Sweetest Top Actress At my Ho...

By BooknerdSister

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This story is not mine, the translation is also not mine. This is for offline reading Description "I can't do... More

Chapter 1
695 & 696


621 11 1
By BooknerdSister

Chapter 171: Was Today a Child Care Day?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Do you know what the most ridiculous thing in this world is?” Yao Fan asked Qian Ge immediately. She could not help but chuckle. “It is not knowing your own place in this world.”

“How could you expect a blacklisted artiste who does not even have any decent acting skills to be able to know where they stand in this world?” Qian Ge replied, thinking that her plan had succeeded.


“No, no, no…” Yao Fan quickly replied. “The person that I am talking about…is you!”

Qian Ge was dumbstruck.

“Qian Ge, do you know that your career has officially ended while Jiang Yuning’s has just begun? Do you know what the biggest difference between the two of you is? Qian Ge, you are always trying to suppress all the newcomers just so you can remain in the spotlight. However, what you do not understand is that if you are truly capable and amazing, you do not need to be afraid that someone else would turn out better than you, or that someone’s light would shine brighter than yours. Jiang Yuning has never treated you as her opponent…and that is why you have ultimately achieved this sort of ending!”

“Qian Ge, you are already history!”

After she had spoken, Yao Fan hung up the phone immediately.

Jiang Yuning’s ultimate goal would definitely comprise of taking the role of the female lead. However, Yao Fan knew very well that Jiang Yuning had never intended to take the role of the first or second female lead in <Mysteries of Heaven>.

Who else could Qian Ge blame but herself?

Jiang Yuning had never once responded to any of Qian Ge’s provocation. What Yao Fan said was clearly true. Jiang Yuning had never once regarded Qian Ge as her rival.

Everything happened really quickly and the media quickly got hold of the news that Qian Ge would no longer appear in any future public events. This was because Guangying Media had taken immediate action to send a representative over to Qian Ge’s agency to deal with the situation. Vera had personally made the trip to Qian Ge’s agency to reprimand Qian Ge’s artiste director. Did they really think that Guangying Media would just sit back and watch as one of their artistes was being bullied?

On the other hand, with Xue Li’s participation, Jiang Yuning’s fan club was upgraded immediately.

Xue Li immediately assigned the fans with the task of cleaning up all the bad publicity and criticism that had previously been started by Qian Ge’s fans. They were all extremely efficient and it only took them one whole afternoon to get rid of most of the negativity surrounding Jiang Yuning.

Furthermore, Xue Li even pinned a video of Jiang Yuning’s participation in the recent episode of <Hilarious Artistes> on the main profile fan page, followed by the three ancient-style short videos featuring Jiang Yuning. She had done all this so any passer-by would be able to see how versatile and incredible their idol was.

The young paparazzo could not help but sigh as he watched how Xue Li managed and handled the fan club. She was really an expert in this area.

Therefore, he approached Xue Li and praised her immediately. “Excellent work!”

Xue Li was very proud and satisfied with her own achievements. “Well, when you have time, send me some beautiful photos of Sister Yuning as part of the cast. I would like to edit the photos and release them online according to the shoot’s publicity in future.”

The young paparazzo thought for a moment before he replied, “Let me ask Sister Vera if we could arrange for you and some of the other fans to visit Jiang Yuning at the filming location. I want you to be able to get to know Sister Yuning better so that you can understand what kind of person she really is.”

Xue Li felt uncomfortable when she thought about what she had experienced and gone through at Shuofeng Film City last night. However, as soon as she recalled how Jiang Yuning had rolled her eyes at her, she could not help but laugh out loud. “Alright then. I will wait for your good news.”

She did not regret her decision to follow and become a fan of Jiang Yuning, even if her idol really had a lot of room for improvements…

Well…it would not be an issue for Xue Li to go to the filming location so that she could get to know Jiang Yuning personally. After all, Jiang Yuning had her own charms.

Moreover, Xue Li would definitely change her opinion of Jiang Yuning as soon as she got to know her.

Poor acting skills?


In fact, Director Shen Guobang had considered giving the role of the second female lead to Jiang Yuning after kicking Qian Ge out of the cast. After all, Jiang Yuning’s acting skills were not that bad.

However, he was afraid that his decision would lead to Jiang Yuning having to endure further gossip and criticism. After putting much thought into it, Director Shen Guobang pulled Jiang Yuning to the side before he asked her, “Do you want to play the role of the second female lead?”

After hearing Director Shen Guobang’s question, Jiang Yuning quickly shook her head. “Director Shen Guobang, if you feel sorry for me, you can give me the role of the first female lead in your next drama production.”

“Who says that I am going to cast you in my next drama production? You are so thick skinned!” Director Shen Guobang replied as he glared at Jiang Yuning. “To be honest, your acting skills are not that bad. You deserve a better role.”

