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Av JakeKim_Thicc

11.9K 411 101

(ON HOLD) โ„ญ๐”ฆ๐”ฑ๐”ถ ๐”ฌ๐”ฃ ๐”ฐ๐”ฑ๐”ž๐”ฏ๐”ฐ. ๐”„๐”ฏ๐”ข ๐”ฐ๐”ฅ๐”ฆ๐”ซ๐”ฆ๐”ซ๐”ค ๐”ง๐”ฒ๐”ฐ๐”ฑ ๐”ฃ๐”ฌ๐”ฏ ๐”ช๐”ข? โ„ญ๐”ฆ๐”ฑ๐”ถ ๐”ฌ๐”ฃ ๐”ฐ๐”ฑ๐”ž๐”ฏ๐”ฐ ๐”—๐”ฅ๏ฟฝ... Mer

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1.2K 72 14
Av JakeKim_Thicc


Oh, Aries. Your a confident being, a great leader, a cheerful and determination being but you are quick to get angry over the most trivial things.


It is summer. Asta, M/N and Yuno start their journey to the royal capital in order to take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam.

The royal capital is a long, long way from Hage Village.

"The royal capital, huh... I wonder what it's like." Asta said. "I wonder if we'll get to meet the Wizard King!" Asta said. "First, we need to pass the Magic Knights Entrance Exam. Then we'll talk." Yuno said M/N nodded his head.

"I'm so excited!" Asta said as Yuno turned his head to look at the boy. "Excited? Aren't you scared?" Yuno asked as Asta shook his head. "Huh? Why would I be?" Asta asked Yuno. "You never change."

Asta then turned to look at the two as he challenged them to a race. "Come on, let's hurry! The royal capital is super far away!" Asta said running away as Yuno called out. "Hey." Yuno said as Asta yelled out.

"I've gotta hurry up and become the Wizard King!" Asta said. "Just because you got there quickly doesn't mean you'll become the Wizard King any quicker." Yuno said as M/N chuckled, then they saw Asta took a stick and acted like it was a broom.

"What are you doing?" M/N asked as Yuno looked at the male. "Can you even ride a broom when you don't have any magic?" Yuno asked as the smaller male got irritated as he let go of the stick. "I-I'll make it work!" Asta said. "Will you?" Yuno asked. "I will! I got my grimoire! I can do anything as I long as I don't give up!" Asta said running away from the two once again.

"Come on, hurry up! I'm gonna leave you behind Yuno, M/N! Let's train all the way to the capital!" Asta said as he stopped for a minute before running away as Yuno ran to catch up. "You can't be serious." Yuno said as M/N sweatdropped as he ran aswell. "Seriously..."

They ran all the away until they stopped at a certain spot as they heavily panted, as Asta wasn't done yet and continued running. "Are you serious?!" M/N said as he saw Asta ran away as Yuno folllowed behind.

"How do you guys have so much stamina?!"

M/N tiredly followed behind as for a couple of hours they stopped at area of rocks, M/N sat on top of the rock as he panted heavily from running too much.

"Please... let's stop running."

"Stop. We've got a long way to go."

The two male said but Asta didn't want to give up yet.

"Not yet! I'm not done yet!"

Asta slowed down since Yuno was pulling his shirt as the male threw Asta against a pile of rocks. "Let's take a rest before moving forward."


The three continued on there journey as they were met with rain, Asta covered himself with his giant sword as Yuno used his wind and M/N used water as the water droplets became one with his water.

And on the first night, M/N made fire and slept against the tree while Yuno was still awake reading his grimoire, while Asta was tossing and turning until he was close to fire as he felt the heat causing him to scream out of pain.

The next day, they continued until they encountered a wild boar. Asta killed the animal with his sword as M/N used his fire once again so that they can cook it, they all ate a piece of the animal was it was fully cook. "I wish everyone back at the church could eat this, too." Asta said as M/N looked at the meat. "Yeah.." He said eating the meat.

Then they met themselves with a mist as it was covering up everthing so they didn't see which way they should go, Asta pointed at a random direction until Yuno used his magic to clear off the mist and saw the directions.

"No, it's this way." Yuno said. "H-Hey, wait!" Asta said as they followed behind, as they progressed they were in a place full of stones and rocks. For a couple of minutes, huge rocks started to fall from the side, Asta quickly took out his grimoire and sword and sliced the rock in half.

But Yuno just destroyed all of it with his magic as the ash grey haired male looked at Yuno. "Stay out of my way!" Asta exclaimed. "I just gave you a hand." Yuno said. "No asked you to!" Asta said as the H/C haired sweatdropped.

"Now, now. Let's not mad about this okay? Let's just continue." M/N said as the two didn't say anything and they all continued walking.

(I'm just going to skipped it to when they finally arrived at the Clover Kingdom.)

The three finally arrived at the Clover Kingdom, they stood at the cliff as they looked at the sun rising over the clover kingdom. It's mountail lime structure and you can see the castle all at the top.

"Whoa, it's huge! So that's the royal capital. That's where the Wizard King is."

"All right! I'm gonna do this! I'll be there! Just you wait!" Asta said as he began running down. "I'm gonna become the Wizard King!" Asta said as the two smiled and followed Asta.

While M/N couldn't help himself but smile at the thought of seeing those guys again, they arrived at the middle of the capital where the entrance would take place.

The male excused himself from the two as he ran to where the three were, after awhile he finally saw the three.

"Yami! Gordon! Finral!"

