Valentine's Day Ball: Hogwart...

By YeraReader

1.4K 57 8

A Hogwarts Mystery fic about the Valentine's Day Ball TLSQ, featuring MC Sarah Spellman and Barnaby Lee. I'l... More

You Shall Go to the Ball
Hearts Have Ears
Wait, it Worked?
Party Planning
Valentine's Day
Time for a Ball

Surprise in the Library

205 10 2
By YeraReader

"Surprise!" said Barnaby, after Sarah pushed open the doors. 

Sarah gasped, standing in shock for a full minute at the scene before her. The library had been transformed. The only light came from the dozen or so fairies that floated about happily, and a few glowing orbs placed on the floor, on tables, and on stacks of books. 

Barnaby stood on a bridge over a flowing river of blue books. The bridge had archways, also made of books, that were shaped to look like hearts. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, Sarah."

"Barnaby, how did you do all this?"

"With a lot of help," he said. "You worked so hard to give everyone a Valentine's Day Ball, that they all decided to give one to you."

He came down to grab her hand and lead her across the bridge. More music was playing--a soft, sweet song she hadn't heard before. A study table had been lade out with some of her favorite desserts, as well as two bottles of butterbeer. A small, makeshift dance floor had been set up, surrounded by more heart archways. 

"What do you think?" asked Barnaby shyly. 

"I can't believe it!" she said. "It's like I stepped into an actual fairytale. It's amazing. I can't believe you did all this for me."

"Of course.  You've done so much for me, for Hogwarts, for everyone. This was the least I could do."

He pulled Sarah to the dance floor and wrapped his arms around her as they swayed to the music. Sarah squeezed him tightly as she rested her head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. 

"I'm happy," she muttered. As it always did now, she felt a shred of guilt slice through her heart for allowing herself to be happy, but she just held Barnaby tighter, allowing his warmth to overcome any dark feelings. 

"Good," he said. "You deserve it. I can't wait to tell everyone how much you liked it."

"Everyone?" She raised her head to look at him. "Who all did you tell about this, Barnaby?"

"Well, all our friends. They've been helping me with this all day. Also Dumbledore, Pince, Filch, the fairies, Hagrid, Mrs. Norris, the training dummies--"

"Everyone but me, then," she said with a chuckle. She still couldn't believe Pince had allowed all this to happen to her precious library. Filch must have truly dazzled her. 

"I got you a present, too. Don't say it," he added, holding up a hand as she opened her mouth to bemoan the fact that she hadn't gotten him anything. "Your gift was the ball. And being the best girlfriend ever. And also, that dress."

Sarah laughed as Barnaby pulled his wand out of the sleeve of his jacket and gave it a wave. A book materialized, floating between them. The book was bound in blue felt and had golden hearts and roses embroidered on the cover. It came with a lock, the key sticking in the lock with a long gold chain hanging from it.

"A book?" Sarah asked curiously. It didn't seem like a Barnaby type of gift. 

"A picture-book! I made it myself." Sarah smiled as he stood up, proud of himself. "I've been working on it since Badeea first gave me drawing lessons. It's a love story. The best love story."

Sarah turned the key and opened the book. On the first page was a colored drawing the potions room. A girl in Gryffindor robes stood in front of one of the tables, confronting three Slytherins. The drawing was a bit juvenile, but Sarah recognized Ismelda's curtain of black hair, Merula's frown, and Barnaby's large figure. 

"That's the first time I ever spoke to you," Barnaby narrated. "I'd never noticed before then how beautiful you were."

"Isn't that the time you threatened to vanish all the bones in my body?"

He laughed. "Yeah. But I still thought you were pretty."

He turned the page to reveal a drawing of two figures standing a few paces a part, their wands pointed at each other. On the left, stood a boy in Slytherin robes and with brown hair, and on the right, a Gryffindor with long blonde hair. 

"That's after you asked me to work with you on the vaults instead of Merula, and we dueled over it" he said. He turned the page again, to a picture of white clouds on a blue background. "That's my view after you beat me in the duel and knocked me flat on my back."

Sarah laughed, then rested her head on Barnaby's shoulder as he took the book and went through the pages. The drawings got better the further in the book he went, becoming less like crude stick figures and more like actual people and places. He'd even enchanted a few of them to move. They weren't perfect, but she could tell Barnaby had drawn them, and that made her love them all the more. 

There was the Celestial Ball. Their first date at Madam Puddifoot's. Facing the vault of fear. Downing butterbeers at the Three Broomsticks. Caring for magical creatures on the reserve. Playing quidditch. The romance festival. Playing in the snow. Studying for exams in the library. Barnaby looking out his bedroom window, anxiously awaiting the end of the summer so he could see her again. Buying sweets at Honeydukes. Sitting together on the Hogwarts Express. Goofing off in lessons. Holding each other the night Rowan died. 

The last picture looked rushed, as if Barnaby had only had a short time to complete it. It wasn't colored. It showed the two of them in the library, underneath a heart-shaped arch. This image moved. The couple were hugging, swaying ever so slightly back and forth. Every so often, Barnaby would kiss the top of her head. 

"You're right," said Sarah, once she'd found her voice. "This is the best story."

"And it's not over yet," said Barnaby, flipping through blank pages. "We'll add a lot more to it after this."

He closed the book and set it aside, then draped the key around her neck. "This unlocks the book, but you can wear it as a necklace as well." 

The key was fashioned so hat the top made a heart. 

"Thank you," she said. "I'll keep it forever."

"No take backs!" said Barnaby quickly, pointing a finger at her. "Now you have to stay with me forever!"

She laughed, unable to fathom a time where she wouldn't want this goofy, kindhearted boy by her side. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, Barnaby."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Sarah."

They leaned in for a kiss, then Barnaby pulled her in for a hug, holding her tightly, and she felt the key-necklace pressing against her heart. She ran a hand through his hair, and he sighed with content, then kissed the top of her head. For a moment, there was no sadness in the room at all. 

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