“I will definitely take a better role in the future, but not now. I think that I am really very well-suited to play the role of Lin Ping’er. I understand my own abilities and I know that I still have a lot of room for improvement. I am really thankful that you think so highly of me. Moreover, I would feel uneasy to let someone else play the role of Ping’er.”

Director Shen Guobang stared at Jiang Yuning and only nodded his head after he was fully convinced that Jiang Yuning was being sincere and meant every word that she had just said. “Alright then. I am glad that you can still remain humble and know your own place even after everything that has happened. You will have to film a scene with the first male lead, Song Chenxing, later in the afternoon. Make sure that you are fully prepared. Also, please make me a cup of tea.”

“Coming right up!” Jiang Yuning replied as she headed to the pantry immediately.

Both Jiang Yuning and Director Shen Guobang did not know that Song Chenxing, who was reading his script under a nearby tree, had overheard their entire conversation.

Nevertheless, he did not eavesdrop on their conversation intentionally.

Song Chenxing used to hear about Jiang Yuning’s 4.0 rated acting skills and therefore never had any good impression of her. However, after listening to the conversation between Jiang Yuning and Director Shen Guobang, he suddenly had a change of heart. At least this girl was not arrogant, but she was humble and willing to learn instead.

Director Shen Guobang arranged for Jiang Yuning’s scenes to be moved up the schedule and filmed first because Qian Ge had just been removed from the cast. He decided to give Yao Fan and Song Chenxing a short breather.

As this would be the first time that Jiang Yuning would be filming a scene with Song Chenxing, Director Shen Guobang wanted them to familiarize themselves with each other first.

However, Song Chenxing was such a famous and well-known actor. Would he even be bothered to get to know her? Moreover, Song Chenxing had always been a very cool and unapproachable person.

Jiang Yuning could feel her heart hurting when she thought about this matter.

Just as she was feeling extremely stressed out about how she should approach Song Chenxing, he suddenly took the initiative to approach her and said, “I am not that scary. You do not have to act like a mouse who has just seen a cat.”

“Erm…hello Teacher Song,” Jiang Yuning quickly greeted Song Chenxing as she held her script in her hands.

“Don’t be nervous, I will guide you and help you through the scene later,” Song Chenxing quickly assured Jiang Yuning.

At this moment, Jiang Yuning suddenly felt extremely flattered.

Lady Luck must be shining on her today. After a short while, Yao Fan also walked over to Jiang Yuning as she pointed at Song Chenxing’s direction using her chin. “Did he just take the initiative to talk to you?”

“Sister Fan.”

“It is the first time I have ever seen him actually taking the initiative to talk to anyone. However, don’t even think about it. He is mine,” Yao Fan said as she looked at Jiang Yuning. “I don’t think that he is your type anyway.”

“No, no…definitely not. I swear,” Jiang Yuning quickly answered as she waved her hands to prove her innocence. She wanted to preserve her own life.

She could still feel the pain of being attacked and made the target.

“That’s a relief then. Don’t worry, I will definitely help you during the scene later.”

Jiang Yuning’s eyes widened immediately because she was so shocked.

Was today a child care day?

A flush of emotions hit Jiang Yuning all of a sudden. She knew that both Song Chenxing and Yao Fan were big names in the entertainment industry and they were both actually willing to guide and help her through her scene. This was absolutely amazing.

“Then…can I secretly address you as my master?”

Yao Fan smiled as she replied, “Sure. I love being called a master.”


After Qian Ge left the crew, the remaining production crew and cast members were unexpectedly harmonious and cooperative with one another.

Chapter 172: There is Something That I Need to Confess to You
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

With Song Chenxing and Yao Fan’s sincere guidance, Jiang Yuning was able to film her scene with them without any issues at all. Although Jiang Yuning’s acting skills would still be weaker in comparison to the other two artistes’, her skills were definitely beyond a rating of 4.0.

Jiang Yuning was also able to blend in and mingle with the production crew and cast without Qian Ge around to create any further problems for her.

Who would not love a humble and warm actress who had a pleasing personality and was willing to accept her own weaknesses in order to become a better actress? She was hardworking and diligent, and she had even studied Chinese medicine just to prepare for her role as the third female lead.

The executive director who drank the prescription that Jiang Yuning had prepared for him also stopped sweating and perspiring so much. It was really magical indeed!

They were able to wrap up the filming really quickly that afternoon. As soon as they finished filming their scene, Song Chenxing changed out of his outfit before he approached Jiang Yuning and said, “You can come and look for me whenever you are free. I have some very helpful information that I can share with you. It will definitely help you improve your acting skills.”

“No, Teacher Song. I do not want to trouble you any further. Thank you for your kindness,” Jiang Yuning quickly refused before she headed back to her bed and breakfast together with the young paparazzo.

