Classroom of the elite: The G...

By raiko675

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This takes place on Year 2 vol 1 The whole 2nd year students have disappeared with no trace, they were telepo... More

Chapter 1: Motivation
Chapter 2: Infernal Embers

Chapter 3: The beginning after the end Part. 1

865 10 2
By raiko675



'Why is this happening to me?'

"Ichinose, go warn the others!"

'No. I don't want this!'




"Ichinose," He smiled reassuringly, making the tense atmosphere wither.

"Go I'll hold them off" The blue-haired boy swiftly rushed towards the shaking maiden, his hair swayed like a knight, he swung his hand covering Ichinose.

'Shibata...NO!...Not you too!' Ichinose shook in horror. This whole time she watched as her classmates died one by one. She couldn't bring herself to save her classmates let alone move. She couldn't stand it, the sight of her classmates dying to save her powerless self.

She remembered this feeling, but this was much worse than her past running around. Ichinose grew silent, her willpower to save even at least one grew.

With her new profound confidence, she stood up, walking in front of her beloved classmate. She turned to him "Shibata-kun... I'll be the one that entices them away!" Ichinose grinned.

"Ichinose-san..." Shibata trembled, a small tear escaped his eye. Although he has high respect for Ichinose he thinks that this situation is ridiculous. He can't just let Ichinose die while he survives, it was absurd his classmates, his friends they all would like it if it was her who gets out alive.

'Please go, leave me Ichinose... but I'm scared....... ahh can I even be called a man if I survived and sacrificed the girl in front of me?'

Shibata pulled out his hair, He let his feelings out his rage and desperation, his sadness and agony."NO! Why can't you allow me to be selfish for a bit, Ichinose-san?" Shibata shouted, tears streaming down his cheeks. Ichinose, who was present, pleaded with him to go.

The killer was slowly catching up to them, they stopped their conversation running as fast as they can. She dragged her final groupmate away with her. She would go and sacrifice herself for him if the man caught up to them. Completely disrespecting his wish.

Shibata shouted her name, "Ichinose," and then went on.

"Have you ever fallen in love?"

"At this point in time, but why are you asking that question?" Ichinose asked in disbelief.

Shibata stared at her intently, he let out a chuckle "Think of it as a continuation of our conversation from before." Shibata smiled wryly. Ichinose noticed his shaky fingers.

"I did..." Ichinose halted. "I still do... But this isn't the right time! Let's run, Shibata-kun before they catch us!" As they sprinted into the fields, Ichinose hurried Shibata.

It was a dark and chilly evening. The crescent moon shone brightly, but the soil, unlike the sky, was in poor shape. The two students ran and ran slowly leading to a forest.

The two unidentified individuals in cloaks had slaughtered the party, while one was merely watching them die. Killing without regret, cold and terrible, but also beautiful and graceful, as if it were a dance and the blood was only a ribbon on a stick, an optimistic but naive wish.

One man slaughtered each one of them, laughing and paying no heed to their cries, Their cries seem to give the man pleasure instead of guilt.

While one stood there watching the struggling humans, many abilities were squandered, their crimson blood growing like flowers. The man who was standing there watching made his move. He dashed towards the strawberry-haired girl and beheaded the man in front of her.

As if time had stopped the cheery boy's head fell, his blood sprayed the area. Ichinose's clothes were soaked in his blood, for a second the killer lost footing but regained quickly.


"Ichinose-san, I've never thought of you as someone who disregards other people's final wishes." The man spoke coldly. He picked up the head of Shibata, Throwing it towards the direction of the girl.

"Here, your reward for making it to the finish line before we did. What has been done happened. There's no one that can turn back time after all." The killer spoke with disappointment.

She fell silent.

"What's wrong Ichinose? Is your reward not much? What do you expect me to do? Perhaps are you waiting for my embrace?" The man closed the distance and embraced her lightly. For a few minutes, they stayed in the same position.

Ichinose couldn't process the death of the boy, leaving her disabled for a complete minute. Her thoughts raging, petrified. Trapped in an illusion, disbelief.

Despite being embraced she couldn't feel warmth in his body. She felt like she was being embraced by a metal pole instead, it was empty, cold, and callous. Like she was a fragile glass waiting to be broken.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Ichinose pushed the man away, as she pushed him away the mask was removed leaving his face open for the girl to see.




It was an unforgettable experience. The girl was enraged, but when the mask was to show the man beneath it, her eyes dilated, and she screamed in terror. The man she loved emerged from behind the mask, his brown hair moving, his golden eyes sunken, and the stench of blood surrounding his body.

She gave a dramatic shake of her head. She was crouching in terror, descending into a pit of sorrow.

She did, however, manage to utter one word. One name that will determine her destiny.


"Hello once more, Ichinose Honami. Now, are you satisfied?" As he glared coldly at her, he said. He spoke in a hushed, distant tone.

