ON HOLD! 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 ~...

Door harrysimp

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solace: 'comfort or consolation in a time of distress and sadness.' Lara Lily Lupin is a perfect well-mannere... Meer

• cast list
• happy times
1. the start of a new era
2. home
• summaries
3. good days
4. reunited
5. friends
6. unknown
7. investing
8. practicing
9. new secrets
10. meetings

• prologue

1K 44 216
Door harrysimp

November 7th, 1979

Remus Lupin sat in his big armchair in the living room of his cottage, looking down at the little baby girl in his arms. His daughter, born not even four hours ago. Her name? Lara Lily Lupin.

Her eyes were a caramel brown, much like her mothers' , and surrounded by long, black lashes. The curly hair on her head was dark brown, and her little hand was wrapped around Remus' thumb.

A tear slid down Remus' cheek. A tear of happiness, happy at the sight of his new born daughter. Remus was only nineteen, a young dad, but he knew he was going to protect his little girl at all costs. The tear also contained loss and sadness. Lara's mom, Camille, didn't survive the birth of Lara. Remus had known Camille since the day he first attended Hogwarts, and he had always known she was the love of his life.

Camille came from a french pureblood wizarding family: The Rousseaus. When Camille's parents found out she was pregnant and the dad was a half-blood, they had told her not to reach out to them again.

He lost her, he lost the love of his life. Remus had proposed to her three months ago, and now she was gone. This was one of the reasons he was going to protect Lara whatever it would take. He couldn't lose her too.

In the room with Remus were Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter and Lily Evans. No, Lily Potter.

Lily and James had gotten married not that long ago, and Remus couldn't be happier for them. They had been made Lara's godparents, and obviously Lara had gotten her middle name from Lily.

James, Sirius, Peter and Lily were Remus' best friends. They were all grieving because of the loss all five of them suffered. Camille was one of them, they had all lost her. Now, Lara was going to have to grow up without a mother. Lily was sure she was going to be taking that role, she already adored the little baby girl, and it reminded her of how much she would love it to have her own child.

"Should I hold her for a second?" James asked the young father. He had held onto the girl ever since she was born and dressed. James wanted his friend to be able to let go for a second, take a little time for himself.

Remus nodded and handed Lara to James, who softly rocked his arms with the sleeping girl in it. Lily stood next to James and softly caressed Lara's chubby cheek.

The girl was already so loved by every single one of her fathers' friends. They would all try their hardest to make sure the girl was safe and not hurt. After all, she was the first born child of the Marauder's, the friend group.

Lara Lily Lupin, this is her story.

November 27th, 1979

It was obvious Lara had already created a big liking towards her godmother, Lily. The feeling was mutual, Lily loved the girl like she was her own child. When she was born and Camille passed, Lily felt the need to fill the role of a mother figure.

There was news, because Lily was really going to be a mother of her own. James and her were expecting a baby.

"We have a surprise for you all." Lily announced as she and James stood in front of their friend group. Lara was held in the arms of Peter. Remus was extremely grateful for all the help he had gotten from all of his friends the past weeks with Lara. He didn't know how to raise a child on his own, also considering his monthly werewolf problem. Remus' biggest fear was that he was going to hurt Lara accidentally.

"Well, tell us!" Sirius told Lily.

The red-haired woman held up a picture as James placed his arm around her shoulder. It was an ultrasound-echo. Lily was pregnant.

"WHAT?!" Peter exclaimed.

"NO WAY!" Sirius yelled.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Remus shouted.

"No that's me." Sirius said and Remus threw a pillow at him.

The three young men stood up from the couch and all congratulated Lily and James on this exciting news. Even Lara seemed to realize something was going on, because she let out giggles and even pointed at Lily's stomach with her tiny finger.

"You're getting a friend Lara! I am having a baby!" Lily explained to the girl, who she had taken over from Peter and held her in her arms. Although Lily knew Lara couldn't talk yet and not understand everything that was going on yet, she would often be found speaking to the little girl.

About how they were going to be baking together when Lara was older, how they would go on walks, summer picnics, swims. How Lara would always be welcome to come to her with anything bothering her.

Remus was so grateful for everyone, but especially Lily.

He himself also was incredibly with his head in the clouds because of his daughter. She brung him so much joy on the days he didn't feel like laughing. Her little giggles were enchanting and could cheer anyone up. Her rosy cheeks looked adorable and her eyes always twinkled of pureness.

