๐“๐š๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐ญ

By downbadforyu

198K 7.7K 3.7K

She's my target and I should kill her. (๐˜‰๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜บ ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ ๐˜ ๐˜ง๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜บ?) Her family is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (๐Ÿ”ž)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41(M)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Special Chapter

Chapter 14

2.3K 101 52
By downbadforyu

Third person's POV

"Mina! Mina are you still alive in there?!" Momo yelled from outside the said girls room knocking on her door at the same time.

"Yah! Of course I'm still alive!" Mina yelled back from the inside with her eyes on her phone as she was playing.

"I'm just checking up on you since you haven't come out you room since this morning!" Momo again yelled from outside the room.

"My throat hurts." She mumbled to herself feeling the stinging pain in her throat.

"I'm playing! Don't worry!" Mina yelled back pressing on the screen of her phone fast as her enemies was nearing her place.

"Well you better get out there and take a bath because someone is here for you!" Jihyo loudly yelled from downstairs as she heard the yelling conversation of the two japanese from where she was standing.

"Who's there?!" Mina asked pressing the buttons on her phone faster.

"Get down here and see for yourself!" Jihyo yelled again, Mina groaned contemplating whether she would exit her game or finish it. But the thought of someone waiting for her downstairs made her re-think her decision in finishing the game.

When Mina already had her decision she got up her bed and stretched her body hearing bones cracking as she was half sitting half laying on her bed for more than 5 hours since she woke up at 8 in the morning because of her friends. Mina went inside her bathroom and immediately took a bath just like what her friends had told her to do. After finishing her bath, Mina went out the bathroom and quickly walked to her closet and picked up a pair of gray sweatpants and her brown hoodie, she fully dressed herself everything fixed including her now dry hair before exiting her room and walked down the stairs.

"So who's here fo—"

Mina's voice trailed off when she saw who was waiting for her. The person was sitting on their long leather covered couch holding a glass of orange juice in their hands as they laugh with Mina's friends. They haven't noticed Mina until the girl spoke getting their attention.

"What are you doing here?"

Mina asked looking at the person who looked up at her and placed the glass on the coffee table before subtly standing up and smiled at the girl.

"Hey Mina." The person said with a bright smile on their face before pushing back their hair that the japanese girl in front of them just always find amusing when she looks at the person.

"What are you doing here?" Mina asked again walking towards the person and her friends.

"Well Chaeyoung is here because he said that you two are going out." Sana said giving Mina a bright smile as the young japanese girl looked at the guy who smiled at her again.

"Going out? You didn't told me that we were going out today." Mina said looking at the guy who released a light chuckle shrugging his shoulders.

"Well then I guess it's a surprise?" Chaeyoung said with a deep smile on his lips as the young japanese girl still was looking at him with a confused expression.

"And are you going to go out with him wearing your hoodie and sweatpants? Change a bit at least Mina-yah." Nayeon said eyeing her friend who looked at herself as a light pink paint itself on her cheeks as she looks back up at the guy who giggled looking at her.

"I-i'll be back." Mina said before dashing away from the living room and ran back up to her room closing the door behind her as she held on her chest feeling her heart beating fast.

"Why did you have to wear this now Hendrix?! This is so embarrassing!" Mina said walking to her closet again opening the door rummaging through her clothes looking for better clothes to wear.

After a long rummaging in her closet throwing out clothes she didn't feel wearing to her bed until she found the right clothes to wear for the sudden hang out that the guy waiting downstairs had stated. Mina finally went out her room and walked back down to the living room where her friends had immediately noticed her and gave her a smile.

"Took you long enough." Jihyo said smiling at Mina.

"Took long picking clothes perhaps?" Sana asked, Mina subtly nodded her head with a shy smile embarrassed again for making the guy wait.

"You look great Mina." Chaeyoung complimented giving Mina another bright smile that made small butterflies erupt in the young japanese girls stomach as she felt her cheeks heating up from the compliment.

"T-thank you." Was all Mina could say before looking away from the guy who released a soft giggle hearing the shy tone from the "sassy introverted girl" that her friends had described her to him.

"We should get going now noonas, we still have places to go to today." Chaeyoung said smiling at Mina's friends who had returned the smile before walking to their friend and hugged her.

"Have fun at your date Mitang." Sana whispered giggling as Mina's cheeks started glowing red again with what her friend had said.

"Shall we?" Chaeyoung asked gesturing for the girl to walk ahead first, the young japanese nodded her head and walked past the guy who still turned back to her friends and smiled one more time before following the japanese outside.

"You brought a car with you?" Mina asked seeing the expensive car the guy had bought with him — Chaeyoung had brought his W Motors Lykan Hypersport that costs up to $3.4 million, what made it look more expensive is the black exterior of the car and the somewhat gray and white interior that complimented well with Chaeyoung.

