Fleeing the Company: A Dayshi...

By BufuuEgypt

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Memories, lies, hate, fear and desperation hang over for those at Freddy's as the FBI gives them their last w... More

Chapter 1: Fazbender HQ
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: A New Order
Chapter 4: Seeking the Past
Chapter 5: The Haunting Ties
Chapter 6: Erased But Not Forgotten
Chapter 7: Family
Chapter 8: Double Time
Chapter 9: The Untold Truth
Chapter 10: A Potential Asset
Chapter 11: Cheesy News
Chapter 12: Apprehended
Chapter 13: Some New Place
Chapter 15: Cryptid Allies
Chapter 16: Chaos
Chapter 17: Fleeing the Company
Character Bios Because Why Not

Chapter 14: Dave Miller

74 5 2
By BufuuEgypt

Dave stood in front of Fredbear's Family Diner, a place he hadn't been to for literally years. There was no else around or inside the property. Just him. The parking lot was empty and had been for a long time since the diner had been closed since 1983, much to his own dismay and also Henry's.

Henry Miller. The man that was the pink to his purple, the purple to his pink...

The man that gave him dreams. The one that was the father, the family that he never had. The man that he co-owned Fredbear's since the early 1970's back when Dave himself went by the name, William Afton.

Henry taught Dave everything there was to know, showed him what there was to show. Life, meaning of life, meanings of everything in general. Robotics, killing, whatever you can name, Henry taught Dave what he didn't know. Made him felt what he never got to feel, since he never got it even as the small purple orphan he was.

No one wanted to adopt the purple kid that he was... No liked what he was, and he had dealt with that for years, growing up on his own through thick and thin, a literal self-made man. But that all changed when he found Henry, and Henry took him under his wing, for what he was. It was because of Henry that Dave started killing kids in the first place.

This building here. It was his dream. Their dream. But it was now gone. After the Bite of '83, which may have been their own fault in why it happened in the first place, Freddy Fazbender's bought out the character and the diner.

What only made matters worse was that Henry tragically and yet also mysteriously met his end around the same time.

Never was sure how... But it must've had something to do with that astral mutt... Who I haven't seen since then. Neither of them, the dog or Henry...

Since Henry had met his mysterious end, it was all left to Dave to finish the job. And he had been on his own for about four years. He didn't like being alone, but he had no choice.

No else shared the dream Henry and him did. No one wanted to help him with what he did. Once again... Dave was alone, just like how he was as a kid, before Henry took him in. He nothing but himself to rely on.

"...Henry, I'll be sure to follow your wish!" Dave declared as he looked up at the sign of the golden bear-head placed above the diner, "...But in the meantime... I'd like to try something else."

The purple man approached the diner's front entrance. It had police tape across it and it also covered parts of the windows around the location. Dave ripped the tape off the door and went through it, pushing it open.

Nostalgia hit Dave hard as he looked at the diner's interior. It looked like shit, but it was his shit, his garbage. Everywhere he looked, he would remember back to how it was back in its prime.

When Dave and Henry were performing on stage, with Dave being Spring Bonnie and Henry being Fredbear, respectively. If only it hadn't gone to crap. If only Freddy's didn't make it worse by buying them out...

"What a nice place," Dave turned his slightly to his right and tried to turn on the lights, but they weren't functioning well, "Guess, I'll have fix this if I wanna make the bunker. Don't wanna trip and mess the diner up even more..."

As he finished saying that, Dave faces forward and suddenly saw Fredbear in front of him, towering at him almost at the same height.

"Fredbear!" Dave greeted him casually, "It's been a while, hasn't it? Aren't you supposed to be at Freddy's, or something since they bought you?"


"What location are you—gaahhh!"

Dave yelped as he suddenly felt a spring-loaded punch connected to his abdomen. Next, he was was carried up and was now facing the direction of the door he just came and was tossed out head-first into the hard concrete ground of the parking lot.

