seventeen imagines

By yoonzinos

7.4K 121 6

this is where i will write all 13 member ffs !! please enjoy! :)) - admin mโค๏ธ More

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t h a n k y o u !

๐ŸŽฎ t h e g a m e r ๐ŸŽฎ

585 14 0
By yoonzinos

Jeon Wonwoo ff

*beep beep beep*

You slowly open your eyes after being woken up by your alarm clock. You roll out of bed and start to do your daily yoga routine to get your body stretched and relaxed. You head to your bathroom and wash up, brush your teeth, fix your hair, put on light makeup and start to put on your clothes. You wore a plain white crop top with black ripped jeans and a red flannel around your waist and checkerboard vans. You check your phone and it reads 8:45 A.M.

Y/N: Shit... I'm gonna be late!

You grab a granola bar from your kitchen, some water, your bag and keys and head out the door to work. You work at a gamer cafe called "Signal". You basically sit around all day and play video games while attending to customers. There aren't many people who come during the day, but at nights, it gets pretty hectic, especially during the holidays. After 20 minutes of driving, you pulled up to the cafe and checked your phone again. It read 9:10 A.M. You get out the car and sigh as you walk inside the building.

You walked behind the long counter and set your things down on the floor and began to get everything situated for the day. You were the first person to arrive so it was easier to not get penalized for being late to work...again. You turn on the lights, wipe down the tables, and start up the devices. Your cafe is very up to date with the latest models for gaming. Your boss just installed the "Oculus Quest 2" and a lot of people have been coming to check it out. You also have regular computers, Nintendo switches, the Wii, Xbox, and PlayStation. You sit behind the counter after getting the cafe ready and put on your headphones and listen to music.

During the day, it was slow but very casual. You didn't do much but bring people food and drinks, but not a lot of people order anyways, they just come and play the games or hang out with their friends. You were the only one working that day, and thankfully, it wasn't too much to handle. Later on in the evening, the crowd began to die down, and that meant you could close up early. As you were about to turn off the devices and lights, you heard the door open. You groan in silence because it was still a long day, but now you had to stay longer. You check your phone and it read 9:50 P.M. You turn to see who walked in, and you noticed four unfamiliar faces. You usually recognize everyone that walks in, but tonight, these four people caught your eye.

Four guys walked into the cafe. The first guy was short, but he looked intimidating. He looked as if he could break you by just using his words. The second guy looked tall and calm. He has beautiful eyes and a soft smile. The third guy looked extremely cute, and his eyes hit like daggers, kind of like tigers also. The fourth guy really caught your eye and you studied him like he was a test. He looked cold and cruel, he was really tall and he looked like he could break you both physically and mentally. You gulped when he looked your direction and looked at you directly in the eyes. You didn't know what to do, so you spoke.

Y/N: H-Hello! Welcome to Signal Cafe. May I get you all anything?

The fourth guy rolled his eyes and sat down at a table with his friends.

Guy 3: I would like something!

Guy 2: Me too!

You walk over to them and the two guys that spoke have the cutest smiles plastered on their faces.

Guy 3: My name is Soonyoung! This is Junhui, Jihoon, and Wonwoo. *whispers* Wonwoo is paying for all of us. Shhhh~

You silently giggle at what Soonyoung tells you and you take their orders.

Y/N: ..and what would you like Mr. Wonwoo?

Wonwoo: Just get me a water. And don't be slow.

You look at him and he's glaring at you. It's like his eyes are piercing your soul and you either liked it or hated it, but you didn't give it much thought, because you acted too quickly.

Y/N: I-I beg your pardon?

Wonwoo: Did you not hear what I said? Get. Me. A. Water.

Jihoon: Bro... shut up. *looks at you* Don't mind him. He's just being a bitch.

Y/N: ... Alright then. Coming right up guys.

You let out the biggest and quietest sigh as you prepare their food and drinks. After about 30 minutes, you bring them their orders and they look happy, except for Wonwoo and you didn't even bother at that point. You go back behind the counter and play on your Nintendo switch. As you're playing, you're watching the four guys play games and enjoy their time. You think to yourself how cute they are, but for some reason, your eyes are back to Wonwoo and you softly smiled. You can't help but look at how his nose scrunches when he laughs, or when his eyes start to sparkle when he's listening to the others talk. You looked at how toned his muscles were through his shirt, the way his hair was parted and flowed on his face, his glasses and the way he looked so smart and sophisticated. You admired him, which was ironic because he gave you such a hard attitude. Your soft smile turned into a harsh glare after you thought about what happened about an hour ago. You wanted your eyes to bury into his soul, you wanted him to feel what you felt. It's like you wanted him to feel uncomfortable in your presence, as he made you feel.

Wonwoo: *scoffs* Hey you. What the hell are you staring at?

Y/N: I-I... uh-

Wonwoo: Doesn't matter. Just get me another water.