"I figured you were wearing a dress, so I bought this so you wouldn't have trouble sitting sideways on my motorbike." Chaeyoung answered looking back at Mina who was indeed wearing a pastel pink mini-dress with frayed hems and ruffled sleeves partnered with her pastel white sling bag.

"You had a great guess huh?" Mina jokingly asked as she giggled walking towards the car with the guy trailing from behind her.

"Yeah I think I should quit acting and racing and be a psyche instead." Chaeyoung jokingly answered walking ahead of Mina and grabbed the handle of the car and opened the door for the girl, Mina smiled as a thank you before going inside the car.

When Chaeyoung had closed the door he jogged to his side then opened the door going inside as well.

"Ready to go?" Chaeyoung asked starting the engine before glancing at Mina with a smile.

"Where are we going?" Mina asked. The guy beside her let out a soft giggle before glancing at her again.

"You'll see when we get there." Chaeyoung answered, Mina jokingly scoffed playfully rolling her eyes as she averted her eyes out the window where many people were walking on the sidewalk with their hands inside the pockets of their jackets or coats protecting them from the cold breeze of the wind — Christmas nearly is coming, the vibes of the places and at every corner of Korea is already screaming Christmas as they all start to decorate their houses, stores, restaurants and even cafes with colorful banners and lights as a sign that Christmas is nearing them.

"Christmas is really near now isn't it?" Mina turned her head when she heard the guy beside her spoke, she looked at him and saw his eyes focused on the road as he drives while his lips has a knowing smile plastered on it.

"Yeah, it's really nearing." Mina shortly answered with a sad smile on her lips thinking that she'd spend her Christmas without her parents again — but it was always like that ever since she was a kid, she never got to spend a proper Christmas with her parents, she always spends the holiday with her other family where her parents leaves her when they have business, and since she went to Korea she spends her Christmas with her friends — but she's okay with it because her Christmas is still happy even just with her friends because they make it special for her knowing that they were all she had and they don't want the young japanese girl to feel that she's alone, so they never left her and let her feel that no one is with her, now, here in Korea they're the only family that Mina has and Mina is grateful that she has them.

"Where are you spending your Christmas?" Chaeyoung asked again still focused on driving.

"At home," Mina answered as she looked out the window again with a small smile.

"With the girls, we always spend Christmas with each other, sometimes their family goes to our place and celebrate with us and sometimes they don't because the unnies don't want them to travel back and forth that much on an important holiday." Mina added as she rested her head on the window with her finger tracing the window creating small indescribable patterns at the moist from the cold that the car window has.

"How about you? Where are you spending your Christmas?" The girl asked turning her head to the guy a bit, she heard the guy let out a low chuckle before he answered.

"I always spend every occasion with Jeongyeon and his family ever since I was a kid." He answered with his hands working on turning the steering wheel left and right as he drives to their first destination.

"Why? Are your parents busy with work too?" The japanese asked turning her head to look at the guy.

"No," He answered, the japanese girls face now has a confused look at the answer.

"'No? Then why don't you celebrate with them?" Mina asked again, Chaeyoung let out a low bitter chuckle turning the steering wheel to the left as they are now nearing the first place.

"My parents are dead, they died when I was six." He answered with a small smile, the sight of him smiling remembering his parents made Mina's heart ache as she too could feel the same pain the guy is feeling — the only difference is that she still has her parents while the guy doesn't anymore.

"Oh..I'm sorry to hear that." Mina said smiling sadly, Chaeyoung turned his head to look at her for a bit letting a chuckle come through his lips.

"It's okay, I have Jeong hyung and uncle Hoon and aunt Seoyeon, they've been my family since I lost my family so technically I still have parents." Chaeyoung said glancing at Mina and gave her a reassuring smile before turning back to the front as a smile formed on his lips again.

"We're here." Chaeyoung said parking his car, Mina looked out the window and saw a somewhat semi crowded place with food stalls placed at every corner of the place.

"What place is this?" Mina asked as Chaeyoung opened the door for her, she scanned the area as a mouth watering smell lingers along with the wind.

"This is Gwangjang Market, the home of mouth watering foods." Chaeyoung answered as he and Mina started on making their way to the place where Mina eyed every food she saw, they didn't look like her type but the smell of the foods here and there made her mouth water in delight with just the smell of the foods.

"I assume you haven't gone here yet?" Chaeyoung asked looking down at Mina who nodded her head scanning the whole place.

"If that's the case try this." Chaeyoung said handing her a brownish black food on a stick, Mina eyed the food that Chaeyoung was holding out in front of her.

"W-what is that?" Mina asked looking at the food, Chaeyoung giggled softly as the girl kept eyeing the food.

"This is called sundae, it's a blood sausage." Chaeyoung answered. Mina's face turned from an indescribable look to a somewhat horrified and disgusted look.

"It's really good taste it." Chaeyoung said.

"Is it safe to eat?" Mina asked still eyeing on the food.

"Of course it is." Chaeyoung shortly answered still holding the food in front of Mina who looked at it and hesitantly took it in her hand.

