Chapter 265: Are You Envious?
At eight o’clock that night, the sea level had already risen and the sea water was already up to everyone’s ankles. At this time, the nine of them had only successfully managed to set up the bamboo platform that could support all of their weights.

Everyone could not wait to get up on the bamboo platform and put all of their resources on top but at this time, Jiang Yuning suddenly came up with a last-minute suggestion to set up a roof using some of the leaves and weeds because Brother Zhuang had predicted that it would definitely rain soon.

“Forget it, Sister Yuning. It’s already good enough that we have a table so that we would not get wet. Let’s hurry up and get on top of the platform already. The tide is already rising,” Jin Mingchen replied immediately. This young boy had been busy swimming and fishing all day. He was extremely sunburned and the skin on his hands were already wrinkled.

“So, if it really rains, do you really want the nine of us to be drenched the entire night? Since we can already start setting up the walls, then let’s just work a little harder to set up the roof too. If you are tired, you can just sit down and rest for a short while,” Jiang Yuning replied as she pointed at the platform.

At this time, one of the producers suddenly spoke to the nine participants using the loudspeaker. “The mission that you have been given this time is for you to build a complete house within twelve hours. You have another one and a half hours left to complete your task. Otherwise, all of you will be deemed to have failed the mission.”

“Aren’t you guys too cruel?” Jin Mingchen, who had just made his way up the bamboo platform, started complaining.

“How would we be able to finish building the house on time? We’ve barely managed to set up the bamboo platform and the surrounding walls are still bare wooden frames.”

“Stop complaining already. We can definitely do it if we all put in effort together. Those who are tired can just sit or lie down on the floor and rest for ten minutes before getting up to continue building with everyone else. We have to persevere and prove to the production team that as long as the nine of us are working together, there is nothing that we cannot do!” At this time, Qi Mo suddenly spoke up as he patted Jin Mingchen gently on his shoulder.

“I really don’t think I can move anymore. I will rest for a short while then.” Jin Mingchen was feeling a little sick and uncomfortable because he had been soaking in the sea water all day.

“Okay, go and rest.”

The rest of the participants then continued rushing out their work in an orderly manner. The men stepped into the water to start placing the bamboo in place, whilst supporting it with the rocks that they had collected earlier in the day. Jiang Yuning and Xu Beishen were preparing all the dried leaves and weeds for the rooftop.

The remaining participants continued working hard and they only lay down and rested for ten minutes whenever they were really too exhausted. After the ten minutes was up, they would get up automatically to continue working.

After seeing this, Jin Mingchen could not sleep anymore. He sat up on the bamboo platform and said, “I am not going to sleep anymore. I am going to help too.”

This time, all nine participants gave their best effort to try and complete building the house.

Time flew by really quickly and the bamboo house was slowly perfected bit by bit. At eight o’clock sharp, the little bamboo house finally had a decent thatched roof over it.

However, at this moment, a sound of something falling into the water was heard. Everyone was startled and as they looked around them, they suddenly realized that Jin Mingchen had already disappeared.

“Where is Mingchen?”

“Was he up on the roof to fix it? Did he fall into the water?” The crowd of people looked into the water immediately to search for Jin Mingchen and at this time, Jin Mingchen suddenly emerged from the water.

“I am sorry, I was really too tired. I fell asleep on top of the roof and I must have rolled into the water.”

At this time, Jiang Yuning reached out her hand and pulled Jin Mingchen up into the bamboo hut. “It’s okay. You did really well today.”

Not too far away, the production team suddenly urged them again. “This is a friendly reminder that you only have half an hour left.”

As soon as they heard this devil’s voice, everyone jumped to their feet and got to work again even though they were all already at their breaking point…

The production team and crew could not help but sigh as they watched the scene that was unfolding before their very eyes. “All of them are victors today. It was really great to watch them push themselves and only rest for ten minutes before getting up to continue working again. They are all heroes because they persevered and refused to give up!”

The production felt anxious for them but they could not bear to rush them because they knew that the participants were all exhausted.

“This is the first time that I feel we might have been too cruel.”