Ichinose's fear grew, insecurities started flowing and the pressure was too much for her. She quietly cried while shaking terribly. "...w-wha-why? Why did you-"

"Oh, what's this? Such a pleasant reunion you both have! But I'm afraid I have to cut it short" said the taller man, His eyes glimmered in the darkness. He gave out an aura of superiority and familiarity.

"Come let us part," He said sternly, walking towards another direction. The boy followed but before he took another step, he turned to look at her "Tread carefully, Ichinose-san" he remarked.

This wasn't the man she knew, and she couldn't believe he had been watching and killing her friends. Then she remembered her valued friend's words.

Keep in mind that you never know what he's thinking especially when you're with him.

It was Kanzaki's remarks, and she hadn't paid any attention to them until now. She had no idea what was going to happen. Others were harmed as a result of her judgement, and some died as a result of it.

Shibata died because of her, and her classmates perished because of her. She was fully aware of this, yet she couldn't help but wonder...

Why was she relieved to be alive?

'They put their lives on the line for me. Is it possible that I'm being excessively self-centered?'

'It's wrong, I should have died in place of them, but why? Ayanokouji-kun, why did you hesitate to kill me?' The strawberry girl thought to herself as she rushed as fast as she could, seeking to help in any way so she could atone for her misdeeds.

This was the scene, the place, and the moment when the girl would've made that wish if time could be rewound.

The man who killed her friends stood in place as the strawberry-haired girl ran. He was well aware that she was wondering why he didn't kill her. She'd most likely suppress her suspicions and believe he was a fraud.

The boy, on the other hand, knew everything, and there is nothing that can't be discovered.

Every single thing that has transpired here since they arrived has been foreshadowed and planned for them; the script had been written, and he was the director.

"Everything went according to plan," says the boy.

"Are you some kind of narcissist?" said the man next to him, his clothes bloodied. "You are, without a doubt, a slave driver. Making me change into a human, suffocating that guild leader's mana, and spreading this human's blood on my hands." He took a breath and rubbed the blood from his clothes. Simynor was becoming increasingly irritated by the minute.

"You know how I'm tempted to kill you. We do have an agreement, but it is only valid till my entertainment needs are met. If you don't put up a good show for me. That's your death sentence. Honestly making a deity do the dirty work" muttered the man before glaring at the boy.

"Your ideas are complicated; if you're doing this to prove you're better than me, it won't work."

"I had no intention of doing so. All I care about is that you keep your word, " Ayanokouji expressed himself indifferently.

"Ah, do you think I give a damn?" Following the boy, God said.

"Would you please stop bothering me?"

"I'm not bothering you, smug brat," says the man.

"It didn't appear that way to me, though."

"Was all of that sufficient for her growth?" Simynor asked with a hint of curiosity.p-[[ied

"It isn't a finished product," Ayanokouji said a few words.

"Even though you revealed yourself by murdering her classmates?" Simynor let out a sigh. "Talk about a waste," says Simynor.

"Indeed, but not in vain"

His attention was drawn to the last sentence.

"Oho? "Would you mind informing me?"

"No, God of Reality, you can see for yourself," Ayanokouji responded, peering into Simynor's eyes.

"What a bummer."

They then came to the end of their conversation.

A few hours earlier

Ichinose POV

I went to class earlier today than usual in the hopes of running across the man I like. I sprayed a citrus scent all over my body. I was new to love, so I followed my friend's suggestion. We were waiting for our teacher to come when the class became full a few minutes later. But then something unusual happened. We were teleported into... some... movie theatre??

The God Simynor issued us with a preposterous challenge. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka as our adversary. Despite his physical ability, he would be overwhelmed by numbers, and we have people like Sakayanagi and Ryuuen who are powerful and bright.

I can't stop thinking about him, even if we're enemies. Instead of turning against him, I was planning on reviewing this game, to end in a draw instead.

Everything would be fine if we won, but what about Ayanokouji? What are the ramifications of his loss? What burden does he have to carry? Whatever the case may be, I will continue to back him up. Even if no one else agrees with him, I will stand by him.

But what does he earn if he wins? What does he want so badly that he'll put up with everyone who opposes him? In the first place, why did he consent to this? Maybe he'd have something more valuable than everyone else? If that's the case, what is it?

I was submerged in a slimy liquid that covered my entire body as I kept thinking about what he would wish for everything to happen like this. When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a breathtaking scene. It was ethereal and mysterious.

I came out of my trance and looked through my clothing for something, any sort of clue. Simynor, the Deity, is a god of realities, and he intends to utilize humans for his amusement. So he should've left something that will accelerate the procedure and keep him from becoming bored.

I noticed it: a crumpled piece of paper with a few dots. A pocket-sized bag was shaken, and coins were heard inside. The black slime must have been put there as he was transporting us. It had to be the one who placed it there.


When I turned back, I noticed a gathering of people wearing our crimson uniforms. There were numerous, but not all of them were present. So, we were divided into groups? There were eight boys and four girls among the twelve students in my class, which ranged from A to B.

"Ichinose-san, I apologize for bothering you, but you haven't been speaking. Is it possible that you're ignoring us?"