"...Ouch, what in the... Fredbear, what the heck...?" Dave got back up quickly. It hurt, but he has felt worse.

Entering the diner, Dave was met again with the same fate of being tossed out head-first. He tried again a couple of more times and it just kept happening. He tried to fight back, but that didn't work either.

"Damn... You're good, Bearstein," Dave nodded to the bear as he saw him through the diner door, "You good. But you ain't invincible. I'll get you some day."

So, from that day, Dave tries again and again to take down Fredbear. He wish he didn't have to, but if he wanted to accomplish what he wanted to do, he was going to have to take him down.

By surprise, by using weapons, or other methods he tried, but it didn't just quite work. Soon, he decided to just gather materials for what he wanted to build in the diner as he figured out how to take the bear down.

Whether stealing, buy legitimately or from the black market, he made sure he got what he needed.

* * *

"The great elusive aubergine man has finally done it! No one can top off the genius eggplant that I am."

Dave declared as he stood in an office located underneath the Diner. It was part of what he wanted to build underneath it, and it by the way, was way deep under. The office was fully functional, being much like the Security Offices in most of Freddy Fazbender's own pizzerias; door to the left, door to the right, and then a monitor atop the desks in the middle. This office also had a vent on the wall above the monitors.

Dave observed his blueprints proudly. Along with this underground office, he managed to build an underground factory where he also created a couple of highly advanced animatronic characters! All only within the time of a couple of months, no less! His main star of the cast he made was a humanoid girl animatronic that has girlish pigtails and comes with an ice cream maker. All the robots were made to kidnap children as well.

"If only Henry was here to my genius for what it was..." A bit sadly, Dave says that as the thought came to mind, "Fazbender Entertainment definitely would take this wrong way to...so that's out of the question. And that Phone I wanted to scare off is long dead..."

Dave shrugged, "At least you got to do it, Davey... Now let's see what that old sport is up to..." He approached the desk, and above near it on the Wall was a keypad. He pressed the numbers '1-9-8-7' in that order and the monitors that were blank until came to life and showed live footage of an interior inside a house.

"Where are you, old sport?"

The monitors showed none of this 'old sport' that Dave was seeking. This house, was the mentioned Old Sport's own. An orange guy employee who he been keeping tabs on for a while now, months to just give a somewhat clear number. Dave has gone as far as to sneak in into his house to setup cameras as well.

Old Sport had entered his house which Dave saw from one monitor and he began to focus on. Old Sport went into his kitchen to make popcorn, then afterwards watch TV as he did.

Through the monitor and through Old Sport's TV, the mention of a particular Freddy's location in Colorado needing employees to work the floor for the dayshift.

"...Colorado, is it?" Old Sport said as the ad finished its screening, "...I guess I could work there. Maybe, this coming 23rd of June, I could..."

"...So, Old Sport's going to work there...?" Dave takes out a calendar from one of the drawers, "23rd... A week from now. I'll be sure to head there early... Gotta make a proper introduction after all..."

The 23rd of June eventually came and like Dave had planned, he arrived at the location as early as he could, coming in around at 11:30 AM.

"Well, well, look who it is, if it isn't Dave," said the Phone Guy to him as he entered the doors.

"Hey, Scott. I'm here to work, so I'll be heading to the Saferoom now."

"Whoa there," The Phone Guy stopped him by stepping in his way, "By work, you mean actually help the pizzeria, or are you going to destroy our property? Or perhaps, even kill kids?"

"I promise you, Scott. I won't kill the kids this time," Dave reassured. He was lying of course, somewhat, and he didn't feel bad about doing so. He has done worse, after all.

"Okay, then go ahead. I'll be watching you, Dave. Remember, we got dirt on you so don't try anything."

"Will do, Boss."

Dave didn't go right away to the Saferoom but to the Security Office so he could check the cameras. Old Sport wasn't around and it's likely he wouldn't since the Phone Guy made no mention at all.

