The Tables Have Turned (A Nar...

By He4venly

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After refusing to take over her family's company business-side, Hinata Hyuga decides to relocate to the origi... More

Author's Note


506 38 125
By He4venly

"Why does she always gotta show us up like this?" a small smile decorated my face when I heard Shikaku-sensei's comment. While my skills will never match his or Kakashi-sensei's, I am only popular because of my age. Others have said it's also because of my looks but I highly doubt that's the case.

I don't see myself as a woman that would come close to meeting any sort of beauty standards given my hobbies. I prefer simple and straightforward; whatever is comfortable enough to produce the best dishes for my peers.

That's all that matters.

That hasn't stopped many of these men and even women from trying to 'wow' me (according to Shikaku-sensei) the entire time. They must have half a mind to think that I would ever allow them an apprenticeship if they came here pursuing some sort of relationship.

With my new position down at the restaurant and being apart of this stupid competition, I hardly have enough time to think of such tedious things like romance.

Besides, there's no point in it anymore.

"Hyuga-san, are you ready?" The producer caught my attention.

I merely nodded, sucking in a breath.

"Chef Hinata Hyuga!"

The lights are blinding.

The noise of the cheers are numbing.

But I froze.

A little unexpected given the temperature of so many light bleeding through my skin. The security barrier I've been carrying around all day blared in my mind.

Isn't that...

I didn't even register ever catching glimpse of him this entire time. But there he was: front and to my right, gawking as I strolled in.

Those stunning cerulean eyes, the sun-colored hair, the odd but yet attractive whisker birth marks on a mature face. His jawline is more angular which helped radiate the masculinity that came with his brooding nature.

Then those very same eyes flashed a look of recognition and I can almost see his nostrils flare up as his mind registered my name.


It's me...

Naruto Uzumaki.

That girl from grade school, middle school and high school that stuck by your side as a friend who you needed to turn to. The same friend that accidentally crossed the boundary no friend should and...

I clenched my hands on my side, keeping the camera-smile on my face.

I cannot walk myself down that dark history any longer. My entire adolescents into adulthood was dictated by those horrible feelings that haunted me each waking moment and danced around as nightmares when I closed my eyes.

I can't...let him have this power over me. A power that I gave to him because I thought he felt the same way.

Not again.

I'm much stronger now. I have more walls I built over the years to make myself live a life without him.

And I did.

I am the Hinata Hyuga.

I worked so hard to get here; to be respected. I grew out of every single bad habit I had to look confident enough to take on any competitor that stood in my way.

I am going to do the same to him.

I met his gaze just once more, this time hoping he would absorb in the feeling of disgust I'm trying to convey. He flinched and looked away.

Good. At least he understood.

After I took my seat next to my fellow chefs, the host continued on with the competition.

"Now that we have our lovely mentors waiting, each contender has approximately 45 minutes to create their best dish that is enough to earn a spot in the top 10 to move on into tomorrow's round. Remember we only have 2 spots left open. We have extra ingredients in the pantry right over there so grab whatever you need. Otherwise, everything else is at your stations."

He's stealing glances at me.

I can feel it.

It's not hard to considering my seat is directly in front of him.

"Mentors: any last minute words?" The host handled the spotlight over to us.

"No more fish." Kakashi-sensei groaned behind his mask. "I'm so sick and tired of ahi."

Shikaku-sensei's shoulders rumbled with amusement. "Do your best."

My turn.

"Good luck and don't panic." I started. "You guys would do amazing, believe it."

I saw him flinch again.


Hinata: 2.

Naruto: 0.

"45 minutes on the clock." We all glanced on the big projector in the middle.

"Your time starts..." He claps his hands. "Now!"

The moment the lights dimmed a bit around us, I switched my mic off. I snuck my phone out from my skirt pocket and shot an angry text to a friend who is probably laughing his butt off at the very moment.

sasuke u prick!

A couple seconds later, a response.

im assuming were talking about that asshole right in front of you

My fingers angrily typed back.

yes!!! >:( a word of warning wouldve been nice

I scanned the room for my friend. I know his shift ended an hour ago but I know he's still lurking behind here. There was no way he didn't know Naruto was here and yet he decided to not tell me.

before i apologize lemme explain...


i told sakura n i thought she would tell you

she didn't say anything either

see? then IM not the bad friend for not warning you the guy you were so madly in love with for so many years is here...she is

My grip on my phone tightened as I read his words. The pain that followed from the center of my chest stung just a bit.