"Ah. Sorry for interrupting; I was deep in thought. Is there anything I've missed?" As Ichinose scratched the back of her head, she asked.

"No! It's alright, Ichinose-san!! We were going to talk about this game. Do you have any suggestions?" Looking at me, she said. The others were also looking in this direction, intrigued.

"Oh? Hmm, clues... I think I found something, but I'm not sure if it'll be useful..." she said, with discomfort. I'm not sure if it's a hint or if it's meant to lead us astray, but I don't think I should hide it either.

They nod and encourage me to keep going.

"I guess I discovered a paper and a bag, but I'm not sure what they're for."

"Do you mean this?" One of my classmates inquired, Shibata? I was shown the pouch and the paper.

"Do you have one, too?" They began revealing the unusual artifacts one by one. I saw that only a few people have the paper while everyone else has the pouch.

We began exploring the town in the hopes of learning more about the world and our companions. However, we were unable to locate any group; if anyone had arrived before us, they had done an excellent job of covering their tracks. On the contrary, we learned more about both the world and the system.

The purse held our private points, which could be used as currency in this world if we so desired. The paper is a map, which we pieced together from the few materials we had. It was torn, the map was shattered, and the back had some writing on it.

While traveling, I discovered that the people that live in this world are not human. I'm not referring to their personalities or anything; I'm referring to their physical appearance. And they have a different aura surrounding them if that's the right word.

Our senses were heightened during the move as if to match the normal of this realm. I was busy for a moment until I noticed a familiar face with brown hair, a red uniform, and an uninterested expression.

"..Ayanokouji?" I turned around, but no one was there. Strange. Why did I think about him in the first place?


Time skip: Present


I kept running. Why did those two do such a thing? I'm afraid. Furthermore, one of them assumed the identity of Ayanokouji. The man who rescued me out of the abyss, the one who is supposed to be our opponent, who was missing in the theater.

He was more powerful and faster. It's difficult to believe that he's Ayanokouji. His eyes were the most noticeable difference. It was cold and dull.

That man is none other than Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, no matter how much I try to deny it. Even if he showed me the most gruesome scene, even if his scent is covered with blood, no matter how much he's changed

It aches, it really hurts. The cold breeze has made me valuable, and tears are flowing down my face. This tragedy left a foul taste in my mouth; my peers died and I was unable to stop it; I felt manipulated and misled.

Was everything that had occurred previously a lie?

Why did things turn out the way they did?

I can't seem to get away from it, no matter how hard I try.

I'd like to return to the previous state.

The only way to accomplish this is to win this game.

But would it really bring things back to the way it was?

In the back of her mind, Ichinose heard a familiar voice.

"That's right! If you win you can have anything you want!!," said the speaker, with a hint of ecstasy in his voice.

"You will be responsible for the deaths of your classmates. You can't win without sacrificing anyone. Face it, no one, not even me, can save everyone." The speaker had a deep voice. His way of speaking was mature but at the same time.. childish.

It sounded like the guy who had gotten us into this mess in the first place. Simynor, the god of reality.

Why? What are you doing here?

"Why? I enjoy watching folks like you confront reality. Also, your current situation is extremely amusing." He chuckled but didn't say anything else.


"It's the truth," says the speaker. "You can't win without making sacrifices."

"Hmm? Are you on the edge? Didn't you say you wanted to win? So all you said was a stupid dialogue." He spoke with disappointment. Now he sounded bored rather than concerned, not like he was concerned at the first place.

No! No! I'm not going to make any sacrifices in order to win! I'll find another route. There is always an alternative.

"Since you'll be facing him, are you sure it's okay to be gentle?"


"You can't succeed with this," says the speaker.

I'll show you how incorrect you are. With everyone's aid, I'll be successful. That is my response, and this is my determination. Sacrificing is not something I do.


Ichinose closed her eyes and closed her mind. "How amusing," Simynor said with a laugh. "Ichinose Honami, I'll be waiting for you."

She passed out because her body had reached its limit. She dozed off in the field, the swaying grass providing a safe haven for the insecure young lady.

The moon shone brightly, and just a few people witnessed the tragedy. Only those in the upper echelons of society were affected by the shift in the balance, as a monster had been born and the game had begun.

Ichinose and the others arrived later than planned, as the boy had predicted. The bloodied girl was discovered 6 hours later by a large group of students from the Sakayanagi group. It was an unusual group of people. A stoic man, a disabled girl, a young woman with a scowl on her face, and finally a green-haired boy.

The strawberry-haired girl was stirred by the gang. She awoke with a dreadful look and cried out the name of the man who was causing her anguish, "Ayanokouji!!!"

"... Ichinose?" Asks the voice. Kanzaki took the floor. The abrupt explosion caught him off guard.

He was here, the one who had warned her about Ayanokouji and whom she had put her trust in. She felt relieved at first, but anxiety and remorse soon overtook her.

She was terrified of losing him and seeing him brought her memories of the tragedy. Her friend's expressions before they perished are still fresh in her mind.

