The Pull

بواسطة SillyRabbit81

13K 615 60

Complete. Henry, Crown Prince of the Vampires, is avoiding his responsibilities. He shuns royal tradition and... المزيد

Author's Note
Chapter One (Henry)
Chapter Two (Rowena)
Chapter Three (Rowena)
Chapter Four (Rowena)
Chapter Five (Henry)
Chapter Six (Rowena)
Chapter Seven (Rowena)
Chapter Eight (Henry)
Chapter Nine (Rowena)
Chapter 10 (Henry)
Chapter 11 (Henry)
chapter 12 (Rowena)
Chapter 13 (Henry)
Chapter 14 (Rowena)
Chapter 15 (Henry)
Chapter 16 (Henry)
Chapter 17 Rowena
chapter 18 (Rowena)
Chapter 19 (Henry)
Chapter 20 (Henry)
Chapter Twenty-Two (Rowena)
Chapter Twenty- Three (Henry)
Chapter Twenty-Four (Rowena)
Chapter 25 Henry
Bonus Chapter - Alex

Chapter Twenty-One (Rowena)

291 20 1
بواسطة SillyRabbit81


Henry's home was an actual Castle. Like an ancient, brick castle. I almost laughed at how cliche it was. Redbrick, and gothic in style, it loomed large with towers, and it had a large walled fence. Short ramparts were around the main building and a large courtyard in the centre. The gates were raised as we approached and Henry drove straight in, followed by Lawrence and the others in the car behind.

Stopping in the courtyard, Henry parked and held my hand, putting his finger under my chin he said, "Kiss me, quickly."

I did and he let out a tiny moan as he held the kiss a moment longer. Pulling away he said, "You'll be fine Fawn, we will go straight to our apartments and prepare. We will have the ceremony as quickly as possible before anything can go wrong." He smiled reassuringly. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and he said, "Let's go."

We got out of the car and held hands as we made our way to the guards at the door and were quickly flanked by David and Lawrence and followed by Felix and Angelica. The guards, dressed in modern tactical equipment, looked anachronistic. I worried that they will stop us, but they bowed to Henry and opened the doors. I let out my held breath, we had passed our first obstacle. Now, to get to his rooms.

We walked down a hallway with beautiful vaulted ceilings white with exposed red beams. The walls were fairly plain compared to the opulence of Lawrence's palace. This was a defensive home and built not for beauty. However lush tapestries decorated the walls and gilded mirrors hung, but there was little art. At our feet was a stone floor covered with wool carpet.

We walked going around the labyrinth turning corners until we reached another set of guards. They stood at attention as Henry approached and bowed deeply. Henry addressed the men by name, "Dante, Ash."

"Your Highness." They replied standing at attention.

"Have my rooms been secure? Any breaches?" He asked. These must be his personal men, I doubted he would trust his father's men like this.

One of them glanced at Henry's hand in mine, before replying, "Once we heard the rumours we ensured we had extra vigilance, you will find Leopold and Min in your apartments."

Henry nodded, "Well thought out Dante. I knew I promoted you for a reason." Dante was Jane's mate and from what Henry told me about them, they would be older than him by 500 years or more. Dante preened at his words, standing slightly straighter. I cringed at the implications of that, these men loved Henry as their Prince and wanted his approval despite the massive age gap.

"Is Jane around?" Henry asked.

"Inside," Dante replied.

"Good, that will be all. I will send Leo and Min out. Don't send them away though, I will require you and Min to accompany us to the ceremony. I assume my father is in court."

"Yes, Highness."

"We will leave shortly then."

Dante and Ash opened the doors for us and we proceeded into Henry's rooms. We entered a large sitting room that had several doors leading off. The room was much more modern than the hallways with modern technologies like a computer at a desk and a television.

I was surprised to find that one of the guards inside was a woman. Henry must really mean what he said about wanting to elevate women's role in Vampire society. Henry addressed both by name and introduced me to Min specifically. He had told me that I wasn't to be introduced to anyone before the ceremony but he was making an exception for Min.

"Fawn, this is Min," he said to me, "Min, this is my Inamorata." She bowed deeply to me and I didn't know where to look, uncomfortable by the behaviour. Addressing Min and myself, Henry said, "With both of your permission, I would like to assign you, Min, Eliza and Willow to be her guards." To me, he said, "You will need female guards because there are some areas of the castle that are female only spaces." To all of us, he said, "Hopefully things will change soon, but I want you to know Min, that I trust you to protect her. Not just because it has to be a woman. Your skills are enough that you are amongst my most valued guards."

Just like Dante, she beamed and stood tall. "I consider it an honour above all else to guard the... your Inamorata."

"Thank you, Min, " Henry said and the guards left.

"Quickly Fawn," Henry said, "through here. This is your room."

