By taylorsversions

224K 6.6K 2.6K

"life was a willow and it bent right to your wind" pre season 2 - season 2 klaus hargreeves x female!oc More

1. The First Meeting
2. Shakespeare
3. Coffee
4. Cigarettes
5. Perfect
6. Put Your Head on my Shoulder
7. Feelings
8. Finally Happy
9. Shared Birthdays
10. The Truth
11. Girl on the Run
12. Scars
13. Do Too
15. Broken Glass
16. Soulmates
17. The Apocalypse of 2019
18. The Apocalylse of '63
19. Bonnie & Clyde
20. Home
21. Allison
22. Paint
23. Frogs are Bitches
24. Welcome to the Family
25. Hargreeves Women
26. Fraud
27. You're Family Now
28. A Light Supper
29. Mother
30. The Board
31. Posession
32. We Make a Good Team
33. Little One
35. Seconds, Not Decades
36. Back to the Future

34. Mirror

3.3K 107 30
By taylorsversions

||Fight to the last gasp - Shakespeare||

"Do you think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Diego asked as he stood out of the car and stepping into the snow.

"The correlation is high" Five replied, slamming the door of the car.

"Sissy! Sissy!" Vanya yelled as the blonde woman ran out of the barn, holding a gun.

"Get the hell back! All of you, get the hell back!" Sissy yelled at them, pointing the gun at them.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Vanya asked, concern crossing her face as she looked at her lover.

"Carl" Sissy replied simply, looking at the Hargreeves suspiciously.

"What happened to him?" Vanya asked.

"He's dead" Sissy replied, her breath shaking slightly. "Harlan tossed him aside the same way you sent those policemen flying"

"What did you do to him? Vanya what the hell did you do to my son?" Sissy demanded, still pointing the gun and the group.

"We don't have time for this" Diego said, trying to walk forward before Sissy pointed her gun at him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sissy asked.

"Diego, be careful" Willow said to him, putting an arm in front of Klaus and another in front of Five as she watched Sissy pointing the gun.

"To help your son" Diego replied.

"Look, Sissy I found my family. These are my four brothers and my two sisters" Vanya told her, motioning to the group.

"Were you lying to me the whole time?" Sissy asked.

"Of course not. I didn't know who I was, but I do now. And we are not the monsters they say we are, we did not kill the president, we are not terrorists" Vanya told her.

"Then who are you?" Sissy asked.

"The only one who can help Harlan" Vanya replied.


The group entered the barn, seeing Harlan floating in the middle of a blue and gold energy tornado. They all looked up at him in shock.

"Harlan, I know you're scared but I can help you!" Vanya yelled as she stood in front of her siblings. "I need you to listen to me, can you do that?"

Vanya's eyes turned a bright silver before she entered the energy tornado. As she did that, Klaus heard a 'whoosh' sound from outside the barn.

"Careful" Five told her

Klaus tapped his girlfriend on the arm lightly, signaling for her to follow him. They walked over to the door of the barn, seeing two figures standing in the middle of the grassy field.

"Fuck" Willow muttered at the sight of her mother and sister.

"Uh, guys?" Klaus called, motioning for the others to come over to where he was.

"Ah shit" Diego groaned when he recognized his ex girlfriend standing there.

"What, who are they?" Klaus asked as he felt Willow grip onto his arm.

"One's the Handler, the other's Diego's crazy girlfriend" Five answered.

"Lila, my ex-girlfriend" Diego corrected.

"I hate to break it you Diego, but she still thinks you two are a thing" Willow told him.

"You know what? It doesn't matter. They both look pissed" Luther told them.

"Yeah well our brother does have that effect on people" Allison commented.

"I'm gonna go find out what they want. You guys stay with Vanya and the kid" Five told them, turning to walk away.

"I'm coming with you" Diego told them and Five nodded.

"Me too" Willow added.

"No, you have to stay here. She still thinks you're dead" Five replied.

"Well I think she knows that's I'm still breathing by now, Five" Willow said before turning to Klaus. "You stay here, okay?"


"I love the smell of that fresh country air, don't you darling?" The Handler asked Lila as the trio approached them.

"It makes me want to vomit" Lila muttered in response.

"What do you want?" Five asked, getting straight to the point.

"To watch you suffer" Lila replied.

"What about me?" Diego asked.

"You're not even worth my wrath" Lila spat at him.

