Be Still My Beating Heart β™‘

Av willowthewispx

700 13 7

-BOOK 1- hopeless romantics, Brittany and Santana Lopeirce, embark on the rocky road of their future after d... Mer

Authors note
Getting Out
The Mrs & Mrs Lopeirce Family
Its a Glee-union!
This Little Light Of Mine
If I Die Young
Im Not Safe Here!
We Are The Stars
Missing Brittany Lopierce
Follow the signs...
What happened that fateful night?
"Loved you once"
"Love you still"
"Always have"
"And always will"
Remembering Our Naya Rivera <3

Hold On My Darling

42 1 6
Av willowthewispx

hey again! i don't want to be one of those people, don't forget to follow and all! this chapter is a little strange, but just go with it. im just doing a bit of story building before i get into the real drama if you get what i mean haha. spoiler alert, but i just wanted to warn you that santana and brit get into a bit of an accident on the lake and i am very much aware thats how our sweet Nay passed away. santana is a true hero and i wanted to write it into my book somewhere, and it wouldn't be part of this book, if brit didn't get into some kind of danger and our brave santana swept in to save the day haha. anyway not to long of an authors note today you will be pleased. im just trying to think if anything exiting happened to me. oh im getting a new laptop which is a touchscreen chromebook tomorrow which is exiting (update, im typing on it now haha) and ill be able to post definitely everyday now even though i'm pretty good with it if i do say so myself hehe. anyway, happy reading! -love always, clementine x

Chapter Five

Santana Lopierce, point of view

we were here. free with our extended glee family in Colorado, on an outdoors pursuit week organised by will and emma. shades on, floppy hat framing my face nicely, luggage in my left hand, brittanys in my right. i really felt like me

"here we are!" will said, rubbing his hands together. "leave your suitcases outside the hotel and get ready for our first group activity! down to the lake everyone!" he called, as everyone whooped in excitement and followed him down to the gritty sand.

the lake was vast and spread around many little secluded corners and deserted islands. there was no civilization for miles and many abandoned woodland trails winding around the lake and islands. we were all dressed accordingly for the summery weather. i was wearing black biker shorts and a coffee cream oversized nike top. my floppy straw hat and large black shades hid my face perfectly so i could stare at brit while mr schue droned on and on about boat safety or something. i'm only kidding i was listening, but i was also staring at brittany. hey, a girl can multitask! Brittany was wearing a vintage style brown floral skirt and sleeveless white top. she had brown suade ankle boots on her feet and a brown knitted jumper round her shoulders keeping her warm.

i felt my iphone 7 buzz in my back pocket and i checked it quickly as will was wrapping up his little boat lesson. it was a message from Neil, brittanys brother who was looking after the twins while we were away. the message read:

"hey santana, i thought id just send you a quick message saying that the twins had a great first night with me. they are just colouring up at the table now and we might go out tp the park later, depends on how tired they are. they are both really missing you but are looking forward to auntie beatrice stopping by later! have an amazing trip and remember to relax. don't worry, ive got this. all the best, Neil Peirce xx"

i smiled and showed brit the text and she smiled too.

"hes so good with kids, i love it! hes the best uncle" britt said smiling

"hes their only uncle haha" i laughed, pointing out that i was an only child

"that is true, but they have two lovely aunties, and technically another aunt and uncle because of Georgia and Shawn Schuester" she pointed out "anyway, come on san we need to grab a boat!"

she pulled me over to this little white motorboat that was left over. everyone else had got into their boats and most had already cruised off into the distance.

"come on girls" Emma laughed "everyone has already teamed up and gone!"

we laughed, and i pulled brittany up into the boat

"right let me see" will said taking out his clipboard "rach and quinn went together, mercedes went with finn, artie and kitty are together, mike and Tina obviously, and there goes santana and Brit" he ticked off as we sailed across the blue cerulean lake, into the distance, and out of sight.

"this is so perfect" i sighed as i spread out on our little motorboat, the sun shining on my browned legs.

brittany tiptoed carefully from where she was with her legs dangling over the edge of the boat, and sat next to me. i had literally married the most perfect girl in the world. she was my angel, my princess, my whole entire world, and i knew that i was hers. besides her cute personality traits, like when she twiddled the ends of her hair when she was anxious or when she sticks her tounge out slightly when she smiles sometimes, she was physically flawless too. her thick, long, blonde hair was blowing behind her shoulders in the strong breeze and the sun was shining on her silky white skin. although she often says otherwise, she was the best. she just cant seem to look past her imperfections. i however embrace them. when she taps her fingers together, involentery tics, or when she all of a sudden gets super overly emotional or frustrated becuse of her autism, i will be thankful for making her who she is. the beautiful, smart, brave, special, delicate girl i fell in love with. i acknowledge that she does need extra support with her autism, but im really good at that so she doesn't have to worry about that.

"i know!" she exclaimed " its such a beautiful day to be out together"

we were miles and miles away from anyone else now, and couldn't even slightly see any of them. we were sailing into the deeper waters now. looking around above my head, i couldn't see any signs of anyone setting up anything here. we were still floating aimlessly around the vast lake, far away from any dry land.

"hey britt-britt, i think we should try and turn back" i said calmly, as not to make her anxious, or set her tics off on a rampage.

"i think thats a good idea santana, im getting a little twitchy" she replied, walking back over to the top end of out little boat

i could see her neck jolting and her involuntary whistling was increasing more and more as we got further and further away.

she was stood by the edge of the boat looking into the distance as i sat down to steer us away.