Song Chenxing frowned immediately. “What is her problem? Why is she avoiding me?”

“Brother Chen, don’t you know that Jiang Yuning is a blacklisted artiste who has already attracted plenty of negative remarks and criticism from the public because of the incident involving Qian Ge? I believe that she is trying to keep her distance from you because she does not want to provoke any further criticism. If she does, it might be difficult for her to remain in the cast,” Song Chenxing’s agent quickly explained on Jiang Yuning’s behalf. “Furthermore, you have a huge fan base who are rooting for a romantic relationship to develop between you and Yao Fan. If Jiang Yuning tried to get closer to you now, she would definitely be criticized and attacked by the fans.”

Song Chenxing nodded his head after listening to his agent’s explanation. “Alright then. I want you to go and pass her the information tonight.”

“Why…why are you so concerned about a newcomer? If Sister Fan finds out about this, she would definitely be unhappy.”

“She is a good seedling and she can be trained to become an excellent actress.”

Song Chenxing did not have any other intentions. He only felt that this girl was really very talented.

He was just like the other two veteran actors who were trying to take Jiang Yuning as their very own disciple.

After arriving back at the bed and breakfast, Jiang Yuning saw Vera waiting for her in the courtyard.

Vera looked very professional, dressed in a full business suit.

“I have not seen you for merely a few days and you have already successfully driven Qian Ge out of the cast,” Vera said as she made a thumbs up gesture at Jiang Yuning.

“I do not dare to take the credit for that,” Jiang Yuning replied as she laughed out loud. “Why have you come here so late at night?”

“I am here because of the young paparazzo. He asked me if he could allow some of your fans to come and watch and support you at the filming location. What do you think about this idea?” Vera asked Jiang Yuning as she sat down on the stone bench. “I trust in Xue Li because she is just like me. She only became your fan because she was intrigued by your sincerity and good personality. If you allow them to come and get to know you better, I believe that it would definitely be good for any future publicity. After all, they used to be Qian Ge’s fans and they would not really know you for who you are. You should let them come and see you for who you truly are.”

“Alright then. You can arrange for them to come over. I am okay with it,” Jiang Yuning replied as she nodded her head.

“By the way, I have another piece of news for you. I have successfully secured a spot for you in an adventure variety show after the filming of <Mysteries of Heaven>. I know that you are interested in ancient dramas and that will be your main focus. However, you should not refuse to participate in the variety show.”

“I will not reject the idea,” Jiang Yuning replied immediately. “Because I believe in your professional judgment.”

The both of them continued chatting in the courtyard and at this time, second young master Lu’s black car suddenly turned into the parking lot.

Both Vera and the young paparazzo quickly exchanged glances with one another, with a flustered expression on their faces.

“Sister Yuning, they have already announced your schedule for tomorrow. Don’t forget that you have to be there to film your scene at eight o’clock in the morning!”

Jiang Yuning could not help but smile when she looked at the two people who were rushing to leave the place. They were acting as though Lu Jingzhi would eat them up.

When Jiang Yuning finally laughed out loud, Lu Jingzhi suddenly hugged her from the back. “Didn’t I warn you that you should not be laughing and smiling so casually with other people?”

“Second brother?” Jiang Yuning suddenly exclaimed. “They are not other people!”

“I do not allow it.”

“But I simply laughed at them because I was thinking about you,” Jiang Yuning replied before she turned around and placed her arms around Lu Jingzhi’s neck. She looked at him and replied coquettishly, “Don’t punish me today. I was just bullied earlier. Why don’t you dote on me a little today?”

“Dream on,” Lu Jingzhi replied as he carried Jiang Yuning up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. “However, there is something that I need to confess to you.”


Chapter 173: It Has Been Really Difficult for Me to Come This Far
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After entering the bedroom, both of them then sat down on the bed. At this time, Jiang Yuning slowly placed her arms around Lu Jingzhi’s neck before she said in a gentle tone, “Second brother, you don’t have to use the word ‘confess’ when you are with me. You are Lu Jingzhi, the man that everyone admires and look up to. I do not want you to be so humble in front of me. I know that you would never do anything to hurt me or make me upset. Therefore, you can just tell me anything that you want to in future. Don’t tell me that you have a confession to make. That makes me feel bad.”

Lu Jingzhi patted her head gently and ran his fingers through her hair before he kissed her on the forehead. “I want to show you something.”


Lu Jingzhi then took out his cell phone from his pocket before he opened the messages app on his cell phone. After opening one of the messages, he handed his cell phone over to Jiang Yuning.

Xu Beishen: “Brother Lu, I am already back in the country. Do you have time to meet up with me?”

Xu Beishen: “I secretly stole your contact number from my brother’s cell phone. Don’t blame my brother!”