She could see them in Kanzaki's eyes. She clenched her fists, traumatized by the previous occurrence. She screamed loudly. She was reminiscing over the previous night's occurrences. Her voice trembled, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Ichinose's rapid eruption caught the group off guard. They were all staring at Kanzaki because he was the one who had spoken to her before she had a mental breakdown. Kanzaki sighed, knowing Ichinose was in pain.

Ichinose was the type of person who took on other people's burdens, so it wouldn't surprise me if she crumbled under duress. He was reminded of the period when Ichinose's secret was disclosed in this scene.

Kanzaki approached Ichinose, feeling that she needed a companion.

"NO! NO! Keep your distance!!" Ichinose wailed, but Kanzaki continued on, oblivious to Ichinose's screams.

Kanzaki embraced Ichinose in the hopes of assisting their strong leader in regaining her footing. Ichinose sobbed as he accepted the embrace and hugged him tightly.

Unlike Ayanokoji's austere and passionless embrace Kanzaki gave the opposite feeling. His was comforting and sympathetic, making the events of last night seem like a nightmare than reality.

This was one of the few times she revealed vulnerability; she always smiled brightly, even when she was in pain. As a result, this was an unforgettable moment.

The others were concerned since Ichinose was bleeding, but she appeared to be well. Because the blood wasn't hers, to begin with. Others became more concerned when she experienced a nervous breakdown.

They wanted to know what had happened so they could assist her as much as possible. They were, however, wary. It's to be anticipated, given that they were once enemies.

They surrounded Ichinose for questioning when she calmed down. The tension was high, and interrogating her at this point would only make her feel worse. Sakayanagi decided to lighten the mood; typically, she would not do so, but she did so for the sake of information.

"Ichinose, When you awoke, you were calling Ayanokouji's name. Don't tell me you were lusting over Ayanokouji in your mind?" Sakayanagi cracked a joke.

Ichinose reddened and shook her head, indicating her disapproval.

"L-Lu-lusting over A-Ayanokouji?!! No..No! That's not the case! It's only..." Ichinose paused, realizing what he had done.

She intended to despise him because he murdered her classmates, but she actually likes him.

And it wasn't easy; love is a dagger; you can both harm and be hurt by it. She is lost, walking through a thorny jungle in her current predicament.

"What exactly happened, Ichinose-san?" enquired an unknown voice

Her silver hair is mid-back length and is tied back with black ribbons. Her eyes have a pale violet color. She had a worried expression on her face.

Ichinose averted her gaze from the girl, saying, "I... The matter is rather upsetting."

"It's okay," Hiyori said softly. You are free to take your time. We'll pay attention."

Ichinose was calmed by Hiyori's simple act of kindness. She was debating whether or not she was an angel.

"I'll talk, but if it's not too much trouble, could you tell me your name?"

"Please accept my apologies; my name is Shiina Hiyori, and I'm from Class 2-B. Ichinose-san, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise. I'm Ichinose Honami Class 2-C," says Ichinose.

"What happened to you, Ichinose-san?" Hiyori inquired.

Ichinose lowered her head, biting her lips. "It was Ayanokouji,"

'It was him'

"Pardon?" Hiyori asked surprised by the sudden mention of her friend.


"Ayanokouji, he assassinated my groupmates, as well as himself and another individual. It was a bloodbath..." Ichinose expressed his shame and anxiety in his words.

'..Was it really him?'

Ichinose was finding it hard to believe, she didn't know what to believe. Was it her eyes? The eyes that witnessed the tragedy? Or was it her heart? The heart fully enslaved by the man named Ayanokouji Kiyotaka?

Everyone went very still. It was the appropriate response. They were aware that Ayanokouji was concealing his talents, but homicide was another story.

Sudo, who was there, said, "Oi Ichinose, quit joking." He knew Ayanokouji was disguising his might from the footage Simynor showed them, but he wouldn't believe he would kill someone.

"I know it's difficult to believe... I was suspicious at first, thinking I was hallucinating. But it's him, he's the real thing. Please trust me!"

Thus Ichinose decided to trust her eyes...

"You might be mistaking him for someone else, I-Ichinose-san." Hiyori was stuttering. Ayanokouji was her book buddy, someone with whom she had a common interest. Her first friend.

'I know that! I'm fully aware of the possibility that it was an illusion!!' Ichinose internally screamed, she shouted those words. But those words didn't want to be spoken. It was like someone was binding her, restricting her.

They watched as Ichinose repeatedly opened her mouth to speak, but with no words coming out Ichinose bit her lip harder. Fresh blood trickled in her mouth. Her actions did nothing but accumulate suspicion.

Hiyori wanted to believe in Ichinose, but she had more faith in Ayanokouji than in a newcomer. But she was equally concerned about the possibility that she was correct.

"Oi Ichinose, I've been friends with Ayanokouji for a long time. It ain't possible for him to kill. I made sure of that!" Sudo said proudly, he let out a bit of chuckle as if amazed by her joke.

