Valentine's Day Ball: Hogwart...

By YeraReader

1.4K 57 8

A Hogwarts Mystery fic about the Valentine's Day Ball TLSQ, featuring MC Sarah Spellman and Barnaby Lee. I'l... More

You Shall Go to the Ball
Hearts Have Ears
Wait, it Worked?
Party Planning
Valentine's Day
Surprise in the Library

Time for a Ball

161 6 0
By YeraReader

The Great Hall, always a stunning a sight, was almost totally unrecognizable. Badeea and the others had worked enough magic to make Dumbledore proud. 

the stone floor had been transfigured into a mossy covered pathway of heart-shaped stones, occasionally lighting up pink, leading the way to the dance floor. The walls were draped in purple tapestry, depicting beautiful trees straight out of a storybook, along with painted and real rose decorations every few feet. 

The four house tables had been replaced with two long tables, one on either side of the room, with wooden chairs that were carved to resemble trees and table runners that matched the walls. Jae's sweets hovered a foot or two above the tables, and students seated there simply plucked what they wanted from the air. 

At the end of the hall was the dance floor--a large square of grass, surrounded by chocolate fountains and statues of cherubs. 

Above it all, the mural hung, lit by the lights of nearly a hundred fairies (Sarah had no idea how Barnaby had managed to track down and entice that many). Everyone had to stop and enjoy the mural for a moment. Badeea had enchanted it so it moved like the other portraits in Hogwarts; the unicorn tossed its head and pawed with its hoof, the fairies bounced about, the squire bowed to the lovely queen, and the queen smiled down at him with blushing cheeks. 

The string quartet sat below the mural, playing soft background music as the students congregated into the hall. 

Sarah spotted several of her friends looking up at the mural, and made to join them until she caught Barnaby's eyes and he walked over to meet her. 

"Wow," he said, looking her up and down. "You look--I mean..."

Sarah laughed. "Have you forgotten how to speak again, B?"

"Yes. No!" He stammered. "I just...don't have the words to describe how amazing you look. I guess 'amazing' works. But it's not enough."

"Thank you," she said. "You're looking very handsome as well. But you always do."

Barnaby was wearing black trousers and trainers, as well as a fetching red, leather jacket.

"Hey, we match!" she said, pointing to his t-shirt. Andre had fashioned it with the same rose pattern that made up her dress. 

"Excellent!" said Barnaby. "Now if I get lost, I can just ask people to lead me to the beautiful girl in the dress that looks like this!" He pointed to his shirt. 

Sarah laughed. "Well, we shouldn't have to worry about that. I don't think I'll be able to take my eyes off you tonight." 

She usually preferred him in his Slytherin colors, but she found the black shirt and red jacket quite attractive. 

Grinning, Barnaby looked around at the hall. "You did an amazing job with the ball, by the way. I don't see how it could have turned out better!"

"I had a lot of help from my friends," she said. "Including you. The fairy lights might be my favorite part."

"My favorite part so far is that dress," he blurted, before blushing furiously. "I mean, all the outfits. Andre did a good job."

Sarah chuckled. "So did Jae with the food. Should we go try it?"

Barnaby nodded. "Good idea."

They were interrupted before they reached the refreshment table by Pince and Filch. Filch was wearing the suit Andre had made him, Mrs. Norris at his heels in a bowtie. Pince was wearing dark robes similar to what she usually wore, but she'd pinned a rose each to her robes and on the band of her hat. The most striking part of her appearance was the smile on the face, which melted away the cold she usually carried with her wherever she went. 

"Good evening, Miss Spellman," she said. "If Mr. Lee is finished tripping over his own words..." she glanced to Barnaby, who nodded vigorously. 

"For now, I think."

"I'd like to extend my thanks for your help in making this Valentine's Day truly magical."

Sarah was stunned. She'd meant to put Pince in a good mood, but she'd never imagined her plan would work this well. 