Xu Beishen: “Can you give me a chance to get closer to you?”

Lu Jingzhi: “No. Please do not disturb me anymore. This is my contact number for work purposes only.”

Jiang Yuning could not help but laugh as she held onto her stomach. “Hahaha. Second brother, you really are incredible. I cannot believe that you could be so heartless and tell her that this is a work-only cell phone without a hint of any emotion at all…”

Lu Jingzhi could finally relax when he saw Jiang Yuning laughing after reading the messages. He leaned in closer to her and asked, “Is it really that funny to you?”

“Hahaha. It is really funny! Why didn’t you just reply that she has gotten the wrong number?”

“Are you not jealous?” Lu Jingzhi asked suspiciously.

Jiang Yuning stopped smiling before she tightened her arms around Lu Jingzhi’s neck again. She replied, “I am not jealous because I know very well that the only person in my husband’s heart is me. The only reason you even replied her at all is simply because she is Xu Liangzhou’s sister. Am I right?”


“Second brother, I trust you and I also believe in myself. The two of us have finally gotten the chance to be together after so many years of trial and separation. I do not think that anyone would be able to break us apart so easily. Even if you fall in love with someone else one day…I will definitely do everything that I can to make sure that you fall in love with me again. So, that…”

“Impossible.” Lu Jingzhi interrupted Jiang Yuning before she could finish her sentence. He then rubbed his nose gently against her nose.

“What is impossible?”

“It is impossible for me to ever fall in love with anyone else. Therefore, if she ever tries to contact me again, I will simply tell her the truth—that I am already married and that I already have a Mrs. Lu in my life.”

Jiang Yuning felt extremely loved and warmth in her heart after listening to Lu Jingzhi’s affirmation.

“Okay then,” Jiang Yuning responded softly.

Second brother, why do you love me so much? What should I do?

Sometimes, Jiang Yuning would ask herself these questions because she did not know what she had done to deserve Lu Jingzhi’s unfading love and affection.

They both then started kissing naturally. After all, they were always so busy during the day and it was only at night that they could completely belong to one another.

A few days later, Vera arranged for a few of Jiang Yuning’s fans to go to the filming location to assist and get to know Jiang Yuning.

After receiving the news that they would be able to visit Jiang Yuning at her filming location, Xue Li immediately raised funds within the fan club in order to hold a fan support event at the filming location on the day of the visit. She wanted to thank the production crew for all their hard work, as well as to show them that Jiang Yuning was not a cub without any protection or support. That way, the production crew would take care of Jiang Yuning and treat her better.

On the day that Xue Li and her team were due to visit the filming location, Vera personally arranged for a driver to pick them up and drop them off at the filming location. She even asked the production crew for help in taking care of them.

Xue Li asked the driver to drive them to the filming location immediately and she even brought some posters of Jiang Yuning along with her.

Since the production team of <Mysteries of Heaven> had always kept Jiang Yuning’s status as the third female lead a secret and had never officially released any of Jiang Yuning’s stills, Xue Li edited some of Jiang Yuning’s personal photos and printed them out to make posters instead. This was because she did not want to put the production team in a difficult spot.

When the production team saw that Jiang Yuning’s fans were so thoughtful and sensible, they smiled before they patted Jiang Yuning on her shoulder and said, “Good job. You finally have your own group of fans here to support you.”

Jiang Yuning could only reply, “It has been really difficult for me to come this far.”

Moreover, the fans that she had now were fans who had switched alliances from her enemy’s fan club. This made it much more stressful for Jiang Yuning.

“Miss Jiang, you need to start shooting your scene soon. Why are you still standing there in a daze?” Director Shen Guobang yelled from his seat.

Jiang Yuning glanced at the small group of fan girls who had arrived before she quickly rushed over to the dressing room to get ready for her next scene.

Some of the other fan girls who accompanied Xue Li to the filming location were also veteran fans who used to support Qian Ge.

Although they had deep affection for Jiang Yuning now, the affection and loyalty that they felt had yet to exceed the level of affection that they had felt for Qian Ge in the past.

This was mainly because they did not think that Jiang Yuning had any acting skills at all.

This was also the main reason for which the young paparazzo had proposed this visit to Vera.

At this time, Jiang Yuning and Song Chenxing were filming a very intense and complicated scene.

Previously, Lin Guozhen had asked Lin Ping’er to break into the palace to rescue the crown prince from danger. However, Lin Ping’er refused to do so because she wanted to protect her family.

Now that the crown prince had successfully evaded the crisis, Lin Ping’er was found to be guilty of betraying the crown prince.

The scene today involved the confrontation between the two parties at the East Palace.

At this time, Jiang Yuning was wearing a female warrior outfit and she was on her knees as she faced the crown prince.

