Roman Reigns smut One Shots (...

By liberiangirlore

267K 2.9K 592

it's going to get down and dirty in here with sexual fantasies and fluff featuring the Samoan Adonis Roman re... More

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Happy Birthday (edited)
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Wedding Surprises
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Tribal Punishment
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Tit For Tat


9K 87 17
By liberiangirlore

Year 2008

In this story Jojo or Lina don't exist just yet.

Life had been good for us, My boyfriend left for Canada to be apart of the CFL and I was in college pursuing engineering.

I was not really a fan of his football career because of how aggressive it looked, but it made him happy, and that's all that mattered.

One evening, I was at our apartment making dinner when the doorbell went off.

I put the knife I was using on the vegetables down and went on to open the door to the last person I expected to see now. Joe.
He had bloodshot eyes and looked like he had been crying, and this immediately got me worried.

It was football season in Canada and by the look on his face something was wrong. Thoughts of him being fired started to cross my mind, because something wasn't adding up, he wasn't supposed to be home until the end of the month.

"Joe-" before I could say more he pulled me into a tight hug  and he full on broke down on my shoulder. I closed the door behind us and reciprocated the hug with an even more tighter one.

In the years that I had known him, I had never seen him this sad. And it was breaking my heart.

We stayed like that for a little while. And after we broke the hug, I led him to the couch and sat him down.

I got into the kitchen and closed the stove and took out a water bottle for him in the fridge and a glass before joining him on the couch.

"Babe, are you alright, what happened" I asked softly.

"Y/n I don't know where to start, but all I'm gonna say, is that I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what Joe? What did you do?"

I was getting scared now.

"I let you down baby, I promised you that I was going to be a great footballer who would give you everything you deserved, but that's not gonna happen."

He took a pause to sip on his water before proceeding.

"Two days ago, I was in Practice, and I was called into the coach's office, once I got there, I found him with the boss and our team's doctor. They both didn't look happy and I knew something was off, I actually thought I was getting fired, because they maybe found drugs in my blood, the doctor spoke up and broke the news to me that they had indeed found something in my blood, it wasn't drugs as I thought but an early form of leukaemia which is the cancer of the blood."

Nothing could have prepared me for this kind of news, every guess I had made in my mind was nothing compared to the severity of this news.

My boyfriend had cancer? How? At this moment I didn't even care if he had lost his career, what broke me more was the thought of losing this perfect man to that awful disease that had no mercy whatsoever on its victims.

I wanted to scream but I had to put my emotions on check because this wasn't about me. If this news hit me this hard, I couldn't even begin to imagine how Joe was taking it.

All his hard work just went to the pit just like that.

A few months had passed, and I watched as my boyfriend  fell into depression, letting himself go, I couldn't bare to see him like this. But I knew I had to be a powerful source of support in his corner. He was there for me at my lowest and by God, I promised to see him through his lowest as well or so I thought...


We were in the pits, we depended on food stamps to eat. I was still in school but couldn't bring myself to ask my parents for help with food. They never liked Joe because he was not in our social class. So I opted to take a Job during my free days.

Joe on the otherhand, was doing much better health wise and had quit the job at his sister's to start training for WWE developmental that he was joining next year which was 6 months away.

Now I was the only sole provider in our apartment, juggling my job and school was becoming difficult but I persevered because I knew it would get a little better once he joined FCW in a few months.

One afternoon my parents invited me for dinner at home and wanted to see how I was fairing.

I was curious to see what they wanted, hoping they had changed their minds on Joe, So I prepared myself and left.

The dinner had gone well so far, my father gave his usual witty jokes and my mother was warm. It felt like old times.

The mood of the table changed once, the discussions pivoted to Joe and I.

My father and mother giving each other glances before my father started the conversation:

"Y/n darling, we've heard everything that has happened. We know you love the boy. You have stood by him through his lowest. Don't you think its time for you to think about yourself for a change?"

"Dad, what do you mean?"

"How long must you continue to suffer in silence for a man who has no vision?
My darling child, you are studying to become a respected engineer. For Christ's sake Y/N are you willing to support this man financially for the rest of your life while he moves from one thing to another to see what sticks?"

