love war with my best friend...

By alysxa_

63.6K 1K 997

dream x fem reader you go to visit your best friend of almost two years and stay alone with him for three wee... More



5.6K 91 82
By alysxa_

my flight just landed. i flew in from nashville, tennessee to orlando, florida to see my best friend, clay. i met him through my childhood best friend—they i had met online playing a round of hunger games—george. all three of us have been playing minecraft together for about a year and a half, maybe.

george is like an older brother to me, i share everything with him... including that i may or may not have a liking to clay (i do). i started liking him about a month after george introduced clay and i. we actually flirt quite often but i think thats just how he is. he doesnt actually like me although i wish he did. george always nudges us to be in a discord call, just the two of us, or to play minecraft alone together. george is honestly the best, its sweet that he tries to help me all the time with clay (even if it goes nowhere).

i spotted my luggage and went to grab it and then texted clay to let him know i was ready to be picked up.


my flight just landed and im in gate 4:) where are you? i STILL dont know what you look like  -_-

i guess it will just be a surprise;)

a surprise? i don't know how i feel about that... clay never showed me his face, even when i pleaded him to see, he never showed me. i looked up from my phone to see if any dirty blond men were walking up to me but i didnt even see any dirty blonde-haired men so i just looked back down at my phone and scrolled through twitter.

i posted a picture of my shoes and captioned it 'waiting for you @dreamwastaken'. i continued to go through my social media and went to instagram. i ended up seeing a lot of fan art of clay, george, and i. i smiled to myself. it was really cool, in my opinion, to see so many people make fan art of us. oh right, i gotta text george. i promised george i would text him when i landed safely.





anyways, i landed safely at the airport and i'm waiting for clay

oh yay! i hope you like it there and have lots of fun!
i know you will at some point;)






whatever, just have funnn
i bet you'll realize within the first week he likes you back

i rolled my eyes. all of a sudden i felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and hug me. my eyes widened and i yelped at first, but then i realized who it was. they let go of me and i turned around.

"CLAYYY!!" I hug him tightly.

"hi y/n!!" he hugged me back with a smile.

we let go of each other and i looked up at him. he was so tall... he's like a whole foot taller than me. but his face... that's a different story. he's actually really handsome. his eyes are emerald green and were so pretty, his jawline was definitely noticeable, his hair was dirty blonde; and very fluffy. and then to top it all off, there was a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

i realized i had been staring at him for about a minute now and my face turned red.

"like the view?" clay joked.

i rolled my eyes and laughed, "shut up."

"your so short, im like a foot taller than you." he laughed and patted me on the head twice.

"im not short! your just abnormally tall..." i looked back up at him. okay yea, i was pretty short.

"okay fine, maybe i am short but holy shit, why are you so tall?!"

he laughed again, "ready to come to my house?"

"ooo yes, let's go, i'm hungry," i paused. "and excited."

"then lets go!" he grabbed my luggage with one hand and my own hand with his other. i was taken back a little but i didn't complain. i held it back and let him lead me to his car.


we get to clays house and he gives me a tour of his house. his house was cute. organized and it smelled like him..

"wait, theres only one bedroom? i going to make me sleep on the couch?" i put my hand over my heart as if i took offensive and made a pouty face. "i feel hurt."

"y/n, im not making you sleep on the couch, your gonna sleep in my room," he laughed.

"wha-" my face flushed red immediately but clay cut me off before i could finish my sentence, realizing what he just said.

"of course, not in the same bed! you'll sleep in my bed and i'll be on the floor!" his face was growing a dark crimson red. "i changed the sheets and pillow cases as well for you..." he scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. but his face quickly turned serious and it looked like he got an idea.

clay's pov
i felt myself grow red and i felt overheated at the moment. god clay, your already messing up. y/n was already really red and was lookijg down at the floor. hold on... maybe i can make this funny...

"what did you think i was implying?" i smirked and leaned against the door frame of my room, getting a lot closer to y/n when i leaned. our faces were nearly 6 inches apart. her face grew even redder. i smirked as i realized my plan was working as she grew flustered. shes cute when shes embarrassed.

"i wasn't implying anything," she stuttered while rolling her eyes.

she stepped back a little to create some space between us but i only stepped closer. closer than where we were before. our faces were only a couple inches apart as i leaned down towards her. oh, i had really done it now. the blush on y/n's face crept up the sides of her cheeks and onto her ears. i couldn't help but smirk.

y/n's pov
clay came closer and closer to me as i felt the heat on my face travel to my ears and the back of my neck. we both knew what he was doing. no way am i letting him get away with this, i too could play this game. i mirrored his smirk and stepped an inch closer to him. his eyes widened a bit, not expecting me to move closer to him. i got on my tippy toes and leaned to the right of his face to kiss him on the cheek.

i whispered in his ear, "my question is... what were you thinking of, clay?" i tried my best to make it sounded somewhat flirty. i thought that would get him. and it did.

he immediately stood up straight, quick to retract form me. he stared at me wide eyed with an even darker shade of pink coating his cheeks. i gave him the "i beat you" look and turned to walk back downstairs.

clay's pov
okay, bold move y/n. i can definitely, i was not expecting that. but i'm not letting her down that easy. this, is war.

finished april 10, 2021 - 10:58pm

edited: august 20, 21
this was really cringy looking back at how i used to write... hopefully it's better now for you guys😅

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