The crown prince paced back and forth before he finally crouched down in front of Lin Ping’er. He lifted her chin up forcefully before he asked, “Do you really think that I would not dare to lay my hands on you?”

Lin Ping’er looked at the crown prince with a sad expression on her face, as though she was mocking him. “I would not dare to think that.”

“Why wouldn’t you dare to? I thought that I could depend on the Lin family to remain loyal to the crown since your family has already served us for so many generations. However, I am utterly disappointed…”

“Crown prince, if you want to kill me, you can just kill me. Anyway, the blood of all eighty-seven members of the Lin family has already been spilled in front of the gates of the East Palace. What difference would it make if you killed me now?” Lin Ping’er shouted. “Even we risked our lives to protect the crown prince, the rest of the eighty-seven members of the Lin family would still be in danger. What difference would it have made then?”

The crown prince squeezed her face roughly in his hand before he pushed her away vigorously. “Your medical skills are not as sharp as your tongue.”

“Crown prince, that is a fallacy.”

“Then, this is the punishment that I am going to sentence you with. You will never be allowed to practice medicine or to be a doctor again. You are not allowed to step foot into a clinic or a medical facility. What is the point of you being alive if you can no longer save lives? I will arrange for you to be married off to one of the generals guarding the palace. The least you could do is to appease the generals,” the crown prince ordered in a ruthless manner as he pointed a finger at Lin Ping’er.

“I can just forget it if the crown prince is so ruthless to me. However, if the crown prince acts as ruthlessly towards my father one day, then…all the blood that the Lin family has spilled for the crown would be in vain…I will take my leave now,” Lin Ping’er replied, showing the stubbornness and courage in her character.

“Cut! Okay, we can move onto the next scene.”

As soon as the director shouted, Jiang Yuning and Song Chenxing quickly came out of the roles that they had been so engrossed in portraying.

Xue Li and the other fan girls who had watched the entire scene as they were standing amongst the production team, quietly retreated. They had successfully captured several beautiful photos of Jiang Yuning when she was filming her scene.

“Sister Xue Li, did we see wrongly? Our Sister Yuning…is actually pretty good at acting!”

Xue Li was deep in her own thoughts and she did not reply.

“Not only is her acting good, but it is also very natural and smooth. All the rumors that we have heard about Jiang Yuning do not seem to be true at all. She acted so well alongside Song Chenxing in the scene earlier!”

Chapter 174: Brother-in-law is Attentive, You Would Never be Able to Hide This From Him
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xue Li continued pondering for a moment before she suddenly laughed out loud. “Since that is the case, you should support and praise our Sister Yuning’s acting openly next time, then.”

“Now that you have mentioned it, I do have a silly confession to make,” one of the tall and thin girls said with a guilty expression on her face. “I have not told you this before, boss, but for the past few days, I have been watching various works that Sister Yuning had done in the past. To be honest, I do not understand why people hate her so much. She is so cute and versatile. She can do anything that anyone else can, and she can even do what they cannot. So, why does she have such a bad reputation?”

Xue Li looked at the other girl before she patted the other girl on her shoulder and said, “This is because she did not have us in the past. From now on, it will be a completely different story.”

“Yes!” The other fan girls nodded their heads in agreement. “Sister Xue Li, should we go over and say hello to Sister Yuning?”

“No, it is better if we do not interrupt her when she is filming. We just have to watch her silently from a distance.”

After Xue Li spoke, the fan girls were preparing to leave the scene but at this time, the young paparazzo suddenly came out of nowhere with a few paper bags in his hand. He handed the bags over to the fan girls before he said, “Sister Yuning asked me to pass this to you. She personally prepared it because of the hot weather. Be careful on your way home.”

The fan girls opened up the paper bags and looked inside to find that Jiang Yuning had prepared some anti-heat stroke drugs for them because of the hot weather.

“Wow…Sister Yuning is so sweet.”

“I am in love. I am really in love. I feel like I am a crazy fan girl again.”

“My instinct to chase after my beloved idol is back!”

“Sister Yuning has personally prepared this concoction. The entire production crew and cast are also drinking the same thing. According to everyone, this concoction really helps in preventing heat stroke. If you want to meet her and say hello, you can wait until she finishes filming her scenes for today,” the young paparazzo said when she saw how excited the fan girls were. “You can wait until the big tree over there. It is quite shady there.”

The fan girls quickly rushed over to the big tree and waited the entire afternoon for Jiang Yuning to be done filming her scenes. The production team and director had an easy time shooting today because of the unexpected harmony and tacit understanding between all the actors and actresses. The veteran actors were all fighting to become Jiang Yuning’s master.

Sister Yuning seemed to be a favourite amongst the crew.