The shouting caught the said males attention, they saw the celestial wizard. "Oh, M/N!" Finral said as the male stopped right infront of them. "It looks like you finally arrive." Yami said as he blew out the smoke.

"Are you going to join us M/N?"

"Are you going to join us M/N?"

Finral and Gordon asked at the same time but the paler male was quieter than Finral, the said male shook his head. "No, I'm going to the base and see how the others are." M/N said as the three only nodded.

"We'll see you then." Finral said as they waved each other goodbye, M/N took out his magic and it flipped through the pages and land on a certain page. "Celestial Magic: Virgo's Witch Broom." He said as a broom appeared on his hand.

He sat on it and flied through to where the base is located, he smiled at the thought of finally being able to stay with the others.

He finally arrived at the base, he knocked on the door and waited for someone. He knocked on door once again but louder this time, he heard footsteps coming as the door opened.

"La! What the hell... is it..."




A sudden force was on M/N chest as he and the person fell on the ground, M/N opened his eyes to see the small girl on his chest. "La! M/N!" She said as the sat up and patted the girl's head. "How are you Charmy?" He asked. "I'm doing fine La!"

A bunch of footsteps going towards the door to see what was going on. "M/N!"


The male who was sitting up was now on the ground once again, all of the black bulls member except for Gauche and Grey were now on top of the poor male.

"It's been so long since we saw each other!"

"Fight me M/N!"

"How about we get a drink? We haven't been drinking together for a long time!"

"You guys..." M/N said as the four looked at the male. "You guys are crushing me..." He said as the four got up to let the male breath again, M/N coughed before standing up from the ground.

"La! Why didn't you told us you were coming today?" Charmy asked the male looked at her confused. "I did, I send a letter about 6 months ago. Telling I will be staying here from now on." M/N said as the members looked at each other.

"Yami didn't tell you?" M/N asked as they shook their heads, the male sighed but smiled. "It's fine, let's head inside." He said as they all went inside the base.

The group chatted for awhile but it was moslty Vanessa, Charmy and M/N who was talking while Luck managed to irritate Magna and they were running around the base. While Grey was keeping to themself and Gauch... he's... doing fine.

The others were glad M/N finally decided to stay with them and not just visit them once or twice a month.

M/N excused himself from the others saying he was going to his room, he had one with his constanst visit but he isn't really going to his room.

The male walked through hallyways as his footstep echoed, he was humming until he finally arrived at the place where he wanted to be.

He poked his head right through the open door and saw the long blue haired male on the bed. "Hello Henry." He said as he went inside the room.

"Oh... hello... M/N..." Henry slowly said as the H/C haired male sat on his bed, the male knew Henry was taking his magic but he didn't feel any different. M/N brushed a hair off Henry face to see the male's golden eyes. "How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm... doing... fine..." He said as M/N smiled. "That's good to know." M/N said as he felt the male held his hand and gave it a squeeze. "And Henry, I'm finally staying here with the others. Your going to see me everyday." M/N said as Henry smiled.

"Is... that... so... I'm... glad..." Henry said as M/N patted his head.


It was getting dark, M/N had the time to clean his room and catch up with the others. There was also a girl with silver hair and purple eyes going inside the base.

Appearently she's a new recruit but she didn't attend the exam since her brother didn't allow her to, the girl was nowhere to be seen to be honest.

M/N tried looking for her but she was nowhere to be found.

"La! Here M/N, have a cake!" Charmy said handing a piece of cake, the male smiled at her and took the plate and ate the cake.

"Get back here Luck!!"

Magna throw a fireball at the said male who only dodged it, Luck giggled. "How dare you eat my pudding!!!" Magna yelled out.

"So noisy..." Vanessa said asleep, while Gauche was looking at his sister with a nosebleed. Anyone could take that in a wrong way when they looked at Gauche.

And Grey was just sitting as the chaos in the base insued.

And for awhile the door opened, none of the member took a glance at the male who was the new member of the guild.

Outside of the base was just on fire after the door opened and some of Magna's fire ball went outside.

"Now I'm pissed! You'd better be prepared!" Magna yelled out. "I'm not... but let's do this!" Luck said as Magna began throwing fireballs at the male, who only dodged them.



"What's all the ruckus?" Vanessa said finally awake as she held her head. "Ugh, I drank way too much. My head hurts." Vanessa said.

"You're adorable as an angel again today, my little sister Marie. Keep it down, you morons!!" Gauche yelled out to the two who didn't listen.

Asta stood there flabbergastered, he looked around and saw M/N. "M/N!" Asta yelled out but it was drowned out by Luck and Magna's shouting. The said male looked at Asta and smiled and waved. "Hey Asta, sorry for not telling you and Yuno that I was going to be here." M/N said as Asta had surprised look on her face.

"I see they're at it again." Finral said as Asta shouted. "I'm Asta from Hage Village! It's a pleasure to meet all of you! I'm gonna be the Wizard King!" Asta said as he was completely ignored by everyone.

"That pudding you were saving sure was delicious."

"That's going to be your last supper!"

"That's enough, you two! What if this ruckus you curs are causing wakes up my little sister, you dumbasses?!"

"Oh, shut up, sister lover!"

After awhile of shouting from the members, Yami had enough and shouted.


Yami said as he punched the wall causing it break, the others stopped what they were doing and looked at Yami while the celestial wizard sweatdropped.

'You're also breaking stuff, more importantly the wall. I feel bad for Henry.' M/N thought as everyone started running towards Yami.

The male sighed, as he looked at the others who greatly admired Yami. He felt like something interesting is going to happen later.

Fortsett รฅ les

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