"Thank you, Madam. I'm so glad you're pleased."

"More than pleased. This ball has completely surpassed my expectations. The fairy lights are just splendid!"

"That was all thanks to Barnaby," said Sarah, eager to brag on him. 

Barnaby, who'd been glancing at Sarah's dress again, snapped to attention. "Uh, it was no problem. The fairies like me. And it was Sarah's idea."

"And the mural is just...stunning," Pince continued.

"The second most beautiful thing in the room, Madam," said Filch. Pince went as red as Barnaby. 

"Anyway, thanks again for all your effort. And enjoy the ball."

The two adults walked away and Sarah and Barnaby joined Charlie, Tulip, and Tonks at the dessert table. Jae's treats were delicious. Barnaby and Charlie wolfed them down as Sarah chatted with her friends for a while, before Badeea took her hand and brought her to the edge of the dance floor to look at another of her last minute changes. 

"I thought you might appreciate this," she said, as Sarah fought back tears. 

Kneeling beside one of the trees, was a young girl in a red dress. The girl had brown skin and wore large, square glasses. Little white flowers were tucked into her dark hair. She was holding a book in her hands, showing it to a group of creatures that had gathered around her--a gnome, a faun, a few fairies, and a leprechaun. 

"It's beautiful," said Sarah. 

Badeea squeezed her hand. "I understand why you worked so hard to throw this ball together for everyone. We appreciate it." She looked at the painting of the girl. Badeea had captured the enthusiastic smile she wore as she taught perfectly. "She's still with us, in some way. I wanted to remind everyone of that."

"Thank you, Badeea." 

After Badeea left to say hello to a friend, Sarah continued to stare at the tapestry for a while, until she felt someone stand beside her and grab her hand. 

"She's teaching fairies to read," said Barnaby, gazing up at the picture fondly. "I suppose if anyone could do it, it'd be her."

The music from the string instruments increased in volume and tempo. Sarah glanced at the dance floor to see the first eager students rush forward, including Diego and a red-haired Ravenclaw she didn't recognize. 

Barnaby smiled down at her. "Would you like to dance with me?" he asked. 

"Always," she said, letting him lead the way. 

While this dance wasn't quite as rambunctious as the one at the Romance Festival had been, it was an excellent party in its own right. Sarah and her friends danced along to both new and familiar songs played by the quartet, singing out their favorite parts. Though, she wasn't sure why so many Celestina Warbeck hits had been included in the mix. 

"Turns out she's a favorite of Pince's," said Chiara with a shrug when Sarah asked her. She wore an adorable red lace up dress and boots. "I figured I'd throw a few in to make her happy."

Jae grabbed Chiara's hand, his pink tie swinging like a pendulum as he enticed her to dance, shouting the lyrics, "You charmed the heart right out of me! Don't need no broom, I'm flying free..."

Hagrid and Flitwick could be seen near the front of the room, displaying some of the best dance-moves to be found, while Tonks taught ridiculous moves to several of the guests. Professor Snape stood near the mural, staring down at them all with immense hatred, while Professor McGonagall waded amongst the dancers and cast shield charms between couples who were dancing a little too closely together. Sarah saw Andre get blasted back at least four times, the black sweater over his rosy button up shirt askew. 

Even Merula, who'd refused to partake in any sweets or the dancing at first, could be seen tapping her foot and swaying along to the music with a few of her Slytherin friends. She looked quite nice, in a green blazer and with her wild hair smoothed out, but she kept casting hopeful glances at the doors. Sarah couldn't help but hope that Jacob would show up, if only for a few minutes. 

"Sarah, this is the most beautiful ball ever!" said Penny, pulling her to the side with one hand, the other hand still entwined in Talbott's. "I suppose you should have been head of the decoration committee for the Celestial Ball."

"Nonsense," said Sarah firmly. "Your ball was just a brilliant. This couldn't have happened without a lot of help."

Sarah suspected Penny was enjoying this ball in particular because of the company rather than the décor.