"Dad, he didn't move from one thing to another because he wanted to, he had a career ending disease that got him discharged from his profession, mom do you support this?"

"Darling, your dad is right, we know he had the disease and we are very sorry for that, but he's in remission now, instead of looking for a proper Job or pursuing a proper degree course in school what is he doing? Sleeping, eating and training to go audition to be a character in a fake sport while Derek, your ex boyfriend was Just recruited in the NFL and would make a good husband for you."

I had heard enough of them, here I was thinking maybe they had changed their minds and saw Joe for who he truly was, but no, this was a meeting for them to try to match me up with their friend's son who also happened to be my ex.

"I'm done with this, see this is why I never come around anymore, Joe is the man for me. I hate that you can't understand that or even support me and what I want for once. Goodbye"

I stood up took my purse and left ignoring their calls for me to comeback.

As I drove out of my parent's house, their words kept ringing in my head but  I pushed them back. Concluding it was just another hateful advice that didn't mean anything.

Time passed after that and the more I saw Joe sitting on the couch with his feet on the table while I went out for my shifts at work to put food on the table, while struggling with school work, it hit me that my parents may have been right.

I mean, was this the life I wanted? The life where I had to practically raise a jobless man who didn't put as much effort to make a living like I did?

What if his wrestling career never flourishes? Then I'll have to pick up the burden of providing for him again, like I have done for almost 2 years now, Was this relationship worth all this sacrifice I was putting? I was only 22 years old, I deserved to have a stress free life with my education and bills being paid for by my wealthy parents, not be a provider for a man 3 years older than me?

I decided enough was enough and that I was going to end it all. I felt it was time for me to focus on me.

After work, I packed all my things and waited for him to comeback, after a few minutes, I felt the keys jingle on the lock before he came in looking all sweaty and messy. He had lost alot of pounds and was no longer on the heavier side but more on the buff sexy side. Like he is in the present.

He said Hi to me and tried to kiss me but I pushed him away.

"Listen Joe, we have to talk"  it was at this time he assessed the room and saw my bags.

"Wait what's happening?"

"Joe, I'm no longer happy in this relationship, I'm tired of baring all the burden of this apartment and I think it's best if we end it."

"What? What? Why?" He said with a shaky voice

"I already told you why? I just don't want to do this anymore, I'm only 22 for God's sake I  shouldn't be this stressed, I'm tired of you, I'm tired of this relationship and I want. Out." I said tears beginning to form in my eyes.

I stood up taking my bags and I was about to walk out and he stopped me.

"Y/n... Where's this coming from... you were OK.. we were OK. Do.... you have someone else?.. is that what this is?..."

Tears were cascading on his cheek. And that kind of broke me, but I had to end it. It was the best for us, and especially me.

"There's no one else, I just don't want this. Please let me go" I said trying to remove my hand from his hold only for Him to hug me from behind and Bury his face in my neck crying.

He then freed me

"I don't know what I've done to you y/n, but I'm begging you to not make a rushed decision, I love you I really do and I promise you, I'm working hard to get out of this situation, but if you've made up your mind, then I can't stop you. Goodbye y/n.

I ran out of the door with my suitcase crying. This was it. I ended it, this is what I wanted so why was I so broken.

Present day:

Leaving him was the worst decision I could have made,  he was the biggest name in WWE currently, he was even more attractive now and very successful in his life.

I dropped out of school because I got pregnant a year before graduating.

Derek, didn't even go far in NFL, he was removed from his team after they found drugs in his system, So his parents forced him to get into their family business. He didn't want it, but what choice did he have?

I heard Joe got married to a beautiful model and they have 3 children, its crazy to think that would have been me at some point had I persevered with him. I could also have been an engineer by now had I not listened to my parents.

Speaking of them, they've been apologising profusely, for giving me that advice. But what help is their apology now? I barely talk to them anymore. And only do so for the kids.

I hate my life, and I hate the fact that I let outside voices affect my decision making when it came to my relationship with Joe. I guess this is what Karma feels like. And damn it hurts when you are on the wrong side of it.

Authors note:

Decided to fully rewrite this one shot because it had alot of mistakes. Enjoy. Thanks for the support.

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