She's My Hero | REWRITE

kaiirein द्वारा

355 18 12

My Hero Academia x Reader This story is a rewrite of the original She's My Hero. Most of the plotline will be... अधिक



202 7 10
kaiirein द्वारा

This is going to be a shortlist of things that you need to know before reading the story, so I highly suggest you read this all the way through.

• The reader insert in this story is a girl. I prefer to write my big stories from this perspective because it is easiest for me currently. I don't want to misrepresent people who identify as male, or are non-binary, or anything like that. I try to write some one-shots through these perspectives so I can practice, but I don't want to make any mistakes in a big story and upset anybody. It's also what I know best right now, so I think I can make a better story writing this way.

•The reader insert in this story is about 5'5-5'6. I try to keep the height in my stories varied so I can represent all different ranges. (Ex. Heights from 4'9 to around 6') But there is something I need to address. I had a reader insert who was about 4'9, and everybody in the comments just bitched about it. Look, if you complain about height in a story, you're annoying. I'm not going to sugarcoat it anymore. If you feel upset or attacked by this, just don't read the book. Tall reader inserts too. I've seen people complain about a girl reader insert being taller than a love interest that's a guy and it's just kind of annoying. If you comment any complaints on the reader-insert height I'm gonna delete it. Comment about your height or whatever you want, just don't complain, because it's annoying.

•(Y/n) in this story has a very specific appearance, and it does play a part in the story. So if you don't like it, don't read it. Skin, hair, and eyes are all up for you to decide, though. She has tattoos in this story, and they are either black or white, depending on which contrasts her skin color most. She also has multiple ear piercings, a septum, and a tongue. She also has a few scars and will gain more throughout the story. Her quirk also affects her appearance. Her pupils are more animal-like, similar to a reptile. Her teeth are sharp, kind of like Kirishima's, except her top two front teeth are normal, along with her molars. She also has scales on places like her neck, ribs, and thighs, and her ears are also kind of pointed.

•Her personality is very specific. I do my best to write characters who aren't blank-slates because those are boring to read. When a character has more depth and spice, it makes for better interactions and a better story. They can do so much more for a story than a bland character. I'm not gonna reveal much about her personality though, because I want you all to interpret it in your own way. Also, every character does something a person who is reading will not like, and it's called being realistic. You may not like it. You may disagree. That is NORMAL. But please, do not go into the comments and complain that you would never do this because it is too cringe. Don't say you're going to stop reading the story. Simply stop reading, and don't have a fit about it. I completely understand that. You can critique characters, and you can say that they're annoying, or that they do embarrassing things. I love reading comments like that. I just really can't stand when you're annoying and have a bitch fit about it. I completely understand not being able to deal with a cringe-character. I'm the type of person who has to pause a movie or show and calm down whenever a character does something out of my comfort zone or that I think is cringe, so I understand your point, but I also know that it's my issue to deal with and not the creator's "bad writing".

•I have a lot of original characters in my stories, including this one. They will also be plot-relevant and important and will take up a large part of the story. If you don't wanna read that, I understand.

•Im going to try and make the character's body types as realistic as they can be (ex. Not like the anime). I'll be describing these appearances in the book whenever (Y/n) really 'meets' these characters. (ex. 2- Yaoyorozu will have a body with more fat on it for her quirk, Mina will have a much more muscly physique, Sero will have a very built upper body but with very lean legs) And those are just a few examples. I just didn't want my story to be full of characters with unrealistic bodies, and I wanted to be inclusive.

•I have a lot of headcanons for characters, and they will be included in this story. I'll list a few as examples of what you will see in the story.

-Sero has a parent from a Spanish-Speaking country. In my opinion, specifically Spain. So he has Spanish roots.

-Mei Hatsume has African roots. I believe so strongly in this one idk why but it's being included.

-I think Mina has two dads she just gives me two dad vibes and she would fucking kill somebody for them

-Whenever somebody has their mouth open like talking or day-dreaming or something denki is one of the people that just sticks his fingers in someone's mouth

-Tsuyu doesn't get extremely angry often but whenever somebody just hits one of her pet peeves or repeatedly pisses her off she will spit up her stomach to intimidate them

-Ojiro definitely has divorced parents and whenever he is at his dad's house he struggles to find legitimate meals. He's lucky to get cereal for dinner, but most often he has to eat like saltines for breakfast and for dinner it's like wheat bread with molasses

-That's all that I'm going to name, some others will appear in this story

•This story will contain very mature themes. IF ANY OF THESE BOTHER YOU THEN DO NOT READ

•There will be extreme depictions of violence, but this is a regularly occurring theme in this story so there will be ZERO warnings for this even when it gets very graphic

•Sexual occurrences. There will be many sexual occurrences in this story such as intercourse. There will also be sexual occurrences between characters ages 15 and 17, characters 16 years old engaging in sexual activity with characters in their twenties, and stuff like this. I will be putting warnings for these in case you want to avoid, but the sexual stuff in this story is for plot and not just bc I wanted to shove stuff in there bc I felt like it.

•Stuff like extreme stupidity, such as purposely inserting oneself into dangerous situations, underage drinking, smoking, etc. there will be no warnings for this.

•Sensitive themes apparent in the story. These include things such as sexual assault, self-harm, abuse, racism, homophobia, and others. All chapters with these themes WILL have warnings because they can be triggering. Now, I will write explicit sex whenever it is consensual, and I will write sexual assault scenes but nothing like rape. That I will not write in detail because it's plain wrong, but there will be mentions of it. I've noticed some writers on this app tend to write scenes that are rape but are called 'smut' and I have so many issues with that.

•I wanted to write modern issues in this story to draw attention to it, and I feel like how characters speak and feel about this can reveal a lot about them which I think is good for character development in stories. I completely understand avoiding this story if any of it is unreadable by people because of trauma or anything.

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