"Easy. We're here on official business. As the head of the Commission, I've decided to eliminate the criminals responsible for the assassination of the former board of directors" The Handler told them, sending daggers towards her biological daughter.

"Yeah, right. We didn't kill the board" Diego replied with a smile, so sure of himself.

"Uh, actually Diego, that's not entirely accurate" Five admitted.

"Five what the hell did you do?" Diego asked, turning to face his brother.

"What I had to to get my family home. Until somebody reneged on our deal" Five said, looking over at The Handler.

"Somebody wouldn't have reneged on the deal if somebody could've me a simple deadline" She responded. "And you didn't even keep up with half of our deal" she motioned to Willow, who was still very much alive and breathing.

"You set him up to fail" Willow muttered, knowing her mother and her tactics all too well.

"He set himself up to fail, you and your brothers and sisters. Kinda the running theme of your little life, isn't it?" The Handler commented with a chuckle.

"Dude, I can't believe you killed the board of directors. You have no idea how messed up the Commission is right now" Diego muttered to his brother.

"If it takes any of the blame off of Five, I did kill the fish" Willow added.

"That's not all he killed" Lila spoke up, sending daggers to Five.

"What are you talking about?" Five asked.

"Don't play dumb with me you prepubescent piece of shit" Lila spat at him.

"Enough. The point is, all of you are going to die today. Even my daughter" The Handler told them, placing her briefcase on the ground next to her.

"You're going to kill Lila?" Diego asked in disbelief.

"Of course not. My other daughter" The Handler replied, signaling over at Willow.

"Daughter?" Diego asked in disbelief, looking at Willow for clarification.

"Mhm" Willow hummed, clearly annoyed by the whole situation.

"Oh you didn't tell them? Yes I am in fact Willow's biological mother" The Handler admitted with a smug smirk on her face.

"Why would you have a daughter?" Diego asked in disbelief, he knew that Lila was adopted so it made no sense to him why she would physically have a baby.

"I didn't choose to have her, just like your mother's didn't choose to have you" The Handler replied.

"Wait so she's-" Diego started.

"One of you? Yes" Willow responded.

"Five was supposed to kill her but I'm feeling nice today so I'll give you a choice dear, you can either come with me back to the Commission and live there. Or you can die with the rest of these clowns" The Handler offered.

Willow looked between Five and Diego, who both nodded at her. They thought it was better to live, even with her, than to die. Willow looked behind her, at Klaus, and shook her head.

"I'm never going back with you again" Willow replied, she knew they weren't going to die anyway. And if they did she trusted Five to time travel back and prevent it from happening.

"Willow, what about the baby?" Five asked, concern spreading across his face as he grabbed onto her arm.

"Baby?" Lila repeated in shock.

"There's a baby?" Diego asked in confusion.

"Ah yes, the baby. I do wonder if my little grandchild will have powers...But anyways, you are all going to die right now" The Handler told them.

"Oh. Well, I don't like your chances. Eight of us, two of you" Diego replied with a smug grin on his face.

"You know, you're right. Let's change that" The Handler said, clicking her fingers as thousands of Commission assassins appeared in the field, holding guns and briefcases.

"So what do we do now?" Diego asked, glancing over at his brother and sister in law.

"Well, we have two choices: fight and die now or run an die later" Five replied.

"Either way were food for worms" Willow commented.

"Preference?" Diego asked.

"I wouldn't mind a few more minutes breathing air through the old windbags" Five replied with a shrug.

"I agree with him" Willow confirmed.

"All right. Let's get this over with, shall we?" The Handler said as she lifted up a red scarf. Luther, Allison and Klaus stood in the field, getting the message that they were supposed to run.

"Run!" Five yelled as she dropped the scarf, making all the assassins yell and run after them as they shot bullets from their guns.

Diego grabbed onto Willow's hand, since he was a much faster at running and he wanted her to stay with him. Luther, Allison and Klaus all ducked behind a trailer of hay for protection.

"We're not gonna make it!" Diego yelled as they continued running, with the assassins catching up to them.

Five grabbed onto Diego and teleported them closer to the tractor, where he knew that they would be able to take cover.

"I think I'm gonna puke" Diego said as they ran behind the tractor.

"Me too" Willow added.

"No time!" Five yelled back. "What now?"

"We blink into the house dude!" Willow told him.

"Okay" he replied as he touched Diego and Willow, but his power wasn't working due to lack of energy.

"What?" Diego asked.

