The Secret

By schoolacc4chata

11 2 0

This story is dedicated to my bestie @savannah_hall_ More

The Secret

11 2 0
By schoolacc4chata

 Hi my name is Savannah and I have a sister named Alayna we are twin sisters and we have 4 other siblings named (Bayleigh) (kolton) (aj) (tj) bayleigh is my favorite besides my twin do not tell anybody I said that. Today has been well kinda crazy my sister and me are going to a new high school and the name of it is Darkwood high and I moved in with my sister we got our own place we both know how to drive and we both have our own boyfriends my boyfriends name is Noah and Alayna's boyfriend's name is Brody and the boys live with us we are kinda famous me and alayna have a cousin named Sabrina Carpenter yeah so I would not brag but she is coming to our house for christmas next week and since she is kinda rich she told me what she was getting alayna what she was going to get her and wait I can not say the name of her present she is allowed in my diary so I can not say it but I can give you a hint it is blue and pink and they are round and there is one gold one. Yeah so we are at school and we see our boyfriends oh yeah they are on the football team and the baseball team and they are really cute when they play me and alayna are cheerleaders and basketball players we love to watch our boyfriends play football sometimes we will go play with them and they said we should join the football team so we said yeah sure can't be that hard right so we are on the football team now and it is awesome our coach is nice and we are with our boyfriends all the time I mean me and Noah share a room and Alayna and Brody share a room but me and Noah have been getting down to business if you know what I mean, lol.

Hi im Alayna i have a twin sister Savannah we both play football , basketball ,and were cheerleaders we live the perfect life perfect boyfriends perfect family good grades and a lot of friends we have social media and we have some similar but our boyfriends are best friends actually they seem like brothers but they are just really good friends and they are having a halloween party me and Savannah are gonna be angel and devil of course im gonna be the angel and Savannahs gonna be the devil . I'm nice until you mess with my twin and her boyfriend or my boyfriend. Last year me and my twin were bullied that was until we met Brody and Noah they were always nice to us but they had girlfriends there girlfriends were always mean to us until we stood up for ourselves now there the losers I sometimes bully them only because they bullied us so much but now we are better people are boyfriends broke up with them and now we all live together and Noah is thinking about proposing to my sister, I think he is going to tonight I hope he does because I have never seen her so happy . Brody already proposed that we were getting married next month.

Savannah; Me and Noah are going out tonight and I think he is proposing so we get there I see a box in the back of his jacket pocket and I asked what it is he said oh I just forgot to take it out. I say ok we are here at romas he pulls out my chair and he takes my drink and says I need to taste it and see if it is poison I say ok lol he puts the ring in there and says will you marry me we'll be together forever and always and of course i say yes I mean why wouldn't i. I love him so much he is the love of my life we are engaged and he is the best boyfriend ever. So life is great yeah we have the perfect life sometimes this is when the secret comes in we have been hiding something and now I got to get it out we are moving to florida and we are going to live with our fiance's and guess what nobody knows this but I am pregnant with Noah's baby and I do not know how to tell him he is the best and he wants kids with me but I just don't know how I am going to tell him I am scared and he would be to but when he gets home I am going to tell him. 2 hours later he gets home and I am sitting him down and explaining it to him and he hugs him and yells I AM GOING TO BE A DAD YEAH!!! Yeah in 9 months If it is with you It is perfect aww babe your so sweet I love you so much. 2 months later I am yelling at Noah because I want ice cream and he knows when you're pregnant you get really bad hormones. GET ME ICE CREAM NOAH!!! No you have had way too much Ice cream but babe can I please have some please yeah I guess you can. YEAH!!!! Lol I love you so much you are the best boyfriend ever. You are going to be the best dad ever I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. So life is great but we are going to have a baby in 5 months. That's not a lot of time we need to start getting the baby stuff. I am calling Alayna and telling her that I am in the hospital about to have my baby. So I am at the hospital and well we are having a baby and my sister is not even here yet neither is my mom or my dad or my other siblings and I can not hold the baby in me forever so I had the baby with or without them they can try and get here as fast as they can but I am having this baby now whether they like it or not. They do need to hurry though but let's go through with the birth. As soon as I ended that sentence. They arrive at the finale for once they get here before I have the kids lol. 

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