Mafia's Captive |(His Captive...

By SabhyataSahu

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Gaia Azzaro I was the mafia princess of the Camorra but only in the eyes of the world. There was never anythi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note
Chapter 34

Chapter 16

482 29 6
By SabhyataSahu

Carina was in the guidance counsellor's office to discuss the dazzling future plans she had after graduation, and Valerius was pacing outside like a raging bull inside a cage. I looked around to make sure no one saw me blush when I responded to Gabriel's text. He wanted me to meet him in the boys ' locker room. The green-eyed, blonde-haired, handsome hunk of the school had just joined the football team and wanted me to see the man cave all the girls talk about. We only shared a couple of kisses behind the bleachers, just a few days after he started talking to me. And I'm already dreaming about him being on his knees, proposing to me to be his girlfriend.

A hand tugged on my wrist and pulled me against a hard muscled body the moment I set foot in the locker room. My startled squeak echoing inside the room was muffled by his mouth crushing over mine. Today there was an urgency to his kiss. I was beginning to feel repulsed. He was pecking at my lips and pulling back every second. I like to kiss until I am struggling for oxygen, the kiss that makes my toes curl.

"What's the rush? Let's talk first." I tried to tell him between those wet sloppy kisses, but he dived right in ignoring my fights to push him back.

He wasn't complying, so I held the back of his neck, so he couldn't pull back again. Liking this position, our kiss got heated. Grasping on his shoulders, I tried to hook my legs around his waist, but his knees gave out and I ended up falling on top of him.

My body shook with frightened tremors as the entire locker room rang with laughter. The football players and some of their girlfriends were there, watching us, making fun of us.... ME.

Flashes swam my vision, I ran my hands haphazardly over my face. My ears burned with shame and embarrassment. Gabriel was still on the floor, clutching his knee, looking seriously injured. His pretty green eyes looked at me with repulse. I realize he was just trying to turn my head at the right angle and pushing back quickly so his face wouldn't show up on the photo or video, whatever they were planning to make. But this was also entertaining enough for them to come out from their hiding spot.

I stood on unstable legs, clutching my heavy chest. Gabriel had unclasped my bra over the uniform. My vision started to swim with tears as I noticed the boys were shamelessly ogling at my chest. I stomped towards the group and got a hold of two of the three cheerleaders and banged their heads with each other. They shrieked in pain and more laughter rang out because now they had become the laughing stock. Being a girl, I had expected them to be kind to one another. Of all the motherfuckers, they deserved it more than anyone else.

"Give me the names, myshka." Kazimir growled as I finished telling him my sad, sobbing story. He had obviously read my hesitation earlier. Maybe he had truth serum laced in the chocolate bouquet he got for me. I was touched because he remembered.

"It doesn't matter, Vladimir." I wave my hand dismissively. He gave me a hard look from his place on the floor as I lay on the mattress.

I mimic his hard gaze. He hasn't done shit to deserve to know. I told him because I needed to get it off my chest. I didn't even tell Carina about the incident. I was embarrassed because I was hiding my kissing sessions with Gabriel from her. They must have been afraid of releasing the pictures in public because of the rumors about our family. It wasn't enough to mess with me in the first place. It was a private school, and we were all privileged brats.

"How did Carina react?" Kazimir's question had me puzzled. The question should be about my brother, to learn how he took care of them.

"Are you planning to trade me for Carina?" I ask suspiciously. Valerius will chop off Kazimir's balls and feed him if he ever as much as sniffs in Carina's direction.

She looks like a supermodel and rocks her small 5'2 frame. She can cook, clean, has brains... People think that Valerius is just fucking the maid's daughter for fun. Only the people close to the family know.

"I get it now. She is prettier than me. Everyone prefers her. Why the fuck am I surprised." I scoff bitterly, to gauge a reaction out of him.

He did it by coming on top of me, making my back press flat on the mattress. My heart thumped wildly against my chest in anticipation of his next move. His hand closes around my neck, his thumb lifting my chin up to look at him.

"Why can't you believe me, myshka. I only want you." He rasps, his voice is pained.

"But why?" I whisper.

"Why not, myshka." His brows puckered in confusion.

"Look at -" I was beginning to say, but my lips sealed on their own accord as the warm feeling overwhelmed me. I am fucking beautiful. I have never hurt a soul on purpose, paid my taxes in full as I worked for Carina. I do charity for homeless shelters and animal shelters. So what if I couldn't become a Girl Scout? I am beautiful. If I ever forget that, one look in these warm hazel eyes would remind me.

I beam at him, and he smiles ear to ear. How does he know what I was thinking? Did I really achieve a love like Valerius and Carina? Will he ever love me like they love each other?

Kazimir's mouth came down on mine as he kissed me sweetly. I had changed into my rompers again when Kazimir went to get us dinner. I squeezed his hand when his hand bunched around the strap of my rompers. He looks strong enough to rip it off my body in one tug.

"Do it." I moan as he leaves kisses on my neck, nipping on the skin with his teeth.

"Not before we get married, myshka." he chuckles, licking the skin below my ear on purpose to get me hot and bothered.

"You fucking traditionalist Russian!" I growl, tugging on his hair.

"You have a dirty little mouth, myshka." He enunciates darkly, slowly trailing his fingers over the valley of my breasts.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I provoke, licking my dry lips.

"Do you want me to punish you, myshka." He rasps hoarsely, his eyes turning a darker shade. His voice shot excitement straight to my core.

The same woman still alive in the back of my mind didn't want to play this dirty little game with her captor. My eyes do a 360 turn to remind him we were on the mattress.

His face fell, lowering in shame. And the walls came closing down between us again. I shake his face gently with my hands still weaving through his hair.

"I know you are sorry." I beat him to the apology that was on the tip of his tongue.

