Never Alone

By SouthernPansy666

28 0 0

Being the only one of your kind can be quite lonely..... but at least she has her parents who will always be... More

Never Alone

28 0 0
By SouthernPansy666

       Eden was filling out her schoolwork in her Daddy's study, well, she was trying to, but she just couldn't concentrate. Crowley was looking over her shoulder, fully aware that Eden had been slacking off on her studies, which wasn't like her at all.

She was sitting at her desk, right next to his own, and he looked over her shoulder.

He gave her a little pop quiz on World War 2 on a few sheets of paper and instead of answering the questions with her pencil, she was doodling.

"Something on your mind my Queenie?" Crowley whispered in her ear when it became clear that Eden wasn't interested in her assignment.

Eden jumped, "Daddy! I wish you wouldn't do that!" she exclaimed rubbing her ear. Then she shrugged it off. "Nothing is on my mind, I am working very diligently on this history assignment." She said with a huff.

Crowley wasn't fooled for a minute. "Really now? Because I don't recall World War 2 being a bunch of loopy loops and scribbles."

Eden hung her head in shame. She was caught.

"Something is clearly on your mind Queenie, it's not like you to zone out during a history lesson. Papa and I have noticed you acting strange these past two weeks."

It was true. She had been quiet...she was never quiet.

Crowley knelt down to meet Eden's eyes. "What's wrong Eden?"

Eden sighed, "I've just been wondering ....are there any others like me?"

Crowley did a double take, "Others?"

"You know, demon and angel hybrids, are there others like me? Am I really the only one?"

Crowley sighed, "Angels and Demons don't have children together, demons and angels are too set in their ways to get along, accept your Papa and I. We got out when we could and we gave ourselves a fresh start. We were completely surprised when Papa was expecting you. We didn't even know having our own kid was possible."

"Has God talked to either of you since I was born? Maybe Papa can ask her?"

Crowley shook his head. "She only spoke to the both of us when....after your Papa got attacked by that asshole, Aamon."

Eden looked defeated, "And then she decreed her promise." Eden finished, she knew the story well.

There was a moment of silence, Crowley still couldn't believe that was twelve years ago.....

Tears stung Eden's eyes. Crowley leaned forward and planted a kiss on Eden's forehead. "Don't cry love...."

He tried to give Eden a hug, but Eden pulled herself away and rose from her desk. "I'm going to my room." Her voice was tight as she left the study and shut the door.

Aziraphale entered the cottage, expecting Eden wrap him in her famous bear hug, but there was no Eden or bear hug.

Crowley shut the door behind them. "No hug today?"

"Apparently not." said the angel as he and Crowley went upstairs.

Aziraphale knocked on Eden's bedroom door. "Come in." a voice called softly.

Aziraphale and Crowley peeked into the room and there was Eden, lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

They both sat on the bed and Eden sat up to meet their worried eyes.

"Daddy told me about your conversation today. Are you alright my dear?" He asked gently as he pulled Eden into a tight hug.

"Just feeling really lonely." Eden murmured.

"Oh precious, your never alone. You have us, now you may be the only hybrid, but that's just a testament how wonderful and unique you truly are."

"And I am more convinced that you were a gift from the Almighty herself which makes you truly ineffable."

Crowley pulled them both close and said, "And nothing will ever change how much we love you."

After a few minutes Eden looked up at Aziraphale, "Now, it's time for dinner and it's your turn to pick little one."

"Sushi!" Eden said without hesitating as Aziraphale wiped her tears away.

"Sushi it is."

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