Unchangeable Heart (Bleach re...

By ghostsmonaca

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Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Ichigo meets the Visored
Chapter 4: More training?
Chapter 5: Lieutenant Kyōraku
Chapter 6: Garganta
Chapter 7: Baraggan
Chapter 8: Aizen and Tōshirō
Chapter 9: Aizen Sōsuke
Chapter 10: (Y/n) VS Aizen
Chapter 11: Inner World
Chapter 12: Awoken
Chapter 13: Muken
Chapter 14: Human world
Chapter 15: House Kurosaki
Chapter 16: Mayuri's experiments
Chapter 17: Kurosaki Yuzu
Chapter 18: Xcution
Chapter 19: Ginjō Kūgo
Chapter 20: The Third Division
Chapter 21: Kira Izuru
Chapter 22: Life as a Captain?
Chapter 23: Duties of a Captain
Chapter 24: Ichigo's decision
Past Chapter 1: Hollowfication

Chapter 1: Recruits

2.6K 48 19
By ghostsmonaca

Several months later

"So the plan is to enroll Shinji in Karakura Highschool?" You asked the group.

Everyone was sitting in a circle, discussing as to how they were going to be helping Ichigo. You had been going to Urahara to ask what's going on and at one point he said that Ichigo had been Hollowfied.

"Yes!" Hiyori yelled. "What's the problem?!"

You were sitting in between Hiyori and Shinji so they wouldn't be able to fight. "Hiyori," you started, leaning towards her and whispered: "He looks weird, Ichigo will be frightened."

"I heard that." Shinji looked towards you two with crossed arms.

Kensei sighed. "I don't think we have another option."

Lisa began counting on her fingers. "We have... 1, 2, 3... 4 people that look like high schoolers. Me, (Y/n), Mashiro and Shinji."

"Mashiro isn't going." Kensei announced, very fast.

"I'm not going either." Lisa replied.

You sighed. "I can't either because I've been there before and they know me."

"That leaves..." Lisa said, slowly looking up at Shinji. "Him."

Shinji sighed as well. "How about we try to recruit him at night?"

You frowned. "How's that going to do anything? Ichigo's usually very busy with his Soul Reaper duties. He won't listen to you."

Hiyori leaned closer to you and whispered: "Does anyone listen to him?"

You whispered back: "I don't think so."

Shinji growled a little. "I can hear ya."

"Do we have another choice?" Love asked the group, standing up.

Kensei stood up as well. "Hey, Shinji, (Y/n), Hiyori, you three can decide, we're out of here."

Then everyone except for you three stood up. "What a pain!" Hiyori whined, laying down on her back.

"Well, how about we let Shinji try this evening?" You suggested. "We all know that there will be Hollows, meaning Ichigo will be out."

"What if he fails?" Hiyori questioned, still laying on her back.

"I will be a transfer student." Shinji said, smiling creepily.

You backed away with a disgusted face. "Okay, that's a plan then." You stood up, kicking Shinji on his feet.

"What was that for?!" He yelled.

"Get going idiot! It's evening!"

Hiyori stood up as well and straightened her clothes. "(Y/n) and I will check up on ya tomorrow after school."

"Sure." You replied, crossing your arms. "Shinji, get going."

"Aye aye." And with that Shinji left.

Hiyori took out her sword and pointed it towards you. "Fight me."

You frowned, pushing her Zanpakuto away. "Why? You know you can't beat me."

Suddenly Hiyori summoned her mask and just ran towards you. She was forcing you to fight with her.

Soon you got your own mask out by putting it on. Basically, you act as if there's a mask in your hand and you put the mask on your face.

It's a skull-like mask with two horns on top. Both horns are facing a different direction. The teeth are clearly visible and there are little blue triangles on the bottom-lip.

Before Hiyori could hit you with her sword, you had already blocked it. "Note to self, don't let Hiyori start."

Hiyori chuckled. "Ya were almost too slow!"

"Almost isn't completely."

Kensei's PoV

"They're at it again." I pointed out, watching (Y/n) and Hiyori fight again.

Lisa didn't even look up. "So?"

Love sighed. "It's become a daily activity for the two."

"Yeah." I sighed. "That's the problem. Hiyori is loosing again."

"And that anger will go straight to Shinji." Lisa commented.

"Poor Shinji." Hachi said.

Next day
2nd person's PoV

You woke up by Hiyori, screaming and jumping on your bed. "WAKE UP!!"

"Hiyori..." You said, in a mad tone, standing up. "What have I said about waking me up like this?!"

Hiyori shrugged, jumping off your bed. "Ya sleep the whole day. It's about time we go and check up on Shinji."

You straightened your clothes and began your morning routine. "Did he send you a message by any chance?"

"Yeah. He said to wait." Hiyori said, taking out her phone.

"What did you send him back?" You asked, brushing your teeth.

"I sent back: 'No'." She answered, still following you. "He didn't reply after that."

You got your own phone out and began checking messages. Because you couldn't talk, you showed Hiyori your messages.

[2 hours ago]
Shinji: yo, school ends in 2 hours
Shinji: it didn't work
Shinji: give me longer
[Just now]
Shinji: school ended, on my way back

You were soon done with your morning routine and received your phone back from Hiyori. "So, we're going huh?"

"Yes, finally."

And so you and her began using shunpo to get to Shinji. You could very easily track him down by following his reiatsu. "Over there." You pointed at Shinji who was just slowly walking down the street.