Ishizaki smugly smiled. "You can count on us Ichinose-san!"

Kamuro hummed. Kanzaki gave an encouraging smile.

While Hiyori gently smiled at Ichinose, She held Ichinose's hand. Hiyori noticed it shaking violently so she clasped their hands together. "Ichinose-san, I don't know what you've been through these days or what grudge you hold for Ayanokouji.."

Hiyori looked at her in the eyes, with firm resolve she continued. "But I don't think it's good to accuse people of murder."

'I.. a grudge... I hold a grudge at Ayanokouji?'

Ichinose's eyes widened. Hiyori quickly waved her hands as if saying no. "I'm not saying that you're wrong! You are but I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding!" Hiyori said nervously.

Ichinose left out a chuckle. The tense atmosphere earlier left, what remained was a blissful and calm atmosphere.

'Maybe.. It wasn't really Ayanokouji after all...'

"How many Ichinose do you have?" Arisu inquired, her face solemn.

"I was in a group of 12 Sakayanagi-san."

"I see... What a pity."

Sudo exclaimed, "Oi, don't tell me you're going to believe this absurd statement."


"There's no proof, but you're willing to believe it, this isn't like you." With a perplexed expression on her face, Kamuro gazed at her.

"What do you mean there isn't any proof?" Arisu pointed at Ichinose and said, "The proof is right here."

"But what if she's just lying? one might wonder. What if you're completely wrong?"

"Have I ever made a mistake, Masumi-san?" Arisu gave her an irritated look.

With a sigh and a shake of her head, Kamuro expresses her dissatisfaction with the situation. Arisu strolled over to the Strawberry-haired girl, satisfied. Hiyori remained motionless, stunned by the unexpected turn of events. Ishizaki was by her and held her as she fell.

"Hiyori.." Ishizaki had a concerned expression on his face.

"...Ishizaki Isn't it a fabrication? Ayanokouji isn't a murderer? right?" Hiyori had a twisted smile on her face and spoke with trepidation.

"Hiyori..." Ishizaki paused for a moment. He was at a loss for words. He was previously aware of Ayanokouji's strength and knew he was capable of killing.

Will he, however, actually do so? Will he kill his classmates in order to win? Ishizaki had no idea, so he remained silent, his gaze averted from the innocent girl.

"I see..." In a hushed voice, Hiyori spoke.

Ishizaki became agitated. "H-Hiyori!! Don't wo-"

"Ishizaki-san, it's fine. You don't have to try to cheer me up, but thank you, Ishizaki," Hiyori said with a gentle grin.

"B-but!" Ishizaki retaliated, but Hiyori cut him off once again.

"Earlier, Ishizaki, I just lost my cool. The idea that Ayanokouji is a serial killer is pretty unsettling..." Hiyori remarked as she wrapped her arms around her arm. Her melancholy expression was most likely due to the fact that her companion was suspected of murder.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind, Hiyori-san? There is a chance that what I saw was wrong!" Ichinose enquired.

"I considered it for a bit. Ichinose Honami is well-liked and trusted in her class. If you were to choose between you and Ayanokouji, who would you trust more?"

"I don't want to doubt Ayanokouji because you have a higher reputation than him.. And I don't doubt him because of that either! It's just.. Something feels off, Ayanokouji-kun is our enemy right now... So we can't blindly trust someone." Hiyori said as she approached Ichinose.

She gave her a sniff.

"H-h-Hiyori-san?!!" Ichinose stuttered, startled by the girl's unexpected moves.

"Blood..." Her brows were pinched together in a frown, and her voice was rough. She just realized she was too near to the strawberry-haired girl, once she spotted her. She, too, was flustered and backed away.

Hiyori bent. "Kindly accept my apologies; it appears that I was too close..."

"N-no! It's fine, but please remember to tell me before you do something like that. But why did you do that, Hiyori?"

Hiyori looked at Arisu, who only nodded, and added, "I was just checking my suspicions."

Her smile was swiftly washed away by a frown. Ichinose said quietly, "suspicions..huh." She wasn't used to being questioned. She has always trusted and never suspected, but suddenly she is being suspected.

"Do you believe me now, Hiyori?" Arisu was the one who inquired.

"I'm going to think Ichinose's classmates were murdered and that Ichinose wasn't lying. Unless, of course, she's acting. However..." Hiyori cast a glance at Ichinose, while Kanzaki's stern expression shifted into a glare.

"However?" Arisu was the one who inquired. Her next statement piqued her curiosity more than her concerns about Ichinose.

" I refuse to believe that... Ayanokouji, no..." Hiyori stated, "Kiyotaka is the murderer." Her eyes glowed with resolve and interest. She must clear his identity and bring the impostor to justice.

This incident reminded Hiyori of a mystery thriller they had previously discussed. This only fueled Hiyori's desire to learn the truth.

But, unbeknownst to her, the reality is far too horrible to learn, and it won't remain hidden indefinitely.