So, Dave waited. It's only when he saw that Old Sport arrived that he made his way over to the Saferoom. It was likely the main place he was going to head to first since that was the main job of a dayshift worker.

He faced the wall inside the Saferoom, the direction where the location's horrible-looking animatronics springlock suits were at: Cool Cat and the Honey Monster. Then, he began to prep himself.

Brace yourself, Davey... This is gonna be hard... But if you can convince him to help you...

You won't have to walk this path alone... You've been watching him since he came around. He's perfect.

The posture, the scars, the soulless grin!

You may have just found a partner even more fucked up than you are!

Murder is our gravel... And we can paint a beautiful road together!

It's time!

Dave turned around once he heard the Saferoom door opened and meet the eyes of Old Sport.

"Hello there, old sport. You must be the newbie..."

And with the best that he could, Dave sold his idea of closing down the location to further emphasize the point of killing kids to close down the restuarant. Exaggerating company policies to an extent, and how you can't leave unless you're dead, or if the place closes down.

Not even being fired can work, but Dave didn't mention it. The best part it? The orange guy bought his words. He must've been really desperate for a way out which is what he needed. So, he did manage to follow through and bring the kids to the Saferoom.

"Right in here, kids," Old Sport led them into the Saferoom and closed the door behind them and locking it.

Dave was at the side, waiting, "Hello there, old sport. Well done, by the way. We'll have this place shut down in no time. Stick with me, we're gonna go far."

"And them?" Old Sport motions to the kids.

"Oh, I almost forgot," he turned the kids who were frightened and probably were also wondering where the cake they were promised was at, "Sorry kids... Next time, don't trust fucking furries."

After that, Old Sport had remained loyal to Dave. On Day 2 after killing the kids, he helped to dump the bodies of the kids out of the Saferoom to hide evidence.

Day 3, the cops had came to the restuarant to investigate the missing children and despite the risk of staying with him that Old Sport would get would fuzz, he stuck through and helped him get rid of further evidence by having the cameras smashed, including the tapes and monitors in the Security Office.

Then on Day 4...

Dave showed up to work like he has for the past three days. Except this time, the pizzeria was closed for some reason. Lucky thing, he had a key to the entrance so he opened it and entered, closing the door and locking it again as he did. Unsurprisingly, all of the interior lights were off, but he still could mostly see. His own irises glowing helped with that.

"What's with the place being closed, Scott?" he wondered out loud, walking over to the Saferoom. As he was passing through the Dining Area, he saw the main Fazbender Trio twitching on stage with their silver eyes being so noticeable in their heads, especially with this darkness.

"Haha, you're still fucking haunted," Dave laughed, but he knew they weren't going to attack him. As it wasn't him that killed them, it was Old Sport.

The Saferoom...was locked. Dave couldn't open it no matter how many times he pushed it or twisted the knob.

"Huh, what's going on here, Scott?"

Dave began to ponder about it. As he did, he heard a door opening on the other side of the pizzeria. It was that quiet that it could be heard. He went down the hall in a haste to hide, trying to blend in with the darkness, and also hiding in the small space of a doorway in the male restroom.

"Hello, hello, hello!" That stupid greeting meant that it was the Phone Guy. He walked into the hall and over to the Saferoom, talking with his own phone-head, "Hello, this is Scott Cawthon of Freddy Fazbender's. Location #47 in Colorado."

"..." He remained silent, probably listening to the other end. Scott twisted the knob, as if to make sure it's still locked.

"...Yes, I would like to schedule a job for you folks today, preferably before evening... As I need it done so I can prepare for something else tomorrow."

"...What's the job? I need a Saferoom of mine to be sealed up, you know like you guys have done this before for some other locations....

"...Why? Well, I'm trying not to get my location shut down. I also need catch the murderer of these kids. I'm striking a deal with the fuzz, if they get him, I'm free. Oh, and yes, I sent a message to my employees about the Saferoom being sealed up...