However, as they were filming the last scene for the day, Song Chenxing accidentally overturned a candle lamp that was placed as a prop on the table because he made a rather large and sudden movement. The candle lamp injured Jiang Yuning when it fell and hit her foot.

“Are you okay?” Song Chenxing asked as he immediately reached his hand out to help Jiang Yuning. To his surprise, Jiang Yuning quickly avoided him.

The young paparazzo quickly ran over to Jiang Yuning before he supported her. “Sister Yuning, are you injured?”

“I’m okay,” Jiang Yuning replied as she shook her head. “It is nothing serious.”

Song Chenxing was annoyed and discontented. Therefore, he approached Jiang Yuning once again before he asked, “Am I really that scary? Why are you trying so hard to avoid me?”

Jiang Yuning was speechless.

Brother Chen, are you really that dense? Sister Fan is right there, watching the entire situation unfold before her eyes.

“Come and sit over there.” When Jiang Yuning did not respond, Song Chenxing reached his hand out and held Jiang Yuning’s hand before he said, “I will not harm you.”

This man could not be saved. Jiang Yuning could not help but rolled her eyes.

“Brother Chen, you can let go of me now. I am fine,” Jiang Yuning said as she quickly pushed Song Chenxing away.

“Do you…really hate me that much?”

“Brother Chen, I do not mean it that way. It is just that the fans who are rooting for a romantic relationship between you and Sister Fan are really too aggressive. I do not want to get in their bad books and be criticized once again. That is why I am reacting this way. I swear that I am not afraid of you and I do not hate you at all. My foot is really fine and it does not hurt anymore. Next time…just try not to get so excited.”

“Alright then, go and rest for a short while,” Song Chenxing replied before he headed back to the studio.

“Sister Yuning, do you want me to bring you to the hospital to have your injuries checked out?” the young paparazzo asked as he supported Jiang Yuning. Jiang Yuning felt that it was rather strenuous for her to walk.

“Don’t tell your brother-in-law what happened.” Jiang Yuning knocked the young paparazzo on his head. “Bring me to meet Xue Li and the other fan girls first. I will see what I want to do after I get back to the bed and breakfast.”

“Brother-in-law is attentive, you will not be able to hide this from him,” the young paparazzo answered with a pout.

“Then I will try to hide it the best that I can.”

The young paparazzo and Jiang Yuning were walking away from the set but at this time, they suddenly heard some yelling from the wall. “What are you doing?”

Jiang Yuning turned around to look, but when she saw that the production crew had already dealt with the matter, she did not think too much about it.

When Jiang Yuning met up with Xue Li and the other fan girls, she had the same expression on her face as she did the other night. However, it was obvious that she intended no malice against them.

“Hello, my enemy’s fans.”

“No. From now on, we are your fans,” Xue Li replied as she stepped forward and hugged Jiang Yuning. “You can count on me to boost your fan club!”

“I did not speak up for you girls to make you repay me in this manner…” Jiang Yuning said to Xue Li. “You do not need to feel indebted to me. I am already used to being a blacklisted artiste anyway.”

“Do you really despise me that much?” Xue Li asked after she let go of Jiang Yuning and looked at her with a sad expression on her face.

“I just want all of you to live well for yourselves.”

“We can live a better life together from now onwards. You can be rest assured. I will look after the fan club and myself!” Xue Li promised as she patted her chest. “You are very talented, Sister Yuning. We are very proud to be your fans.”

“Alright then. Let the young paparazzo send you girls home now. Be careful and get home safely.” After that, Jiang Yuning gave a big and warm hug to each and every one of the fan girls before she said, “I will leave the fan club in your hands in future.”

The few girls reluctantly said goodbye to Jiang Yuning before they got into the car that the young paparazzo had arranged to take them home. After closing the car door, the fan girls took out their cell phones and started typing immediately.

[Oh my god. Sister Yuning is really very warm and nice to everyone around her. She is really an amazing person.]

[She really has a very good personality.]

[This time, I will definitely be loyal to Jiang Yuning until the end!]

The fan girls showed up on the fan page and started sharing their experience excitedly to the other fans in Jiang Yuning’s official fan club.

This was the warmest and most memorable experience they had ever encountered after participating in so many different fan support activities.

Of course, their excitement did not last a long time because they were about to face their next big challenge.

No one would have expected that two of Song Chenxing’s fans who had entered the filming location illegitimately in order to secretly take photographs of their idol would have unexpectedly captured pictures of the moment when Song Chenxing was supporting Jiang Yuning.

This was the reason why the production crew had yelled earlier that day.

Eventually, news that Song Chenxing and Jiang Yuning had an extremely close relationship started circulating the internet and was made known to Song Chenxing’s fans.

With photos submitted as evidence, Song Chenxing’s fans were extremely angry.

[Jiang Yuning, who gave you the right to cling onto my Song Chenxing? You are not worthy!]

