Misunderstood (Oneshots)

By nikotempest

2.1K 33 174

Some dumb oneshots about my favourite ships and bands. I know the cover sucks, I'm sorry. More

The Tempest (Tempest×Norum)
Not a story, just a challenge
Ready or Not (Slash×Axl)
Tomorrow... Part 1 (Europe)
Closer (KISS)
That damn Ace! (Stanley×Simmons)
V-Day (Mars × Neil)

Små Grodorna (Tempest×Norum)

202 3 41
By nikotempest

Hello everyone, I wrote this oneshot about Joey and John of Europe. It's longer than my previous shots, so it'll take some time to read. Hope you like it!

John woke up to something tickling his nose. He tried to blow it away, but it wasn't working. He opened his eyes, and saw the hair of his best friend everywhere.

He stroked the head which was lying on his chest. It was Joey. He was still sleeping and he looked absolutely peacefully.

John observed his friend for a longer while. He was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans and for some reason he still had his boots on. Beside the bed, there was lying his leather jacket and motorcycle helmet.

For some reason, John couldn't remember what happened yesterday. He was observing Joey for a while more, when he noticed a small bruise on his cheek. John quickly turned Joey's head, so he could take a better look at the bruise.

"Aww you poor thing," whispered John and gently pressed his lips against the bruise. That woke Joey up.

He looked around in confusion, before he realised where he actually was; In Norum's room. He laid back on John's chest, but when he noticed it's not a pillow, he jumped up on his feet and shrieked a bit.

Just then John realised that he waz wearing no t-shirt. He quickly covered his upper body, bofore turning to look at Joey.

"Good morning, sleepy," said John.

"Uhm, Hi," said Joey awkwardly.

After a while, he noticed that Joey had more bruises than just that one. He had some on his arms, one on his neck and probably even some on his legs.

He started to feel his own body hurting a bit. And then his head. He made a loud hissing sound.

"Are you ok?" asked Joey when he heard him hiss.

"I guess. Probably just hangover. I have no idea what happened yesterday, but apparently I was drinking a LOT."

"Yeah, you really were," said Joey and laughed.

"We were at a bar yesterday with boys, and Ian may have or may have not challenged you into a vodka-shot battle. But that fucking cheater just pretended to be drinking, but you weren't so you got wasted," explained Joey.

"Then you started to hit on random people in the bar, not caring about their genders. It was quite hilarious, because you came to one really big guy, and said Hello baby. Wanna fuck? Then he looked at you like if you were a witch and punched you into the face," said Joey with a laugh in the end.

"That explains my hurting nose, does it look that bad?" askes John.

"Nah, it looks okay," lied Joey.

"And what about you? How did you get those bruises?" asked John.

"You started to hit on a girl, who was apparently married. Her husband had some friends there, and they stayed to beat the shit out of you. I couldn't just observe, so i tried to help you, but got beaten aswell. Then, they threw us out of the bar. Ian thought it was all funny, and laughed like crazy. Maybe he was just drunk, who knows. Well, and after they threw us out, we went to your house on my motorbike. I almost carried you upstairs and then you just fell into your bed to sleep. I was so tired too, so i just took off my jacket and kinda fell onto you," explained Joey, while John was carefully listening.

"It's so sorry that you had to get hurt because of my mistakes," said John and gently rubbed Joey's bruised cheek.

"It's ok. I'm sure you'd do the same," said Joey and placed his head on John's shoulder.


"Hey, guys what are you doing?!" asked John Norum as he entered the studio's building after going to shop to buy some coffee.

Joey was sitting on a fit ball, while watching some kind of a fitness programme and doing some really weird exercises. John Levén was currently recording his bass playing for the song "Love Chaser". Mic and Ian were playing cards while drinking beer and smoking some cigarettes.

"Ew, guys, stop, I'm trying to stay fit and healthy, but you're absolutely not helping," said Joey with an annoyed face when he could smell the smoke of Mic's cigarette.

"Hey, Joey," said John Norum and sat next to Joey's fit ball on the floor.

