KHR : The Rainbow Seal

By chinfernluvzzz

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Some said that it was just a legend. Some said that that blood has died. Yet, they are still some that seek t... More

Chapter 1: Rainbow seal's direction
chapter 2: Suspicion
chapter 3: peaceful? not yet
chapter 4: More killed
chapter 5: Deal made
chapter 6 : First day of school
chapter 7 : PE lesson
chapter 8 : Shitoro... gone...
chapter 9: farewell in Yukiko' way
Chapter 10: Mission impossible
chapter 11: That old man
chapter 12: Here Dino comes!
chapter 13: Small discovery of things
chapter 14: Mafia background
chapter 15: One by one. Down
chapter 16: Guardians gathering. Fight intended.
Chapter 17: Visitation
chapter 18: Back to square one
chapter 19: Fireworks
chapter 20: Knowing identity
chapter 21: Development of Coco
chapter 22: Testing out
chapter 23: Reconnection
chapter 24: Family gained
chapter 25 : Bye, Hibari san
chapter 26: Goodbye Japan
chapter 27: museum
Chapter 28: Jake Gordon
chapter 29: Confusion
chapter 30: Seeing things again
Chapter 31: Back strong
chapter 32: training, training
chapter 33: sun and thunder
chapter 34: Snatch away
Chapter 35: the misty rain( part 1)
chapter 36: the misty rain (part 2)
chapter 37: machine's energy
chapter 38: Sky battle
Chapter 39: Changed
chapter 41: Interlinked
chapter 42: All gathered to save
Chapter 43: Black and colourful
Chapter 44: The beginning
Chapter 45: Back to back
Chapter 46: Instantly vanished
Chapter 47: Lodging
Chapter 48: House rule
Chapter 49: Arrival of first sign
Chapter 50: The Flame
Chapter 51: Funfair error
Chapter 52: Preparation
Chapter 53: what a performance
Chapter 54: Hibari's realisation
Chapter 55: Last trial
Chapter 56: 7th of July(part 1)
Chapter 57: 7th of July (part 2)
Chapter 58: Mihasa's diary
Chapter 59: Tell Hibari
Chapter 60: Claim back
Author's note

chapter 40: Outbreak

599 29 2
By chinfernluvzzz

Hi readers! It is finally the 40th chapter! Thank you for your kind support all these while and hope thay you guys still enjoying this story! Please continue to read, vote and share this story!!

PS: This will have lots of Yukiko POV and also Cheers to all KHR fans yea!

Yukiko POV

She is laughing so hard on the inside.
Because I am crying on the inside. When Reborn san mentions Knotowa and October, that was where I was. The third sign appeared at Knotowa, is that why the orphanage was being targeted?

And during October 11 years ago, was the time that I found Mihasa's body laying on the street. She was barely alive when I found her. Could it be the Vongola?! I am so angry and upset that I am shaking and crying so badly on the inside.

" Let me help you to average."

I saw via my teary eyes that Reborn san and Ryohei senpai were in pain and then to realize that she had suck in their sun's energy and used it against them. I could feel that she turn my back and faced them.

My back is where the sun's energy will release. Tsuna san blocks some of it using his flame but he still got injured. She then start suck other flames and use them to fight against Vongola. I just simply watch her using my power freely.

If 5 minutes ago, I would have try my best to stop her but now that piece of news string me too much.

So much that I dont feel like doing anything. I shut myself down to ignore everything that is happening around me. People yelling in pain, Tsuna san trying to block all my attacks. Gokudera and Hibari san were attacking me together at the same time.

All of these I can see via my eyes but I choose not to care. If I am goona perish, then Vongola, that causes me to lost so much things that I can't afford, will join me.I saw Shitoro for a split second.

No, that must be your imagination, Yukiko

I close my eyes and open them up again. I try my best to push my body towards the place where I saw Shitoro. He is standing there, beside Dino nii, staring at me.

" Yukiko sama. Please come back." he says. I look at him in the eyes and remember that this is how Coco looks.

" Yukiko sama, please you can do this. This is not you at all.." he calls out. I am shocked. Shocked that Coco can see through that it is not me at all. Compared to those that I call friends.

This simply shows how much they know me.. All my efforts have been in vain..gone to waste. She is laughing at me for being so native. Thinking that these Vongola will treat me like a friend but I admit, I am wrong.

Totally wrong. They didn't treat me like a friend at all. They wanted to destroy me. Be it since the day I was born or now, their desire to see me dead never change.

"Yukiko, see!! The Vongola wants you dead from the very beginning. Let me finish them off for you. To average for those that died for you and to destroy them before they destroy us."'s not the way.. I thought. If I allow myself to do such things to Vongola, what difference I am compare to them. We are all killing people for our own benefits. I wanted to stop her but how..I have no more strength to stop her...myself anymore.

