A Plane Ride Away

By Jordan___swim

515 43 15

A birthday party...... Then I'm in a van, to take a plane ride away from where I want to be. More

Author's Notes


60 5 2
By Jordan___swim

I walked into my mom's office while she was traveling for business and my father was at home with me. He was upstairs resting because he has a job too( he is in the military) and it is tiring. He is on leave for a few months. FINALLY!! I haven't seen him in 7 months and when he got home, mom and I put together a party for him right before she had to leave.

I checked all of her papers hoping not to find any evidence of a kidnapping. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried not to picture the worst.

I saw nothing. Good. I couldn't stop now, though, I had only walked in the room, and didn't search at all. 'here it goes' I stepped forward and lifted up a few papers. a head shot of McKinley was under it. OH CRAP OH CRAP' was all I could think. I dared to look some more, and found a headshot of a fairly familiar face. I couldn't put a name on it, though. She girl in the headshot looked about eight years old. Some head shots of the five guys she probably hired to kidnap them. The five guys who she always warned me about, criticized and acted like they were awful people who she would never trust. Now she has hired them to kidnap my best friend just for revenge over some stupid accident that happened years ago. The accident had nothing to do with McKinley!! But if the whole reason for the kidnapping was to get revenge from the accident, what did this other girl have to do with it?!

That thought pondered in my mind until I heard my father's footsteps coming down the stairs. 'oh no, he's gonna catch me!! He hates it when I snoop around like this! But he doesn't know it's for a good reason this time.'

I shoved he papers back to where I thought they belonged, and tiptoed quickly to the couch. Just in time, because my dad had just turned the corner from the stairs as soon as I fell onto the couch.

"Hey sweetie, whatcha doin'. Although he had to be a proper speaker, and very disciplined man at his base, he isn't really one here when it's just our family. But I'm not complaining, I'm not disciplined and serious any of the time!(usually XD)

"Nothin" I replied calmly. "Do you want to watch this new show I found out about? It's kind of a murder mystery show, but it's not too scary for you to watch. It's called 'Castle'." He asked immediately. "Ok, sure, that sounds great! But can we have we have some ice cream?" "Even better!" He replied and strolled into the kitchen as I flipped through the recordings to find 'Castle'. I loved when he was home!! I wish it was like this all the time!!!!

We have a million things recorded, so I went through the list for a while. I found an odd film titled 'OLD'. It looked like a family film or something. Dad was taking a while in the kitchen, so I clicked on it to see what it meant. It showed old pics of Mom's dad, and then a random video of the girl who's headshot was next to McKinley's in mom's office. Then, it had a random formula for a type of blue liquid then shown, and it was shot into a girl. Only the arm if the girl was shown, though. When the camera zoomed out....... 'OH MY GOD'

"Honey, did you find the show? I remember recording it yesterday when I came home!" Dad announced. I quickly flipped out of that film, found 'Castle' and hit play, then paused it, waiting for dad to come and watch it with me.

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