"Hey, bro, how are you doin'?" asked Joey as he fist-bumped John.

"Quite ok," answered John.

"Mic!" screamed Joey and turned his face to Mic again. Mic just rolled his eyes, and threw the cigarette out of the window.

"That isn't really ecological, y' know?" said Levén as he entered the room and wiped the sweat off his face.

"Done with rhe recording?" asked Joey.

"Yep, you wanna listen to it?" answered Levén.

"Sure!" said Norum and clapped his hands.

For a while, they were all listening to Levén's recorded playing. They were all moving their heads with the tone, so it looked quite funny.

Ian started to look really bored after the 1st minute, so he asked: "Does anybody want coffee?"

"Yeah," said John and Joey. Mic nooded and Levén just showed Ian his thumb as 'yes'. He was looking really interested into his own playing.

"This is good," said Joey after the song finished, while sipping his coffee.

"The bass playing or the coffee?" asked Ian.

"Both. Well, I'm quite exhausted now, i guess caffeine isn't working for me anymore. I'm heading home, bye." said Joey and stood up from his chair.

Norum stood up aswell. Joey gave him a questioning look.

"I'm gonna walk you to the door," said John. Joey still had a confused face, but he nooded and walked to the front door with John next to him.


"Look at that, Norum fell in love!" said Ian and smirked.

Mic laughed and Levén just rolled his eyes.


When John and Joey were at the front door, Norum took a deep breath.

"Would you like to come to my place? We can watch a star wars marathon!" he said.

"Sure," replied Joey, and walked to John's car.

He was quite happy that he could go by car, his house wasn't far, it was a 7-minute walk, but it was really cold outside, cos it was January. John lived a bit further from the studio so he coukd take his car.

When they sat inside John's Volvo, the dark haired boy quickly turned on the heat and the radio. It was currently playing some old Swedish songs. The one playing now was a song called Små grodorna.

When they heard it, they both smiled, they used to sing in in the kindergarten. John turned the volume lauder, and they both started singing:

"Små grodorna, små grodorna är lustiga att se.

Små grodorna, små grodorna är lustiga att se.

Ej öron, ej öron, ej svansar hava de.

Ej öron, ej öron, ej svansar hava de.

Kou ack ack ack, kou ack ack ack,
kou ack ack ack ack kaa.
Kou ack ack ack, kou ack ack ack,
kou ack ack ack ack kaa."

They both laughed when they finished singing the 1st verse and enjoying some more traditional Swedish music. It was quite nice for them, because they spent the whole day recording the song "Love Chaser".


When they arrived at John's place, Joey sat on the couch while Norum was turning on the TV and putting in the 1st Star Wars movie tape.

Then they cuddled up on the sofa with a blanket and some crisps.

Joey fell asleep during the 3rd movie. He really was exhausted. He was recording almost all the vocals today and his throat also hurt.

He had his head placed on John's shoulder. Again.

John waited for about ten minutes. Then he turned off the TV and carried Joey to his bed.

When he placed Joey down, the blondie caught his arm, and cuddled up against it.

John smiled, and wanted to pull his arm out, but the sleepy Joey groaned in protest and squeezed the younger boy's arm even harder.

"Ok, ok.." said John and laid to bed next to Joey.

The blondie immediately released John's arm and wrapped both of his arms around John's whole body instead. Then he put his head to the crook of John's neck. The younger boy also wrapped his hands around his friend, pulling him closer.

"Good night, sleepy," he said and kissed the blondie's forehead.


When Joey woke up, John was still sleeping. They were cuddled and their whole bodies were intertwined. Joey really liked it. He was smiling from ear to ear. He really looked dumb, but he didn't care. At least not now.

The sleepy John yawned and pulled Joey even closer, almost squeezing the life out of him. Joey found himself blushing. He was red as a tomato.

Joey was just lying there, enjoying his sleeping friend's company, when he heard a voice:

"Have i ever told you how pretty you actually are?"

It was John. Joey blushed even more, if it was even possible.