Fan-Xing couple: [My Fan-Xing is the perfect couple. I hope that the third party will just get out of their way!]

[Why is Jiang Yuning always so desperate to get men’s attention? She is always clinging onto any man she sees.]

What the hell?

Xue Li was extremely annoyed when she saw all the malicious comments that Song Chenxing and Yao Fan’s fans had spread all over the internet about Jiang Yuning. “The anti-criticism group is now despatched!”

My dear Sister Yuning. We used to bully you in the past, but we will not allow anyone to bully you now!

Did they think that the Ginger Candies were all dead?

Xue Li had already given all of Jiang Yuning’s fans a name. In future, Jiang Yuning’s fans would be referred to as the Ginger Candies…

Jiang Yuning was a little confused at this time. She had just suffered a slight foot injury, so why was she getting attacked again?

Fortunately, she had only suffered slight bruising on her toes. Therefore, it should not affect her ability to walk.

However, later in the evening, Song Chenxing’s agent suddenly delivered some medicine over to Jiang Yuning…

Brother Chen, aren’t you overdoing it? You should not allow the public to create any more rumors! This has to stop.

Why was he doing this?

I am a married woman. Don’t get me into trouble.

Jiang Yuning really wanted to cry.

Chapter 175: Better Than Him?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It seemed as though she had to create an opportunity to talk to Song Chenxing and explain everything to him properly. She already had a lover and she did not want to get too close to any other men.

Second brother really loved and doted on her. He treated her extremely well!

Therefore, Jiang Yuning felt very troubled when Song Chenxing’s assistant delivered the medicine over to her. She also did not want Yao Fan to be upset at her. Therefore, before second brother arrived at the bed and breakfast, Jiang Yuning quickly asked the young paparazzo to prepare a bottle of red wine before she went over to the hotel to look for Yao Fan.

Yao Fan’s assistant opened the door and she was about to refuse to let her in but at this time, Yao Fan caught a glimpse of Jiang Yuning from the crack of the door. Yao Fan smiled before she instructed her assistant, “Let her in.”

Jiang Yuning walked into Yao Fan’s suite and placed the bottle of red wine on the table before she said, “Teacher, can you please watch over your man?”

Yao Fan was dressed in casual white home clothes at the moment and she was holding onto her drama script as she was preparing for her scene tomorrow. She smiled at Jiang Yuning before she replied, “He had always been that way. He has always been a very cool and straightforward person. He has not changed much since we worked together in the previous drama.”

“Did you choose to be in this drama because of him?”

“Of course not. Who wouldn’t want to be in any of Director Shen Guobang’s drama?” Yao Fan replied before she put down the script. “However, I was very excited and happy when I found out that he was going to be the first male lead.”

“Why don’t you confess your feelings to him?”

Yao Fan pondered for a short moment before she looked at Jiang Yuning with a tinge of sadness in her eyes. “Confess? Do you know how scary it is to confess your feelings to someone, especially if you do not know how the other person feels about you? I am not prepared to breach the terms of my contract because of him. He is always playing it cool…I don’t know if it would ever be possible for a romantic relationship to develop between the two of us. Well, let’s stop talking about me. Let’s talk about you instead. All the other girls cannot wait to be linked to him but you are constantly avoiding him. Do you already have someone in your heart?”

“Yes!” Jiang Yuning replied as she nodded her head.

“Better than him?”

“Sister Fan, you cannot put it that way. Brother Chen is not only a teacher, but he is also a friend to me and to me, the person in my heart is the best person in this world,” Jiang Yuning quickly explained. “That is why some of Brother Chen’s actions are putting me in a tough spot.”

“I understand. If I have the opportunity, I will try to resolve this matter for you. How is your foot? Is it still hurting?”

“I am alright,” Jiang Yuning replied immediately.

“That is good. I am really curious to know who the person in your heart is. He must be really amazing if you can choose to ignore the prince of the entertainment industry.”

“Haha…Sister Fan, stop making fun of me,” Jiang Yuning replied as she laughed.

“Haha. Go back and rest earlier. I understand what you are trying to tell me.”

Yao Fan had clearly expressed how she felt about Song Chenxing to Jiang Yuning. That was the reason Jiang Yuning had brought a bottle of wine to see her today. Jiang Yuning did not want Yao Fan to misunderstand her and she wanted to make it known to Yao Fan that she was not interested in snatching anything belonging to her.

“Sister Fan, you do not need to worry about Jiang Yuning,” Yao Fan’s assistant suddenly said indifferently. “Even if she tried her best, she would not be able to surpass you even in a hundred years. Moreover, the only reason why she even stands a chance is because you refuse to tell Brother Chen how you feel.”

