A Journey's Link

By Particulan

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'A Journey's Link' is a tale about Ash and Goh, as they continue their duties as research fellows at Cerise L... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Battle
Chapter 2 - Adventure
Chapter 3 - Business
Chapter 4 - Pathway
Chapter 5 - Solutions
Chapter 6 - Crystal
Chapter 7- Performing
Chapter 8 - Research
Chapter 9 - Rustboro
Chapter 10 - Preparations
Chapter 11 - Mister Stone
Chapter 12 - Determination
Chapter 13 - Central
Chapter 14 - Reunion
Chapter 15 - Control
Chapter 16 - Burden
Chapter 17 - Skipped
Chapter 18 - The Lake
Chapter 19 - Reflections
Chapter 20 - Dreaming
Chapter 21 - Rivaled
Chapter 22 - Resolve
Chapter 24 - Linkage
Chapter 25 - Truths
Chapter 26 - Celebratory
Chapter 27 - Connections
Chapter 28 - Departure
Chapter 29 - Instinct
Chapter 30 - Planning
Chapter 31 - Lurking
Chapter 32 - Presentation
Chapter 33 - Paired
Chapter 34 - Anistar
Chapter 35 - Searching
Chapter 36 - Opposition
Chapter 37 - Threats
Chapter 38 - Passion
Chapter 39 - Split
Chapter 40 - Past
Chapter 41 - Ignite
Chapter 42 - Whereabouts
Chapter 43 - Secret
Chapter 44 - Hidden
Chapter 45 - Impersonations
Chapter 46 - Potential
Chapter 47 - Mixing
Chapter 48 - Squishy
Chapter 49 - Achievement
Chapter 50 - Key
Chapter 51 - Intentions
Chapter 52 - Sacrifices
Chapter 53 - Village
Chapter 54 - Close
Chapter 55 - Intuition
Chapter 56 - Blasted
Chapter 57 - Attack
Chapter 58 - Master?
Chapter 59 - Freed
Chapter 60 - Revenge
Chapter 61 - Explanations
Chapter 62 - Found
Chapter 63 - Fueled
Chapter 64 - Disagreement
Chapter 65 - Aftermath
Chapter 66 - Reconnection
Chapter 67 - Transformation
Chapter 68 - Home
Chapter 69 - Descent
Chapter 70 - Boundless
Chapter 71 - Finality
Chapter 72 - Energized
Chapter 73 - Life
Chapter 74 - Awakening
Chapter 75 - Confession
Chapter 76 - Forward

Chapter 23 - Sighting

1.4K 30 4
By Particulan

"Hurry up, Serena! You're taking too long!" May yelled through the door that led into Serena's room. Technically it was May's family's guest room, but Serena had been living there for so long it had kind of morphed into her own room with her decorations and posters.

"Hold on! I'm almost finished!" Serena yelled back, gazing back at her mirror. She had decided to tag along with May to stop the person who used the crystal to cause the rain. At first, it was because she knew May would stop at nothing to fulfill her goal, but now she wasn't sure if that was the only reason. She gazed at her bag where her crystal was until May yelled again, breaking her trance.

She tidied up her outfit a little more and grabbed her bag full of supplies and makeup. Opening the door, she saw May tapping her foot impatiently with a pouty look on her face. "Why do you take so long?" she asked grumpily. Serena simply glared at her and walked down the hallway towards the front door. "Because I like to look nice," she replied. "Is there anything wrong with that?"

"There is when you take forever to get ready," May muttered. She adjusted her bag and began to walk out the front door when they heard a nasal voice yell, "Wait for me!" Both Coordinators turned around, knowing instantly to who the voice belonged.

Serena giggled when she remembered the argument Max and May had earlier. "I may not be old enough to be a Pokemon trainer, but I'm still good at battling!" Max had yelled at her sister. While it was true he still wasn't ten years old, the normal age for a trainer to be entrusted with a Pokemon, he was still quite the avid battler. "I understand, but we'll be gone for a few days!" May replied. "We're going all the way to Kanto, so it might not be safe for you to go!"

Max stomped his foot upon hearing this and continued trying to convince May, eventually doing so with enough persistence. Now, he was frantically getting his supplies together and running up to both Coordinators to make sure they didn't leave him behind. "I'm ready!" Max said, beaming at the opportunity to get to go to Kanto. May just rolled her eyes and opened the front door saying, "Alright then, let's go."