"I'm out of fuel, I'm too tired" Five said, his anxiety rising by the second.

"Go! I'll cover for you! Both of you!" Diego told them as he stood up.

"Diego, what are you doing?" Willow asked.

"Go!" he yelled at the two of them.

Five and Willow ran toward the house, not looking back to see what Diego was doing. They couldn't take the time to stop and see.

"Get under the table" Five instructed. They both did what he said, covering their ears as the bullets shot through the kitchen and glass shattered around them.

Luther held Allison and Klaus close to him, knowing that he could take a bullet better than they would. Klaus covered his ears with his hands, getting flashbacks from the Vietnam War. He wanted nothing more to have Willow next to him, to know that she was okay.

They all looked up when they heard the high pitched tone coming from the sky, Vanya floated out from the barn and sent an energy wave throughout the field, knocking and killing every single assassin.

"It's over" Allison said with relief as they stood up.

Five looked out the window in shock when he noticed The Handler and Lila protecting themselves with a blue dome, confusion crossed his face.

"Is now a good time to tell you that Lila has powers?" Willow asked.

"Would've been useful information a few minutes ago" Five commented.

"Your turn dear" The Handler told her daughter as she also rose to the air just like Vanya did.

"What the hell?" Vanya said to herself as she watched Lila.

"That's not normal" Diego commented.

Lila then used her energy force to send all of the Hargreeves flying in different directions. Vanya flew against the barn, landing on the ground below her. Luther fell through the roof of the house. Allison landed in a pile of hay and Diego fell under the tractor, being trapped by it.

"Catch me! Catch me! Ow ow!" Klaus yelled before he was caught midair by two cowboy ghosts. He sighed in relief once he realized he hadn't felt the impact yet.

"Well done darling! Let me know when you've killed them all, will you?" The Handler asked.

"Okay Mum" Lila replied before walking off.

"Luther, you okay?" Willow asked as she walked over to the man who lay groaning on the floor.

"I think I swallowed my tongue" he groaned.

"If you swallowed your tongue you wouldn't be talking, you big moron" Five replied as he helped his brother up.

"What just happened?" Luther asked as he stood up.

"She must have redirected Vanya's energy wave" Five told him.

"Yeah, but how?" Luther asked.

"She has powers, but what power does she have exactly?" Five asked, looking towards the area where Willow had been standing only seconds ago, but she was already gone.


"You alright?" Willow asked as she approached her husband, immediately embracing him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" Klaus asked they pulled apart slightly, placing a hand on her cheek, running his thumb over the scar on her cheek that was from the days before.

"No, no I'm okay" Willow replied, smiling up at him as she still kept a grip on his arms. "But we might not be in a few minutes if we don't stop Lila" she warned.

"So what do we do?" Klaus asked, not wanting anything to happen to him or his family.

"We have to fight her, I guess" Willow replied, knowing that she wasn't able to fight her. Between her nausea and injuries she was in no position fight. She looked over at her sister, who to her surprise, completely bypassed the couple and went straight into the house for Luther and Five.

"Should we go help the others?" Klaus suggested and his wife nodded in response before turning around to walk towards Vanya, only to stumble in the snow due to her nausea.

"Okay maybe that's not the best idea love" Klaus backtracked as he helped her stand.

"I can't...I can't let anything to Five" Willow said as she gripped onto the sides of his jacket, using it to steady herself.

"I'm sure he's okay" Klaus reassured, wrapping an arm around her waist and another on her back to support her.

"What if...what if he's not?" Willow asked, stumbling over her words.

"Babe, you're so pale you're literally nearly whiter than the snow" Klaus commented. "Darling, you're pregnant, you can't go fight right now"

"But-" Willow tried to argue before put his finger on her lips.

"No buts. I'm not letting anything happen to you or the little one. Now shush" Klaus said as he let her lean against him as they both shivered in the cold.

"I really picked the wrong time to get pregnant, huh?" Willow asked with a small chuckle as she leaned her head against his chest.

"Pretty sure it's my fault more than yours" Klaus replied.

"You did say you would pull out" Willow mumbled.

"And I did" Klaus defended.

"Obviously not fast enough" she replied.

"I'm sorry...?" he apologized.

"No, I'm glad you didn't" Willow assured before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the barn "Now come on, let's help the others"

A/N: I just published the first chapters of my Five Hargreeves x OC book called 'Reputation' and I would love and appreciate it if you could check it out 🥰

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