SBI oneshots

By Nychta_Mera

63.5K 1.7K 1.4K

Various one shots of random stuff. Pretty much all angst some fluff and absolutely no underage ships or smut... More

Footsteps - 2
Footsteps - 3
Last Words
No father of mine
No Father of Mine - 2
No Father of Mine - 3
Happier You Do
Runaway - 2
Dont Under Estimate Me
Brother - 2
Scratch The Itch
The Execution
The Execution - 2
Memories of Family
I'm Here
I'm Here - 2
Big Trouble
Rib Cages and Extra Meat
Make Sure He Feels Pain
Goodbye Lyrics
Happy New Year! + Story
Im Not Scared
Snow Hearts
"So long nerds." - Techno 2022


1.8K 58 7
By Nychta_Mera

So this ones about if Tommy started to grow in piglin traits like fangs and ears or something.

Tommy's POV

It hurt like hell.

I woke up with an ache in my mouth and a splitting headache. I thought I just had a toothache nothing big.

I stumbled out of my room as everything spun. My head was pounding and my mouth hurt.

I slipped down the steps and sat down. I hoped I didn't wake the others.

I groaned as I tried to block the seeping light of the sun. It felt like my head was going to explode.

Something warm and heavy was set on my shoulder. I looked up and managed to make out my fathers face.

Sam sat next to me and kept his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Tommy can you hear me?" Sam whispered

I nodded my head unable to move my mouth.

"Hurts." I managed

"Where?" He whispered

I gestured to my head and mouth. Sam frowned as he got a sad look in his eyes.

"Alright come on up I'll help you." He said

He helped me stand and guided me to the couch. He laid a cool cloth on my head and made me a cup of tea.

Then he sat down next to me. Sam pulled out his communicator and started to type.

He sighed before setting it down and snuggling close to me. He carded his hand through my hair as he tucked me close to his body.

It must have been a little while because I fell asleep. When I awake Sam was gone and my cloth had been replaced.

A blanket was draped at my feet. I was sweating so it was probably a good thing.

I sat up and my head said no. I laid down instantly.

Sam came around the corner of the room and jumped slightly seeing me awake.

I giggled but regretted it as soon as my mouth hurt. Sam came over and sat next to me.

"Um I know your not going to like this one bit..." Sam started

I raised an eyebrow.

"So I know what's wrong with you except it...its gonna be a big shock." Sam said

"Spit it out already." I said pain disappearing

"Your growing piglin features." Sam said

I stared for a moment before sighing.

"Makes sence...17 is the average age to grow them in...dammit I was hoping I'd be a dud being a hybrid and all." I mumbled

For some reason my teeth didn't hurt much anymore.

"Your a hybrid?" Sam asked curious

I nodded my head holding back my tears. I knew what happened next. They would get discugsted then leave.

"Cool." Sam said

"Wait wha?" I said

For some reason my words were slurring more.

"You don't care?" I asked

Sam just shrugged

"Just cause people look different doesn't mean there gonna be different." Sam said

"Don't judge a book by its cover." He said

I smiled at him and he grabbed my mug to refill it.

"By the way...I called your brother." Sam mumbled

"I don't know what to do because I've never dealt with piglins before and I know you don't like him and I probably shouldn't have done anything I could've read some books." Sam rambled

"Hey hey hey Sam its fine. Techno will know what to do." I said not wanting to worry the older

Sam sighed in relief as his shoulders slumped.

"OK I just thought-"

Someone knocked at the door. Sam sighed and looked at me.

"Annnd he's here." Sam said regretfully

Sam sighed before standing up and leaving around the corner. I took the opportunity to sit up and sip the hot tea.

I heard some voices and then footsteps. Techno rounded the corner looking a little distraut.

"Alright kid what's the issue?" Techno asked

I turned to look at him. He stood in the doorway before frowning.

"You look sick..." He said trailing off

"Yeah uh I think I'm growing in piglin features." I told him getting straight to the point

Techno looked unfazed.

"And?" He asked

"Well it fuckin hurts and I have no idea what to do." I said

"Let them grow in. You can't stop nor prevent them. Does it feel like your head is splitting open?" He asked

"No." I shook my head

"Hm does your mouth ache?" He asked

"Yeah it hurts. I do have a small head ache buts that's it. It went down from this morning." I told him

He walked forwards and Sam set his hand on his axe.

"Open your mouth please." He requested

I opened my mouth and he inspected my teeth.

"Yep you've got teeth but no ears. Lucky. You also will probably get wings pretty soon here." He said

"Great." I muttered

Techno sat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I instinctively flinched away from his touch.

"Right...forgot about that." He said taking his arm away

"No no its fine just scared me." I told him craving touch

He set his arm back around and pulled me closer to his side. I snuggled into him missing the brotherly love we used to share.

It filled the hole in my heart slightly even if he did smell metallically like blood. I wasn't going to question it. I didn't want to know.

The fire crackled and I felt the new teeth in my mouth. They were sharp and pointy. I liked them. The thing that scared me the most was wings.

Phil had talked to us about someone would grow in wings and it would most likely be me. He said it was very painful but he'd be there for me. Look how that turned out.

Techno pulled me tighter as Sam sat in the chair next to me and Fran laid on his lap.

I fell asleep in a warm embrace. I felt safe for the first time since I moved in with Sam.

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