She eyed the food again before lightly pushing it close to her mouth that opened a little, Chaeyoung watched as the girl slowly bit on the food in her hands her face turning from a disgusted to a surprised look.

"Good right?" Chaeyoung asked chuckling as Mina vigorously nodded her head with a smile as she takes another bite from the food.

"This is really good!" Mina exclaimed biting at the food again, Chaeyoung let out another giggle as Mina took a bite after a bite from the food.

"Slow down there penguin, you might choke." Chaeyoung uttered looking at the girl with an amused expression as the girl happily eats.

The two walked here and there eating different kinds of foods that Mina sees while Chaeyoung told her what those were as he watches Mina happily eats the food that he gives her.

"Here drink your water." Chaeyoung said handing Mina a water bottle as they both walk back to Chaeyoung's car to go to another place — the last place they'll be going to today since Mina ate a lot and it them hours to get out of the market as the japanese girl kept pointing at foods here and there wanting to try everything.

"Where have those foods been hiding all this time?" Mina asked as she lets out a satisfied laugh while they both walk back to Chaeyoung's car.

"They've always been here, so the question is were you all this time?" Chaeyoung stated glancing at her as they both laugh at the question they both made up.

"Make sure to finish that bottle of water, those foods are clean but you ate a lot and your stomach might hurt if you don't cleanse your insides well with water." Chaeyoung said opening the door for Mina again while the girls goes inside, the guy walked to his side and immediately went inside it glancing at the girl beside him.

"Already finished it, don't worry." Mina said winking at him as she puts the bottle of water on the cup holder and put her seatbelt on as the guy starts backing away from the parking.

"Good, don't you getting sick now don't we?" Chaeyoung jokingly uttered glancing at her as he completely drives away from the market and into the road again.

"I can't believe that those food would taste so damn good! I enjoyed them all so well." Mina exclaimed with a happy smile on her lips still smelling the foods from the market lingering through the air.

"You enjoyed a lot, and ate a lot too, didn't know you were a bigger eater than Momo noona." Chaeyoung said glancing at her for a bit and saw the girl playfully rolled her eyes at him.

"I don't eat that much, but if I love the food I would." Mina stated smiling looking away from the guy and looked out the window again.

"And it seems like you love those foods already." Chaeyoung said chuckling as Mina let out a soft giggle too.

"I really do!" Mina happily exclaimed giggling as she looks out the window resting her head on the window again looking at cars passing by them as they drive along the busy road.

Minutes of silence had passed since they left the market and no noise nor word was heard from the girl again, Chaeyoung glanced at her and saw her sleeping peacefully with her head resting on the window, Chaeyoung released a soft giggle looking at her before focusing on driving again — this time back to where he picked Mina up.

"How was—oh Mina!" Nayeon loudly exclaimed opening the door of their house and saw Chaeyoung carrying Mina in a bridal style — luckily the girl didn't show any sign of being woken up by the bunny's exclaim.

"What happened? Is she drunk?" Sana asked from behind with the other two as they heard Nayeon's loud voice.

"No, she fell asleep on our way home." Chaeyoung answered still carrying Mina.

"What did you two do?" Momo asked.

"Let Chaeyoung take Mina to her room first before you interrogate him." Jihyo said, the three nodded their heads and guided Chaeyoung up to Mina's room.

"Just place her there and we'll handle her." Momo said, Chaeyoung nodded his head and walked towards Mina's bed and laid the girl gently and carefully before pulling her blanket up to her waist covering her lower half.

"So what did the two of you did?" Nayeon asked after Chaeyoung had closed the door of Mina's room.

"We went to Gwangjang Market and ate street foods, she ate a lot, I was surprised that she eats a lot more than Momo noona." Chaeyoung answered while they walk back down to the living room.

"And? Where did you go next?" Jihyo asked.

"I was supposed to take her somewhere else but we spent a lot of time eating and she fell asleep so maybe next time." Chaeyoung answered smiling as he stands in front of Mina's friends.

"So there's a next time?" Sana asked with her brows wiggling like teasing Chaeyoung.

"I mean if that's okay with you guys?" Chaeyoung uttered looking at the girls.

"Of course it's okay!" Nayeon happily answered with a smile.

"We trust you so don't worry, you can take her out again next time any time." Momo said and winked at Chaeyoung.

"That'll be great, but I gotta get going now I still have schedules tomorrow." Chaeyoung said giving them an apologetic smile.

"It's okay don't worry you can go, thanks for bring Mina back safely." Jihyo said smiling, Chaeyoung nodded his head and hugged them before exiting the house and drove back to his penthouse.

"We have a mission girls."

Hey everyone! Chapter 14 is up!
So as I promised here's an update for all HAHAHAHA so for being gone for days, my headache was killing me so bad and classes came with it too, but I'll be updating more often again as much as I can so don't worry, anyways enjoy!❤️

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