The day Remus really missed Lara was the day of Camille's funeral. He had decided he didn't want Lara to be there, considering she was just a baby and he didn't want her to be surrounded by such negative and sombre energy. Lily had asked her parents to babysit Lara for the day, and they had accepted the little girl with open arms.

After the funeral, Lara had stayed the night at Lily's parents. Remus had a rough night, reliving all the memories he had with his love. He knew she would've wanted him to live his life with their friends and their little girl, and he was planning on doing that, really.

It was time to live their lives. Only happy times were welcome, grief and loss should be left behind. Oh, if only they could have the option to choose that.

July 31st, 1980

Lily finally gave birth to her baby. The past few months, her stomach had been huge. Lara, who was now almost nine months old, had already started taking her first little steps. Not without holding someone hand though, otherwise she would constantly fall over.

She had already learned some words as well. She knew to call Remus 'Dad', and she had picked up the habit to call Lily 'mom' sometimes. Every time Lara called Lily 'mom', Lily an Remus bursted out in tears together, leaving the poor Lara very confused.

Something that also confused Lara a lot was Sirius.

Sirius and Remus had started a relationship when Lara was six months old, and the little girl was so confused on why the long haired man showed up in their home more often than ever, and why he would wear her dad's sweaters.

Sirius really adored Lara. He didn't mind that she was not his daughter, he was treating her like it.

Lara had grown a liking to Lily's big stomach. She often laid on Lily's lap, her head rested on the huge belly. Lara claimed she could hear something inside, and she would get very offended if whenever the baby inside the stomach decided to give some kicks and they would be felt on her head. Every time Lara felt a kick, she pointed her finger at Lily's stomach and grumpily said: "Bad baby."

Now, the baby was finally born. It was a boy. Lily and James had named him Harry James. Sirius had been assigned as his godfather.

Harry James Potter. All of the adults immediately started imagining scenarios in which Harry and Lara were going to Hogwarts together, be the best of friends, and maybe even fall in love. The last scenario fell most in taste with Lily and Remus. The platonic soulmates loved the idea of their kids falling in love with each other. It would be perfect.

When Harry was born and shown to his parents' friends, he was crying. But when Lara had immediately squeezed his little baby cheek and placed a soft kiss on it with her small lips, Harry stopped crying and a little smile broke onto his face.

For the next months the friend group was often found in one house. Lara often pretended for Harry to be her son, even though she wasn't even nine months older. The little boy thought it was fine when Lara pretended to feed him little cups of tea and how she always wrapped him in small blankets. He just went with it, and the adults would watch the two kids with big smiles on their faces.

Every time Harry had a little afternoon nap, Lara gave him a kiss on the top of his head and went downstairs with a satisfied giggle. Whenever Lara wasn't at Lily's and James' house, and Harry didn't get a head kiss, he wouldn't fall asleep at all.

November 7th, 1980

It was Lara's first birthday, and of course they celebrated it with the whole friend group of the adults. Lara got a strawberry shortcake, which she had finished completely within five minutes.

Oh yeah, she had also had a whipped cream fight with Harry. The young girl accidentally got hold of the whipped cream can when the adults weren't around, and she had covered Harry's whole face with it. The boy had grabbed it from his face and threw it at Lara. That was how the whipped cream fight had started.

When the adults came back into the kitchen, they all laughed at the sight of the two kids covered in whipped cream and they took a picture.

Ever since Lara was born, many pictures were made of her. Pictures of her and Peter, Sirius, James, Remus and Lily. When Harry was born, there were even more pictures made since the two kids were too adorable together to not make pictures of. Later in their lives, the adults were going to be very happy they took all these pictures.

October 31st, 1981

The house of Lily, James and Harry was the place where Remus, Sirius and Lara went today. It was Halloween night.

Until now it had been a very fun night. There was no worry amongst the two kids, they were being their usual selves. Messing around.

Harry had turned one just three months ago, and in a week time Lara was going to turn two.

"Harry!" Lara exclaimed as Harry accidentally pulled her hair too hard. He was trying to braid Lara's hair, like he had seen Lily do. Obviously, he wasn't able to and the 'braid' didn't really looked like one. Well, he tried of course. It was the thought that mattered.