Y/N: *walks over to him* I have a name you know.

Wonwoo: Does it look like I care? *gets up and walks to you*

Y/N: *scoffs* Well you should because I'M the one serving you and I'M the one taking care of your needs. So... be respectful.

Wonwoo: I can call you whatever the hell I want because I don't care about your service. Get me what I asked for.

Y/N: You-

Wonwoo: Now.

By that point, you both were inches apart. You could feel him breathing down your neck, and it sent shivers down your spine and it made you quite flustered. You went and refilled his glass of water and brought it to him as politely as you could. You certainly didn't want to lose your job over someone as awful as him, so you put up with it for the night. Before you could go back to the counter, someone called you.

Soonyoung: Hey wait!!

Y/N: *you turn to face a pleading Soonyoung* Yes?

Soonyoung: First off, what's your name?

Y/N: Oh, I'm (Y/N)...

Soonyoung: Since we're the only ones here... want to play a game on the Oculus Quest 2??

Y/N: *smiles softly* Sure.

Soonyoung grabs your hand and pulls you towards the game area where the Oculus was set up and you both played dozens of games. As you were playing with him and Jihoon, Wonwoo was secretly studying you. He was looking at the way your hair flowed down your back, the way you handled yourself. He was also looking at your body and how defined your curves were, and he studied your lips and your cheeks. He bites his lip just looking at the sight of you, but he definitely doesn't want you to know how he feels.

It was finally 12 A.M. and you were ready to close up the cafe. The guys walked out in front of you first and you followed them after.

Y/N: *sighs* Hope you all had an amazing time here! Have a nice night, and nice meeting you.

Junhui: Thanks for being open! *smiles* Do you need a ride home?

Y/N: *chuckles* No, I-

Wonwo: She can get herself home.

Jihoon: Wonwoo, please shut up.

Y/N: No it's okay. I have my car don't worry, you all get home safely!

Jihoon: Wait.... here. *hands you an envelope*

Y/N: *grabs the envelope and opens it to find $30* W-what is this?

Jihoon: Let's just say it's a tip... from Wonwoo. Have a good night Y/N...

You wave goodbye to all of them except Wonwoo. You walked away before you got the chance and you didn't want to interact with him anymore, although your heart felt at ease knowing he tipped you well. Tomorrow will be a brand new day.

— The Next Day —

You're at work again and you are currently wiping down tables and devices and then you heard the door open.

Y/N: *not paying attention* Hi! Welcome to Signal Cafe! Please take a seat, I will be right-

You look up from your task and see Junhui, Soonyoung, Jihoon, and Wonwoo walk in.

Y/N: ...shit.

Soonyoung: *jumps toward you* Hi Y/N !

Y/N: *breathy* Hey!! So what can I get you all today?

They sit down, but this time they sat in front of the computers. They tell you what they want and you go into the kitchen to prepare their order. In 30 minutes you bring them their order, and you were about to go back to the counter, but someone grabs your wrist. You look back and it's Wonwoo.

Wonwoo: I don't want this.

Y/N: *pulls arm back* But you ordered it.

Wonwoo: Now I want something else.

Y/N: *scoffs* Are you serious?

Wonwoo: *looks you in the eyes* Does it look like I'm joking?

Y/N: *sighs* What would you like this time?

Wonwoo: Just get me a coffee and a muffin or something. And make it quick. I don't like waiting.

Y/N: *mumbles* This bitch..

Wonwoo: What?

Y/N: Nothing.

Wonwoo: That's what I thought. Now bring me what I asked for.

Soonyoung: Dude ... really? *walks with you to the kitchen*

Y/N: *chuckles* You aren't allowed in here silly.

Soonyoung: But it's just you here! Sorry about Wonwoo, he doesn't always act like that. Are you okay?

Y/N: Y-Yeah, I'm fine. It's my job to make sure you're happy, and clearly I'm not doing a good job.

Soonyoung: You make us happy! Wonwoo just doesn't show it much. He's not the emotional type sometimes.

You and Soonyoung return to where Wonwoo was and you brought him what he asked for and you walked away without him saying anything to you because the last thing you needed was to pick a fight. That whole day, Wonwoo ordered you around like you were his servant and you started to get really annoyed and upset with him. He kept asking for more to drink and eat and then he was getting lazy and told you to pick out games and gadgets for him to use and you were exhausted. You were so exhausted that by the time you closed the cafe later on in the evening, you couldn't keep your eyes awake driving home.

When you walked into your house, you immediately sprawled onto your bed. You just let out a huge groan. You were frustrated, yet tense. You couldn't stop thinking about Wonwoo. It was like he was scaring you, but you had an attraction to it and you couldn't get enough of it, but the thought of him still makes you angry. You hoped that he wouldn't be there tomorrow. You liked the others, but he was not your favorite. You just sighed and let your body fall into a deep sleep.

