Thousand Cherry Blossoms

By ApoKun

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Izuku Yagi, a boy loved by his family and friends. His cheerful smile brought joy to people around him. That... More



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By ApoKun

The Sludge Monster ______________________________________

The street was in panic. A large crowd was gathered, everyone taking pictures and making videos with none of them caring for their own safety.

Izuku pushed to the front of the crowd. He noticed the people looking at whatever was happening ahead like it was for entertainment.

He scoffed. These people risk their lives by standing idle and making videos and taking pictures in a crisis and when they get hurt they yell at heroes!

He was training to protect these people!?

Putting the bitter thoughts towards the back of his head, Izuku, having finally made to the front, looked around. Fire was everywhere. The shops were burnt. There were signs of explosions-- probably from gas pipes catching fire.

"What happened here?" Izuku asked a pedestrian besides him, his eyes never leaving the sludge like villain.

The man looked over at him. "It's a villain. He appeared out'a the sewage system and has been wreaking havoc ever since." The man pointed at the stomach of the villain.

"That bastard kidnapped a kid! He must be a fuckin' pedophile, yeah!" Izuku focused on the sludge villain's stomach and sure enough, a kid with ash blonde hair was trying to rip himself away from the grotesque villain's belly.

That kid looked… familiar. Izuku noticed a girl with green and blonde hair standing by the barriers and the police tape.

"Who's that?" The man looked over to the girl. "How the hell should I know? She's been yelling the kid's name ever since!" Izuku narrowed his eyes. Both figures looked familiar to him.

"What's that Boy's name?" The man narrowed his eyes. "Boy, you've been askin' lot'a questions!" Izuku glared at the man, his icy blue eyes piercing into the man's own.

"I-I dunno! She's been calling him Zuki or was it tsuki! I dunno man, my hearin's not good! I swear!"  The man spluttered, waving his arms wildly.

"Katsuki." Izuku whispered. He looked over to the man. "Are there any heroes working to help the boy?" The man shook his head.

"We've got Death arms and Mt. Lady standin' there. They say their quirks aren't good for this situation. Mount lady is just posing for the camera. Apparently she can't turn gigantic in such a narrow street." He scoffed. "At least backdrafts and Kamui woods doin' somethin'."

He shook his head, his eyes softening. "Poor kid. I hope he'll hold on till a real hero get's here! Hopefully All Might!"

Izuku, despite the situation, couldn't stop the smile that tugged on his mouth. 

"What a sight to behold. Long time no see Katsuki, Izumi."

"What do you say we resolve this situation Sen?" The apparition of Senbonzakura materialised in front of him, unseen to everyone.

"Very well." Sen held out his hand "Call unto me and I shall respond. Trust my blade and I shall cut everything that stands in your way."

Izuku nodded with a smile. "Of course I trust you." He stepped forward, startling the man.

"Where ya goin' boy!? It's dangerous there!" Izuku ignored the man, stepping further and further towards the police tape.

All eyes were on him now. Including the eyes of the camera of the newscaster on the scene.

Izuku stepped forward, passing through the apparition of Senbonzakura who shattered in a volley of neon pink Sakura petals.

The police tape Infront of Izuku cut into two, falling onto the ground. No one saw anything move to cut the tape.

Izuku stepped into the fray. He heard Izumi whisper something but he ignored her.

As Izuku got closer, he heard the sludge villain who had his back turned to him, yell out some choice words.

"With this kid's quirk. I'm gonna fucking kill that blonde buffoon. Not even that old man would be able to stand up to the devastating power of this kid's quirk!"

Izuku stepped closer to the villain. All eyes were on him. 

"As much as I would enjoy listening to you cursing All Might," the villain turned around shocked.

Izuku, for the first time today, got a clear look at Katsuki. The boy's ash blonde hair was messy and covered in goo and his crimson eyes looked a little downcast.

Perhaps he had given up hope.

Izuku shook that thought away. The boy was far too prideful and arrogant to give up so easily.

Perhaps the lack of oxygen was getting to him? Izuku nodded to himself. That seemed like the correct answer.

"I can not have that boy die from the lack of oxygen." Izuku grabbed Katsuki by the hair, startling the shocked villain.

He yanked Katsuki from the villain's stomach, facing very little resistance. 

He pulled the semi-conscious boy out and threw him towards one of the heroes-- death arms, Izuku remembered.

For a split second, Izuku and Katsuki's eyes met and Izuku swore he saw a glimpse of recognitions in the boy's crimson orbs.

Izuku found himself still for a second and as Katsuki found himself in the arms of death arms, Izuku found himself being consumed by the Sludge villain.

The crowd yelled. Katsuki's breath hitched and he fell unconscious from the lack of oxygen. Izumi rushed towards Katsuki, not caring at all about the silver haired boy.

"Damn brat! You took away my chance at killing All Might! You'll pay! If I can't have that brat then I'll just take you instead."