Not like it used to.

But just a tiny bit.

im sorry. i shouldve said something, hina but even i was shocked to see that asshole's face around here again

I'm so selfish. This entire time I'm mad at Sasuke for not telling me about Naruto right away. I forgot that Naruto was like his brother and he left him, too.

no im sorry for being harsh. forgot what he meant to you 2

Sasuke didn't respond right away. My eyes darted to his but he was focused on the blonde causing our little sympathy fest.

Great. He's only been here for a couple hours and he's already stirring up trouble.

Sasuke only gave me a sad smile and shook his head. At least I can trust him not to hold it against me. He of all people knows what Naruto's presence can do to me.

It used to incite the strongest adrenaline of warmth, nerves, excitement.


I stole a glance at the man. His brows furrowed with concentration, cheeks smeared a bit with flour. Those ocean eyes swimming with determination.

I should get my revenge here. Taste his plate, dislike and just kick him out...let him taste his own medicine when he decided to throw me out of his life like I was nothing more than a nuisance.

I can't do that.

That would just mean he still has that powerful hold over me.

I'm stronger now.

I don't need a man to make me waver or turn me into a person I will later despise.

"You okay over there, Ms. Hyuga?" Kakashi's curious voice intruded my thoughts.

I cleared my throat quickly before flashing my fellow chefs a smile. "Everything is good, sir."

He didn't look like he believed me but he shrugged it off.

"Alright, Chefs." The producer's voice echoed through our earpieces. "Turn those mics on and give a quick word about the contestants in 3...2...."

"Out of this batch, you guys," Shikaku-sensei started. "Who do you think is going to take the last two spots?"

I waited for my sensei to speak. He tapped his masked chin and quickly scanned over the contestants.

"I think number 296 is going to wow us a bit with the filet migon but only if she manages to keep the temperature perfect for that medium rare. As for the second one, I'm not entirely sure."

296 is a woman not much younger than me. I watched her for a bit. She was bathing the piece of steak over and over.

Good technique. Whatever she seasoned it with seem to stand out a bit over the others.


I glanced over to the man next to her. He was stirring something in the pot with intent.

He brought the ladle up to his lips.

Took a sip.

"Alright." I heard him say before putting the ladle back down.

"And you, Chef Hinata?" Shikaku-sensei asked.

I didn't miss a heartbeat to ask. "What is contestant 297 making?"

My two fellow chefs exchanged a look amongst each other.

I don't like that. "What?"

"We noticed you had an eye on 297 since you joined us." Shikaku-sensei stole a look at Naruto. "I'm not gonna lie: he's a looker."

Nope; don't like the direction of this conversation at all. I need to talk to the producer afterwards to make sure they cut this session out. How embarrassing would it be for a Byakugan chef to be asked such scandalous questions like that? Or implied to have a childish crush on someone who has yet to find a career.

"I am more interested in the dish he has planned for us." I finished, as smoothly as I could. "We've tasted a lot of the same things all day. I am just ready to try something different, that's all."

Shikaku-sensei didn't look like he believed me. Thank Kami, the host took the time to warn the future chefs that they had 5 minutes left.

Naruto never scrambled. He calmly bent down to grab a bowl and set it on the counter.


I folded my arms, watching him a bit closer.

Then signed.

Am I supposed to be surprised?

Naruto ate, slept and breathed ramen growing up.

Of course he would make it for a competition that just might change his life.

I guess some things don't change after all.


The crowd started shouting.


Kakashi-sensei cleared his throat and rearranged his utensils in front of him.


Shikaku-sensei rubbed his hands together.


Contestant 295 cursed at something on his plate.


296 wiped down her plate as neatly as she could.


The host made his way towards the front stage.


I straightened my posture. I decided on crossing my arms across the table in front of me.


It's risky. But I did it anyway.

I stole one last glance at Naruto Uzumaki.


He looked up.


"Hands up! Time's up!" The studio blared with claps and cheers.

But all of that was ignored. Nothing said to me in that moment would've passed through for any sort of comprehension.

Because in that moment....

Stupid, stupid Naruto Uzumaki.

H-he decided to look directly at me.

Then when he noticed my attention was on him.

He -


He had the audacity to smirk at me.

Now what am I supposed to do?

When my heart doesn't want to stop running without me?

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