— The Next Day —

You're sitting in the emptiness of the cafe and you read the time on your phone and it says 6:27 P.M. You were listening to music and playing games on your phone. You look up to see people walking in and you take out your headphones. You were about to walk towards them, until someone caught your eye and it was Wonwoo looking back at you. You felt that same feeling when you first met him, the way his eyes shot like daggers into your heart. He looked so attractive that it made you even more angry. You clenched your fists and tried to be as calm as possible. You walk backwards towards the kitchen and prepared their orders because they ordered the same thing since the last two days and you wanted them to have the best service from you. You brought out two trays, but once your eyes met Wonwoo again, it seemed like you lost balance. The last thing you hear was the sound of glass dropping onto the floor. It was like you could hear the glass break before it hit the ground and it was like you could feel the floor shaking from the disruption of the glass. You snapped back to reality and realized that the drinks fell to the floor.

Y/N: Oh shit- I am so sorry.

Jihoon: Y/N, are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine! *start to clean up*

Junhui and Soonyoung also asked if you were okay but Wonwoo didn't. As you were cleaning up, Soonyoung was kind enough to make the drinks again and set them on the counter. It was like he made your job much easier.

Y/N: Thank you Soonyoung. I really appreciate it.

Soonyoung: No problem!

You smiled to yourself and brought them their food and went back to get the drinks and you set them down and hand it to them. By the time you got to Wonwoo's drink, he then made a comment.

Wonwoo: If you weren't so clumsy, maybe you wouldn't have made a mess.

It was at that point where your top flipped and you had no control over your emotions anymore. You held onto his drink so tightly that the glass began to crack in the palm of your hand. You didn't care about the pain, but you did care about what he said. You look at him in the eyes, and you felt a tear stroll down your face. You took the drink and slammed it across the cafe, catching Wonwoo and the boys' attention.

Y/N: YOU KNOW WHAT? I have had it up to HERE with you. You come into this cafe and act like you run this entire company. I am SICK AND TIRED of putting up with your shit. You have NO sympathy towards anyone and you don't care about anything BUT yourself. Every day I've had to do this and that for you and I don't even get ANYTHING in return. You're a piece of shit.

You storm out of the cafe and you just started walking. You didn't know where to go, so you stopped at a beautiful pond and sat on the bench. You sat there and cried while watching the golden sunset and watching the baby ducks roam in the pond. You were taking deep breaths and trying to calm yourself, until someone sat beside you and placed a hand on your thigh. You flinch and look to your side to see a sad Wonwoo. You didn't know why he was sad after the way he treated you, but you moved away from him and looked in the distance. He moved closer next to you until there was no room left between you.

Y/N: Please leave me alone. Haven't you done enough?

Wonwoo: *places a hand on your thigh and sigh* I didn't mean for this to happen. I just- I didn't know how to express myself to you.

Y/N: *sniffles* What do you mean?

Wonwoo: W-When I first saw you.. you caught my attention. You looked so beautiful and I'm not the best at showing emotions so I just- that's why I was.. acting harsh with you.

Y/N: But you really hurt my feelings.

Wonwoo: I-I know and I'm truly sorry *wipes your tears and holds your hand* Please forgive me.

You could feel his pleading eyes melting your soul and you didn't know how to react. You just smiled at him and messed up his hair.

Y/N: I have to admit though, you were really attractive when you bossed me around.

Wonwoo: Hmm~ You liked that? *smirks*

Y/N: *blushes* M-maybe ...

Wonwoo: *smirks and laughs* Kiss me then.

Y/N: Excuse me?

Wonwoo: Kiss me.. or else.

Y/N: Or else what?

Wonwoo: *whispers in your ear* Hm~ I'll have to do something I won't regret.

Wonwoo starts to leave soft, wet kisses from your ear and down to your neck. You've never felt this way before and it felt like your body was floating. You start to breathe heavily and let out a soft moan as he finds your sweet spot on your neck and continues to leave his marks on it. When he hears your moan, he smirks on your neck and works his way back up your jaw to your lips. He softly kisses you and you kiss him back. His soft lips were the only thing you wanted to focus on in the moment. You could feel his hand on your thigh moving forward up your leg and despite him not doing anything, you release another soft moan, which caused the kiss to become more passionate. His other hand was softly tugging on your shirt and you thought he wanted you to take it off, but he pulls away from you and smirks.

Wonwoo: *bites his lip* Let's save that for another time princess.

Y/N: *blushes and giggles* You're crazy.

Wonwoo: *smiles* I like you Y/N ...

Y/N: Gasp, he knows my name.

Wonwoo kisses you again and you both laugh in front of the beautiful sunset. He rests his head on your shoulder and you admire everything about him. You're hater became your lover.

— The End —

A/N: This was a lil spicy EEK but I hope you all liked it a lot!! This was also inspired by the same moot, so please enjoy! Have a great Monday and a great week!!

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