" Yukiko sama.. If you are willing you can use me, acrobalenco, here. But after this incident, you have to go through the grief of Tomaru in order to inherit the power. So Yukiko sama, are you willing?"

I regret hesitanting. Because while I am still in doubts of my choices, she has already make her move. By emitting every flame at one go. First time in my entire life, I allow the entire rainbow energy to flow out.

The power went everywhere. Destroy almost everything in sight. And when she intended to aim mina san with this new superior power, she lost control of it. I can feel as if some of ny blood vessels burst. I started puking out blood and my left eye is burning.

My left eye can only see black and white. No colour at all. Like those movies during the early 60s. Everything in black and white.

" Yukiko sama, hurry up! Or else you ars goona destroy yourself!!"

Acrobalenco yelling inside my head.
This is it. It is now or never. To die or to live, Yukiko, it is now your choice.

Maybe I have stained myself with too many innocent blood. I decided to save as much as I can today. I muster all the remaining energy I left and push myself forward.

" Coco, light up your dog bone to the maximum now!!" I yelled before she comes back. " No, dont listen to her!! She has gone insane!! I am then the real Yukiko Tomaru!!"

I saw Coco light up his misty dog bone and is preparing himself. On the another hand, we are wrestling inside of my body. A fight between the mind and the heart. A fight between my soul and my emotions. And I cant afford to lose this battle within myself.

No wonder Mother Sami used to told me that," Your greatest enemie is not others but yourself." I used to get confused of what she meant but for the very first time, I begin to understand what she meant by that statement.

As I am fighting within myself, Gokudera and Hibari san didn't stop attacking me. They are still trying to stop me from emitting so much flames out but I couldn't control. I can feel myself losing because I am getting weaker and weaker by minute. My will is losing its power to think...and she gives me a smirk. As if to tell me that she knows that she is goona win.

This is it. I give up. I meant to die anyway. I have lost to my own emotions, greediness and my mind. Throw away all the conscious and what so ever true heart I have. They are all trash..just like me. Trash.

I can feel myself letting go. And she has her hands on her neck tight. It is getting harder to breathe now and my eyes seem to have their will to close.

" Go men..mina.." was the last utter I could make before I close. And at that moment, I thought I heard someone.

A very familiar female voice. I try my best to look around and see no one.

Must be your own thinking in your dying will Yukiko and then the voice comes again. But this time loud and clear.

" Yukiko! Look at Shitoro! We are all here with you always!! Why cant you see?!!" I turned to see where the voice comes from. And to my own amazement, it is from Mebowa.

How did Mebowa voice out?! And it sounds so much alike to Mihasa?! Could it be...what the weapon maker said in the past?? That Mebowa has a soul and that soul is Mihasa?!!!

" Yukiko, we are always here.. From the very beginning, Shitoro and I never left you. Please control yourself!! Dont waste the effort that Shitoro and I have put in for you. We are both waiting for you.. To grow and turn me into Mebosa."

I feel like I am slapped in the face. "Yukiko! I am Shitoro, not Coco. Please. Remember what you told us in the warehouse?! You dont want any more blood bleed because of you!! Please Yukiko!!" he yelled.

I look around. If I am goona use my last bit of energy, I am make sure that this is will stop. But how?!? How to I make her stop?!

" Dont you dare to think you can destroy me, Yukiko sama. Dont forget that I am you. You are me. Hahah!!"

I am are me. If that's the case, there is only one way out.

Since I already have that will eariler , then now the only difference is that I can stop all of these. I take a deep breath before pushing her or myself all the way towards Shitoro. Towards his misty dog bone. And I dashed straight to where I know my heart will hit the dog bone.

If the greatest enemie I have is myself, then I will perish with it.

Goodbye guys. Sorry for all the hurts and harm I caused due to my incapacity. Tsuna san, help me send my goodbyes to your family. Dino nii, take good care of yourself and your men.

Hibari san, sorry for not being able to stay with you and I wish to say this to you...just that I dont have the courage to say all along.

I like you.

These are the thoughts I labour as I dashed towards Coco's weapon. I feel relieved when I feel a stabbing pain on my chest. When I saw the handsome Shitoro face all teary and stun. I embrace Coco and whisper in his eyes.

" Coco, thank you so much. Go men that I am leaving you to find Shitoro and Mihasa and Mother Sami first. Take good care of yourself and now, you are free." I use my hands to wipe his tears away and smile.

" No, Yukiko please stay!" he cry out. I couldn't help but smile again. Even this is painful but I never feel so light hearted before. This feels like all the stones that I have been carrying are lifted off from my chest.