"hey brit, be careful. i don't want your tics to jolt you into the water" i advised, but before she could answer, the unthinkable happened.

i called out to brittany to perhaps sit down as her tics were playing up, when i felt the bottom of the boat rumble

it might as well have been in slow motion, so thats how i will relay it to you.

something, im not sure quite what huge creature at this point in the story it was, but something huge beneath us rose up beneath our boat, throwing it up violently, rolling it over in the air, before finally plummeting back into the water with the most enormous splash, and the monster disappearing as quickly as it came. all of this happened in all of 5 seconds

hold up. we need to back up. now you know what happened, ill finish my story.

brittny was stood over the edge of the boat when it was tossed into the air. i was sat in the back seat so she was chucked straight in like meat on a barbeque, her mouth wide open in fear. i however managed to grab onto the side of the boat until it was eventually thrown back into the depths of the lake. the water was freezing like i had been thrown into an ice bath, but i had to get my head pout of water and meet brittany. i fought my way to the surface, past underwater foliage lurking menacingly in the deep, dark depths below, but my jumper had gathered too much water and was weighing me down. i continued my relentless battle to the surface. after what felt like hours of holding my breath and fighting for my life, my head submerged from beneath the dark water. i had to let my eyes adjust and my breathing to regualate before i spoke.

"oh- oh my god. Br- Brittany, whe- where are you?" i called, expecting an answer, or ay least someone to come and swim to my side, but no luck. my heart was pounding. where was she? she fell, fell off the boat. but than what? she had screamed, meaning... oh my god!

"BRITTANY!!" I screamed, flailing my arms around in the water. i had realised she had her mouth open, so must have inhaled water as she was thrown in. where was she

"BRITTNAY!?" I screamed as tears soaking my cheeks, but she was nowhere to be seen.

after what felt like years of swimming frantically, diving back under the water and calling for help, i spotted her. well at least her hair. it was just on top of the waters surface, but it was enough for me to spot it and swim far over as fast as i could to save her.

i was exhausted and not to mention freezing cold, but i couldn't even begin to think about that at the moment. i got to brittany, and pulled her head above the water holding beneath her arms. she was unresponsive but i was about 70% sure she was breathing. it was a struggle to keep us both afloat, but we were so far away from everywhere else. i had no choice. i began swimming us to the nearest part of land. half because we needed to get out of the water, half because that creature was still at large.

"its okay britt, dont worry ive got you!" i said, swimming far away to reach solid ground.

i swam us to the abandoned little cove far away from the broken wreckage that was our boat. I dragged my wife onto the sand, laid her down, and collapsed to a seated position in exhaustion. then i remembered. "oh shit, brittany!" i got up as fast as i could and knelt by her sodden side. I hovered the back of my hand over her slightly open mouth, and felt a small breath of cold air on my it. phew, she was alive. it was only a small breath, but she was still with me. i knew how to do cpr from duke of edinburgh training at high school when i was 14 (authors note: basically its this thing you can do as a teenager in the uk where you camp, volunteer, go on walks, learn a new skill, do first aid training, cook and more and it was set up by the queens husband prince phillip who is the duke of edinburgh, and sadly he passed away on the 9th of april wich was last friday) i took my shaking hands and placed them firmly on her wet chest and opened her mouth, tilting her head back a little. I took a deep cleansing breath before vigorously compressing brittanys chest. i then stopped, took a deep breath, and blew firmly into her mouth, and repeated this for what felt like eternity. with every breath i gave her, i could feel my warm breath thawing her frozen osophagus and spreading to her insides. come on brittany! you can do it!

half an hour passed nd she was still unresponsive. tears were brimming in my eyes now .
"come on brittany!" i pleaded. i was full on crying now. she was my whole entire world. i needed her, and she needed me. i decided to pause and shout for help. "i will be back brittany i promise" i said running waist deep into the water.

"HELP, HELP, CAN ANYONE HEAR US? PLEASE CAN SOMEBODY HELP!" i shouted frantically, splashing my arms around in the water. but then a flicker of hope in the far distance. a boat!

"HELP! HEY YOU OVER THERE, HELP PLEASE, SHES HURT! PLEASE HELP HER!" i shouted, waving my arms and jumping waist deep in the water. the boat must have spotted me, and the little white dot moved closer ever so slowly. thank goodness.

i looked back at Brittany who was still laying down like a porcelain doll, but i could see her chest move up and down ever so slowly and it gave me hope. when the boat got to about shouting distance i could see it was one of mr schuester's boats. but who was it?

"HELP!" i screamed out again
"SANTANA?" a female voice shouted out from the far distance
"YEAH COME QUICK! WHO IS IT?" i shouted back
"ITS QUINN!" she shouted back "HOW BADLY IS SHE HURT?"
"I DON'T KNOW" i shouted back

i saw quinn jump off the boat and start swimming to the cove. i waded back through the water as fast as i could, and when i rached knee deep i ran to britt. i began chest compressions again, and again, and again, until quinn reached land. she ran at top speed and skidded down on the other side of brittany.

"oh. my. god." she said, staring at brittany's blank face "what happened santana?"

"let me just- wake her- up" i said, continuing chest compressions. quinn took over the compressions, and i stood at the back of her head and breathed air into her lungs.

but then. the miracle happened...

(To be continued...)

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