Penny tucked a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear and glanced at Talbott. He loosened his tie nervously, still a bit uncomfortable to be around such a large, noisy crowd, but any worry evaporated from his face when he looked at Penny. 

Sarah wished she could've taken this evening and frozen it in time. Seeing the happy, care-free looks on her friends' faces was better than drinking fire whiskey, or seeing a dragon up close. She kept finding herself stopping just to watch them all, before Barnaby pulled her back in for another dance. 

"Are those instruments playing 'Do the Hippogriff?'" Barnaby asked, toward the end of the ball. 

Sarah paused to listen. The crowd had begun to dwindle, as couples decided they'd rather spend the evening alone.  

"Yes it is! Chiara pulled it off!" Sarah laughed as the students began singing the song and performing the accompanying dance moves. "Shall we?" she asked, as the others began waving their hands in the air--"like an ogre just don't care!"

"Sure, but first...I need a refreshment!" said Barnaby. He looked nervous, like Snape had just announced a pop quiz. "I'll be right back."

"A refreshment sounds nice," said Sarah, realizing her throat was parched. "I'll come with you."

"No no!" said Barnaby, holding his hands up to stop her. "I'll get it for you. You just stay right there. Don't move from this spot I don't lose you!"

"Okay..." She watched as Barnaby hurried away, frowning when he didn't stop at the refreshment table, but walked out of the Great Hall completely. "That was a little odd..."

"Was it? I find such behavior quite typical in Mr. Lee."

Sarah turned to see Dumbledore standing there, a contrastingly dignified figure standing above all the foolish dancers. Sarah hadn't realized Dumbledore had come to the ball. He had dressed for the occasion in robes of pale pink and a matching hat. 

"I wanted to congratulate you on a job well done, Mrs. Spellman," he said, gesturing for them to walk a few paces away from the music. "I believe your efforts to enhance this Valentine's Day Ball were nothing short of marvelous."

"Thank you, Professor," she said. "But, I just came up with the idea, really. My friends helped a lot."

"Of course they did, but that wasn't what I was referring to."

Sarah frowned. "I'm not sure I understand, Professor."

Dumbledore was smiling. "You learned to listen with your heart. And to help others heal and grow."

He gestured over to the mural. Pince and Filch were staring up at it, bathed in the glowing light of the fairies.Mrs. Norris was nestled in the crook of Filch's arm. As Sarah watched, Pince reached over to scratch Mrs. Norris on the head, and Filch rested a hand comfortingly on Pince's shoulder. 

Sarah found herself smiling.

"Wonderful, isn't it?" said Dumbledore. "You've helped Mr. Filch to feel as magical as Merlin and a lonely woman to realize she's not alone. Spreading love is what the holiday is all about, Miss Spellman. It's a gift more powerful than any spell."

Sarah knew she'd only tried to get the couple together to save her friends' party, but she was happy it had worked out. "I'm just happy to have helped create a memorable night. For everyone."

"I knew you would." 

They way Dumbledore's eyes twinkled reminded Sarah that he couldn't have always been an old man. He was a child once too, a young man who knew what if felt like to fall in love and to have a broken heart. Sarah wondered once more why Dumbledore had appointed Pince to organize the ball in the first place. Could he have possibly planned for all this to happen?

She glanced at the doors to the hall, wondering where on earth Barnaby could have gone. 

"Perhaps you should look for Mr. Lee in the library," said Dumbledore.


"I've been helping him, you see. By stalling you."

Sarah's eyes widened, but Dumbledore merely winked at her. "Happy Valentine's Day, Sarah." Then he strode onto the dance floor to join the rest of the crowd for the last verse of "Do the Hippogriff."

As little as Sarah wanted to leave the party, Dumbledore's words had intrigued her. Why on earth would Barnaby have gone to the library? She took once last look at her friends as they danced and sang, then walked out of the Great Hall, her thirst forgotten. 

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