"Believe whatever you want. After all, Hiyori-san there is just proof of the murder, not proof leading to the perpetrator."

"However, you never know," Arisu added. Her lips twisted in a sardonic smile, her gaze irritated.

"What makes you so certain that Ayanokouji is the murderer? You don't have proof, and you don't even know what kind of person he is. You've never met before!!" Sudo objected.

Her smile was cynical, but there was a glimmer of laughter in her eyes. Kamuro, who was standing next to her, tightened up and blocked her mistress. She was well aware of the current situation they were in. Everyone's eyes were riveted on them, giving them a suspicious expression.

"You don't mean...," He began. Kanzaki's eyes flared for a brief moment before settling into a contented grin.

Arisu's smug countenance remained unaffected by the boy's understanding. Kamuro went along, moderately irritated.

"Tch" Kamuro made a tongue click. Arisu's schemes are wearing her down.

'This woman really enjoys making my job more difficult.' As she stabilized her position, she pondered.

"What did you mean, Four Eyes?" Sudo inquired, perplexed.

Kanzaki adjusted his glasses and remarked, "They were probably meeting secretly." He was well aware of Ayanokouji's unpredictable nature. Collaboration with Class 2-A's Sakayanagi, on the other hand, was unexpected.

'He is a difficult opponent to deal with.' He cast a peek towards Ichinose. 'Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, what are you thinking?'

'Now that I think about it, Ayanokouji... He received a lot of appreciation votes during the class poll. Haruki persuaded the others to kick him out as well. He also mentioned collaborating with Sakayanagi...' Sudo realized what he was doing. His fist was clenched.

"Sakayanagi, please answer." Sudo had a harsh tone to his voice. He started walking towards Sakayanagi, but Kamuro stopped him.

Sudo came to a halt. "Sakayanagi, why did you and that jerk choose Haruki?" He was maintaining his cool. He needed answers, but if he fought, he wouldn't be able to acquire them.

But he made no attempt to hide his hatred, and his face was unsettling.

The girl appeared both irritated and dissatisfied. "Jerk? You used to defend him, but now you're slandering him. All because of an incompetent individual." Arisu let out a sigh.

"How obnoxious."

Sudo was irritated; true, he had before defended Ayanokouji because he was a classmate and a friend. Yamaguchi, on the other hand, had been a long-time companion and was no longer present. He was even enraged now that he realized Ayakouji and Sakayanagi had colluded to remove him.

"Tell me why," he asked in a gruff tone. He reached for Arisu's collar, in an attempt to protect her, Kamuro batted his hand away.

Sudo was stronger than her and the other people in the room. Regardless, the boys rushed to seize his arm. Sudo outmuscled them and knocked them down.

Sudo's knee was kicked with everything Kamuro had. Sudo struggled for a minute before striking Arisu with a left hook. If he had been a quarter of a second earlier, he would have hit her.

His strike, on the other hand, was repelled by a massive hand. It was Albert Yamada's hand. The most powerful member of the batch, someone who wasn't even present till now.

"What are you doing here?" exclaims the hot-headed boy. Sudo was both surprised and enraged.

"Albert, look after him. Don't let him escape"

Albert accepted a job. He was the type of person who avoided using violence whenever feasible. However, it was his boss who had ordered it, so he was confined to his desk. Behind him, a group of class B girls stood.

"Ichinose-san!!" Her classmates gave her a friendly wave. She greeted them with a big smile, hugging each of them as if they were old friends she hadn't seen in a decade.

"It makes me so pleased that you're still here..." Ichinose remarked.

'I will never abandon you... I'll make sure you're safe. So please stay.'

"Kukuku" Ryueen chuckled. "You can't even stand on your own, can you, Sakayanagi?" Ryueen scoffed.

Arisu's grin was still on her face. Even when Sudo was about to punch her, she didn't flinch. She was well aware that this would occur, which is why she purposefully provoked Sudo.

Arisu didn't want to wait any longer for Ryueen to show up on his own. So she created a situation where he'll come up of his own accord.

'Ayanokouji, don't think you're the only one who can anticipate what will happen. 'However, I'm amazed you'd resort to murder for such a little game.' Arisu was irritated by the situation.

"Are you growing careless, Sakayanagi, giving information to taunt a dog?" Ryueen made a remark.

"Who said I was careless, Fufufu?" Arisu remarked. She took a peek around the now-crowded area. "You've gotten more individuals than I anticipated."

Ryueen cocked his head. "Is it better than expected? Are you confessing that you were aware that we were approaching? Even so, you're acting rashly; what would have occurred if we hadn't arrived? What if it was a bunch of knuckleheads instead?" He gave her a perplexed expression.

"Do you have any concerns, Ryuuen-kun?" Arisu inquired, a tinge of sarcasm in her voice.

"Haah? I'm sure I am!" Ryueen responded.

Her grin vanished, and she was left with a puzzled expression. 'Has he gone soft?' Arisu was perplexed by Ryueen's comments.

"I don't want you to fall apart before I even touch you. I told you that I'd be the one to crush you and heck! I'd even earn a rematch with that monster."