"Uh, i don't know, i guess, maybe?" said Joey. He sounded quite funny and shy. It wasn't the usual Joey. He was mostly chatty and he didn't mind talking to people. But whenever John complimented him, he became a shy, blushing boy who was hiding his face under his hands. He didn't know why.

John placed his hand on Joey's cheek and started gently caressing it. The bruise from few nights ago was still kinda visible. It hurt John that his kind friend got hurt before of his mistake.

"I'm so sorry," he said while staring deeoly into Joey's blue eyes.

"For what?" asked Joey.

"For you being hurt because of my mistakes," replied John.

"We already talked about this. I would die to save you. Now drop it. And don't think about it. It was a mistake but it was alredy done, there's no way to take it back," said Joey and stroked John's hair.

John was relaxing with the touch. Besides, Joey looked really pretty today. Maybe it was because he just woke up, and his messy hair and sleepy face were making him look adorable. And maybe John just never seen Joey the way he did now. He also knew that Tempest is beautiful, but he never realised it. But today, there was just something about him, that was driving John crazy.


"I think I'm high!" screamed Ian.

"I see," said Joey. John laughed. He was always laughing whenever Joey said any kind of a joke, and even when it wasn't a joke and it wasn't even funny. It was so awkward.

"Can I talk to you in private, Mic," asked Ian.

"Sure," said Mic with the 'Sick of this life' face.


"I think that Norum is in love with Joey," said Ian when he and Mic entered the guest room. They were currently in Levén's house.

"Let's play a game and find out," said Mic with a smirk on his face. Ian smirked aswell and they came back to the living room.

"We were thinking about playing a game. Maybe spin the bottle, or truth or dare. Or a mixed version of these two," said Ian when he sat down next to Mic and Levén.

"Sounds good, pass me Ian's bottle," said Joey. Mic passed him Ian's empty beer bottle. Joey spinned it. It landed on Ian.

"Truth or Dare?" asked Joey.

"Dare," replied Ian.

"Good," said Joey. Norum was observing it all, and trying not to smile like a dummie.

They played for a while, when finally Mic spun the bottle and it landed on Norum.

"Dare," said Norum.

Ian smirked and whispered something into Mic's ear.

"Are you sure?" asked Mic after hearing Ian's idea. Ian nooded.

"Ok then. I Dare you to kiss the prettiest person in this room. It can't be a mirror or a photo, it must be one of us four, and you must kiss him on the mouth," said Mic. Ian had a proud smile on his face, and Levén just laughed.

Joey was sitting on the floor and kinda ignoring everyone. Norum was burning from the inside. He didn't know what to do. How could he just kiss one of his friends on the mouth?

"Aw, c'mon granny, just do it!" said Ian, after a minute of waiting for John.

Norum deeply inhaled. Then he turned to Joey, who was not paying attention, grabbed his chin and gave him a peck on the lips.

Joey's face immediately turned dark red. He felt like he was on fire.

Ian's smirk grew bigger. Levén acted to be surprised, but he wasn't and Mic was just observing the scene in front of him.

"I-i-i n-ne-ne-need t-to g-go som-som-where," said Joey and ran to the bathroom. He splashed water all over his face.

What the fuck is happening to you, Tempest? He thought for himself.

Then he just sat on the floor and was thinking. He didn't feel well. His world was spinning and his vision was blurred.

Maybe it's just the beer, he thought, even when he knew it wasn't, cos he drank just one glass.

He was sitting there for a few more minute, and then he decided to come back to Levén's living room.

Thankfully, the other boys just continued playing and didn't speak about what happened between him and Norum.

Ian was currently giving Levén a question he must answer with the truth. Levén really hated dares, cos the boys always made up the weirdest stuff. Once Ian challenged Mic to just run to the street, stop off a random stranger, tell them he was in love with them and kiss them. Poor Mic ended up with a split lip and a black eye.

Joey sat down next to Levén and Ian;as far as possible from Norum.

"If you could pick one celebrity to have sex with, who would it be?" asked Ian.

Levén turned into a tomato.