"You and I know what happened could have been avoided. Give me time to deal with this without feeling like I am close to losing my sanity." His Adam's Apple bobbed down as he swallowed thickly nodding his head.

"Can I stay with you here?" He asked, his voice thick with vulnerability.

I nodded, thinking he would just sleep beside me. He astonished me when his body blanketed over mine, his weight suspending on his forearms. I only felt the weight of his face as he pressed it over my chest, just above my erratically beating heart.

His hair was tickling my neck as he remained in that position. When I pushed the tendrils away, he sighed, his warmth dancing over my skin under the thin barriers of my cloth. I ran my fingers over his head, feeling him relax under the touch.

My own eyes became drowsy with his even breathing. Before his body could cover mine, he flipped our position, so I came on top of him. I didn't feel that my weight would crush him, or make him feel uncomfortable. I nuzzle my nose against his hard chest. And peacefully succumb to the trance. I have met my match.


When I was kidnapped, I had thought my life was over and I could only count the days till my strength would last. There won't be a single moment where I will smile, enjoy, let alone be able to remember what my life used to be like.

My first kiss was with Dave when I was 13. He tasted like cinnamon all the time, so I had to let him go since I hate cinnamon. There was a huge gap between Dave and the second boy I kissed because everyone likes cinnamon except me.

Nero was my first actual date. The same day in the evening when I told him about Blake, he came back wearing a tux. I was dressed in red as he had wanted. With my fractured leg wrapped in a walker boot, I was in his arms most of the time. I didn't ask what happened with Blake. He had to be alive considering his parents were powerful and now the Camorra's bitch. His parents would remind Blake of his mistakes as long as he was breathing.

Nero took me on a dream date. At the end, we kissed till we were breathless. He had booked a suite at the biggest hotel in Nevada. My first time was magical. He was caring and gentle. When I woke up the next morning, he had left a note for me, along with a gift. A vibrator. I can't hide the redness on my cheek every time I remember it.

He gave me space as he took a job that needed him on the outskirts of our territory. When I saw him two weeks later, there was nothing awkward between us. My stomach didn't flip, nor did I think there was an invisible string between us that would always tether us.

Romance novels always exaggerate simple things. Or maybe I just hadn't met the right one. My eyebrows bunched together in a puzzle. If I were a crazy mafia princess, I would demand to get married to Nero. He never would have said no, stayed loyal to me. But we never would have loved each other. Our life would have been filled with passionate sex, countless orgasms, and nothing else. Not even closer to what I feel towards this Russian bear.

Kazimir had made it his mission for the past three days to impress me because of my comment on his lack of abs. He was swift for his broad physic but I like to tease him.

"So what else do you do except for abducting girls half your age?" I ask, sipping on my water.

Kazimir always tensed at the mention of my kidnapping. His eyes would always lower in shame. Like he wants to forget that chapter in his life.

"I am 25, myshka." he sighed in resignation. I jumped down from the cycling bike and hopped towards him, grinning widely.

He hissed in pain as I released his unruly hair from a hair tie. It was mine, the one I had on my wrist when he took me. I wring my fingers in his hair, they were nearly jammed in the bird's nest. "Have you considered chopping them off?" I ask, moving a chunk of his hair out of the way.

"I thought I would look like Ruslan." He sighs, and my hands' pause as I give him a shocked look facing him through the mirror. His face turned timid on my scrutiny.

"Explain yourself, old man." I demanded tugging on his hair as he muttered, 25.

"Ruslan looks like a model. I thought I would like him... stylish and all that if I had a similar hairstyle. I really wanted to have hair... It was irritating at first. I hate it when the hair touches my ear. I had a... shaved head before... when I was in. Ummm.... I had to visit salons all the time. It was better once they grew. It's years' worth of locks. Now I just tie them up."

"None of the serums work." I say in response, continuing to ruffle his hair.

"Ahan!" I exclaim upon finding the grey hair I had spotted earlier when I was caressing his hair.

"Either you are dealing with premature greying here or you are what you look like. 35."

"I am not 35, myshka." He groaned and lightly pushed me against his chest. "Would you mind if I had premature greying." He murmured.

"Our kids will inherit frizzy hair, Amazonian physique, and premature greying. Great!" I blurted out. I could actually hear myself saying it as an out-of-body experience. I wanted to stop, but couldn't.

I was in a dilemma. Kazimir's whole face lit up, his dark brooding features softening. He doesn't look old. But I can tell that he had always looked older than his age in a mature way. Valerius looked like an undercover cop at school. And I feel that just like Valerius, the trace of innocence was snatched from him at a young age, like many young boys in our world experience.

"I have nightclubs in New York. All legit." he added. I humour him by pretending that I hadn't said what I said.

"You get enough to buy a penthouse like this. I haven't seen the half of it. Maybe we are living in staff quarters. Their owners are out of town. So you are using this place for a makeshift cage?" I say sensationally.

"You are a fucking lunatic." He grumbled, and I grinned at him.

"The Camorra seriously doesn't talk about us, do they?" He asked, puzzled.

"You could be selling pot brownies at the Central Park for all I know." I pick on.

"Fuck this, myshka. You are getting a house tour."

"Then I'll get to look into the accounts for your establishments." I ask hopefully, batting my lashes at him.

"Nice try, myshka." He pecked my nose before taking my hand.

"Worth a shot."

Namaste. It will be really helpful to me if you share the story link on your Conversation Board or social media. And thank you for reading. Please don't forget to VOTE ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐for the chapter and leave your COMMENTS below.

I would love it if you checked out my other stories, 'Aurora's Aura' 'Billion Dollar Wedding' 'Violet Hues' 'Becoming Romeo' & ''Mafia & Miss Honey'. The story link is on my profile  

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