I was confused. My room? Did Henry think we would sleep separately as the aristocracy of the old days? There was no time to discuss it and as we entered my room, a woman sat in a chair by the window embroidering.

She got up gingerly with a huge smile and Henry reached her and helped her up. Pulling her into a kiss and hug, "Jane," he smiled as a son would to his mother. She was the first Vampire I had met who I could tell was old. Although her face looked young and her skin and hair glowed, her eyes were ancient and her movements seemed painful.

Jane looked at me, "Hannah?" she whispered. She shook herself then asked Henry "Is this her?"

He smiled widely, "Yes," He called me over and put my arm around me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Jane's sharp, wise eyes looked me over, "You're lovely my dear," she said. "She looks a lot like your mother, young master."

"So it is true," Henry said. "Felix said she looked like her, but he only met her once at the ceremony and couldn't be sure."

"It seems the plan might actually work, Henry," I said, trying to feel confidant. Henry and Lawrence were looking at each other, I entered Henry's mind and was surprised to find myself shut out. What was he talking about that he wouldn't want me to hear?

"We don't have much time," Henry said out loud. "Jane, Angelica, help Fawn dress. We must hurry." Then Henry gave me a quick kiss and he was gone.

I looked around the room. It was simply decorated, and I assumed Jane had done it that way so that I could add my personal style to it. Maybe I would if we survived the day.

Jane ushered me to a vanity with a mirror and chair and got me to sit. "My dear, I wish we had more time to talk. I hope the room is satisfactory. You just let me know if there are any problems with it and I will organise the changes to be made."'

"It's wonderful, Jane," I said. "I didn't expect any of this."

Jane smiled proudly, like a child who had been praised by a parent. I really didn't know how I felt about that. This woman was hundreds of years older than me and was pleased I complimented her. "Thank you, dear. Now we mustn't keep Master Henry waiting or we will all be in trouble." Jane gave me a wink as she spoke. I smiled gratefully at her warmth, I didn't think there will be much warmth for me beyond those doors.

Angelica got the dress prepared, checking it for wrinkles or stains. Jane urged me to sit and started pinning my hair while Angelica worked.

"This seems like a lot of fuss for a five-minute ceremony," I said nervously.

Angelica spoke, "It is, but it's important. Especially for those in your position."

"Did you do it?" I asked Angelica.

"Yes, Felix and I had to do it."

"Were you scared?" I asked.

She smiled indulgently, "Terrified." She added, "Just concentrate on Henry, forget anyone else is there."

Jane tutted as she pinned my hair. "This will have to do my dear, we don't have time for more. the dress please Angelica."

She brought it over a white silk and organza bundle. As I stepped into it, I saw it was cut in a regency style. I caught sight of myself in the mirror I said, "I should be on my way to meet Mr Darcy."

"I don't think Henry would appreciate that," Jane chided, scandalised by the suggestion of meeting another man.

Angelica and I laughed, "It's from a popular human story Jane, from about the time of this dress."

"I see. Well, Hannah did look lovely in the dress, just as you do my dear."

Henry peeked in the door, "Are you..." His eyes ran up and down the dress. "Perfect," he said as he entered. He was wearing more modern attire if you could call early 1900s clothing modern. He wore a long jacket, waistcoat and loose tailored pants. He wore no tie and his white shirt was undone at the top presumably to allow for access to his neck. He bent his arm and I linked mine with his. "Shall we, Fawn?"

In a whirl of activity, we all continued through the labyrinthian halls picking up Dante and Min as we went. He proceeded to a large set of guarded doors where a Herald stood with a tablet in his hand. My nerves made me giggle at seeing a mythical creature in an old tunic handle modern technology. He looked surprised by our arrival, which was good, no one would have warned Alfred we were here yet. Again, it seemed that Henry had enough support amongst the guards for our plan to work.

"Is my father still in session?" Henry asked the Herald with no preamble.

"Your Highness, yes, but, I'm afraid I cannot announce you." He played nervously with his hands. "Your father, his Majesty the King, has strict instructions that no one is to enter after the court has started and only those cases that have been pre-approved may be heard."

"I understand your concern, but know that we will enter with or without an announcement." Henry turned his attention to the guards. "Now will you open the doors or will I do it myself."

The guards looked at our larger party and seeing themselves thoroughly outnumbered opened the doors.

As the doors to the large hall were opened, I saw that there were hundreds of Vampires standing around focused on a man seated in a raised dais like you would expect a king to be in a story. He sat lazily, a leg thrown over the armrest, as he listened to a Vampire ramble on about his grievance with a neighbour. Alfred was like Henry in looks but with a longer nose and straight dark hair. The King seemed to have harder features, and while handsome, he made me shiver in fear.