"Uh- well, if I'd have to pick, then probably Agnetha Fältskog of ABBA. She's pretty and also speaks Swedish," he said.

"Good," said Ian.

The game continued till 3 a.m. Then they were all absolutely exhausted and most of them were drunk. Except Joey. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened between him and Norum. John though he was the prettiest person in the room? Joey blushed and smiled.

He went to his room and sat on the bed. His mind was filled with thoughts of John. He laid down and hugged his pillow, imaging it's John. After three minutes he fell deep asleep.


"John! No!" screamed Joey.

Norum was lying on the ground. His chest was stabbed with a sword.

"C-come h-here," said Norum.

Joey ran there as quickly as possible. He took John's head to his arms and gave him a kiss on the lips. John smiled, took a hold of Joey's hand and passed away.

"Joey! Joey! Wake up!" said someone.

Joey opened his eyes, and when he saw Norum, he just hugged him.

John was quite taken aback, but he hugged his friend back.

"Don't you ever dare to die again," said Joey, with tears in his eyes.

"What?" asked John.

"I had a bad dream, that you died. I can't live without you. Promise me that you'll never die," said Joey.

John smiled. He knew Joey was still sleepy and he knew that sometimes Joey had bad dreams.

"I promise that I'll always be there for you," he said.

Joey hugged him even tighter. He liked hugging John. No, he loved it.

"Come here, pretty, we're gonna make some breakfast," he said and gave Joey his hand. Joey took a hold of it and followed John down the hall.

John was currently at Joey's house. Joey had no idea why was John there, but he assumed that John came in the morning and opened the door with the key Joey gave him.

They made some pancakes and ate it. Joey didn't want to release John's hand, because he was afraid that if he would, John would just fade away.

After they finished eating, they sat on the couch and just cuddled.

"I want to apologise for yesterday. I know that it must have felt really wrong," said John.

Joey knew that this debate is necessary. No matter how he didn't want to talk about it.

"It didn't feel wrong," said Joey after a minute of silence.

"It didn't?" said John with a surprised voice.

"No, it felt quite nice..." said Joey. He was afraid what will John think about him. But he couldn't lie to him. It really did feel nice.

"Wanna try again?" mumbled John under his nose.

"What?" asked Joey, who couldn't understand a word.

"I asked if you wanna watch TV," said John.

"Nah, that wasn't what you said. Tell me, c'mon," said Joey in a seductive manner.

"Ok, I asked if you wanna kiss me again," said John and hid his face under his hands.

"R-really?" asked Joey.

"Y-yes," answered John.

They were both completely red. Just then Joey realised that he was still holding John's hand.

"Listen, this has been on my mind for a while. I was always trying to find a good time for it, but I didn't have enough confidence. I know it sounds crazy, but for a longer time being, I like you. I mean, I really really like you. And not as a friend. Ever since I met you, there was just something about you, that was driving me crazy. So, do you wanna go on a date with me?" said John.

Joey's mouth was wide opened. He was just staring into John's eyes. John's beautiful blue eyes.

Then he leaned closer to John, and kissed his lips. John hugged the smaller boy, and kissed him back. It felt so natural and good. John was running his fingers through Joey's golden locks, and Joey was focusing on the kissing.

The kiss lasted for long. And when they broke it, they kissed again. Suddenly they were both topless and Joey was lying on top of John.

"I like you too," said Joey in between the kisses.

They spent the whole day together at Joey's place.


"John?" asked Joey while lying on John's chest. John was playing with Joey's hair and braiding them.

"Yes, sweetie?" said John.

"Will you be there with me forever?" asked Joey.

John kissed the top of his boyfriend's head, took a hold of his hand and whispered: "Yes, I love you."

Joey's eyes filled with tears. They were dating for a month now, and it was the 1st time John told him he loved him.

"I love you too. So much," he said and kissed John's lips. They cuddled and kissed for a while, before drifting deep asleep in each other's arms.


Thanks for reading! There is the song Joey and John were singing in a car in the media.
If you liked the shot, pls like and comment it, it means so much to me. Bye!

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