The villain tried to consume the entirety of Izuku's body. The silver haired boy disappeared from the view of crowd.

As the sludge villain stood up from his hunched position, the crowd stared in horror as the figure of Izuku floated in the body of the sludge villain.

His mouth wide open due to the villain's own body slowly being forcefully poured inside his.

All hope seemed lost. The boy was sure to die. The heroes looked on in sadness, knowing they couldn't do anything.

"Wait! Look at that!" A bystander pointed towards the villain.

Everyone looked on in awe as small cuts appeared on the villain's body.

"You still resisting brat!?" As soon as the cuts appeared, more sludge formed healing the wounds.

The cuts started appearing faster and it became harder for the monster to withstand the pain.

"This is getting quite boring." The muffled voice of Izuku came out, shocking the villain. "W-What?!" The villain couldn't believe this brat was still conscious.

Multiple large slashes appeared on the sludge villain's entire body. The sludge monster tried to regenerate but the pain was unbearable.

Large chunks of sludge splattered on the ground covering the street in green goo.

The villain could only manage to choke out pain cries. Tears fell from his eyes.

Izuku finally found himself free from the sludge villain's grasp. He looked at his clothes covered in gross sewage waste.

A wave of dense air pressure exerted from Izuku's body cleaned his own body as well as clearing out the fire near him.

Izuku looked at the villain coldly. He spit on the ground, the taste of the sludge still in his mouth.

"Disgusting." A dangerous growl escaped his lips.

He glared at the cowering villain. The villain stared at the young man in fear before he started groveling.

"P-please forgive me! I-I won't do it ag-again! Ple-please forgive me! I'll do any-anything. I'll be your slave! I'll lick your shoes cl-clean every morning! Just please le-let me live!"

Izuku stared into the eyes of the groveling, disgusting monster Infront of him. His begging was poison to Izuku's ears.

"I hate beggars." he swiped his hand in an arc. A massive cut appeared horizontally on the villain's body, cutting the villain in half.

"Eh?" A burst of air pressure followed shortly after, obliterating the villain.

This short fight was utterly pathetic.

This short fight left a bad taste in his mouth.

Izuku turned around, his long silver hair waving behind him. 

The crowd stood in stunned silence before they broke out into cheers. Izuku ignored the crowd. He looked at the three heroes approaching him.

"Are you okay dude?" Kamui woods looked at Izuku with concern. Izuku merely nodded.

"That was reckless, kid! Your stupidity there could've caused you your life! You could've died!" There was no concern in his voice, only anger.

The man must have been angry that Izuku stole his glory. Izuku ignored the man, not even giving him a glance.

A soft hand rested on his shoulder. Izuku, startled, turned his head only to stare into the purple eyes of Mt. Lady.

Mt. Lady gently massaged his shoulder and grabbed a strand of his hair, twirling it around her gloved finger.

"Well aren't you a strong handsome man." She brought her lips close to his ears and whispered. "I can tell we will get along amazingly~" 

Izuku stepped away from her quickly and stiffly.

"I am sorry Mt. Lady but I don't want you to get in trouble by trying to sleep with a 17 year old boy." The woman blushed before running away. "Forget I said that!"

A female reporter rushed towards the three heroes. Death arms grinned, thinking they were trying to take his interview. He stepped forward but the reporter and the camera crew ignored him and ran towards Izuku who was listening to Kamui Woods praise him.

"Sir, Sir! Can you tell us your name? Why did you rush in there? What is your quirk? Do you know the kid you saved? Any comment on the villain? Are you single? Are you training to be a hero?!"

The reporter pushed her mic towards Izuku in hopes of getting an answer.

Izuku sighed but decided to answer some of the questions. After all, he would be the head of the Kuchiki clan and answering questions like these would be a part of his life soon.

"First of all, Why does me being single have to do with anything here?" The reporter blushed but hid it quickly.

Izuku sighed. He heard Sen's laugh echo in his head. It was… annoying.

"I'll answer some of these questions. I saved the boy because that is what a hero would do." He looked at death arms and Mt. Lady. At least the female hero had the decency to look ashamed.

"The information regarding my quirk is classified. The villain was pathetically weak and had a major weakness. His eyes were solid. Death arms could have easily punctured the villain's eye."

Death arms stepped forward glaring at Izuku. He raised an accusatory finger. "Now stop right there boy! Maiming a villain is not right?!" 

Izuku raised a brow. "And letting a young boy die is?" Death arms tried to retort but nothing came out.

Izuku looked back towards the blushing reporter. He shook his head, disappointed. "As I was saying. If death arms had tried to injure the villain's eye, this situation could have easily been handled. And yes, I am training to be a hero."

The reporter nodded. "You never gave us your name sir." "My name is of no importance." Death arms scoffed. "Probably some no name from the boonies." He whispered, unheard to everyone but Izuku.

