Harry Potter Short Stories an...

By onyxjay

27.3K 1K 338

What the title says More

Before You Read
Where's Ron?
An Ideal Date
A Memorable Sorting
He's a Keeper
Weasley is our King
My Wheezy
The Weather Outside is Frightful
A Love Meant to Be... Or Not?
Dark Trio pt. 1
Dark Trio pt. 2
A Dark Companion (sneak peek)
Literally Tying the Knot
The Magic of Muggle Movies
What Is This Feeling?
One Last Kiss
Out Of Character pt 1
Plot Bunny: Not Quite What I was Expecting
The Final Decision (sneak peek)
Glistening Eyes
Plot Bunny: Bored to Death
A Potato Flew Around the World Before You Came
You're a Badger, Harry (Sneak Peek)
Out of Character pt 2
Plot Bunny: The Truth
Plot Bunny: Another Slytherin!Harry

Flowers for Weasley

642 28 4
By onyxjay

Prompt: "Flowers? For me?"

Ship(s): Harry and Ron, Weasley family, Harry/Ginny

Never before had Harry felt so anxious walking up to the Burrow. In his hand he held a bouquet of roses. Yes, he was aware of how cliche it was, but he really wanted the experience of doing something normal for Ginny. Thankfully, she understood and didn't make a huge fuss. She did, however, tease him about being old-fashioned.

Ron and Percy were sitting at the table when Harry entered.

"Hello, Harry," said Percy.

"Hey, Percy." Harry was glad to see that Percy had slipped back into the family as easily as he had, though Fred's absence still weighed them all down on a bad day.

Ron had stood up and was now standing in front of Harry. "Flowers? For me?"

Harry started to protest, but Ron swiped the bouquet and inhaled the sweet fragrance. "They're beautiful!" He pretended to wipe away a tear, smiling happily at a very unamused Harry.

"Are you done yet?"

"Not even close. Hey, George! Look!"

Fred's twin had just come down. "Did Harry get that for you?"

"No!" Harry shouted.

"Yes!" Ron shouted even more loudly. "Aren't they beautiful?"

George swooned onto a disgruntled Percy. "So romantic!"

"What's all the commotion?"

A flowery scent sprang in the air. Harry turned to see Ginny making her way over, her hair as vivid as her brothers'.

Ron brandished the bouquet. "Your boyfriend gave me this."

"Oh, Harry." Ginny sent him a mock disappointed look. "If I had known you had a thing for my brother, I would never have tried to get in the way."

"I don't!" Harry wanted to tear his hair out.

Ron looked highly offended. "Wow, mate. Am I not good enough for you?"

"Rude," George agreed. "Come here, Ron." He pulled his little brother into his arms and let him cry into his shoulder. "There, there. It's okay. You'll find someone. How bout Hermione? She likes you, doesn't she?"

"Enough teasing, you guys," said Percy, and Harry would've kissed him if it didn't mean the others would make a scene out of that as well.

"All right, all right." Ron handed Harry back his flowers. "Have fun, you two."

Harry accepted his flowers while giving Ron a look through narrowed eyes. Then he turned back to Ginny. "For you," he said.

"Aw, Harry, that's so sweet." And then Ginny kissed him on the cheek, which made the whole thing worth it.

Except for George swooning onto Percy again and Ron acting like his heart had been torn in two and running off to his room.

Annascorpia on Tumblr had a list of prompts, and this one caught my eye. Hope you enjoyed it!

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