'It doesn't appear that he hit his head; he's back to normal now.'

"Although it appears that we share similar objectives, I must advise you. Kiyotaka Ayanokouji became a lot more dangerous than he was at ANHS..." While looking at Ichinose, Arisu said.

"Do you mean that? Kukuku" Ryueen's gaze was drawn to Ichinose as well. "Aside from learning about his strength, I'd like to learn why he agreed to this foolish game and how much he'd receive. It must be something big."

Timeskip: A few hours later

It was getting dark, and without a doubt, this was the best place they can be. Luckily some members were able to find a town and got some supplies there.

The students gathered around a large cave, There were multiple pathways leading in and out of the cave, a few were faints. They were in the middle of a forest and plains, getting food was easy but there were also dangers lurking in the shadows of the forest.

The hardest material to gather was the most essential necessity in the human body, water.

The battle to get the water was tiring especially because they had to walk 15km to get water.

It's been a few hours since the search for other representatives came, they found mostly all of them but Horikita the leader of Class D.

Sudo was growing rather impatient especially because of the fact that Horikita was nowhere to be seen, along with the crimes of Ayanokouji.

Because of Horikita's guidance, Sudo became level-headed compared to other members of their class, he had the most development.

But the situation earlier was an exception, his best friend was insulted and he found out the truth of Yamaguchi Haruki's expulsion and Ayanokouji's connection with Sakayanagi Arisu, the one responsible for Yamaguchi's demise.

He wanted to find out why? Why did Ayanokouji do this? He doesn't know, but if he ever sees him he would give him a punch.

He knows that Ayanokouji was stronger than him, whether its physical prowess, resolve, and even mental abilities. The video that the God, Simynor showed them was either an illusion or the real deal. There was only one way to find out.

"My, my red hair-kun your face is revolting," Said a man with a mocking tone.

Sudo frowned "hah?" he looked up seeing the narcissistic blonde, looking at the mirror and combing his hair.

Sudo averted his eyes from the blonde. Ignoring him.

"Everyone, can you turn your attention here please?" Ichinose asked with a small smile.

Everyone turned to her, next to her were class representatives. For Class A, Sakayanagi Arisu was standing with her smug smile.

"Tch." Sudo frowned more.

Representing Class B Ryuuen Kakeru along with Yamada Albert by his side. Representing Class C was Ichinose Honami wearing a different clothing rather than the bloodied one. The representative of Class D was unexpected; it was a girl with short beige hair, Kushida Kikyo.

Students in Class D were surprised, they expected to see black-haired beauty. The aloof and antisocial girl who does things for the class.

"Hey, where's Horikita?"

People from class D started to murmur, Kushida who was standing in front of the crowd twitched. Her lips were dragged back in a frown, chin lowered, strained lips, tense and drawn together brows, wrinkled forehead. For a split second, it looked like a different person was possessing the optimistic girl.

Kushida smiled wryly as she averted her gaze from her classmates.

Miyamoto was the first one to notice this change, "Don't worry maybe Horikita isn't found yet, besides Kushida-chan is here. Why are you all looking for someone else who isn't in front of you!? Don't you see that Kushida-chan is crying!?" Miyamoto exclaimed, pointing at Kushida.

They turned their attention to Kushida who waved her hand in disagreement "I'm not crying Miyamoto-kun but thank you for the concern" Kushida smiled.

"Now that that's over. We need to discuss something" Arisu walked forward with her cane supporting her.

"First thing in the morning we will gather supplies. We have already made a list and schedules for tomorrow and the day after make sure to work diligently and fulfill your roles otherwise you will be kicked out of the party. The roles are divided into 4 which are The Scouts, The Supplier, The Spies, and the Fighter role. The information about these roles is in the paper." Arisu glanced at Kushida and nodded.

Kushida gave out the papers, the students started to read them then one erupted in desperation.

"What the fuck is this? You expect us to go with these? And your names aren't even in any category!! You fuckers are making us work to death!!"

"Hey what would happen to us now?"

"I don't like this why do we have to be here anyway.."

A couple of more protesters came speaking their thoughts. The representatives glared at them, except Ichinose and Kushida.

"Everyone please calm down" Ichinose said.

"Calm down? How do you suggest we do that then? If nothing changes we die! I don't like this! I don't want to risk my life to get simple food and water! Even the island special exam was better than this!!" The boy clutched his head, his eyes wide tears fell from his eyes.

"Tch you pathetic low lives. What makes you think that we won't do anything? To be honest we're the ones doing all the work. Of course, this place is a shit hole. This is a game to that bastard anyway, I'm sure he's laughing at your dejected faces right now." Ryueen said irritatedly.

"What do you mean!?"

"Obviously they are our last chance of survival," Yukimura spoke up

"Everyone, let's put our trust in our leaders! If we work together I'm sure, I'm sure that we will get out of this game alive!" His troubled gaze came back to their face, pacing from their eyes to his face. Unfortunately only some listened. Hirata continued.