"Now then," he stepped a few feet away from the woman. "I believe I must get going." The reporter stepped forward to stop him. "But sir! You hav-" the woman went into shock seeing the handsome boy in front of her vanish without a trace.

"I didn't even get his number!"

Izuku appeared again in an old worn down park. This park he remembered clearly.

This park was situated at least a few miles away from where the sludge villain incident took place. Reaching this place in a few seconds left Izuku stunned.

He knew this technique his father had taught him was amazing but this was something else.

Shunpo or the flash step. A move that allows the body to move in a certain direction through manipulating the Réishi in one's body.

He would have to thank his father later.

Izuku looked at the park with a sad smile on his face.

He looked to his right at the many apartment complex and fixed his glare on one specific floor. The floor he and his previous lived in before they moved into a house.

This park has many memories that hold a place in his heart.

For one, he was never bullied here but only because he wasn't known to be quirkless then.

Izuku shook his head, willing the bad memories to disappear and instead focusing on the good ones.

He walked over and sat on a rusty swing which was a little too small for him. He pushed against the ground, dust kicking up.

He just sat on the swing for a while remembering how he and Katsuki used to play together in this same park.

He stood up and walked over to an old hollow tree next to a massive structure. The structure had colorful slides and big enough tubes for even an adult to fit in. It had monkey bars and everything. The tunnels were long and wide and their were small boxes there as well, like a mini house designed for two to sit in at a time.

He looked over at the hollow tree. The three letters I K and I again were carved on it.

Izuku, Katsuki and Izumi.

Izuku lowered his head, bitter-sweet thoughts filling his head. Before he could dive further down memory lane, Sen's voice echoed inside his mind.

"Izuku, I sense a presence residing in that structure. It is weak and should prove no threat but proceed with caution if you choose to investigate"

Izuku thanked Sen and looked over at the structure. He climbed onto the park equipment and looked around for any signs of life.

He heard faint breathing coming from behind one of the tubes, hidden from sight.

He cautiously walked over, his hand floating near his hip-- ready to summon Senbonzakura at a moment's notice.

He walked over only to see a girl with black hair lying on the old platform. She was beautiful. 

"Hey, wake up." He tried to wake her up but with to no avail. He checked her pulse and released a sigh of relief.

He noticed bruises on her pale skin. His breath hitched. There were so many things that could've happened here. Maybe she got into a fight. Maybe she accidentally hit something and fell unconscious. There were many other possibilities Izuku didn't want to think of.

He thought of what to do next. Not knowing what to do, he looked at his best friend who materialised besides him, sensing his peril.

"Sen, what should I do? I can't leave her here?" Sen looked thoughtful for a moment before looking at Izuku.

"Let's take this girl back to the Kuchiki mansion. We can not leave her here in such a weakened and vulnerable state."

Izuku looked shocked. "But Sen! What am I going to tell mother and Father? What will people think seeing me carrying an unconscious and beaten girl?!"

Sen raised a brow which was hidden behind his mask. "You know shunpo?" That came of as a statement rather than a question. Sen, of course, knew that his wielder knew shunpo.
Apart from his teacher and best friend, he was also a sarcastic bastard!

Izuku shook his head and fixed Sen with a glare. "I just learned technique. I have no experience using it while carrying another person." He all but growled. The situation making him tense.

Sen sighed. "Very well. Pick up the girl." He commanded. Izuku raised a brow.

"Sen what are you doing?" Sen wagged his finger. "I am going to teach you how to use the flash step while carrying someone." Izuku nodded dumbly and picked up the unconscious girl, bridal style.

"Now, focus on the spiritual energy of the girl and try to match it as close as possible." Izuku focused and did as told and after some difficulty, he managed too match his spiritual energy with her's.

"Good. Now think of the direction you want to go as you normally do but focus on the girl's Reiatsu as well as your own."

Izuku closed his eyes and did so. He noticed a cool breeze hitting him and opened his eyes to see the clear blue sky. He looked down and noticed he was flash stepping through the roofs of the many apartments on the way.

He sighed, mentally thank Sen. Now he just needed to think of what he would say to his mother to not make her either angry and not give her the wrong idea.

This was going to be a long conversation.

I am finally back from the dead. I am sorry I've been gone for so long but I didn't do nothing while I was gone.

I improved my writing style (at least I hope I did) so the chapters should be much cleaner and easier to read.

I finally introduced the female lead.

I know I wrote her name as Aqua Shizune but I am thinking of changing her name and quirk a little bit.

You will know all that sooner or later.

Just for clearance, Izuku did not kill the slime villain. He just splattered the villains body into millions of pieces.

How was the one sided fight scene? Did you guys like the introduction of Katsuki and Izumi?

I made Kamui woods character a bit nicer since he is one of the top rising rookies in Canon.

Anyway, I hope you guys liked the chapter.

Please vote and comment.

Peace Out!

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