“Can’t you see that she really isn’t interested in Song Chenxing at all? Not everyone wants to climb up the career ladder so unscrupulously. You should know what kind of person Jiang Yuning really is after spending the last few days around her. Frankly speaking, I think that Jiang Yuning is really adorable and I am actually feeling rather optimistic about her future prospects,” Yao Fan patiently explained to her assistant. “Moreover, I thought you were the one who felt sorry for her in the first place.”

“I am just afraid…that she will try to snatch your role.”

“If she really has the intention to snatch the role of the first female lead, she would have already taken the role of the second female lead by now. She had purposely carried a bottle of red wine and made the trip here to see me today to show me that she really does not have the intention to compete with me for anything,” Yao Fan replied as she looked at her assistant. “I know how to discern whether a person is sincere or otherwise.”

“Alright then. Jiang Yuning is really rather pitiful. The Fan-Xing fans who are rooting for you and Brother Chen were all very harsh in their criticisms and posts earlier today. They kept belittling and reprimanding Jiang Yuning for being the third party in your relationship,” Yao Fan replied as she shook her head. She was very sympathetic towards Jiang Yuning.

By evening that day, both Song Chenxing and Jiang Yuning’s fans had already fought back and forth more than a few hundred times.

The Ginger Candies had made vast improvements in the way they dealt with and replied to the enemies’ insults and criticisms.

Although Song Chenxing had a very large and powerful fan base, Xue Li knew the best way to retaliate in order to gain and win the favor of the passers-by.

[Jiang Yuning is a terrible person who could even send her own mother to prison. I am sure she would definitely be banned from the entertainment industry sooner or later.]

[Ginger Candies should just retreat already!]

[Don’t try to get close to our Song Chenxing just so you can get a little more attention. Please stay away from my brother! Thank you.]

[After kicking the second female lead out of the cast, Jiang Yuning is now diverting her attention to the first male lead. She is really vicious!]

The Ginger Candies were all very frustrated when they saw all these vicious comments about Jiang Yuning. Therefore, Xue Li also decided to step in and deal with the matter personally.

[Our Sister Yuning just likes the fact that you would never be able to get rid of her even though you hate her so much!]

[Our Sister Yuning is already famous. Why would she need to rely on your idol to gain more attention? Stop being so dramatic, dear friends.]

[Why can’t the attention be on Song Chenxing instead? What is your justification?]

[Does your idol know how vicious his fans are?]

The fans of both side of the party continued bickering endlessly. Song Chenxing came to know about the situation eventually.

Moreover, the young paparazzo also dropped by to return the medicine that Song Chenxing had asked his assistant to pass to Jiang Yuning.

“Brother Chen, isn’t Jiang Yuning being too arrogant?” the assistant asked as he was very displeased. How could she return the medicine that the prince of the entertainment industry had specially sent over to her?

“What I am more interested to know right now is if these people who are cursing and writing vicious comments online really are my fans?” Song Chenxing asked as he handed his cell phone over to his assistant.

“Well, this…Brother Chen, you have a very huge fan base. Therefore, it is inevitable that there would be a few irrational and extreme people amongst the other fans. Generally, we tend to just ignore this kind of situation unless it escalates and gets out of control.”

Song Chenxing did not reply but he was frowning because he was obviously unhappy.

“But Brother Chen, do you really like Jiang Yuning…”

Song Chenxing did not know what to reply to his assistant’s question. This was because he had never been in any relationships or emotional entanglements before. He had always placed all of his focus on sharpening his acting skills. Therefore, he did not know how to figure out if he liked or disliked her.

“What would I be feeling if I liked her?”

“Well, then let me ask you another question. Who do you think is more important to you between Sister Fan and Jiang Yuning?” the assistant asked Song Chenxing once again after rephrasing his question.

Song Chenxing was deep in thoughts for a moment but he did not reply.

He did not have an answer at the moment, but he was certain that Jiang Yuning was avoiding him.

It was already nine o’clock at night and it was pouring heavily in Luo City.

At this time, Lu Jingzhi had just stepped out of his office building and got into his car under the protection of Secretary Ho.

“Principal, it is already so late today. Why don’t you go back to the Royal Dragon Villa to rest instead?” After getting into the car, Secretary Ho made the suggestion to Lu Jingzhi after he looked at the time on his watch.

The business meeting had been extended and Lu Jingzhi looked extremely exhausted.

However, Lu Jingzhi simply loosened the buttons on his shirt before he looked out the car window and answered, “Go to the bed and breakfast.”

“Alright then. Principal, there are a few issues that you need to take note of.” After that, Secretary Ho passed the cell phone over to Lu Jingzhi.

The first issue was the scandal involving Song Chenxing and his wife.

The next issue was that Xu Beishen was still unrelenting and she kept texting him on his work cell phone. “Then…could I ask for your private cell phone number then? Please give it to me, Brother Lu!”

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