"Sowwy Lala!" Harry quickly apologized and he planted a kiss on Lara's head. While he did that, he placed both his hands on the sides of her head to be able to reach her head with his mouth. The boy didn't realize that if he was going to let go of the 'braid', it was going to untangle again.

He groaned in annoyance and firmly started braiding again.

"Stop Harry! Lily do it!" Lara ordered, making Harry pout. Lily shook her head and laughed as she walked towards the two toddlers.

"Sorry baby, but maybe it is better if I braid Lara's hair." Lily said as she planted a kiss on Harry's cheek.

Harry was still pouting and looking down as he sat on the ground, defeated. Lara sighed and quickly duck down to give him a very small kiss on his lips.

"Don't be sad Harry!" She said, and Harry lifted his head with a smile on his face.

Remus gasped. "Did my little girl just kiss a boy!" He placed his hand on his heart dramatically and wiped away some fake tears. "I can't believe I just witnessed her first kiss!"

James joined him in being too dramatic. He too wiped away his 'tears' and said: "How beautiful!"

Lily shook her head at the sight of the two immature men being this way, but she as well thought it was adorable the way Lara and Harry treated each other.

As much fun as the kids were having, the adults were not experiencing that fun. They knew Voldemort was after Lily and James. They had gone into hiding. Only Remus, Sirius and Peter could know where they were.

Peter had been made secret keeper, meaning he was the one who was supposed to keep their hiding place hidden. Nobody knew he was though, the people were told Sirius had been made secret keeper.

The adults were worried since Peter didn't show up tonight, but they decided just to let it go.

They shouldn't have, because suddenly, the door bursted open. The house filled itself with wind, since it was a very stormy night. Immediately, the adults knew this was an attack from Voldemort.

"Take the kids upstairs!" James yelled and Remus and Lily both quickly grabbed the two toddlers and ran upstairs, leaving their lovers to keep Voldemort away.

Lara buried her face in Remus' chest as he held her close to him. The same situation was with Lily and Harry.

A very loud explosion was heard outside, and the house shook slightly.

"Scared mom!" Harry cried out, and Lara softly pulled her face out of Remus's chest to look at Harry: "It is ok Harry! Don't cry!"

Harry nodded, and the two little kids started making weird faces at each other.

Remus and Lily couldn't smile at their kids, not now. Anything could happen, nobody knew what was coming.

"NO!" They suddenly heard James scream from down the hallway, and the door of the room bursted open, showing Voldemort.

"I finally got you. You stupid fools." He hissed, and raised his wand.

"Say goodbye to your lovely children!" He fake smiled and started the spell: "Avada ke-."

Remus and Lily both turned around so their back was facing Voldemort and he wouldn't be able to hit the kids.

They both awaited for the spell to hit them, and the best friends looked at each other with tears in their eyes.

"I love you." They mouthed at each other.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" James' screams suddenly sounded in the room and there was a bright, green light and an ear-wrecking scream, which belonged to Voldemort.

The light hit the wall in front of the kids and it shot backwards, hitting Harry on the forehead, hitting Lara on her collarbone. Nothing happened, they didn't die like the curse was supposed to cause. Instead, the places they got hit by the curse showed scars, both in the shape of a lightning bolt.

Remus and Lily turned around to face a crying James and a pile of pitch black ashes on the ground.

"It was him. It was Peter. He created an explosion. Twelve of them died, he died. Sirius is gone, my brother!"

James broke down against Lily and Harry.

"Slow down, what happened?" Lily asked, fearing the answer.

"Peter is dead, he blew up in the explosion. The ministry immediately arrived and they took Sirius to Azkaban for killing the muggles who died in the explosion. He betrayed us Lily, Peter betrayed us."

Remus and Lily both felt their hearts break. Lily because she had trusted Peter. She trusted him with their lives, and he broke his promise.

Remus' heart broke because, again, he had lost his lover. He had lost his innocent partner.

Lily and James tended to Harry's scar, as Remus examined Lara's. Both kids seemed to be ok, and the three adults embraced each other, Harry and Lara squeezed in between them.

The three adults were grieving, even though nobody important died.

Harry and Lara however, had continued making their weird faced at each other.

This moment was the start of the big mess Lara's life was going to be. This day would always be the source of grief coming towards her when she would be older. This day changed her life, however long that might last.

2700 words

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