Slowly the crowd noticed us as we walked through them. I noticed very few females. Everyone moved away as we approached creating a bubble that opened in front of us and closed behind us. The King, hearing the shocked whispers of the court stood up straight, and for a moment I thought I saw fear in his eyes as he saw me. 

Alfred's voice was strong in my mind as he questioned, "Hannah?" So it is true, I look enough like Henry's mother that Alfred was confused a moment. Then his face grew dark, and a fake smile was plastered over his face. "Ah my son, Henry!"

We stopped at the dais and I sank low in a curtsey as I was taught to do. I almost couldn't rise, my legs were so shaky.

"Father," Henry said. A flicker of annoyance ran over Alfred's face but Henry continued. "I have marvellous news for you and the court. I would like to present to you, my Inamorata, my mate, your new daughter and our new Princess, Rowena."

Murmurs ran through the hall and suddenly all were bowing or curtsying.

"Getting ahead of yourself aren't you Henry?" Alfred grinned. "Are you prepared for the ceremony?"

"We are."

Alfred's smile faulted a moment and said, "Witnesses?"

"We witness, brother," Felix said and a new murmur ran through the crowd as Felix and Angelica made themselves known. Lawrence also stepped forward.

If Alfred was surprised by Felix's arrival he didn't show it. His eyes settled on me and I forced myself to return his gaze despite my guts turning to liquid. His eyes, red and amber so like mine, Henry and Felix's, swirled as he took me in. A lecherous smile came across his mouth. "Very well. Begin," he said and he returned to his throne.

Lawrence stood behind Henry and Angelica stood behind me. Felix began, "Henry, Crown Prince of the Sanguinista, Son of Alfred, King of Vampires, Sanguinista and the realm, who do you present for bonding today?"

Henry says clearly, "I present my Inamorata, my mate, Rowena."

"By what means do you recognise Rowena as mate."

"Through my honour and my blood."

Felix addressed me, "Rowena, do you accept Henry, Crown Prince of the Sanguinista as your mate?"

"As my mate and as my love I accept Henry," I said. The words I had memorised over the last few days fell from my lips as I gripped Henry's hands tight.

"And how do you accept him?"

"Through my honour and my blood."

"Present your mark," Felix said and Henry and I exposed our necks to Lawrence and Angelica. Both of them lean over our marks, Henry had to dip his knees slightly for Lawrence, and they smelled the mark. Swapping positions, they do the same for the other.

Returning to their original positions Lawrence and Angelica said, "We acknowledge the mark and swear to their bonding by our honour and our blood."

Henry and I joined hands and recited:

"Bonded by blood,
Bound by honour,
We swear before Lilith,
Our spirits have been joined,
Our flesh has been joined.
We swear by our honour and our blood."

Henry ran his thumbs over my knuckles, his reassuring caress was followed by a smile. I returned his smile as best I could. I wanted to run screaming from this place. Fear held my heart in its cruel embrace, and I did not know if I would make it through the ceremony, let alone the rest of the plan.

Felix said, "Now, we ask before all witnesses that you affirm your covenant with Lilith."

Henry moved close, and in a voice I wouldn't have heard as a human said, "Rowena my love, my mate, my Inamorata." He held me by my nape and touched my neck with his lips. "Don't be scared Little Fawn, it's just you and me and our love."

He sank his teeth into my neck and despite my nervousness, my Lust grew. I tried to hide my desire but couldn't help the moan that fell past my lips. As if that were a sign, Henry pulled away quickly and a small dribble of blood fell from my neck, running down my back before the wound could heal. Henry licked it off before pulling back and exposing his neck to me.

He put his fingers in my hair and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I looked up at him still shaking and whispered, "What if I can't stop?"

"I'll help you, Fawn," Henry assured me.

I bit his neck, his blood flowed and I drank. My Lust kept rising and heat pooled in my gut, my hips undulating with wanton desire. Henry held my hip to him firm stopping my movements. But he couldn't stop my moans. "Shhh, Fawn. You're nearly done, Inamorata," he said. His strong arms excited me, reminding me of the times when he held me down and took me. Groaning with desire, I started to draw his blood into me. "That's all, lover mine. You can finish." Henry whispered.

I couldn't stop, at that moment, all the fear I had was gone and I had only one emotion left, Lust. I growled wanting more, wanting all of him. Henry gripped my hair and pulled me off his vein. At first, I was furious and gnashed my teeth at him, desperate for more. Then his gaze caught mine, "Breath, Fawn. Breath with me." Slowly, I did as he instructed and we breathed deeply together. Once I had sufficiently calmed, he said, "We're done, ready for the last part?"

Taking another deep breath and swallowing down the last delicious remnants of Henry's blood, I nodded and we both spoke:

"Our covenant is begun,
By our honour and our blood,
We are one before Lilith."

Felix clapped his hands once and said "So it is done, the coven..."

"We are not done brother, " Alfred said standing and making his way towards us.

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