Although the nine of them remained united until the very end, they were unable to complete the mission by half past eight that night because one of the walls of the bamboo hut was yet to be completed.

At this time, Jin Mingchen tried to negotiate for more time and leniency from the production team on behalf of the entire group. “Please just give us another thirty minutes. Just thirty minutes. If you give us another thirty minutes, we will definitely be able to complete the bamboo hut.”

“No, rules are rules…we cannot just go around it…” The production team hesitantly refused as they shook their heads despite Jin Mingchen’s protests.

“How about ten minutes? Just give us ten minutes! We do not want to give up just like this. We want to finish what we’ve started!”

Jin Mingchen was extremely serious today.

The director and producers got together to discuss before they finally decided to give the participants an extra ten minutes to complete their mission.

“Alright then, we will give you another ten minutes.”

As soon as Jin Mingchen got the answer, he ran back to the other participants immediately. “Everyone, let’s try our best to complete the mission now! We have been given another ten minutes to successfully complete our task.”

“Let’s give it all we’ve got!”

“All the best!”

Early the next morning, one of the participants started exclaiming out loud as soon as they woke up. “Look at the beautiful sunrise!”

At this time, the rest of the participants who were still lying down inside the bamboo hut quickly sat up and looked at the sea to watch the sun that was slowly rising outside the hut.

“What a beautiful sight…”

“It is really beautiful…”

The nine participants stepped out of the bamboo hut and they instantly realized that the high tide had already receded and nature had left a beautiful gift behind for them. The beach was filled with small crabs running sideways and various other strange creatures from the sea.

Jin Mingchen was so amazed and excited that he started running after a crab on the beach.

The nine participants seriously amazed the director and the production team when they worked together and were so united during the extra ten minutes that they were given to complete the mission. After rushing and putting in so much effort, they finally completed the bamboo hut within the given ten minutes.

A short while after that, it started raining and pouring heavily. The nine of them camped inside the little bamboo hut and since they were all so exhausted, they all lay down on the bamboo platform and fell asleep without even bothering about maintaining their image anymore. They slept so soundly that they only woke up when the sunlight penetrated the little bamboo hut…

Subsequently, the production team came forward to announce the content that they would be recording during the day. “Each and everyone of you have already worked very hard last night. The next twelve hours will be very relaxing for all of you. You can lie down and relax by the beach, build some sandcastles, take a stroll along the beach, or even swim in the sea. However, you will also be required to entertain one very special guest who would be coming today. In fact, there are six different guests who would be dropping by today and each of them will be bringing different news to you. You would have to choose and make your decision wisely instead of getting led on by the fake news.”

“That sounds interesting…”


“We will definitely treat them with hospitality and feed them all the grilled fish that we have.”

While the recording for the fourth issue of was still ongoing, it was already a new working day at Guangying Media.

An Yiqing and Lin Xuan arrived at Guangying Media early in the morning because they had to sign a contractual agreement with the television station for the upcoming variety program.

“Director Shen.”

When Shen Yichen saw An Yiqing standing outside his office door as she knocked, he closed all of the contracts that he had in his hands and handed it over to his personal assistant before he motioned for An Yiqing to enter his office.

“Pass all of these contracts over to Vera. Ask her to go through them and select the resources that they want.”

“Okay, Director Shen,” Shen Yichen’s personal assistant replied as she walked out of his office holding the stack of resources belonging to Jiang Yuning in her hands.

An Yiqing could not help but stare at the huge stack of resources that Shen Yichen’s personal assistant had in her hands. It would be amazing if those resources belonged to her.

Although Lin Xuan had repeatedly reminded her that she was going to focus on her acting career and avoid looking for shortcuts to fame, An Yiqing wanted to be popular. She wanted to have as many invitations and resources as Jiang Yuning. She did not want to depend on anyone else to obtain any resources.

“Director Shen, we can leave now.”

“Are you envious?” Shen Yichen suddenly asked An Yiqing because he seemed to have notice the expression that she had on her face.

“Sister Yuning…is really very lucky.”


Shen Yichen could not help but smile when he heard those words. “That’s because you have not met Jiang Yuning when she was still struggling at the lowest point in her career.”

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