"...So you'll do it? Thank Foxy. I'll be back here later then to check up on you. Now, I've got to go and meet the cops. See you on the flipside," And Scott ended the call on his head with that all said. He looked around both sides of the corridor, somehow not seeing Dave and then went back out the way he came.

Dave trailed him, but he didn't get too close. Turns out that Scott was just leaving the pizzeria and he closed the door behind him. Dave went up to the door to listen since Scott seemed to be talking to someone...

It was Old Sport...

Scott was telling him about the Saferoom being sealed up. About the suits being used, and the animatronics not acting right. And then...an event scheduled for tomorrow, a birthday, and he needed Old Sport to attend it.

For some reason... Old Sport agreed to it as if there was nothing off about it at all!

With some dismissive words from their Phone Boss, Dave took it that he was gone and opened the door, revealing himself to Old Sport.

"Oh, look it is! I'm glad you can make it, old sport. You heard about phone-face sealing up the Saferoom?"

"Yeah, he just told me about it."

"He's sealing up the room so that the cops can't find the Honey Monster suit, heh. It's where I put the last kid that we killed, after all," Dave laughed again, no regrets at all, "Anyway, come on inside. I have something to show you."

What that was...was the locked up room located near the Security Office. It is where Fredbear along with Rat was kept after the original murderers (and also Dave taking down Fredbear, and the failure of the Ratpack, respectively).

It was said that they should never be activated or worn, which is why he locked it up in the first place to prevent that. But Dave has a key for it.

"Here they are, old sport," Dave showed them up with just one motion of his arms. Fredbear was on the left side of the room, sitting down in a seated position, deactivated, and the Rat was on the right side of the room, also deactivated.

"Whoa... That's cool. So, uh, what did you want to show them for?" Old Sport wondered.

"Because, old sport, we're gonna activate them. And since you've stuck with me until now, I'll let you choose which one is going to he activated."

"Why would we need to do that?"

"Phoney mentioned about there being  birthday party tomorrow, right? Do you know why there is a party tomorrow?"

"Why don't you tell me?"

"That birthday party is 'staged'," Dave began explaining, "It's a sting operation. They're tryin' to arrest since they knew you were the one wearing the suit on the day of the kids went missin', on your first fuckin' day."

Old Sport frowned, "Dave, you said they wouldn't suspect me since I'm new! Did you set me up?"

"I didn't think it through, old sport.  But that's why I'm making it up to ya. Because they will snag you up no matter what, and it's because of that contract Phoney made you sign on the first day, where you must show up. If you don't, you'll look REALLY fuckin' guilty and they'll arrest you as soon as they find you."

"Ayy...dios mio..." Old Sport mutters, "Nothing is sacred, huh? He sold me out! Lied to me!"

"Activating one of these babies is your ticket to freedom. A cop can't arrest you if a dangerous fuckin' animatronic is on the loose?"

"...Yeah, good point..." Old Sport folded his arms, liking the idea.

"So, what's it going to be, old sport?"

"Both? Let's...go with both!"

"That—That's...unwise," Dave was hesitant about the idea, "If I repair both of them, I'll have to make changes. I can't guarantee it'll work in our favor."

"Never mind the consequences, Dave. Just do it."

"If you say so. I'll do my best. I'm gonna do some extra special additions to these things, to make sure they do extra damage to tomorrow. And I'll he here for the rest of the day working on these bots. Head on home, I want the results to be a surprise."

"I'm counting on you, Dave..." Old Sport said and began making his way out.

"See you at the party, old sport."

* * *

It was the day of the sting-party. Dave watched Old Sport walk out to the Dining Area while in the Cool Cat suit. Scott Cawthon had ordered him to perform for the kids, and Dave knew that when he did, that's when the cops would make their move...

But... It didn't go that way.

"What the heck...?" Old Sport realized the animatronics over at the Show Stage, heading their way. Dave notices it too.

"Old Sport... They're gonna try and murder you..." Dave said to himself rather than yelling it out. It was the obvious, after all.