Max excitedly ran ahead of May, who ran after him in an attempt to slow him down. Serena giggled at the scene; siblings merely messing with one another whether they knew it or not. "Wait for me!" Serena happily yelled, running after May and Max towards the airport.

Serena lost sight of the two but didn't care much, because, by the time she caught up with them at the airport, May was already scolding Max and getting tickets for their flight. As she got closer, she could hear some words May was saying to Max.

"You can't act so immature, especially when we might be fighting against someone dangerous!" May scolded. Max didn't quite understand the gravity of the situation but nodded with a blank face. May just sighed and shook her head, saying, "I'm not even sure why Mom and Dad agreed to this."

May looked up and saw Serena, so she began desperately apologizing. "I'm sorry for my brother's behavior," she said with visible guilt. Serena just smiled and shook her head. "No big deal!" she said. "Besides, we got here early, so we won't need to worry about missing the flight."

May softly smiled and nodded with affirmation. "Yeah," she said. "I guess it is! No big deal!" May looked back at the receptionist who was giving them their tickets and thanked her. She glared at Max and said, "This time you actually can't run off! Understand?"

Max pouted but reluctantly agreed, as he was smart enough to understand that running away in an airport was reckless. The siblings started walking towards their gate, with May turning around and urging Serena to hurry up.

"Oh yeah, coming!" Serena responded mindlessly, lost in her thoughts. She was still thinking about Ash and whether or not she should see him again. While she didn't know it, her fear of seeing him again stemmed from the fact that she was subconsciously worried about how he would react to her. Of course, she would never openly admit it to anyone else, let alone herself, so she attempted to forget about it while she boarded the plane.

The three travelers found a row for three, so they sat down and stored their belongings away. May brought out her phone and began reading a description of the Lake Spirit sighting. "It says that the Legendary Pokemon emerged from the lake, all in a triangle formation." She paused reading and didn't continue.

"What's wrong?" Serena asked. "Isn't there more?" May shook her head and said, "Nope. That's it. It looks like the person who reported it only got a quick sighting." She frowned and began thinking. "I guess we'll have to ask around for anything." Serena knew what was coming next when she saw May's face light up. "I know!" May exclaimed. "We can probably ask Ash! He helps out at a Laboratory so surely they must know something!"

Serena casually sighed. Looks like I'll have to see him again, she thought. Ironically, no matter how far I try to get from him, I end up getting closer. While Serena was sulking over the matter, Max was ecstatic. "Wait, Ash?" Max asked with gleaming eyes. "Why didn't you tell me we were going to see him, May?"

May smiled at Max and said, "I wanted it to be a surprise. I know how much you admire him, so I decided to keep it a secret." Max just smiled, happy that he decided to come along. May might've wanted him to stay home so he wouldn't be a bother, but she was always glad to see her brother happy.

Serena was caught off guard by Max asking her a question. "Do you know Ash, Serena? He's the coolest trainer ever!" He pumped his fists as he said this, awaiting an answer from Serena, who struggled to find an answer. Do I tell them? Serena thought. Do I tell them I know Ash? Right as she was about to answer, May answered for her.

"No, she doesn't, but I think if she got to know him they would be good friends." She huffed and closed her eyes. "But someone here doesn't want to meet him for some reason." She opened her eyes again and looked at Serena accusingly.

Serena just shrugged her shoulders and stared out the window to avoid further conversation about Ash. May and Max looked at each other and shrugged, confused at Serena's behavior. They both brought out books and began reading while they traveled to Vermillion City.

Serena began thinking about Contests again. I still need to get that fourth ribbon, she thought. Since my last attempt was cut short by a certain something. She glanced at her bag and was relieved to see no activity from the crystal; a welcome change. May just seems so focused on this right now, but it's kind of weird. She looked at May, who had her eyes closed. Why is she so focused on this?

Serena's thought process came to a stop when she felt the plane slow down, coming to a stop on the ground. She hadn't even heard the announcement that they were landing soon, and apparently, neither had May or Max. "We're already here?" May asked quietly, as other people seemed to also be quietly chattering amongst themselves in confusion.