Hiyori jumped down and kicked Shinji into a street light. You sighed, jumping down as well.

Hiyori looked around, when she saw no Ichigo, she turned back to Shinji. "Where's Ichigo?!"

"Not here yet." Shinji replied.

You crossed your arms. "Shinji! You were supposed to recruit him."

Then Hiyori began beating Shinji up. Literally fighting. You stopped the two and sighed. "Hiyori, you were supposed to check on him not beat him up."

"Urahara-san!" You suddenly heard from behind the mess.

Upon turning around, you saw Inoe and Sado. "Inoe-san, Sado. How are you two?" You asked, acting as if nothing ever happened.

"Where have you been?" Inoe asked. She looked pretty desperate to know. "Even Kurosaki-kun didn't know."

You chuckled. "Doesn't matter! I've only come here for Shinji, not some reunion."

"When we asked Urahara," Sado began, "he said that you said that you'd disappear."

You nodded. "That's entirely true. I did say that."

Hiyori turned around, away from Shinji and looked at Inoe and Sado. "Who are you two?"

"Inoe Orihime."

"Sado Yasutora."

"Mmh." Hiyori replied, taking her sword out. "I'll kill you on spot then."

"No!" Shinji said, taking Hiyori off the ground. "We only came here for Ichigo, like (Y/n) said. We didn't come to kill anyone." Shinji then turned to you.

You nodded, basically saying that they could go and you'd follow later. Then Shinji ran off with Hiyori under his arm.

"Wait!" Inoe yelled, wanting to follow them but was stopped by Sado. "Sado-kun?"

"If we follow them, we might actually die."

You nodded, walking up to them. "Precisely. Hiyori doesn't look like it but she's pretty damn strong. As is Shinji."

"Why'd you stay behind?" Sado asked in a monotone voice. Like always.

You shrugged. "Don't know. I feel like they left me behind."

"What are you guys?" Inoe asked, actually looking concerned.

You sighed, stepping around on the air. "That's none of your concern. None of us like talking about it."

"Then... What's going on with Kurosaki-kun?" She asked, still incredibly concerned.

You used the shunpo to get behind her and whispered in her ear: "If he doesn't wanna tell you, I don't have the right to tell you."

Then you used the shunpo to get back in front of her. When you were back at front, Inoe had turned backwards to look for you. "Inoe-san, over here, over here!"

"Ah! Fast..."

Sado nodded. "Really fast."

You chuckled. "Thanks for the compliment. I really should go now. Tell Ichigo that I am where he needs to be."

"Why don't you tell him yourself?" Sado suggested.

You sighed. "That's an option. Fine, I'll tell him myself, considering Shinji failed... Ugh I told him he looks creepy."

"Aren't you going to tell us anything?" Inoe asked when you were about to leave.

You turned to Inoe and sighed in defeat. "One thing. I was once a Shinigami. Notice the 'was' in my previous sentence." With that, you used the shunpo to get to Ichigo's house.

As the polite person that you were, you pressed the doorbell and waited for Isshin to open. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?"

You looked behind you, making sure Ichigo wasn't there yet. "You know why I'm here."

Isshin sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "Maybe. I heard from Urahara Kisuke that you've joined the Visored."

"W-What's going on?" Ichigo asked, confused, just standing there behind you.

"Ah! Ichigo!" You said happily, turning around. "Isshin, it's okay."

"Alright." Isshin closed the door and walked away.

"(Y/n), what's all this about? Where have you been? Why did you go?! I was searching all—"

"Ichigo!" You yelled, stopping him from rumbling even more. "Listen to what I have to say."

Ichigo fell silent, still very confused and shocked about what was going on. You smiled and continued. "I assume Shinji explained the majority."

"S-Shinji? You know him?"

You nodded. "Yep. We've been friends for a long time. I must say, he looks very creepy. Did he scare you?"

"W-Wh? Of course not!"

"It's okay!" You chuckled. "He scared me when we first met. It's okay to admit it. Anyways, I didn't come here to look over past, I came to tell you that all we want to do is help you. When you received your Hollow powers, practically you already joined us."

Ichigo stayed silent, looking at the ground, clearly thinking about something. Despite that, you continued. "Listen, Ichigo. If you want your Hollow to take over, do whatever you want. But, if you want to learn how to control your Hollow, you should come with us. Think about it."

"Are you going again?"

You nodded. "Call me when you've decided. I assume you have my number."

"I do."

"I'll pick you up." You said before using the shunpo to get away and returned to you guys' hideout.

The last thing you saw was Ichigo entering his house and him getting jumped on by his dad. Once you arrived, Shinji was sitting outside, clearly waiting for you.

You smirked, landing in front of him. "You wanted to see me, Captain Hirako."

Shinji seemed to get what you were doing and played along. "Yes, Lieutenant Kyōraku. Give me your report."

"Of course. Kurosaki Ichigo seems to be thinking about it. He will call me soon, when he does I will lead him here and we can follow the plan afterwards."

Shinji sighed, immediately dropping the Shinigami act. "Bleh, why couldn't he have just come with ya? Would've been easier."

You walked inside, shrugging. "He doesn't have a choice. Before long he'll turn into a Hollow. A strong one at that."

"Is he strong?"

You nodded. "Don't underestimate him because that might be the last thing you do."

Word count: 1764

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