Old Sport dashed away from the Dining Area and towards the Restroom Corridors. He made beeline for the Saferoom there, and took off the false wall with a crowbar he happened to have. It was a smart choice since the animatronics couldn't get in there...

But the cops could... So Dave hauled his ass from the office, but not before activating Fredbear who is now Breadbear, and the Rat. He ordered them to be unleashed into the Dining Area.

"Come quietly and we won't gave to wrestle you," said one of the cops to Old Sport in the Saferoom.

"Not so fast coppers!" Dave entered the Saferoom, "Hey, everyone, it is I, Aubergine Man. I have a surprise for you all."

The cop in the room exchanged glances with Scott who was also in there as well. "Dave. This isn't one of your 'fire tricks', is it," asked the Phone.

"Nope. It's better. We knew about the sting-operation, Phone-face. So, we made some modifications to the place."

"We? Who's we?"

Dave motions over to Old Sport in the suit, proudly, "My associate here. Kiddie Strangler V2."

"Hey, Scott!" Old Sport waved.

"Oh, you're actually in on it? Now I feel less guilty about framing you for the murders!" Scott let out, sighing in relief.

The cop turned to the Phone, "Framing him?!"

"So...what did you make, anyway?" Scott looked around the Saferoom.

"Something I call: 'MY CHILDREN'. See outside for yourself."

All four of the casually leave the Saferoom, head towards the exit of the Restroom Corridors which lead to the Dining Area.


"What was that?" wondered the cop.


There, the 'CHILDREN' was there to see. Scott and the Cop were there to see it. As well as the kids and other cops, and other people that was a part of the sting-party.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!" Screaming was echoing around as Breadbear and Farfour were likewise screeching and roaming around the Dining Area all while bent on destruction.




"There's two of them! One too many! Retreat!" The cop ordered. But with the chaos, it was difficult to communicate that to the party and his fellow cops.

With the situation in their favor, Dave and Old Sport made a run for the exit. Scott tried begging Old Sport to stay back, but he told him off and followed Dave outside, but before of course, taking off his suit.

"I believe a thank-you is in order," Old Sport said to Dave.

"Don't mention it, old sport!"

The building caught on fire. That was followed by a cop saying, "The bear is on fire! I repeat, the bear is on fucking fire!"

The fire then got larger, and the cop continued on, "The fire has spread to the Rat! This is the Foxy ball-pit incident all over again!"

Then the fire got even larger...

"The decoy midget is on fire! Never mind that midget, just evacuate the building! He's not worth it!"

"MY SHINS!!" shouted Scott.

"Wow, I sure would hate to be in there," sneered Dave, "I'm sure they'll be fine!"

"Definitely," replied Old Sport.

"Well, that's that. Thanks for the help, old sport. I couldn't have done it without you! Now, there's only once place for criminally-insane people like us, here in America!"

"What would that be?"

"'Vegas, baby!"

Then, after partying in Las Vegas for days, Dave and Old Sport ended up going their own separate ways...

Months passed...and Dave himself had forgotten what happened in June, but was soon quick to remember it. And thank to his office in the Fazbunker, he was able to keep tabs on Old Sport.

Dave later learned that he was going to work at a Freddy's in Bakersfield, California thanks to an ad on TV, and Dave made sure that he would follow him there, just like what he did with the Colorado location.

Except... He never was able to reach the Freddy's because when he was on the way to it, he found himself getting knocked out by surprise from a group of people...

* * *

Dave found his eyes opening slowly and he was met with a lamp near him shining in his face. He was a mostly-dark room, and he saw that he wasn't by himself. He didn't know where he was...

But judging by how there are some Phone-faces here, I'm at a Freddy's location...

In front of him, standing a few feet were three Phone Guys. In the middle was a Phone with a skinny stick-like rotary phone, the oldest model he had ever seen. To that Phone's own right was another one. An older model with a black-phone model. And to the third Phone, to the left Phone with the stick-like phone was a orange-phone-headed employee.