"I want every single one of us to get out of here alive, I don't want to give in to Simynor, I don't want to play with people's lives. That's unforgivable." Hirata clenched his fist, he looked grim. His tone was harsh and cold.

They were surprised and started to think more about their situation. The members of Hirata's fan club aka the Hiratards supported Hirata. Slowly the numbers of protestors decreased with the help of Ichinose and Kushida.

"Kukuku, listen up from now on, do your best to fulfill the roles given to you, don't even think about keeping an extra piece of food or money. Oh right, do you see this?" Ryueen held out a pocket-sized purse

"These little things can be considered your wallets now. Selected members will be the ones handling the money, they'll be collecting the bags now" Ryueen tilted his head as a signal for the treasurers to collect the money.

"The supplier's role is only open to people who are responsible and people who can be trusted. This role won't be given away like a silver platter. Especially not to those who can't hold themselves back." Arisu glared at the impulsive buyers.

"Right everyone will start training tomorrow morning. Like in the paper there are patrols; those who are patrolling tonight will be training as well. But don't worry you will be given time to rest." Kushida said, clasping her hands together.

"Thank you for listening, now you can put your bags here. Remember sneaking some money for yourself or hiding money is prohibited. The food will be served in a minute." Ichinose smiled.

A small group of Class B formerly Class C gathered around the bonfire. The flames glowed brightly dancing without a care. A few people showed a worried expression, they gulped in a cold sweat.

"You can drop the act now"

"Ryueen-san I don't see what you mean," A girl said trembling, a single sweatdropped.

"Kukuku still playing dumb Morofuji? I know what you did, I know about the things you both did" Ryueen eyed Nishino and smirked.

He put out his hands "If you give it back" Ryueen put his finger on his lips "I won't say anything,"

(he did something like this. Hehehe my Yuno pic finally came to use. But I can imagine Hiyori doing this because she looks a bit like Yuno. Don't you agree?)

"To the count of 1, all the things you stole must be here. That's all the chance I can give you."



"3" One of the guys stood up and quickly gave 2 pouches to Ryuuen.

"2, Hurry up now the time is running out you know?"

"1" Ryueen stared at them coldly. "Not only did you waste your time, you also wasted your efforts." Ryueen let out a chuckle "But it's not like you're gonna get away from it in the beginning. Nomura,"

"Haii '' Nomura said in a bored tone. Nomura had long indigo hair and violet eyes, he was one of Ryueen's followers but only hiding from the crowd. No, it didn't seem like he was hiding, Nomura had always boasted and praised Ryueen. Although not many believed him in being one of his followers.

Nomura Yuji, A student of class 2-B a completely ordinary boy with no faults and achievements to speak of. His only defect was his loose tongue. Nomura Yuji, the oldest out of his 4 siblings was the most ordinary of the four. His two younger siblings were exceptional that is to say they have higher scores, one focused on physical training while the other focused on studies while one succeeded in modeling.

He has always been compared to his younger brothers even resulting in them suspecting he is a fake. Almost everything that he thinks of as an achievement he would talk about it for days until he earns another one. He is extremely talkative despite his loner appearance, most people tend to avoid him especially because of his weird behavior.

"N-Nomura!? What's the meaning of this!" Nishino asked, stunned that he was Ryueen's follower.

"I'm sorry Nishino-san but I did warn you right?"


"Oh, it seems like you didn't get it. When you invited me do you remember what I said? Perhaps that would help you remember" Nomura said with a slight smile.

"Nomura" Ryueen called him out. "Yeah yeah I'll stop." Nomura scratched his neck. He grabbed Nishino and a few others, But some slipped away. Luckily Albert was on the scene, he caught them on time.

"Nomura, Why!? Why did you betray us?"

"It's not betrayal if I never sided with you, right?"

"Wha--" Morifuji trembled in fear. True he never said anything about teaming up with them, furthermore, he was hesitant in joining the group.

"Ryueen-san did i do good?" Nomura asked, his eyes full of anticipation. 

Ryueen chuckled then nodded. Nomura was filled with happiness. 

 Nomura Yuuji, a man who was found by Ryueen, one of his cards. 


Tho i dunno how long it would take for me to write a new chapter. I tried writing a couple of times only to run out of inspiration and ofc boredom took over. I had planned to make this longer tbh until the time we see what hori and the others have been doing in prison. Lol srry i made u guys wait that long to read a half assed chapter.

And i think this might be the last chapter of this fic, ye this is discontinued now. How great, the author comes back to discontinue the fic lol. I'll undiscontinue this when i somehow find some time to write without getting distracted and with inspirations.

Thank you for the people who kept reading this book tho. Sorry newcomers this is goodbye. Ah i wish i was talented as Hsy, the genius author that can come up with the plot depending on the mood. XD sorry for having to read through this, anyways bye, for real. But you never know

someone flood my comments like how i do to a couple of fics plssssss 

Now get some ORV fan arts and ofc a lovely JINDOK in the end, be grateful 


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