Suddenly, Serena heard the crackling of the speakers that produced a voice. "We're sorry for the sudden stop. We are currently landed due to a foreign object sighted in the sky. Please wait patiently while we assess the situation. Thank you for riding on Pidgeot Airlines!" With those words, the speakers cut out, leaving confused passengers to their imagination.

"Maybe it's a new Pokemon," said one guy. "It might just be a flock of Fearow!" claimed another guy. "I think it's just a false alarm." said one woman matter-of-factly. Serena turned to Max and May, who both just shrugged their shoulders cluelessly, as they had no idea what the issue was either.

Serena pulled out her phone in an attempt to figure out what was causing all this mayhem. She searched for the latest news and saw an article about an object that was seen high in the air. Max peeked onto her phone and saw a picture along with a small article describing the object. "It looks green!" he exclaimed. "Almost like a Rayquaza!"

May chuckled and said, "Really Max? A Rayquaza?" in an exasperated manner. Max puffed his cheeks and retaliated by saying, "I never said it was a Rayquaza! Sheesh." He looked back at Serena's phone and began reading the article.

"Reports say a small green object is floating high in the sky and was spotted just minutes ago." He frowned, not sure about what the object could be, so he continued reading. "It appears the object has a yellow dot on itself and is shaped like a worm-like Pokemon. Please be cautious of your surroundings and be safe." He finished reading and all three of them sat there in silence, thinking about what the object could be.

Serena saw an attached image and decided to zoom in, wanting to get a closer look. Huh, that looks oddly familiar, she thought. The description of the object was spot on, as there was a yellow dot, and was shaped like a Caterpie or Weedle. It almost looks like Squishy! She silently gasped as she continued looking at the image.

It had to be Squishy; the similarities were too close to be a coincidence. Max and May were discussing with each other what it could be, but Serena knew what it was. "Guys," she whispered. "I figured out what the object is." May and Max turned their heads to her and began rapidly asking her what it was and how she knew.

Serena sighed, not knowing exactly how to explain it. "It's called a Zygarde Cell. Have you heard of that?" May and Max shook their heads. Serena continued to try to explain. "It's a powerful Pokemon that was used for evil purposes a while ago in Kalos." She could recall the Kalos Crisis like it was yesterday as she replayed the events in her head.

"An evil organization called Team Flare used their power to try to reset the world, but everyone stopped them. Ever since then, the Zygarde cell has been secluded deep in the forests." She looked back at the picture. "Until now."

Max and May had a lot of questions and were about to ask them when the speakers began crackling. "We may ask that everyone please evacuate the airplane with their belongings. It will be a few days until we are airborne again, so it is advised to walk to the nearest airport or your destination. We were able to land near a major road, so please use that as your guide. We are incredibly sorry for this inconvenience and wish everyone a safe trip! Thank you for flying on Pidgeot Airlines!"

The announcement hadn't even finished before multiple passengers began expressing their concerns and complaints. While Serena, May, and Max were perfectly fine with walking, most people weren't. The flight attendant appeared at the front of the plane in an attempt to reason with people and calm them down, and it surprisingly worked.

"Look," the attendant began. "I know you all want to get to your destination quickly, but there is a serious threat in the sky, so we please ask you all to get off, for our sake and yours." She had a hint of stress in her voice as she disappeared back into the front of the plane.

The passengers obliged after hearing the sincerity in the attendant's voice and began lining up to get off. Serena simply watched as people got off, urging May and Max that they go as well. The siblings nodded and grabbed their belongings, making their way through the crowd and out into the fresh air.

The sky glared at Serena as she exited the plane and stepped onto the grass the plane had landed on. Looking around, she only saw never-ending plains and the blue sky; she tried to locate the Zygarde cell but realized it was too high up to even see from the ground. This place looks beautiful, she thought. But where is the road?

May began expressing the same concern as she touched the sprawling grass. "Where's the path?" She asked. "I thought there was a path nearby?" Max wasn't far behind May and began looking for it until he saw a beaten-down road barely out of view. "Over there!" he exclaimed, pointing towards the horizon.

Serena couldn't believe how far it was and turned to the other passengers who saw the road and also were in disbelief. She turned towards May and Max and said, "Well, I guess we have quite a walk ahead of us!" She began her trek towards the road that would lead to Vermillion City. May and Max looked at each other and nodded, following Serena close behind.

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