"Well. Well. Well. If it isn't the infamous Dave Miller," said the older model guy.

"...What kind of prehistoric model of a Phone fuck are you?" Dave said to him and tried to move his arms, but he couldn't since his arms were behind the backrest of the chair.

"Language that is foul just as you are. As expected of a purple cryptid like you. Isn't the most unfortunate that you're now captured, Miller?" said the older Phone, seemingly unfazed by the words Dave said, as he continued talking in a calm voice, one that had a tone of superiority.

"I believe what is the most unfortunate is that you have taken me to whatever this place is, and you'll definitely feel it if you don't let me go. Believe me, you Scotts."

"As if that's going to happen. All that you've done. All your destruction to Freddy's. All that has tarnished our name. It ends now. We're ending this cycle that you, Henry and that orange cryptid have been starting."

"...Orange cryptid? You mean old sport?" Dave's eyes widened.

"Is that what you call him? Is that a 'pal' in your own terms? Is that what you call your fellow cryptids as you cause havoc among my property?"

"What is your connection to Henry and the orange guy?" the black-phone wondered.

"Haha... Wouldn't you like to know? But, what I can say is that I'm having quite the blast paying back you all for what you've done," Dave grinned mischievously.

"So...that's your idea of fun, is it, Dave?" the orange-phone now spoke, "Killing kids? Causing destruction? Ruining dreams and lives?"

"..." Dave's grin faded quickly and he  now had a grimace as he stared at the orange-phone-headed Scott, "Isn't that fucking rich coming from you? All of you here! None of you are ones to talk when it comes to ruining dreams when you are the ones to ruin dreams in the first place."

"What are you even going on about?" the orange-phone wondered. Both him and the black-phone all seem taken aback by Dave's words while the one in the middle had been calm as he always been.

"All I've done? You think I'm killing kids 'cause I find it fun? I don't kill kid kids 'cause I find it fun, I'll have you know!

"Do tell me why you do this, then!" the orange-phone asks.

"I'm not just killing kids, you Phoneys. I'm killing Freddy's."

"And what could this possible reason of yours be for doing so?" asked the phone in the middle. But he didn't seem to really care if his voice was to go by, like he thought less of it.

"For revenge." declared the purple man.

"Revenge, is it? What petty reason do you have against Freddy's?" the middle Phone remarked.

"Petty? Petty? Listen up, you skinny phone-face... It's you. But not just you. Not just these other two Phones, and not just the kids I've murdered. It's everyone under the roof of Freddy's."

Dave's grimace grew bigger, and his soulless grin turned into a big frown, an angry one, and so did his blackened out eyes.

"Freddy's ruined us, you Phones! Freddy's destroyed my dream. It destroyed our dream. His dream.

"Everyone fuckin' loves that Freddy Fazbender, but no one ever thinks about those that live in that bear's shadow!"

The Phone Guy in the middle checked his watch, on his left wrist, casually, "Are you going to keeping going, or?"

Dave glared at him, but the Phone was unfazed, seemingly. The phone-head he had didn't help. "We were one of them, Scott! That diner... That diner we owned! That was the last thing I have and you have taken it from me!"

"Enough of this. Nolan. Greg. Get him out of here."

A dark thick bag went over Dave's head and with the strength of two others holding him down, he couldn't do much of anything and was taken out of the room. He couldn't see where he was being taken, or where he was.

Dun! The sound of a security door was heard opening, like one from a Freddy's location.

His own hands were quickly untied but before he could even react, he was shoved from behind and fell over to the ground. The bag was still on his head.

"Enjoy your stay," A snark came out to him, with the security door closing afterwards.

Dave removed the bag off his head and saw that he was seemingly in a prison cell of some kind. He went for the door, but it was futile to do anything since he knew how tough these doors were.

"...I'll get you for this, Freddy's... Mark my words..."

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