" I never feel so light before. Mother Sami, Shitoro and Mihasa, here I come.

" I close my eyes and everything seem so beautiful so suddenly. Things so beautiful that makes me wants to cry. Here I come mina san.

Hibari POV

I wish everything happens right now is a dream. Everything will be alright when I wake up. It all happen too fast. From the beginning to the end, the way she behaves and the way she speaks. It doesn't sound like her at all. Not even one bit.

What is more shocking is when the herbivore was done with his battle, she suddenly pumped up the entire atmosphere.

What happened next was like a nightmare. She looked like she gone insane because of what the baby said. She suddenly turned her back to us and shine a really bright light to us.

The baby and the boxing idiot were yelling in pain. Could this be one of her works?! The injured herbivore rose up and trying to defend everyone.

I am not goona let you have it, you weak herbivore. She is mine and only I can control her. I got up together with the silver hair herbivore at the same time when she delivered her attack.

The three of us blocked with all our might and we did it. Even we we are severely injured.

" Yukiko sama, please come back." was all we heard from Coco who just transformed into his human form.
She paused, as if she is trying to make sense of what he just said.

" Yukiko sama, please you can do this." he cry out. Her expression changes. Like she suddenly realise that is something wrong. Her body rocking back and fort like she is shivering. She is shaking her head. She looks insane.

For a moment, she is back to the Yukiko that I know and the next moment she is not.

" COCO, LIGHT UP YOUR DOG BONE TO THE MAXIMUM NOW!!" she suddenly yells. But the next in return she yells again saying, " NO, DONT LISTEN TO HER!! SHE HAS GONE INSANE!! I AM THEN THE REAL YUKIKO TOMARU!!" what is she talking about?!? What does she means by the real Yukiko Tomaru?!

Turning my back against her, I saw Coco listen to the first instruction and light up his dog bone.

Her facial expressions keep changing like she is struggling within herself. But one thing doesn't change is that even she is struggling with herself, she is still sending out powerful attacks to the rest. That's mean I couldn't stop, not until she is back to normal. As I go ahead and attack her, even she manages to dodge it, I thought I heard that she whispers something. Something so soft yet sorrowful. " Go men..mina " was what I heard. Her eyes are closing and for that moment, I thought that the Yukiko that I know is goona disappear.

I dont know what happen next because it just happen way to sudden. If I only knew what she goona do next, I will stop her at all cost. For a split second, her expression seem determined. And she just dont dashed her way downward. All the way to where Coco's weapon is. And the weapon pierce right through her body. I stay at where I am. My legs couldn't move. For the first time, I think that I am so useless. I couldn't protect her. At all. I used to promise that I wont let her leave me again and now..I am just useless. I saw her embracing Coco. When she let go, she smiles. She said something so soft but still auditable. " I never feel so light before. Mother Sami, Shitoro and Mihasa, here I come." she smiles again and her eyes closed.

Nobody moves for a second. The one that breaks the silence is Coco that go and grabs her up. Followed up her blond brother and the herbivore's gang. I stand there alone..wondering why she can do this to me. Who the heck she thinks she is?!? Why is she making me feel this way?! Ever since the beginning until now, all I want is her. Her to be by my side. To stay together!!! Why is she not making that happen?!! I fight all the urge to let myself cry. I am not goona cry for you, Yukiko. I am goona punish you for making me feel like that!!

I run over to where the rest of them are. To where she lay. And suddenly her rainbow seal rises in the mid air and glows. It shows of a woman that looks exactly like Yukiko.

" I am Acrobalenco. To all the infants, you heard my voice all the times. But now that doesn't matter. What matters the most is to save Yukiko sama! She is not dead yet. And you guys can save her!! If she dies, all the 7 infants will be in deep troubles. All the infants, touch your heart and you will feel a probing pain. Because she is in pain so as you. You guys share her blood. So please all the infants here, collect all 7 pacifiers and place them at her heart. These pacifiers will heal her by themselves. I can only last her lifeline for 3 days the max. Please save Yukiko sama!!" she bows. The baby and his friends look at each other and they touch their heart. At the same time, they all yelled in severe pain.

" Coco, please let Yukiko sama reads all the letters that her friends have left for her. Mihasa in Mebowa wants her to learn the truth about their deaths and herself. And please be Yukiko sama mental support!! She will be going through the grief of Tomaru after this trial." seeing Coco nods, she bows and disappears.

" Everyone is injured. Please send everyone to the hospital now. Especially Yukiko." the baby commands. Coco then ask everyone to be gathered together and he will teleport us to the nearby hospital straight. He rises up his dog bone and it gives out a violet colour and he turned a few rounds, chants something under his breath. And the next thing that I know, I am laying on the hospital beds.

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